// This may look like C, but it's really -*- C++ -*- // $Id$ /* COPYRIGHT Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Printed in the United States of America. All Rights Reserved. This product is protected by copyright and distributed under the following license restricting its use. The Interface Definition Language Compiler Front End (CFE) is made available for your use provided that you include this license and copyright notice on all media and documentation and the software program in which this product is incorporated in whole or part. You may copy and extend functionality (but may not remove functionality) of the Interface Definition Language CFE without charge, but you are not authorized to license or distribute it to anyone else except as part of a product or program developed by you or with the express written consent of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ("Sun"). The names of Sun Microsystems, Inc. and any of its subsidiaries or affiliates may not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of Interface Definition Language CFE as permitted herein. This license is effective until terminated by Sun for failure to comply with this license. Upon termination, you shall destroy or return all code and documentation for the Interface Definition Language CFE. INTERFACE DEFINITION LANGUAGE CFE IS PROVIDED AS IS WITH NO WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF DESIGN, MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT, OR ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DEALING, USAGE OR TRADE PRACTICE. INTERFACE DEFINITION LANGUAGE CFE IS PROVIDED WITH NO SUPPORT AND WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION ON THE PART OF Sun OR ANY OF ITS SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATES TO ASSIST IN ITS USE, CORRECTION, MODIFICATION OR ENHANCEMENT. SUN OR ANY OF ITS SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATES SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFRINGEMENT OF COPYRIGHTS, TRADE SECRETS OR ANY PATENTS BY INTERFACE DEFINITION LANGUAGE CFE OR ANY PART THEREOF. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR ANY OF ITS SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATES BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST REVENUE OR PROFITS OR OTHER SPECIAL, INDIRECT AND CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 and FAR 52.227-19. Sun, Sun Microsystems and the Sun logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. SunSoft, Inc. 2550 Garcia Avenue Mountain View, California 94043 NOTE: SunOS, SunSoft, Sun, Solaris, Sun Microsystems or the Sun logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. */ #ifndef _AST_DECL_AST_DECL_HH #define _AST_DECL_AST_DECL_HH // Rock bottom of AST class hierarchy // // This class is inherited by all classes which represent named entities // in IDL. It implements the line and file recording mechanism and also // records the type of the node. This may be useful for BEs to be able // to distinguish the real type of a node given only a superclass. #include "utl_scoped_name.h" #include "idl_narrow.h" #include "ace/os_include/sys/os_types.h" #include "ace/SString.h" // This is for AIX w/IBM C++ class Identifier; class UTL_Scope; class UTL_String; class ast_visitor; // This class is needed (only for g++) to get around a bug in g++ which // causes virtual operations to not be looked up correctly if an operation // is defined in more than one virtual public base class. This class makes // the hierarchy rooted in a single class, thereby eliminating the situation // that causes the bug to appear class TAO_IDL_FE_Export COMMON_Base { public: COMMON_Base (bool local = false, bool abstract = false); virtual ~COMMON_Base (void) {} // Accessor needs to get overridden for a few types. virtual bool is_local (void); void is_local (bool val); bool is_abstract (void) const; void is_abstract (bool val); // A no-op, overridden in the child classes. virtual void destroy (void); // Narrowing. protected: bool is_local_; bool is_abstract_; }; class TAO_IDL_FE_Export AST_Decl : public virtual COMMON_Base { public: // Enum defining the different kinds of AST nodes. enum NodeType { NT_module // Denotes a module , NT_root // Denotes the root of AST , NT_interface // Denotes an interface , NT_interface_fwd // Fwd declared interface , NT_valuetype // Denotes a valuetype , NT_valuetype_fwd // Fwd declared valuetype , NT_const // Denotes a constant , NT_except // Denotes an exception , NT_attr // Denotes an attribute , NT_op // Denotes an operation , NT_argument // Denotes an op. argument , NT_union // Denotes a union , NT_union_fwd // Fwd declared union , NT_union_branch // Denotes a union branch , NT_struct // Denotes a structure , NT_struct_fwd // Fwd declared struct , NT_field // Denotes a field in structure , NT_enum // Denotes an enumeration , NT_enum_val // Denotes an enum. value , NT_string // Denotes an IDL string , NT_wstring // Denotes an IDL wstring , NT_array // Denotes an IDL array , NT_sequence // Denotes an IDL sequence , NT_typedef // Denotes a typedef , NT_pre_defined // Denotes a predefined type , NT_native // Denotes a native type // dependent on the programming // language , NT_factory // Denotes a OBV or home factory construct , NT_finder // Denotes a home finder construct , NT_component // Denotes a CORBA component , NT_component_fwd // Denotes a forward declared component , NT_home // Denotes a CORBA component home , NT_eventtype // Denotes a CCM event source or sink , NT_eventtype_fwd // Denotes a forward declared CCM event , NT_valuebox // Denotes a value box , NT_type // Template interface parameter , NT_fixed // Denotes (unsupported) fixed type , NT_porttype // Denotes a port type , NT_provides // Denotes a facet , NT_uses // Denotes a receptacle , NT_publishes // Denotes an event source , NT_emits // Denotes a one-to-one event source , NT_consumes // Denotes an event sink , NT_ext_port // Denotes an extended port , NT_mirror_port // Denotes a mirror port , NT_connector // Denotes a CCM connector , NT_param_holder // Denotes a template param placeholder }; // Operations. // Constructor(s). AST_Decl (void); AST_Decl (NodeType type, UTL_ScopedName *n, bool anonymous = false); virtual ~AST_Decl (void); // Data Accessors. bool imported (void); void set_imported (bool is_it); bool in_main_file (void); void set_in_main_file (bool is_it); UTL_Scope *defined_in (void); void set_defined_in (UTL_Scope *); NodeType node_type (void); long line (void); void set_line (long l); ACE_CString file_name (void); void set_file_name (ACE_CString s); UTL_ScopedName *name (void); UTL_ScopedName *compute_name (const char *prefix, const char *suffix); // Variation of the . Computes scoped name string, applying // prefix and suffix to the local name component. void set_name (UTL_ScopedName *n); Identifier *local_name (void); void local_name (Identifier *id); Identifier *compute_local_name (const char *prefix, const char *sufix); // Apply prefix and suffix to the local name and return. virtual const char *full_name (void); // Return the stringified full name. virtual const char *flat_name (void); // Return the flattened full scoped name. const char *repoID (void); void repoID (char *value); // Accessors for the repository ID. const char *prefix (void); void prefix (const char *value); // Accessors for the repository ID prefix. const char *version (void); void version (char *value); // Accessors for the version_ member. bool anonymous (void) const; void anonymous (bool val); // Accessors for the anonymous_ member. bool typeid_set (void) const; void typeid_set (bool val); // Accessors for the typeid_set_ member. void set_id_with_typeid (char *value); // Called by a 'typeId' declaration. void set_prefix_with_typeprefix (const char *value); // Called by a 'type_prefix' declaration. // If there is _cxx_ in the beginning, we will remove that and keep // a copy of the original name. TAO IDL's front end adds _cxx_ // prefix to the all the reserved keywords. But when we invoke the // operation remotely, we should be sending only the name with out // "_cxx_" prefix. // Identifier *original_local_name (void); void original_local_name (Identifier *); // Narrowing. DEF_NARROW_FROM_DECL(AST_Decl); // AST Dumping. virtual void dump (ACE_OSTREAM_TYPE &o); // Visiting. virtual int ast_accept (ast_visitor *visitor); // Cleanup method. virtual void destroy (void); // Other operations // Return TRUE if "this" has "s" as an ancestor. bool has_ancestor (AST_Decl *s); // Return TRUE if "this" is a child of "s". bool is_child (AST_Decl *s); bool is_nested (void); // Determines if we are inside of a nested scope or not. UTL_ScopedName *last_referenced_as (void) const; void last_referenced_as (UTL_ScopedName *n); // Accessors for the prefix_scope_ member. UTL_Scope *prefix_scope (void); void prefix_scope (UTL_Scope *s); // Useful for GIOP to know if a wstring is being marshaled. virtual int contains_wstring (void); void contains_wstring (int val); protected: // These are not private because they're used by // be_predefined_type' constructor and can be called // from be_decl. char *repoID_; // Repository ID. char *flat_name_; // Flattened fully scoped name. int contains_wstring_; // If we are a scope, do we contain a wstring at some level? protected: void dump_i (ACE_OSTREAM_TYPE &o, const char *s) const ; void compute_repoID (void); // Computes the repoID. void compute_full_name (void); // Computes the stringified scoped name. void compute_flat_name (void); // Compute the flattened fully scoped name. const char *node_type_to_string (NodeType nt); // Convert a NodeType to a string for dumping. private: // Data bool pd_imported; // Imported? bool pd_in_main_file; // Defined in main file? UTL_Scope *pd_defined_in; // Scope. NodeType pd_node_type; // What kind of node. long pd_line; // Line defined in. ACE_CString pd_file_name; // What file defined in. UTL_ScopedName *pd_name; Identifier *pd_local_name; // Name in scope. Identifier *pd_original_local_name; // _cxx_ removed if any. char *full_name_; // Our full scoped name. char *prefix_; // The repository ID prefix. char *version_; // Set by #pragma version. bool anonymous_; // Are we an anonymous (no repo ID) type? bool typeid_set_; // Has our repo id been set by a typeId declaration? UTL_ScopedName *last_referenced_as_; // Temporary holder of the most recent way we were reference. // The top level component of this is added to pd_name_referenced. // The scope in which our prefix, if any, was assigned. UTL_Scope *prefix_scope_; private: void compute_full_name (UTL_ScopedName *n); // Compute the full name of an AST node. void set_prefix_with_typeprefix_r (const char *value, UTL_Scope *appeared_in); // Non-top-level version of set_prefix_with_typeprefix. }; #endif // _AST_DECL_AST_DECL_HH