/* -*- C++ -*- */ // $Id$ #if !defined (_NOTIFIER_IDL) #define _NOTTIFIER_IDL #include "Consumer.idl" interface Notifier { // = TITLE // The Notifier interface in the Callback_Quoter example which // contains the methods by which the consumer can register, // unregister from the Notifier. void register_callback (in string stock_name, in long threshold_value, in Callback_Quoter::Consumer consumer_handler) raises (Callback_Quoter::Invalid_Stock); // Register a distributed callback handler that is invoked when the // given stock reaches the desired threshold value. void unregister_callback (in Callback_Quoter::Consumer consumer_handler) raises (Callback_Quoter::Invalid_Handle); // Remove the handler. void market_status (in string stock_name, in long stock_value); // Get market status. void shutdown (); // Shuts the server down. }; #endif /* _NOTIFIER_IDL */