This example illustrates the working of a Kokyu based DSRT scheduler. There are 2 threads waiting for requests on the server side. Two threads are started on the client side. The main thread as well as the worker threads are given the maximum priority so that their "release" happen immediately. Each of the worker threads make a remote two-way call to the server. The two requests are processed in different threads on the server side. On the client side, the first thread is given lesser importance than the second thread and the second thread is started a little later than the first. It is expected that, on the server side, the first request is processed by one of the two threads. When the second request comes in, the other thread that processes this request should become more eligible since the second request carries more importance than the first. A timeline is generated which shows the sequence of execution of the two different threads on the server. Make sure that you run in privileged mode. To run the test using the CV-based approach (see ../README), ./server -d ./client -d -x To run the test using the OS-based approach (see ../README), ./server -d -s ./client -d -x -s The timeline is generated in timeline.txt