$Id$ This document describes the location forwarding example. For detailed explanation on TAO's location forwarding feature, see $TAO_ROOT/docs/forwarding.html The test sets up two servers, the first writes its servant's object reference (OR) to a file. The second server reads the OR, recognizes it as forwarding location, and writes its own to a file too. This OR is then read by the client, which then issues a number of requests. Where every third request is a forwarding request to the object. Here's an example for 5 requests: first call (request no 1) second call (request no 2) forwarding call (request no 3) thrid call (request no 4) fourth call (request no 5) (no six would be a forwarding call again) Two types of location forwardings are implemented: (1) the POA approach and (2) the servant locator approach. Both are mentioned in the above documentation about location forwarding. To run the test for the POA approach do the following: % server -o server2 -ORBport 10040 -ORBobjrefstyle url % server -f server2 -o server1 -ORBport 10041 -ORBobjrefstyle url % client -f server1 -i 5 A similar invocation for the servant locator approach can be done as follows (basically just the switches are different): % server -p server2 -ORBport 10040 -ORBobjrefstyle url % server -g server2 -p server1 -ORBport 10041 -ORBobjrefstyle url % client -g server1 -i 5 For additional features try using the first server with the POA apporach and the second with the servant locator approach: % server -o server3 -ORBport 10040 -ORBobjrefstyle url % server -g server3 -p server2 -ORBport 10041 -ORBobjrefstyle url % server -f server2 -o server1 -ORBport 10043 -ORBobjrefstyle url % client -f server1 -i 8 The first two calls will be called on server1, then the location forwarding is called on this one and the next two calls are going to be called on the second one. Location forwarding is then called on the second one and the last two calls are then done on the thrid server.