// $Id$ On_Demand_Activation Tests: ========================== Description: =========== ServantManagers: =============== Servant managers are associated with POAs. A servant manager supplies a POA with the ability to objects on demand when the POA receives a request targeted at an inactive object. A servant manager is registered with a POA as a callback object, to be invoked by the POA when necessary.An application server that activates all its needed objects at the beginning of execution does not need to use a servant manager; it is used only for the case in which an object must be activated during request processing. When the POA has the RETAIN policy it uses servant managers that are ServantActivators. When the POA has the NON_RETAIN policy it uses servant managers that are ServantLocators. server: ====== The test program server creates 2 POAs firstPOA and secondPOA. firstPOA is created with a RETAIN,USER_ID,USE_SERVANT_MANAGER policy and MyFooServantActivator is registered as its servant Manager. secondPOA is created with a NON_RETAIN,USER_ID,USE_SERVANT_MANAGER policy and MyFooServantLocator is registered as it servant Manager. It then creates an object reference from the string "firstFoo" in firstPOA and prints its IOR.Similarly it creates an object reference from the string "secondFoo" in secondPOA and prints its IOR. Finally it changes the state of the POA_Manager to 'active' and runs the ORB. USAGE: ====== You can use the run_test.pl perl script or follow these directions: %server [-ORBport port] [-ORBobjrefstyle URL] [-f IOR file] client: ====== The Foo client program is in the path TAO/tests/POA/Generic_Servant/client i.e ../Generic_Servant/client % client [-k IOR] [-f IOR file] where IOR is got from the server output to the screen or to the IOR file. To Test: ======= 1. Run the server Servant Activator: =================== 2. Get the IOR for "firstFOO" from the server output . 3. Run client -k IOR 4. You should get an output 27 along with some diagnostic messages. Servant Locator: ================= 2. Get the IOR for "secondFoo" from the server output 3. Run client -k IOR 4. The first time a client is run you should get an output 2 (or 1) along with some diagnostic messages. 5. Subsequent runs of the client program results in the output incremented by 2 (or 1). 6. Thus, the second run of client should give you an output 4 (or 2).