Here is a Stock Quoter example that features the use of the TAO IDL compiler, the different types of configuration settings (global vs tss, etc), and the Life Cycle Service. For your convenience, the run_test.btm has been provided. It is a batch file that runs under 4NT. Work is in progress for a regular batch file that performs the same action. We'll probably get it working on other platforms as soon as it is completed. ---------------------------------------- DOCUMENTATION FOR THE EXAMPLE ============================= Note: Moving the Quoter object is no longer available! The code was relying on ORB internal mechanisms. One way to implement the move operation in a standard way would be to use a servant locator on the POA managing the Quoter object. Context: The Quoter example serves several tests, the first is the test of several multithreading policies and the second is showing the use of the Life Cycle Service as it is defined in the CORBA Common Object Services specification. Life Cycle Service use-case: several processes exist: server, Factory_Finder, Generic_Factory, Life_Cycle_Service client several object exist: Quoter, Quoter_Factory, Quoter_Factory_Finder, Quoter_Generic_Factory, Quoter_Life_Cycle_Service server: The server process contains two kind of objects: Quoter and Quoter_Factory's. A Quoter is a very simple Object supporting only one method. The focus is not on a sophisticated object but on showing how policies work. The object Quoter_Factory serves as a factory for Quoters. Factory_Finder: The COS spec. introduces the concept of a Factory Finder which is capable to find proper factories. The Naming Service is used as lookup-mechanism. A reference to the Factory_Finder is passed as parameter of any copy or move request. Generic_Factory: This process supports the object Quoter_Generic_Factory (QGF). The QGF supports the GenericFactory interface introduced by the COS specification. It forwards create_object requests to more concrete factories, e.g. the Quoter_Factory. The concrete factories are found via the Naming Service. Life_Cycle_Service: This process is very similar to the Generic_Factory proocess. It also supports an Object, which conforms to the GenericFactory interface. The Quoter_Life_Cycle_Service conforms to the idea of a life cycle service as it is introduced by the COS specification. The Quoter_Life_Cycle_Service is neutral against the Quoter example. It is not dependent on it. Only interfaces defined by the CosLifeCycle.idl file are used. The implemenation uses the COS Trading Service manage registered Generic Factories, as the Quoter_Generic_Factory for example. A lookup on the Trading Service is performed when a create_object request is invoked on it. client: Creates one Quoter through using the Quoter_Factory_Finder. After that the copy method of Quoter is invoked to copy the Quoter to an other location, which is in this example the same location, but that does not matter so much. The concept is important in this example. The objects are invoked in the following order: client->Quoter->Quoter_Factory_Finder->Quoter_Life_Cycle_Service ->Quoter_Generic_Factory->Quoter_Factory