The CosEvent_Service is a COS compilant Event Service. The service is registered with the naming service with the name "CosEventService" It exposes the interface which can be used by suppliers and consumers to send and receive events. To run the Event Channel: 1. you should have a running Naming Service. if not, start one at $TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/Naming_Service/Naming_Service 2. you should have a running Real Time Event Channel. if not, start one at $TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/Event_Service/Event_Service 3. execute the CosEvent_Service. It takes the following parameters : -n specifies the name with which to register the Event Service. -r specifies the name with which to *look* for the RtEC. -s <"global" | "local"> specifies if the scheduler is "local" or "global". If the scheduler option is "global" then the naming service is used to locate the a Scheduling service with the name "ScheduleService". if the scheduler is "local" then a new Scheduling service is created and started. The default option is "local". -l specifies that a local Real Time Event Channel (Rtec) should be created and used. If you specify this option but Rtec is not already running, then the CosEvent_Service starts its own Rtec. The next 3 options are used to introduce a filtering mechanism for the Event Channel based on event types and source ids. -e ["EventType_1 EventType_2..."] specifies the event types for the ConsumerQOS.When the Rtec is being setup, the ConsumerQOS is specified. The event types should start at >= ACE_ES_EVENT_UNDEFINED = 16. e.g. -e "17 20 40" specifies that event types with ids 17, 20 and 40 should be passed to the consumers. -o ["EventSourceID_1 EventSourceID_2.."] specifies the source ids for the ConsumerQOS. -p ["sourceID EventTypeID"] specifies a pair of sourceid and event type for the Supplier QOS. - Pradeep