#include "orbsvcs/Log_Macros.h" #include "Locator_Repository.h" #include "ImR_Locator_i.h" #include "utils.h" #include "tao/ORB_Core.h" #include "tao/default_ports.h" #include "ace/Read_Buffer.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_stdio.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_strings.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_ctype.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_unistd.h" #include "ace/Vector_T.h" Locator_Repository::Locator_Repository (const Options& opts, CORBA::ORB_ptr orb) : opts_ (opts), orb_(CORBA::ORB::_duplicate(orb)), registered_(false) { } Locator_Repository::~Locator_Repository () { teardown_multicast(); } void Locator_Repository::shutdown () { // default impl - no op } int Locator_Repository::init (PortableServer::POA_ptr root_poa, PortableServer::POA_ptr imr_poa, const char* this_ior) { this->imr_ior_ = this_ior; int err = init_repo(imr_poa); if (err != 0) { return err; } // Activate the two poa managers PortableServer::POAManager_var poaman = root_poa->the_POAManager (); poaman->activate (); poaman = imr_poa->the_POAManager (); poaman->activate (); return err; } int Locator_Repository::report_ior (PortableServer::POA_ptr ) { if (this->registered_) { ORBSVCS_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("ERROR: Repository already reported IOR\n")), -1); } if (this->opts_.debug () > 0) { ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ImR: report_ior <%C>\n"), this->imr_ior_.in ())); } // Register the ImR for use with INS CORBA::Object_var obj = this->orb_->resolve_initial_references ("AsyncIORTable"); IORTable::Table_var ior_table = IORTable::Table::_narrow (obj.in ()); ACE_ASSERT (! CORBA::is_nil (ior_table.in ())); ior_table->rebind ("ImplRepoService", this->imr_ior_.in()); ior_table->rebind ("ImR", this->imr_ior_.in()); // Set up multicast support (if enabled) if (this->opts_.multicast ()) { ACE_Reactor* reactor = this->orb_->orb_core ()->reactor (); if (this->setup_multicast (reactor, this->imr_ior_.in ()) != 0) return -1; } // We write the ior file last so that the tests can know we are ready. if (this->opts_.ior_filename ().length () > 0) { FILE* orig_fp = ACE_OS::fopen(this->opts_.ior_filename ().c_str(), ACE_TEXT("r")); bool write_data = true; if (orig_fp != 0) { ACE_Read_Buffer reader (orig_fp, false); char* string = reader.read (); if (string != 0) { write_data = (ACE_OS::strcasecmp (string, this->imr_ior_.in ()) != 0); reader.alloc ()->free (string); } ACE_OS::fclose (orig_fp); } if (write_data) { FILE* fp = ACE_OS::fopen (this->opts_.ior_filename ().c_str (), ACE_TEXT("w")); if (fp == 0) { ORBSVCS_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ImR: Could not open file: %s\n"), this->opts_.ior_filename ().c_str ()), -1); } ACE_OS::fprintf (fp, "%s", this->imr_ior_.in ()); ACE_OS::fclose (fp); } } registered_ = true; return 0; } int Locator_Repository::recover_ior () { if (this->registered_) { ORBSVCS_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("ERROR: Repository already registered IOR. ") ACE_TEXT ("recover_ior should not be called.\n")), -1); } if (this->opts_.debug () > 0) { ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, ACE_TEXT ("recover_ior <%C>\n"), this->opts_.ior_filename ().c_str())); } // Load the IOR from the specified file if it is available. const ACE_TString& combined_ior_file = this->opts_.ior_filename (); // Check if the file exists. If not, then return 1 indicating // we cannot recover our state. if (ACE_OS::access (combined_ior_file.c_str (), F_OK) != 0) return -1; try { ACE_TString combined_ior = ACE_TEXT ("file://") + combined_ior_file; CORBA::Object_var combined_obj = this->orb_->string_to_object (combined_ior.c_str()); if (!CORBA::is_nil (combined_obj.in ())) { // Convert the object back into an IOR string to store in the // imr_ior_ attribute. this->imr_ior_ = this->orb_->object_to_string (combined_obj.in ()); } } catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex) { ex._tao_print_exception ("ImR: Attempting to read combined_ior for ImR_Locator\n"); return -1; } // Register the ImR for use with INS CORBA::Object_var obj = this->orb_->resolve_initial_references ("AsyncIORTable"); IORTable::Table_var ior_table = IORTable::Table::_narrow (obj.in ()); ACE_ASSERT (! CORBA::is_nil (ior_table.in ())); ior_table->bind ("ImplRepoService", this->imr_ior_.in()); ior_table->bind ("ImR", this->imr_ior_.in()); // Set up multicast support (if enabled) if (this->opts_.multicast ()) { ACE_Reactor* reactor = this->orb_->orb_core ()->reactor (); if (this->setup_multicast (reactor, this->imr_ior_.in ()) != 0) return -1; } registered_ = true; return 0; } int Locator_Repository::setup_multicast (ACE_Reactor* reactor, const char* ior) { ACE_ASSERT (reactor != 0); #if defined (ACE_HAS_IP_MULTICAST) TAO_ORB_Core* core = TAO_ORB_Core_instance (); // See if the -ORBMulticastDiscoveryEndpoint option was specified. ACE_CString mde (core->orb_params ()->mcast_discovery_endpoint ()); if (mde.length () != 0) { if (this->ior_multicast_.init (ior, mde.c_str (), TAO_SERVICEID_IMPLREPOSERVICE) == -1) { return -1; } } else { // Port can be specified as param, env var, or default CORBA::UShort port = core->orb_params ()->service_port (TAO::MCAST_IMPLREPOSERVICE); if (port == 0) { // Check environment var. for multicast port. const char* port_number = ACE_OS::getenv ("ImplRepoServicePort"); if (port_number != 0) port = static_cast (ACE_OS::atoi (port_number)); } if (port == 0) port = TAO_DEFAULT_IMPLREPO_SERVER_REQUEST_PORT; if (this->ior_multicast_.init (ior, port, ACE_DEFAULT_MULTICAST_ADDR, TAO_SERVICEID_IMPLREPOSERVICE) == -1) { return -1; } } // Register event handler for the ior multicast. if (reactor->register_handler (&this->ior_multicast_, ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK) == -1) { if (this->opts_.debug() > 0) ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "ImR: cannot register Event handler\n")); return -1; } #else /* ACE_HAS_IP_MULTICAST*/ ACE_UNUSED_ARG (reactor); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ior); #endif /* ACE_HAS_IP_MULTICAST*/ return 0; } void Locator_Repository::teardown_multicast () { ACE_Reactor* r = ior_multicast_.reactor (); if (r != 0) { r->remove_handler (&ior_multicast_, ACE_Event_Handler::READ_MASK); ior_multicast_.reactor (0); } } bool Locator_Repository::multicast() const { return this->ior_multicast_.reactor () != 0; } ACE_CString Locator_Repository::lcase (const ACE_CString& s) { ACE_CString ret(s); for (size_t i = 0; i < ret.length (); ++i) { ret[i] = static_cast (ACE_OS::ace_tolower (s[i])); } return ret; } int Locator_Repository::unregister_if_address_reused (const ACE_CString& fqname, const char* partial_ior, ImR_Locator_i* imr_locator) { if (this->opts_.debug() > 0) { ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ImR: checking reuse address ") ACE_TEXT ("for server <%C> ior <%C>\n"), fqname.c_str(), partial_ior)); } ACE_CString key; Server_Info_Ptr si; Server_Info::fqname_to_key (fqname.c_str(), key); servers ().find (key, si); ACE_CString poa_name; ACE_CString server_id; if (si.null()) { Server_Info::parse_id (fqname.c_str(), server_id, poa_name); } else { server_id = si->active_info ()->server_id; poa_name = si->active_info ()->poa_name; } Locator_Repository::SIMap::ENTRY* sientry = 0; Locator_Repository::SIMap::ITERATOR siit (servers ()); for (; siit.next (sientry); siit.advance() ) { Server_Info *info = sientry->int_id_->active_info (); if (this->opts_.debug() > 0) { ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ImR: iterating - registered server") ACE_TEXT ("<%C:%C> key <%C> ior <%C>\n"), info->server_id.c_str(), info->poa_name.c_str (), info->key_name_.c_str(), info->partial_ior.c_str ())); } bool same_server = info->server_id == server_id; if (same_server && (server_id.length () == 0)) { same_server = info->poa_name == poa_name; } if (info->partial_ior == partial_ior && !same_server) { if (this->opts_.debug() > 0) { ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ImR: reuse address <%C> so remove server <%C>\n"), info->partial_ior.c_str (), info->poa_name.c_str ())); } imr_locator->pinger ().remove_server (info->key_name_.c_str(), info->pid); AsyncAccessManager_ptr aam = imr_locator->find_aam (info->key_name_.c_str ()); if (!aam.is_nil()) { aam->server_is_shutting_down (); } info->reset_runtime (); } } return 0; } int Locator_Repository::add_server (const ACE_CString& fqname, const ImplementationRepository::StartupOptions & options) { Server_Info *si = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (si, Server_Info (fqname, options.activator.in (), options.command_line.in (), options.environment, options.working_directory.in (), options.activation, options.start_limit), -1); return this->add_server_i (si); } int Locator_Repository::add_server (const ACE_CString& fqname, const ACE_CString& partial_ior, const ACE_CString& ior, ImplementationRepository::ServerObject_ptr srvobj) { Server_Info *si = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (si, Server_Info (fqname, "", "", ImplementationRepository::EnvironmentList (), "", ImplementationRepository::NORMAL, 1, partial_ior, ior, srvobj), -1); return this->add_server_i (si); } int Locator_Repository::add_server_i (Server_Info *si) { Server_Info_Ptr info(si); int err = sync_load (); if (err != 0) { return err; } err = servers ().bind (si->key_name_, info); if (err != 0) { return err; } this->persistent_update(info, true); return 0; } int Locator_Repository::add_activator (const ACE_CString& name, const CORBA::Long token, const ACE_CString& ior, ImplementationRepository::Activator_ptr act) { int err = sync_load (); if (err != 0) { return err; } Activator_Info_Ptr info (new Activator_Info (name, token, ior, act)); err = activators ().bind (lcase (name), info); if (err != 0) { return err; } this->persistent_update(info, true); return 0; } int Locator_Repository::update_server (const Server_Info_Ptr& info) { return this->persistent_update(info, false); } int Locator_Repository::update_activator (const Activator_Info_Ptr& info) { return this->persistent_update(info, false); } void Locator_Repository::notify_remote_access (const char *, ImplementationRepository::AAM_Status) { } Server_Info_Ptr Locator_Repository::find_by_poa (const ACE_CString & name) { Locator_Repository::SIMap::ENTRY* sientry = 0; Locator_Repository::SIMap::ITERATOR siit (servers ()); for (; siit.next (sientry); siit.advance() ) { Server_Info_Ptr& info = sientry->int_id_; if (info->poa_name == name) { return info; } } return Server_Info_Ptr(); } Server_Info_Ptr Locator_Repository::get_active_server (const ACE_CString& name, int pid) { sync_load (); ACE_CString key; Server_Info_Ptr si; if (name.length() == 0) { return si; } Server_Info::fqname_to_key (name.c_str(), key); servers ().find (key, si); if (si.null()) { if (this->opts_.debug() > 5) { ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ImR: get_active_server could not find <%C>\n"), name.c_str())); } si = find_by_poa (key); if (si.null()) { if (name.find ("JACORB:") == ACE_CString::npos) { ACE_CString jo_key ("JACORB:"); ACE_CString::size_type const pos = name.find (':'); if (pos == ACE_CString::npos) { jo_key += name; } else { jo_key += name.substring (0, pos); jo_key += '/'; jo_key += name.substring (pos+1); } return this->get_active_server (jo_key, pid); } else { return si; } } } if (pid != 0 && si->pid != 0 && si->pid != pid) { if (this->opts_.debug() > 5) { ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) ImR: get_active_server could not") ACE_TEXT (" find <%C> pid <%d> != <%d>\n"), name.c_str(), pid, si->pid)); } si.reset (); } return si; } int Locator_Repository::remove_server (const ACE_CString& name, ImR_Locator_i* imr_locator) { int const err = sync_load (); if (err != 0) { return err; } Server_Info_Ptr si; this->servers().find (name, si); int const ret = this->servers().unbind (name); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } if (!si->alt_info_.null ()) { // name is a peer to another and must be removed from other list bool found = false; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < si->alt_info_->peers.length(); i++) { if (!found && si->poa_name == si->alt_info_->peers[i]) { found = true; continue; } if (found) { si->alt_info_->peers[i-1] = si->alt_info_->peers[i]; } } si->alt_info_->peers.length (si->alt_info_->peers.length() - 1); } else if (si->peers.length () > 0) { for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < si->peers.length(); i++) { ACE_CString key; ACE_CString const peer (si->peers[i]); Server_Info::gen_key (si->server_id, peer, key); Server_Info_Ptr si2; this->servers().find (key, si2); imr_locator->destroy_poa (si2->poa_name); this->servers ().unbind (key); this->persistent_remove (key, false); } } return persistent_remove (name, false); } int Locator_Repository::link_peers (Server_Info_Ptr base, const CORBA::StringSeq p) { sync_load (); CORBA::ULong const len = base->peers.length(); base->peers.length (len + p.length()); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < p.length(); i++) { base->peers[len + i] = p[i]; Server_Info *si = 0; ACE_CString peer(p[i]); ACE_NEW_RETURN (si, Server_Info (base->server_id, peer, base->is_jacorb, base), -1); Server_Info_Ptr sip(si); servers ().bind (si->key_name_, sip); this->persistent_update (sip, true); } this->persistent_update (base, true); return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activator_Info_Ptr Locator_Repository::get_activator (const ACE_CString& name) { sync_load (); Activator_Info_Ptr activator (0); activators ().find (lcase (name), activator); return activator; } bool Locator_Repository::has_activator (const ACE_CString& name) { Activator_Info_Ptr activator (0); return activators().find (lcase (name), activator) == 0; } int Locator_Repository::remove_activator (const ACE_CString& name) { int const err = sync_load (); if (err != 0) { return err; } int const ret = activators().unbind (lcase(name)); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } Locator_Repository::SIMap::ENTRY* sientry = 0; Locator_Repository::SIMap::ITERATOR siit (servers ()); for (; siit.next (sientry); siit.advance() ) { Server_Info *info = sientry->int_id_->active_info (); if (info->death_notify && info->activator == name) { info->death_notify = false; } } return persistent_remove(name, true); } Locator_Repository::SIMap& Locator_Repository::servers () { return server_infos_; } const Locator_Repository::SIMap& Locator_Repository::servers () const { return server_infos_; } Locator_Repository::AIMap& Locator_Repository::activators () { return activator_infos_; } const Locator_Repository::AIMap& Locator_Repository::activators () const { return activator_infos_; } int Locator_Repository::sync_load () { // nothing more to do for default server/activator load return 0; } bool Locator_Repository::registered () const { return this->registered_; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- No_Backing_Store::No_Backing_Store (const Options& opts, CORBA::ORB_ptr orb) : Locator_Repository(opts, orb) { } No_Backing_Store::~No_Backing_Store () { } const ACE_TCHAR* No_Backing_Store::repo_mode () const { return ACE_TEXT ("Disabled"); } int No_Backing_Store::init_repo (PortableServer::POA_ptr ) { // nothing more to do for no backing store init return 0; } int No_Backing_Store::persistent_update (const Server_Info_Ptr& , bool ) { // nothing more to do for no backing store update return 0; } int No_Backing_Store::persistent_update (const Activator_Info_Ptr& , bool ) { // nothing more to do for no backing store update return 0; } int No_Backing_Store::persistent_remove (const ACE_CString& , bool ) { // nothing more to do for no backing store remove return 0; }