#include "orbsvcs/Log_Macros.h" #include "XML_Backing_Store.h" #include "Server_Info.h" #include "Activator_Info.h" #include "utils.h" #include "Locator_XMLHandler.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_stdio.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_strings.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_ctype.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_unistd.h" #include "ACEXML/parser/parser/Parser.h" #include "ACEXML/common/FileCharStream.h" #include "ACEXML/common/XML_Util.h" XML_Backing_Store::XML_Backing_Store(const Options& opts, CORBA::ORB_ptr orb, bool suppress_erase) : Locator_Repository(opts, orb), filename_(opts.persist_file_name()) { if (opts.repository_erase() && !suppress_erase) { ACE_OS::unlink ( this->filename_.c_str () ); } } XML_Backing_Store::~XML_Backing_Store() { } int XML_Backing_Store::persistent_remove (const ACE_CString& , bool ) { // one big XML file, need to persist everything return persist(); } int XML_Backing_Store::persistent_update(const Server_Info_Ptr& , bool ) { // one big XML file, need to persist everything return persist(); } int XML_Backing_Store::persistent_update(const Activator_Info_Ptr& , bool ) { // one big XML file, need to persist everything return persist(); } int XML_Backing_Store::persist () { FILE* fp = ACE_OS::fopen (this->filename_.c_str (), "w"); if (fp == 0) { ORBSVCS_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("Couldn't write to file %C\n"), this->filename_.c_str())); return -1; } ACE_OS::fprintf (fp,"\n"); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp,"<%s>\n", Locator_XMLHandler::ROOT_TAG); // Save servers Locator_Repository::SIMap::ENTRY* sientry = 0; Locator_Repository::SIMap::ITERATOR siit (this->servers ()); for (; siit.next (sientry); siit.advance() ) { persist(fp, *sientry->int_id_, "\t"); } // Save Activators Locator_Repository::AIMap::ENTRY* aientry = 0; Locator_Repository::AIMap::ITERATOR aiit (this->activators ()); for (; aiit.next (aientry); aiit.advance ()) { ACE_CString aname = aientry->ext_id_; persist(fp, *aientry->int_id_, "\t"); } ACE_OS::fprintf (fp,"\n", Locator_XMLHandler::ROOT_TAG); ACE_OS::fclose (fp); return 0; } namespace { ACE_CString ACEXML_escape_cstring (const ACE_CString &str) { return ACE_TEXT_ALWAYS_CHAR (ACEXML_escape_string ( ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (str.c_str ())).c_str ()); } } void XML_Backing_Store::persist (FILE* fp, const Server_Info& info, const char* tag_prepend, const NameValues& name_values) { ACE_CString server_id = ACEXML_escape_cstring (info.server_id); ACE_CString pname = ACEXML_escape_cstring (info.poa_name); ACE_CString keyname = ACEXML_escape_cstring (info.key_name_); ACE_CString altkey = ""; if (!info.alt_info_.null()) { altkey = ACEXML_escape_cstring (info.alt_info_->key_name_); } ACE_CString activator = ACEXML_escape_cstring (info.activator); ACE_CString cmdline = ACEXML_escape_cstring (info.cmdline); ACE_CString wdir = ACEXML_escape_cstring (info.dir); ACE_CString partial_ior = ACEXML_escape_cstring (info.partial_ior); ACE_CString ior = ACEXML_escape_cstring (info.ior); ACE_CString amodestr = ImR_Utils::activationModeToString (info.activation_mode_); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp,"%s<%s", tag_prepend, Locator_XMLHandler::SERVER_INFO_TAG); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp, " %s=\"%s\"", Locator_XMLHandler::SERVER_TAG, server_id.c_str ()); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp, " %s=\"%s\"", Locator_XMLHandler::POANAME_TAG, pname.c_str ()); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp, " %s=\"%s\"", Locator_XMLHandler::ACTNAME_TAG, activator.c_str ()); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp, " %s=\"%s\"", Locator_XMLHandler::CMDLINE_TAG, cmdline.c_str ()); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp, " %s=\"%s\"", Locator_XMLHandler::DIR_TAG, wdir.c_str ()); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp, " %s=\"%s\"", Locator_XMLHandler::MODE_TAG, amodestr.c_str ()); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp, " %s=\"%d\"", Locator_XMLHandler::LIMIT_TAG, info.start_limit_); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp, " %s=\"%s\"", Locator_XMLHandler::PARTIOR_TAG, partial_ior.c_str ()); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp, " %s=\"%s\"", Locator_XMLHandler::IOR_TAG, ior.c_str ()); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp, " %s=\"%d\"", Locator_XMLHandler::STARTED_TAG, !CORBA::is_nil(info.server.in())); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp, " %s=\"%d\"", Locator_XMLHandler::JACORB_TAG, info.is_jacorb); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp, " %s=\"%d\"", Locator_XMLHandler::PID_TAG, info.pid); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp, " %s= \"%s\"", Locator_XMLHandler::KEYNAME_TAG, keyname.c_str ()); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp, " %s= \"%s\"", Locator_XMLHandler::ALTKEY_TAG, altkey.c_str ()); NameValues::const_iterator name_value; for (name_value = name_values.begin(); name_value != name_values.end(); ++name_value) { ACE_OS::fprintf (fp," %s=\"%s\"", name_value->first.c_str(), name_value->second.c_str()); } CORBA::ULong elen = info.env_vars.length (); CORBA::ULong plen = info.peers.length (); if (elen + plen > 0) { ACE_OS::fprintf (fp,">\n"); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < elen; ++i) { ACE_OS::fprintf (fp,"%s\t<%s", tag_prepend, Locator_XMLHandler::ENVIRONMENT_TAG); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp," name=\"%s\"", info.env_vars[i].name.in ()); ACE_CString val = ACEXML_escape_cstring(info.env_vars[i].value.in()); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp," value=\"%s\"", val.c_str()); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp,"/>\n"); } for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < plen; ++i) { ACE_OS::fprintf (fp,"%s\t<%s", tag_prepend, Locator_XMLHandler::PEER_TAG); ACE_CString name = ACEXML_escape_cstring(info.peers[i].in()); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp," name=\"%s\"", name.c_str()); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp,"/>\n"); } ACE_OS::fprintf (fp,"%s\n", tag_prepend, Locator_XMLHandler::SERVER_INFO_TAG); } else { ACE_OS::fprintf (fp,"/>\n"); } } void XML_Backing_Store::persist (FILE* fp, const Activator_Info& info, const char* tag_prepend, const NameValues& name_values) { ACE_OS::fprintf (fp,"%s<%s", tag_prepend, Locator_XMLHandler::ACTIVATOR_INFO_TAG); ACE_OS::fprintf( fp," name=\"%s\"", info.name.c_str ()); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp," token=\"%d\"", info.token); ACE_OS::fprintf (fp," ior=\"%s\"", info.ior.c_str ()); NameValues::const_iterator name_value; for (name_value = name_values.begin(); name_value != name_values.end(); ++name_value) { ACE_OS::fprintf (fp," %s=\"%s\"", name_value->first.c_str(), name_value->second.c_str()); } ACE_OS::fprintf (fp,"/>\n"); } int XML_Backing_Store::init_repo (PortableServer::POA_ptr ) { // ignore load return since files don't have to exist this->load_file (this->filename_); return 0; } int XML_Backing_Store::load_file (const ACE_TString& filename, FILE* open_file) { Locator_XMLHandler xml_handler (*this); return XML_Backing_Store::load_file (filename, xml_handler, this->opts_.debug(), open_file); } /* static */ int XML_Backing_Store::load_file (const ACE_TString& filename, ACEXML_DefaultHandler& xml_handler, unsigned int debug, FILE* open_file) { // xml input source will take ownership ACEXML_FileCharStream* fstm; ACE_NEW_RETURN (fstm, ACEXML_FileCharStream, -1); int err; // use the open_file stream if it is provided if (open_file != 0) err = fstm->use_stream(open_file, filename.c_str()); else err = fstm->open (filename.c_str()); if (debug > 9) { ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_INFO, ACE_TEXT ("(%P|%t) load %s%C\n"), filename.c_str(), ((err == 0) ? ACE_TEXT ("") : ACE_TEXT (" (file doesn't exist)")))); } if (err != 0) { delete fstm; return err; } ACEXML_Parser parser; // InputSource takes ownership ACEXML_InputSource input (fstm); parser.setContentHandler (&xml_handler); parser.setDTDHandler (&xml_handler); parser.setErrorHandler (&xml_handler); parser.setEntityResolver (&xml_handler); try { parser.parse (&input); } catch ( const ACEXML_SAXParseException* sax_ex) { ORBSVCS_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("Error during load of ImR persistence xml file (%s)."), filename.c_str())); sax_ex->print (); return -1; } catch (const ACEXML_Exception& ex) { ORBSVCS_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("Error during load of ImR persistence xml file (%s)."), filename.c_str())); ex.print (); return -1; } return 0; } const ACE_TCHAR* XML_Backing_Store::repo_mode() const { return this->filename_.c_str(); } void XML_Backing_Store::load_server (Server_Info *info, bool server_started, const NameValues& ) { Server_Info_Ptr si (info); this->servers ().rebind (info->key_name_, si); this->create_server (server_started, si); } void XML_Backing_Store::create_server (bool server_started, const Server_Info_Ptr& si) { if (!server_started || si->ior.is_empty ()) { return; } CORBA::Object_var obj = this->orb_->string_to_object (si->ior.c_str ()); if (!CORBA::is_nil(obj.in())) { si->server = ImplementationRepository::ServerObject::_unchecked_narrow (obj.in ()); si->last_ping = ACE_Time_Value::zero; } } void XML_Backing_Store::load_activator (const ACE_CString& activator_name, long token, const ACE_CString& ior, const NameValues& ) { Activator_Info *ai = 0; ACE_NEW (ai, Activator_Info (activator_name, token, ior)); Activator_Info_Ptr info (ai); this->activators().rebind(Locator_Repository::lcase (activator_name), info); }