// -*- C++ -*- // $Id$ #include "PSDL_Type_Dcl_Visitor.h" #include "PSDL_Stream.h" ACE_RCSID (PSS, PSDL_Type_Dcl_Visitor, "$Id$") TAO_PSDL_Type_Dcl_Visitor::TAO_PSDL_Type_Dcl_Visitor (void) { } TAO_PSDL_Type_Dcl_Visitor::~TAO_PSDL_Type_Dcl_Visitor (void) { } int TAO_PSDL_Type_Dcl_Visitor::visit_identifier (TAO_PSDL_Identifier *identifier) { if (this->identifiers_.size () == 0) { this->identifiers_.size (1); this->count_ = 0; } if (this->identifiers_.size () < this->count_ + 1) this->identifiers_.size (this->count_ + 1); this->identifiers_ [this->count_] = identifier->value (); ++this->count_; return 0; } int TAO_PSDL_Type_Dcl_Visitor::visit_type_declarator (TAO_PSDL_Type_Declarator *type_declarator) { // Typedefs. this->count_ = 0; this->identifiers_.size (2); this->predefined_type_.size (2); this->predefined_type_[this->count_] = 0; if (type_declarator->type_spec ()->accept (this) == -1) return -1; if (type_declarator->declarators ()->accept (this) == -1) return -1; ACE_CString type; // This flag is used to distinguish between the predefined types and // types that are typedef'ed before. if (this->predefined_type_ [0] == 0) { if (this->base_type (this->identifiers_[this->count_ -1], type)) { if (ACE_OS::strcmp (type.c_str (), "struct") != 0) this->identifiers_[0] = type; } } // If the typedef is for a sequence of something, the very first // element is going to be 'sequence' (check visit_predefined_type // method in this class). We are basing our selection // based on that. if (ACE_OS::strcmp (this->identifiers_[0].c_str (), "sequence") != 0) { this->print_for_simple_typedefs (); } else this->print_for_sequence_typedefs (this->identifiers_[1], this->identifiers_[2]); return 0; } /* There seems to be a difference with what shoudl be printed adn what is printed out as per the method. So commenting it for now. Will keep it around for some time nad remove when I am sure its is totally wrong */ void TAO_PSDL_Type_Dcl_Visitor::print_for_sequence_typedefs (ACE_CString identifier_type, ACE_CString identifier) { ACE_CString name_space = TAO_PSDL_Scope::instance ()->get_name_space (); // Get a pointer to PSDL_Stream of the stub header. TAO_PSDL_Stream *ps_sh = TAO_PSDL_Scope::instance ()->get_sh (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES)"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#if !defined (__TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_" << name_space.c_str () << "_" << identifier.c_str () << "_CH_)"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#define __TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_" << name_space.c_str () << "_" << identifier.c_str () << "_CH_"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "class TAO_EXPORT_MACRO _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CosNaming_" << identifier.c_str (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << ": public TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "{"; ps_sh->incr_indent (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "public:"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "// = Initialization and termination methods."; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_" << name_space.c_str () << "_" << identifier.c_str () << " (void);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_" << name_space.c_str () << "_" << identifier.c_str () << " (CORBA::ULong maximum);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_" << name_space.c_str () << "_" << identifier.c_str () << " ("; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "CORBA::ULong maximum,"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "CORBA::ULong length,"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier_type << " *data,"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "CORBA::Boolean release = 0"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << ");"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_" << name_space.c_str () << "_" << identifier.c_str () << " ("; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_" << name_space.c_str () << "_" << identifier.c_str () << " &rhs\n"; *ps_sh << ");\n"; *ps_sh << "_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_" << name_space.c_str () << "_" << identifier.c_str () << " &operator= (\n"; *ps_sh << "const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_" << name_space.c_str () << "_" << identifier.c_str () << " &rhs\n"; *ps_sh << ");\n"; *ps_sh << "virtual ~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_" << name_space << "_" << identifier << " (void);"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "// = Accessors.\n"; *ps_sh << identifier_type << " &operator[] (CORBA::ULong i);\n"; *ps_sh << "const " << identifier_type << " &operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) const;\n"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "// = Static operations.\n"; *ps_sh << "static " << identifier_type << " *allocbuf (CORBA::ULong size);\n"; *ps_sh << "static void freebuf (" << identifier_type << " *buffer);\n"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "// Implement the TAO_Base_Sequence methods (see Sequence.h)"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "virtual void _allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "virtual void _deallocate_buffer (void);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier_type << " *get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan = 0);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "const " << identifier_type << " *get_buffer (void) const;"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "void replace ("; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << " CORBA::ULong max,"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << " CORBA::ULong length,"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier_type << " *data,"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "CORBA::Boolean release"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << ");"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->decr_indent (); *ps_sh << "};"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->decr_indent (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#endif /* end #if !defined */"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ "; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#if !defined (_" << name_space.c_str () << "_" << identifier.c_str () << "_CH_)"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#define _" << name_space.c_str () << "_" << identifier.c_str () << "_CH_"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "class " << identifier.c_str () << ";"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "class " << identifier.c_str () << "_var;"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "// *************************************************************"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "// " << identifier.c_str () ; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "// *************************************************************"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "class " << identifier.c_str () << " : public"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES)"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_" << name_space.c_str () << "_" << identifier.c_str () ; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "TAO_Unbounded_Sequence<" << identifier.c_str () << "Component>"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ "; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "{"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->incr_indent (); *ps_sh << "public:"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << " (void); // default ctor"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << " (CORBA::ULong max); // uses max size"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << " ("; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "CORBA::ULong max, "; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "CORBA::ULong length, "; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << "Component *buffer, "; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "CORBA::Boolean release = 0"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << ");"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << " (const " << identifier.c_str () << " &); // copy ctor"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "~" << identifier.c_str () << " (void);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "static void _tao_any_destructor (void*);"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#if !defined(__GNUC__) || !defined (ACE_HAS_GNUG_PRE_2_8)"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "typedef " << identifier.c_str () << "_var _var_type;"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#endif /* ! __GNUC__ || g++ >= 2.8 */"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "};"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->decr_indent (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#endif /* end #if !defined */"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#if !defined (_" << name_space.c_str () << "_" << identifier.c_str () << "___VAR_CH_)"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#define _" << name_space.c_str () << "_" << identifier.c_str () << "___VAR_CH_"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "// *************************************************************"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "// class " << name_space.c_str () << "::" << identifier.c_str () << "_var"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "// *************************************************************"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "class " << identifier.c_str () << "_var"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "{"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->incr_indent (); *ps_sh << "public:"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << "_var (void);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << "_var (" << identifier.c_str () << " *);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << "_var (const " << identifier.c_str () << "_var &);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "~" << identifier.c_str () << "_var (void);"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << "_var &operator= (" << identifier.c_str () << " *);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << "_var &operator= (const " << identifier.c_str () << "_var &);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << " *operator-> (void);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "const " << identifier.c_str () << " *operator-> (void) const;"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "operator const " << identifier.c_str () << " &() const;"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "operator " << identifier.c_str () << " &();"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "operator " << identifier.c_str () << " &() const;"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "operator " << identifier.c_str () << " *&(); // variable-size base types only"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << "Component & operator[] (CORBA::ULong index);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "const " << identifier.c_str () << "Component & operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) const;"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "// in, inout, out, _retn "; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "const " << identifier.c_str () << " &in (void) const;"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << " &inout (void);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << " *&out (void);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << " *_retn (void);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << " *ptr (void) const;"; ps_sh->decr_indent (0); ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "private:"; ps_sh->incr_indent (0); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << " *ptr_;"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "};"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#endif /* end #if !defined */"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#if !defined (_" << name_space.c_str () << "_" << identifier.c_str () << "___OUT_CH_)"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#define _" << name_space.c_str () << "_" << identifier.c_str () << "___OUT_CH_"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "class " << identifier.c_str () << "_out"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "{"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->incr_indent (); *ps_sh << "public:"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << "_out (" << identifier.c_str () << " *&);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << "_out (" << identifier.c_str () << "_var &);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << "_out (const " << identifier.c_str () << "_out &);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << "_out &operator= (const " << identifier.c_str () << "_out &);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << "_out &operator= (" << identifier.c_str () << " *);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "operator " << identifier.c_str () << " *&();"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << " *&ptr (void);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << " *operator-> (void);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << "Component & operator[] (CORBA::ULong index);"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "private:"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << identifier.c_str () << " *&ptr_;"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "// Assignment from T_var not allowed."; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "void operator= (const " << identifier.c_str () << "_var &);"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "};"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->decr_indent (); ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "#endif /* end #if !defined */"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS ::CORBA::TypeCode_ptr " << "_tc_" << identifier.c_str () << ";"; ps_sh->nl (); } void TAO_PSDL_Type_Dcl_Visitor::print_for_simple_typedefs (void) { ACE_CString type; // Get the base type of the identifier name this->base_type (this->identifiers_ [0], type); // Get a pointer to PSDL_Stream of the stub header. TAO_PSDL_Stream *ps_sh = TAO_PSDL_Scope::instance ()->get_sh (); if (ACE_OS::strcmp (type.c_str (), "char *") == 0) { ps_sh->reset (); ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "typedef " << type.c_str () << " " << this->identifiers_ [1].c_str () << ";"; } ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "typedef " << this->version_for_stub (type).c_str () << " " << this->identifiers_[1].c_str (); if (ACE_OS::strcmp (type.c_str (), "char *") == 0) *ps_sh << "_var;"; else *ps_sh << ";"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "typedef " << this->version_for_stub (type).c_str () << "_out" << " " << this->identifiers_[1].c_str () << "_out;"; ps_sh->nl (); *ps_sh << "TAO_NAMESPACE_STORAGE_CLASS ::CORBA::TypeCode_ptr" << " _tc_" << this->identifiers_[1].c_str () << ";"; ps_sh->nl (); ps_sh->nl (); // Generates code for the stub implementation files. this->gen_code_for_si (); } void TAO_PSDL_Type_Dcl_Visitor::gen_code_for_si (void) { TAO_PSDL_Stream *ps_si = TAO_PSDL_Scope::instance ()->get_si (); ps_si->reset (); ps_si->indent (); // start from current indentation level // Generate the typecode information here *ps_si << "static const CORBA::Long _oc_"; // Flat name generation. *ps_si << this->identifiers_[1]; *ps_si << "[] ="; ps_si->nl (); *ps_si << "{"; ps_si->nl (); // Some invocation call to put in the stuff that goes between // braces. *ps_si << "// Typecode related information should go in here"; ps_si->nl (); *ps_si << "};"; ps_si->nl (); ps_si->nl (); *ps_si << "static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_"; *ps_si << this->identifiers_[1]; *ps_si << " ("; ps_si->nl (); ps_si->incr_indent (); *ps_si << "CORBA::tk_alias,"; ps_si->nl (); *ps_si << "sizeof (_oc_" << this->identifiers_[1] << "),"; ps_si->nl (); *ps_si << "(char *) &_oc_"; *ps_si << this->identifiers_[1] << ","; ps_si->nl (); *ps_si << "0,"; ps_si->nl (); *ps_si << "sizeof (" << this->identifiers_[1] << ")"; ps_si->nl (); *ps_si << ");"; ps_si->decr_indent (); ps_si->nl (); ps_si->nl (); *ps_si << "::CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tc_" << this->identifiers_[1] << " ="; ps_si->nl (); ps_si->incr_indent (); *ps_si << "&_tc_TAO_tc_" << this->identifiers_[1] << ";"; ps_si->decr_indent (); ps_si->nl (); ps_si->nl (); return; } int TAO_PSDL_Type_Dcl_Visitor::visit_predefined_type (TAO_PSDL_Predefined_Type *predefined_type) { if (predefined_type->type_one () != 0) { this->identifiers_ [this->count_] = TAO_PSDL_Scope::instance ()->convert_str (predefined_type->type_one ()); if (this->count_ == 0) { // @@ implies this is the type. this->predefined_type_ [this->count_] = 1; } ++this->count_; } if (predefined_type->type_two () != 0) {} if (predefined_type->type_three () != 0) {} if (predefined_type->type_of_variable_one () != 0) { if (predefined_type->type_of_variable_one ()->accept (this) == -1) return -1; } if (predefined_type->type_of_variable_two () != 0) {} if (predefined_type->type_of_variable_three () != 0) {} return 0; }