%option noyywrap %{ // ETCL.ll,v 2000/02/27 23:12:27 coryan Exp // ======================================================================== // // = LIBRARY // orbsvcs/ECTL // // = FILENAME // ETCL.ll // // = AUTHOR // Carlos O'Ryan based on previous work by // Seth Widoff // // ======================================================================== #include "ace/OS.h" #include "ETCL_Constraint.h" #include "ETCL_y.h" static const char * extract_string(char*); #define TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG #ifdef TAO_CONSTRAINT_DEBUG #define TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG TAO_OS::fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", yytext) #endif /* TAO_CONSTRAINT_DEBUG */ #define YY_DECL int TAO_ETCL_yylex (TAO_ETCL_YYSTYPE *lvalp, void* state) #define YY_BREAK #define YY_NO_UNPUT %} white_space [ \t] letter [a-zA-Z] digit [0-9] alpha_num ({letter}|{digit}) integer {digit}+ float ({digit}*\.{digit}+)([eE][-+]?{digit}+)? string '(([^'\\]*)|([^'\\]*\\')|([^'\\]*\\\\))*' base {letter}({alpha_num}|[_])* ident {base}|\\{base} newline \n %% min { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_MIN; } max { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_MAX; } first { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_FIRST; } random { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_RANDOM; } with { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_WITH; } exist { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_EXIST; } not { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_NOT; } and { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_AND; } or { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_OR; } in { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_IN; } "~" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_TWIDDLE; } "+" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_PLUS; } "-" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_MINUS; } "*" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_MULT; } "/" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_DIV; } "<" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_LT; } "<=" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_LE; } ">" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_GT; } ">=" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_GE; } "==" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_EQ; } "!=" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_NE; } "(" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_LPAREN; } ")" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_RPAREN; } "$" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_DOLLAR; } "." { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_DOT; } "default" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_DEFAULT; } "_d" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_DISCRIMINANT; } "_type_id" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_TYPE_ID; } "_repos_id" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_REPOS_ID; } "_length" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_LENGTH; } "[" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_LBRA; } "]" { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_RBRA; } TRUE { lvalp->constraint = new TAO_ETCL_Boolean_Literal (1); TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_BOOLEAN; } FALSE { lvalp->constraint = new TAO_ETCL_Boolean_Literal (0); TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_BOOLEAN; } {integer} { lvalp->constraint = new TAO_ETCL_Integer_Literal (ACE_OS::atoi (yytext)); TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_INTEGER; } {float} { double v; sscanf (yytext, "%lf", &v); lvalp->constraint = new TAO_ETCL_Float_Literal (v); TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_FLOAT; } {string} { lvalp->constraint = new TAO_ETCL_String_Literal (extract_string(yytext)); TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_STRING; } {ident} { lvalp->constraint = new TAO_ETCL_Identifier (yytext); TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; return TAO_ETCL_IDENT; } {white_space} { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; break; // Ignore } . { TAO_YY_LEX_DEBUG; break; // @@ TODO } %% const char* extract_string(char* str) { char *t = str; for (char * i = str + 1; *i != 0; ++i, ++t) { if (*i == '\\') { ++i; if (*i == 0) return 0; else if (*i == 't') *t = '\t'; else if (*i == 'n') *t = '\n'; else if (*i == '\\') *t = '\\'; else *t = *i; continue; } *t = *i; } return str; }