// $Id$ #include "orbsvcs/Log_Macros.h" #include "orbsvcs/Event/EC_TPC_Dispatching.h" #include "orbsvcs/Event/EC_Defaults.h" #include #if !defined(TAO_EC_TPC_DISPATCHING_DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE) #define TAO_EC_TPC_DISPATCHING_DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE 32 #endif TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL extern unsigned long TAO_EC_TPC_debug_level; TAO_EC_TPC_Dispatching::TAO_EC_TPC_Dispatching (int nthreads, int thread_creation_flags, int thread_priority, int force_activate, TAO_EC_Queue_Full_Service_Object* so) : nthreads_(nthreads) , thread_creation_flags_ (thread_creation_flags) , thread_priority_ (thread_priority) , force_activate_ (force_activate) , consumer_task_map_(TAO_EC_TPC_DISPATCHING_DEFAULT_MAP_SIZE) , queue_full_service_object_(so) { ACE_ASSERT (this->queue_full_service_object_ != 0); } TAO_EC_TPC_Dispatching::~TAO_EC_TPC_Dispatching () { // No other dispatching strategy has a DTOR body. I can only // assume that it's guaranteed that shutdown() is called before // the DTOR, so the tear-down logic needs to go in the shutdown, // and the DTOR need not call shutdown. } int TAO_EC_TPC_Dispatching::add_consumer (RtecEventComm::PushConsumer_ptr consumer) { ACE_GUARD_RETURN (TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1); // Duplicate the pointer and hold it safely RtecEventComm::PushConsumer_var pc = RtecEventComm::PushConsumer::_duplicate(consumer); if (TAO_EC_TPC_debug_level > 0) ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "EC (%P|%t) TPC_Dispatching::add_consumer(%@)\n", pc.in())); TAO_EC_Dispatching_Task* dtask = new TAO_EC_TPC_Dispatching_Task (&this->thread_manager_, this->queue_full_service_object_); if (TAO_EC_TPC_debug_level > 0) ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "EC (%P|%t) TPC_Dispatching::add_consumer(%@): new task %@\n", pc.in(), dtask)); if ((dtask->activate (this->thread_creation_flags_, 1, // we only want one thread to dispatch to a consumer 1, // magic number?? this->thread_priority_)) == -1) { ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_WARNING, "EC (%P|%t): TPC_Dispatching::add_consumer unable to activate" " dispatching task for consumer (%@)\n", consumer)); delete dtask; return -1; } int bindresult = this->consumer_task_map_.bind (RtecEventComm::PushConsumer::_duplicate(pc.in()), dtask); const char* explanation = 0; if (bindresult == -1) explanation = "general failure"; else if (bindresult == 1) explanation = "entry already exists"; if (explanation != 0) { ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_WARNING, "EC (%P|%t): TPC_Dispatching::add_consumer failed to bind consumer (%@)" " and dispatch task in map (%s): %p\n", consumer, explanation)); dtask->putq (new TAO_EC_Shutdown_Task_Command); dtask->wait (); delete dtask; return -1; } return 0; } int TAO_EC_TPC_Dispatching::remove_consumer (RtecEventComm::PushConsumer_ptr consumer) { ACE_GUARD_RETURN (TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX, ace_mon, this->lock_, -1); TAO_EC_Dispatching_Task* dtask = 0; if (this->consumer_task_map_.find (consumer, dtask) == -1) { ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_WARNING, "EC (%P|%t): TPC_Dispatching::remove_consumer failed to" " find consumer (%@) in map\n", consumer)); return -1; } // Must have found it...first try to unbind if (this->consumer_task_map_.unbind (consumer) == -1) { ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_WARNING, "EC (%P|%t): TPC_Dispatching::remove_consumer failed to" " unbind consumer (%@) and task in map\n", consumer)); return -1; } dtask->putq (new TAO_EC_Shutdown_Task_Command); CORBA::release (consumer); // This matches the _duplicate in add_consumer return 0; } void TAO_EC_TPC_Dispatching::activate (void) { } void TAO_EC_TPC_Dispatching::shutdown (void) { ACE_GUARD (TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX, ace_mon, this->lock_); // The MT_Dispatching strategy sends a TAO_EC_Shutdown_Task_Command // to the dispatching task. Is that what we should do here? MAPTYPE::ITERATOR iter = this->consumer_task_map_.begin (); while (! iter.done()) { MAPTYPE::ENTRY* entry = 0; if (! iter.next(entry)) continue; entry->int_id_->putq (new TAO_EC_Shutdown_Task_Command); iter.advance (); } this->thread_manager_.wait (); // Wait for the threads to terminate // Now iterate again and call CORBA::release on the ext_id; // we don't have to delete int_id_ b/c that happens in its close() method. iter = this->consumer_task_map_.begin (); while (! iter.done()) { MAPTYPE::ENTRY* entry = 0; if (! iter.next(entry)) continue; CORBA::release (entry->ext_id_); iter.advance (); } this->consumer_task_map_.unbind_all (); } void TAO_EC_TPC_Dispatching::push (TAO_EC_ProxyPushSupplier* proxy, RtecEventComm::PushConsumer_ptr consumer, const RtecEventComm::EventSet& event, TAO_EC_QOS_Info& qos_info) { RtecEventComm::EventSet event_copy = event; this->push_nocopy (proxy, consumer, event_copy, qos_info); } void TAO_EC_TPC_Dispatching::push_nocopy (TAO_EC_ProxyPushSupplier* proxy, RtecEventComm::PushConsumer_ptr consumer, RtecEventComm::EventSet& event, TAO_EC_QOS_Info&) { if (TAO_EC_TPC_debug_level > 0) ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "EC (%P|%t) TPC_Dispatching::push_nocopy(supplier=%@,consumer=%@)\n", proxy, consumer)); ACE_GUARD (TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX, ace_mon, this->lock_); TAO_EC_Dispatching_Task* dtask = 0; if (this->consumer_task_map_.find (consumer, dtask) == -1) { ORBSVCS_DEBUG ((LM_WARNING, "EC (%P|%t): TPC_Dispatching::push_nocopy failed to" " find consumer (%@) in map\n", consumer)); } else { dtask->push (proxy, consumer, event); } } TAO_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL