// -*- C++ -*- TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL ACE_INLINE CORBA::Long TAO_Notify_Object::id (void) const { return id_; } ACE_INLINE void TAO_Notify_Object::execute_task (TAO_Notify_Method_Request& method_request) { TAO_Notify_Worker_Task::Ptr task( this->worker_task_ ); if ( task.isSet() ) { task->execute( method_request ); } } ACE_INLINE void TAO_Notify_Object::inherit_poas (TAO_Notify_Object& parent) { this->set_proxy_poa( parent.proxy_poa() ); this->set_object_poa( parent.object_poa() ); this->set_poa( parent.poa() ); // Do not take ownership of parent's poas own_proxy_poa_ = false; own_object_poa_ = false; } ACE_INLINE void TAO_Notify_Object::adopt_poa (TAO_Notify_POA_Helper* single) { ACE_ASSERT( single != 0 ); this->set_proxy_poa( single ); this->set_object_poa( single ); this->set_poa( single ); // Maintain ownership of the poa } ACE_INLINE void TAO_Notify_Object::set_primary_as_proxy_poa() { this->set_poa( this->proxy_poa() ); } ACE_INLINE TAO_Notify_POA_Helper* TAO_Notify_Object::poa (void) { return this->poa_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_Notify_POA_Helper* TAO_Notify_Object::object_poa (void) { return this->object_poa_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_Notify_POA_Helper* TAO_Notify_Object::proxy_poa (void) { return this->proxy_poa_; } ACE_INLINE bool TAO_Notify_Object::has_shutdown (void) { return this->shutdown_; } ACE_INLINE void TAO_Notify_Object::set_admin_properties( TAO_Notify_AdminProperties* admin_properties ) { ACE_ASSERT( admin_properties != 0 ); this->admin_properties_.reset( admin_properties ); } ACE_INLINE TAO_Notify_Event_Manager& TAO_Notify_Object::event_manager (void) { ACE_ASSERT( this->event_manager_.get() != 0 ); return *this->event_manager_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_Notify_AdminProperties& TAO_Notify_Object::admin_properties (void) { ACE_ASSERT( this->admin_properties_.get() != 0 ); return *this->admin_properties_; } TAO_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL