// $Id$ // // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // sched // // = FILENAME // Scheduler_Generic.cpp // // = CREATION DATE // 19 November 1997 // // = AUTHOR // David Levine // // ============================================================================ #include "ace/Sched_Params.h" #include "Scheduler_Generic.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_stdio.h" #if ! defined (__ACE_INLINE__) #include "Scheduler_Generic.i" #endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */ ACE_RCSID(Sched, Scheduler_Generic, "$Id$") /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // static functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Structure for storing the RT_Info information for each task, per mode. struct Mode_Entry { RtecScheduler::RT_Info *rt_info_; u_long start_time_; // microseconds u_long stop_time_; // microseconds Mode_Entry() : rt_info_ (0), start_time_ (0), stop_time_ (0) { } Mode_Entry(RtecScheduler::RT_Info *const rt_info, const u_long start_time = 0, const u_long stop_time = 0) : rt_info_ (rt_info), start_time_ (start_time), stop_time_ (stop_time) { } ~Mode_Entry () {} Mode_Entry &operator= (const Mode_Entry &entry) { if (this != &entry) { rt_info_ = entry.rt_info_; start_time_ = entry.start_time_; stop_time_ = entry.stop_time_; } return *this; } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class Scheduler_Generic member functions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Scheduler_Generic::Scheduler_Generic () : Scheduler (), handles_ (0), // Set the minimum priority to that for the current platform. This // shouldn't be necessary, but UPSingleProcessorOrb::initialize_reactors // creates threads before the Event Channel calls Scheduler::init (). minimum_priority_ (ACE_Sched_Params::priority_min (ACE_SCHED_FIFO, ACE_SCOPE_THREAD)), increasing_priority_ (-1), task_entries_ () { config_info_.preemption_priority = ACE_Scheduler_MAX_PREEMPTION_PRIORITY; config_info_.thread_priority = minimum_priority_; config_info_.dispatching_type = RtecScheduler::STATIC_DISPATCHING; } Scheduler_Generic::~Scheduler_Generic () { reset (); } void Scheduler_Generic::reset () { } Scheduler::status_t Scheduler_Generic::lookup_rt_info (handle_t handle, RT_Info*& rtinfo) { if (handle < 0 || (size_t) handle > task_entries_.size ()) { return ST_UNKNOWN_TASK; } RT_Info*** entry; ACE_Unbounded_Set_Iterator i (task_entries_); while (i.next (entry) != 0) { i.advance (); RT_Info** array = *entry; if (array[0]->handle == handle) { rtinfo = array[0]; return SUCCEEDED; } } return ST_UNKNOWN_TASK; } Scheduler::status_t Scheduler_Generic::lookup_config_info (Preemption_Priority priority, Config_Info* &config_info) { if (priority == config_info_.preemption_priority) { config_info = &config_info_; return SUCCEEDED; } else { return ST_UNKNOWN_PRIORITY; } } // Obtains a Config_Info based on its priority. Scheduler::status_t Scheduler_Generic::register_task (RT_Info *rt_info [], const u_int number_of_modes, handle_t &handle) { status_t ret; // try to store the new task's information . . . switch (task_entries_.insert (rt_info)) { case 0 : // successfully inserted { rt_info [0]->handle = (handle = ++handles_); // assigned the same handle to the RT_Info for each of its modes for (u_int i = 1; i < number_of_modes; ++i) { if (rt_info [i] != 0) rt_info [i]->handle = handle; } if (number_of_modes > modes ()) { modes (number_of_modes); } ret = SUCCEEDED; if (output_level () >= 5) { ACE_OS::printf ("registered task \"%s\" with RT_Info starting " "at %p\n", (const char*)rt_info[0]->entry_point, rt_info[0]); } } break; case 1 : // the entry had already been inserted handle = 0; ret = ST_TASK_ALREADY_REGISTERED; break; default : // case -1 : insert failed, probably because virtual memory exhaused handle = 0; ret = ST_VIRTUAL_MEMORY_EXHAUSTED; break; } return ret; } void Scheduler_Generic::init (const int minimum_priority, const int maximum_priority, const char *runtime_filename, const char *rt_info_filename, const char *timeline_filename) { minimum_priority_ = minimum_priority; maximum_priority_ = maximum_priority; runtime_filename_ = runtime_filename; rt_info_filename_ = rt_info_filename; timeline_filename_ = timeline_filename; config_info_.thread_priority = minimum_priority_; } Scheduler::status_t Scheduler_Generic::schedule (ACE_Unbounded_Set &anomaly_set) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (anomaly_set); ACE_GUARD_RETURN (LOCK, ace_mon, lock_, ACE_Scheduler::FAILED); // here goes . . . increasing_priority_ = maximum_priority_ >= minimum_priority_; status_t status = ACE_Scheduler::SUCCEEDED; // store number of tasks, based on registrations tasks (ACE_static_cast (u_int, task_entries_.size ())); if (output_level () > 0) { print_schedule (); } return status; } int Scheduler_Generic::priority (const handle_t handle, OS_Thread_Priority &priority, Sub_Priority &subpriority, Preemption_Priority &preemption_prio, const mode_t requested_mode) const { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (handle); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (requested_mode); priority = minimum_priority_; subpriority = ACE_Scheduler_MIN_SUB_PRIORITY; preemption_prio = ACE_Scheduler_MAX_PREEMPTION_PRIORITY; if (output_level () >= 3) { ACE_OS::printf ("preemption_prio %d: min %d, pri %d, min_pri %d\n", preemption_prio, minimum_priority_queue (), priority, minimum_priority_); } return 0; } void Scheduler_Generic::print_schedule () { } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) template class ACE_Node; template class ACE_Unbounded_Set; template class ACE_Unbounded_Set_Iterator; #elif defined(ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) #pragma instantiate ACE_Node #pragma instantiate ACE_Unbounded_Set #pragma instantiate ACE_Unbounded_Set_Iterator #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ // EOF