#include "Callback.h" #include "RT_Class.h" #include "ORB_Holder.h" #include "Servant_var.h" #include "RIR_Narrow.h" #include "RTServer_Setup.h" #include "Client_Options.h" #include "Implicit_Deactivator.h" #include "Shutdown.h" #include "ORB_Task.h" #include "ORB_Task_Activator.h" #include "tao/PortableServer/PortableServer.h" #include "tao/RTPortableServer/RTPortableServer.h" #include "tao/Strategies/advanced_resource.h" #include "tao/Messaging/Messaging.h" #include "ace/Auto_Functor.h" #include "ace/Auto_Ptr.h" #include "ace/High_Res_Timer.h" #include "ace/Basic_Stats.h" #include "ace/Stats.h" #include "ace/Task.h" #include "ace/Barrier.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_unistd.h" class Roundtrip_Task : public ACE_Task_Base { public: Roundtrip_Task (Test::Session_Factory_ptr session_factory, ACE_Barrier *the_barrier) : session_factory_ (Test::Session_Factory::_duplicate (session_factory)) , the_barrier_ (the_barrier) { } virtual void run_test (void) = 0; virtual int svc (void) { this->the_barrier_->wait (); try { this->run_test (); } catch (const CORBA::Exception&) { } ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) done...\n")); return 0; } protected: Test::Session_Factory_var session_factory_; ACE_Barrier *the_barrier_; }; class High_Priority_Task : public Roundtrip_Task { public: High_Priority_Task (Test::Session_Factory_ptr session_factory, ACE_Barrier *the_barrier, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, int iterations, int period_in_usecs) : Roundtrip_Task (session_factory, the_barrier) , callback (new Callback (iterations, poa)) , iterations_ (iterations) , period_in_usecs_ (period_in_usecs) { } virtual void run_test (void) { Test::Callback_var cb = callback->_this (); Implicit_Deactivator deactivator (callback); Test::Session_var session = this->session_factory_->create_new_session (cb.in ()); ACE_Utils::Auto_Functor > auto_shutdown (session.in ()); for (int i = 0; i != this->iterations_; ++i) { if ((i + 1) % 1000 == 0) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) - Thread has sent %d messages @ %T\n", i + 1)); } ACE_Time_Value period (0, this->period_in_usecs_); ACE_OS::sleep (period); try{ ACE_hrtime_t start = ACE_OS::gethrtime (); (void) session->sample (start); } catch (const CORBA::Exception&) { } } } Servant_var callback; private: int iterations_; int period_in_usecs_; }; class Low_Priority_Task : public Roundtrip_Task { public: Low_Priority_Task (Test::Session_Factory_ptr session_factory, ACE_Barrier *the_barrier, PortableServer::POA_ptr poa, int period_in_usecs) : Roundtrip_Task (session_factory, the_barrier) , callback (new Callback (1, poa)) , stopped_ (0) , period_in_usecs_ (period_in_usecs) { } void stop (void) { ACE_GUARD (TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX, ace_mon, this->mutex_); this->stopped_ = 1; } virtual void run_test (void) { Test::Callback_var cb = callback->_this (); Implicit_Deactivator deactivator (callback); Test::Session_var session = this->session_factory_->create_new_session (cb.in ()); ACE_Utils::Auto_Functor > auto_shutdown (session.in ()); for (;;) { ACE_Time_Value period (0, this->period_in_usecs_); ACE_OS::sleep (period); { ACE_GUARD (TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX, ace_mon, this->mutex_); if (this->stopped_) return; } try{ CORBA::ULongLong dummy = 0; (void) session->sample (dummy); } catch (const CORBA::Exception&) { } } } private: TAO_SYNCH_MUTEX mutex_; Servant_var callback; int stopped_; int period_in_usecs_; }; int ACE_TMAIN (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]) { /// Move the test to the real-time class if it is possible. RT_Class rt_class; try { ORB_Holder orb (argc, argv, ""); Client_Options options (argc, argv); if (argc != 1) { ACE_ERROR_RETURN ((LM_ERROR, "Usage: %s " "-i iterations (iterations) " "-h high_priority_period (usecs) " "-l low_priority_period (usecs) " "-w high_priority_workload (usecs) " "-v low_priority_workload (usecs) " "-r (enable RT-CORBA) " "-n nthreads (low priority thread) " "-d (dump history) " "-z (disable low priority) " "\n", argv [0]), 1); } RTServer_Setup rtserver_setup (options.use_rt_corba, orb, rt_class, options.nthreads); PortableServer::POA_var root_poa = RIR_Narrow::resolve (orb, "RootPOA"); PortableServer::POAManager_var poa_manager = root_poa->the_POAManager (); poa_manager->activate (); PortableServer::POA_var the_poa (rtserver_setup.poa ()); ORB_Task orb_task (orb); ORB_Task_Activator orb_task_activator (rt_class.priority_high (), rt_class.thr_sched_class (), options.nthreads, &orb_task); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Finished ORB and POA configuration\n")); CORBA::Object_var object = orb->string_to_object (options.ior); Test::Session_Factory_var session_factory = Test::Session_Factory::_narrow (object.in ()); CORBA::PolicyList_var inconsistent_policies; (void) session_factory->_validate_connection (inconsistent_policies); int thread_count = 1 + options.nthreads; ACE_Barrier the_barrier (thread_count); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Calibrating high res timer ....")); ACE_High_Res_Timer::calibrate (); ACE_High_Res_Timer::global_scale_factor_type gsf = ACE_High_Res_Timer::global_scale_factor (); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Done (%d)\n", gsf)); int per_thread_period = options.low_priority_period; if (options.global_low_priority_rate) per_thread_period = options.low_priority_period * options.nthreads; Low_Priority_Task low_priority (session_factory.in (), &the_barrier, the_poa.in (), per_thread_period); low_priority.activate (rt_class.thr_sched_class () | THR_NEW_LWP | THR_JOINABLE, options.nthreads, 1, rt_class.priority_low ()); High_Priority_Task high_priority (session_factory.in (), &the_barrier, the_poa.in (), options.iterations, options.high_priority_period); high_priority.activate (rt_class.thr_sched_class () | THR_NEW_LWP | THR_JOINABLE, 1, 1, rt_class.priority_low ()); high_priority.wait (); low_priority.stop (); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) client - high prio task joined\n")); ACE_Sample_History &history = high_priority.callback->sample_history (); if (options.dump_history) { history.dump_samples (ACE_TEXT("HISTORY"), gsf); } ACE_Basic_Stats high_priority_stats; history.collect_basic_stats (high_priority_stats); high_priority_stats.dump_results (ACE_TEXT("High Priority"), gsf); low_priority.wait (); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) client - all task(s) joined\n")); session_factory->shutdown (); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "(%P|%t) client - starting cleanup\n")); } catch (const CORBA::Exception& ex) { ex._tao_print_exception ("Exception caught:"); return 1; } return 0; }