/* $Id$ */ /* * Copyright (c) 1992 The Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its * documentation for any purpose, without fee, and without written agreement is * hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and the following * two paragraphs appear in all copies of this software. * * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY FOR * DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE AND ITS DOCUMENTATION, EVEN IF THE UNIVERSITY OF * CALIFORNIA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY * AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE PROVIDED HEREUNDER IS * ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA HAS NO OBLIGATION TO * PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. */ #include #include #include "video.h" #include "proto.h" #include "dither.h" #include "ace/OS.h" ACE_RCSID(mpeg_client, fs2fast, "$Id$") /* Arrays containing error values for floyd-steinberg dithering. */ static int deltay[256]; static int deltau[256]; static int deltav[256]; static int deltay2[256]; static int deltau2[256]; static int deltav2[256]; /* Definitions governing number of bits used for luminance, cr, and cb. */ #define L_BITS 3 #define CR_BITS 2 #define CB_BITS 2 /* Masks for proper quantization of lum, cr, and cb values. */ #define L_MASK 0xe0 #define CR_MASK 0xc0 #define CB_MASK 0xc0 /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * InitFS2FastDither -- * * Initializes structures and arrays neeeded for fast implementation * of two error F-S dithering. * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * None. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ void InitFS2FastDither() { int i; int lum_num, cr_num, cb_num; for (i=0; i<256; i++) { lum_num = (i >> (8-L_BITS)); cr_num = (i >> (8-CR_BITS)); cb_num = (i >> (8-CB_BITS)); /* These arrays contain the error values propogated for each pixel value for each channel. */ deltay[i] = (i - ((int) lum_values[lum_num])) / 2; deltau[i] = (i-((int) cr_values[cr_num])) / 2; deltav[i] = (i-((int) cb_values[cb_num])) / 2; deltay2[i] = (i - ((int) lum_values[lum_num])) - deltay[i]; deltau2[i] = (i - ((int) cr_values[cr_num])) - deltau[i]; deltav2[i] = (i - ((int) cb_values[cb_num])) - deltav[i]; } } /* *-------------------------------------------------------------- * * DitherImage -- * * Dithers an image using floyd-steinberg. * Assumptions made: * 1) The color space is allocated y:cr:cb = 8:4:4 * 2) The spatial resolution of y:cr:cb is 4:1:1 * * Results: * None. * * Side effects: * None. * *-------------------------------------------------------------- */ void FS2FastDitherImage ( unsigned char *lum, unsigned char *cr, unsigned char *cb, unsigned char *out, int w, int h) { int i, j, idx, idx2; int y, u, v; int dy, du, dv; int code; static int *yerr1; static int *yerr2; static int *uerr1; static int *uerr2; static int *verr1; static int *verr2; int *ye1, *ue1, *ve1; int *ye2, *ue2, *ve2; unsigned char *o, *l, *r, *b; static int first = 1; /* If first time called, allocate error arrays. */ if (first) { first = 0; yerr1 = (int *) ACE_OS::malloc((w+5)*sizeof(int)); yerr2 = (int *) ACE_OS::malloc((w+5)*sizeof(int)); uerr1 = (int *) ACE_OS::malloc((w+5)*sizeof(int)); uerr2 = (int *) ACE_OS::malloc((w+5)*sizeof(int)); verr1 = (int *) ACE_OS::malloc((w+5)*sizeof(int)); verr2 = (int *) ACE_OS::malloc((w+5)*sizeof(int)); } /* * Init error arrays and variables. */ memset ((char *)yerr1, 0, (w+5)*sizeof(int)); memset ((char *)yerr2, 0, (w+5)*sizeof(int)); memset ((char *)uerr1, 0, (w+5)*sizeof(int)); memset ((char *)uerr2, 0, (w+5)*sizeof(int)); memset ((char *)verr1, 0, (w+5)*sizeof(int)); memset ((char *)verr2, 0, (w+5)*sizeof(int)); du = dv = dy = 0; for (j=0; j 255) y = 255; if (u < 0) u = 0; else if (u > 255) u = 255; if (v < 0) v = 0; else if (v > 255) v = 255; /* * Construct a code using: * high order 3 bits of y, * high order 2 bits of u, * high order 2 bits of v */ code = (((y & L_MASK) | ((u & CR_MASK) >> L_BITS) | (v >> (L_BITS+CR_BITS))) >> (8-(L_BITS+CR_BITS+CB_BITS))); *o++ = pixel[code]; *ye2++ = deltay[y]; *ue2++ = deltau[u]; *ve2++ = deltav[v]; dy = deltay2[y]; du = deltau2[u]; dv = deltav2[v]; /* Do right side of this pair... */ y = *l++ + dy + *ye1++; u = *r++ + du + *ue1++; v = *b++ + dv + *ve1++; if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y > 255) y = 255; if (u < 0) u = 0; else if (u > 255) u = 255; if (v < 0) v = 0; else if (v > 255) v = 255; code = (((y & L_MASK) | ((u & CR_MASK) >> L_BITS) | (v >> (L_BITS+CR_BITS))) >> (8-(L_BITS+CR_BITS+CB_BITS))); *o++ = pixel[code]; *ye2++ = deltay[y]; *ue2++ = deltau[u]; *ve2++ = deltav[v]; dy = deltay2[y]; du = deltau2[u]; dv = deltav2[v]; } ye1 = yerr1+w-1; ue1 = uerr1+w-1; ve1 = verr1+w-1; ye2 = yerr2+w-1; ue2 = uerr2+w-1; ve2 = verr2+w-1; l += w-1; o += w-1; r--; b--; dy = du = dv = 0; /* Do bottom part of row, in right to left order. */ for (i=w-1; i>0; i-=2) { /* Do right side of this pair... */ y = *l-- + dy + *ye2--; u = *r + du + *ue2--; v = *b + dv + *ve2--; if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y > 255) y = 255; if (u < 0) u = 0; else if (u > 255) u = 255; if (v < 0) v = 0; else if (v > 255) v = 255; /* * Construct a code using: * high order 3 bits of y, * high order 2 bits of u, * high order 2 bits of v */ code = (((y & L_MASK) | ((u & CR_MASK) >> L_BITS) | (v >> (L_BITS+CR_BITS))) >> (8-(L_BITS+CR_BITS+CB_BITS))); *o-- = pixel[code]; *ye1-- = deltay[y]; *ue1-- = deltau[u]; *ve1-- = deltav[v]; dy = deltay2[y]; du = deltau2[u]; dv = deltav2[v]; /* Do left side of this pair... */ y = *l-- + dy + *ye2--; u = *r-- + du + *ue2--; v = *b-- + dv + *ve2--; if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y > 255) y = 255; if (u < 0) u = 0; else if (u > 255) u = 255; if (v < 0) v = 0; else if (v > 255) v = 255; code = (((y & L_MASK) | ((u & CR_MASK) >> L_BITS) | (v >> (L_BITS+CR_BITS))) >> (8-(L_BITS+CR_BITS+CB_BITS))); *o-- = pixel[code]; *ye1-- = deltay[y]; *ue1-- = deltau[u]; *ve1-- = deltav[v]; dy = deltay2[y]; du = deltau2[u]; dv = deltav2[v]; } } }