/* $Id$ */ /* Copyright (c) 1994 The Geometry Center; University of Minnesota 1300 South Second Street; Minneapolis, MN 55454, USA; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it only under the the terms of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE which should be included along with thisw file. This software may be obtained via anonymous ftp from geom.umn.edu; email: software@geom.umn.edu. */ /* Author: Daeron Meyer */ #include "mibload.h" #include "mibwidgets.h" extern Display *dpy; extern GC mib_gc; /* Code for RadioBox */ /*****************************************************************************/ mib_Widget *mib_create_RadioBox(mib_Widget *parent, char *name, char *label, int posx, int posy, int width, int height, int mib_fill) { mib_Widget *temp; mib_RadioBox *myres; Widget wtemp; unsigned char *label_text; char label_temp[50]; Arg args[20]; int n; /* create the new widget and add it to the tree */ temp = mib_new_mib_Widget(); if (mib_fill == WDEFAULT) mib_add_backward(temp, parent); else mib_add_mib_Widget(temp, parent); myres = (mib_RadioBox *)ACE_OS::malloc(sizeof(mib_RadioBox)); /* initialize public resources */ if (mib_fill == WDEFAULT) { temp->name = (char *)ACE_OS::malloc(strlen(name)+1); strcpy(temp->name,name); } temp->mib_class = (char *)ACE_OS::malloc(9); sprintf(temp->mib_class,"RadioBox"); temp->mib_class_num = MIB_RADIOBOX; temp->width = width; temp->height = height; temp->topOffset = posy; temp->leftOffset = posx; temp->bottomOffset = 0; temp->rightOffset = 0; temp->topAttachment = 1; temp->leftAttachment = 1; temp->bottomAttachment = 0; temp->rightAttachment = 0; temp->mib_allowresize = 0; /* initialize private resources */ temp->myres = (void *)myres; myres->numlabel = 0; if (mib_fill == WDEFAULT) { myres->numlabel = 2; myres->labels = (char **)ACE_OS::malloc(10); myres->buttons = (Widget *)ACE_OS::malloc(sizeof(Widget) * myres->numlabel); sprintf(label_temp, "Radio 1"); myres->labels[0] = (char *)ACE_OS::malloc(strlen(label_temp)+1); strcpy(myres->labels[0],label_temp); sprintf(label_temp, "Radio 2"); myres->labels[1] = (char *)ACE_OS::malloc(strlen(label_temp)+1); strcpy(myres->labels[1],label_temp); } /* create Xt widget */ n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNrubberPositioning, False); n++; if (mib_fill == WDEFAULT) { XtSetArg (args[n], XmNleftAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNleftOffset, posx);n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNtopAttachment, XmATTACH_FORM); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNtopOffset, posy);n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNwidth, width); n++; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNheight, height); n++; } XtSetArg (args[n], XmNhighlightThickness, 0); n++; temp->me = XmCreateRadioBox(temp->parent->me, "Radio", args, n); wtemp = temp->me; if (mib_fill == WDEFAULT) { n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNhighlightThickness, 0); n++; XtCreateManagedWidget("Radio 1", xmToggleButtonGadgetClass, wtemp, args, n); n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNhighlightThickness, 0); n++; XtCreateManagedWidget("Radio 2", xmToggleButtonGadgetClass, wtemp, args, n); } XtManageChild(wtemp); if (mib_fill == WEDIT || mib_fill == WDEFAULT) { mib_apply_eventhandlers(temp->me, temp); } return temp; } void mib_delete_RadioBox(mib_Widget *thisw) { mib_RadioBox *temp = (mib_RadioBox *)thisw->myres; int count; for (count=0; count < temp->numlabel; count++) ACE_OS::free(temp->labels[count]); ACE_OS::free(temp); } void mib_save_RadioBox(mib_Widget *thisw, FILE *fout) { mib_RadioBox *temp = (mib_RadioBox *)thisw->myres; int count; fprintf(fout,"numlabel: %d\\n\\\n", temp->numlabel); for (count=0; count < temp->numlabel; count++) { fprintf(fout,"label: \\\"%s\\\"\\n\\\n", temp->labels[count]); } } int mib_load_RadioBox(mib_Widget *thisw, mib_Buffer *fin) { char res[MI_MAXSTRLEN]; char val[MI_MAXSTRLEN]; int count, vallen, n; Arg args[5]; mib_RadioBox *myres; myres = (mib_RadioBox *)thisw->myres; if (!mib_read_line(fin, res, val)) return 0; if (!strcmp(res,"numlabel")) { myres->numlabel = 0; sscanf(val,"%d",&(myres->numlabel)); if (!(myres->numlabel)) return 0; myres->labels = (char **)ACE_OS::malloc((myres->numlabel+1)*4); myres->buttons = (Widget *)ACE_OS::malloc(sizeof(Widget)*(myres->numlabel)); for (count=0; count < myres->numlabel; count++) { if (!mib_read_line(fin, res, val)) return 0; vallen = strlen(val); if (vallen < 2) return 0; val[vallen-1] = '\0'; myres->labels[count] = (char *)ACE_OS::malloc(vallen-1); sprintf(myres->labels[count],"%s",&(val[1])); n = 0; XtSetArg (args[n], XmNhighlightThickness, 0); n++; myres->buttons[count] = XtCreateManagedWidget(myres->labels[count], xmToggleButtonGadgetClass, thisw->me, args, n); } } else return 0; if (!mib_read_line(fin, res, val)) return 0; if (strcmp(res,"EndWidget")) return 0; return 1; }