// // $Id$ // /// Put the interfaces in a module, to avoid global namespace pollution module Test { exception MyException {}; /// A very simple interface interface Hello { /// A method to shutdown the ORB /** * This method is used to simplify the test shutdown process */ oneway void shutdown (); // Methods for first test // The client first calls this to generate a (user) exception // which is handled in the application code void throw_exception () raises (MyException); // Starts the nested sequence - client calls... boolean call_me_back (in Hello me); // ... then the server calls this back onto the client, // which prompts the client to call... boolean call_back (); // ... this ! The server interceptor will have been recording // if any retention ID has been reused in the sequence of invocations // @return true for all different, false otherwise. boolean check_request_id (); // Method for second test. Makes the servant perform // a number of checks and then either commit suicide (to prompt a // retry on the next member of the IOGR) or to return // successfully if it has detected a regresssion. // @return the number identifying this servant with teh group unsigned long drop_down_dead (); }; };