# $Id$ This test tries to stress the Event_Service by sending events in bursts, the user can control the size of the events, the size of the burst, the number of bursts and the time between the bursts, the number of suppliers and the number of consumers. There are two versions of the test, a collocated version and a version using a remote event channel. Both versions require a Naming Service, a usual execution for the collocated test would be: # Each command in a separate shell or window: $ ../../Naming_Service/Naming_Service $ ./ECT_Throughput and for the non-collocated test: # Each command in a separate shell or window: $ ../../Naming_Service/Naming_Service $ ../../Event_Service/Event_Service $ ../../ECT_Consumer $ ../../ECT_Supplier It is important that the consumer knows exactly how many suppliers are sending events, otherwise it cannot terminate properly, a typical use would be: # Each command in a separate shell or window: $ ../../Naming_Service/Naming_Service $ ../../Event_Service/Event_Service $ ../../ECT_Consumer -s 4 $ ../../ECT_Supplier -s 4