$Id$ Goals: ------ This is the most basic test for federating Event Channels via multicast or udp. Two Event Channels participate: one sends out its events via multicast (or udp), while the second one listens for events on multicast (or udp). This test can be run with two different configurations: multicast is used for federating event channels in one and udp is used in another. The test uses ECG_Mcast_Gateway configured with Simple Address Server and Simple Mcast Handler or UDP Handler components. Description: ------------ There are three executables: event supplier, event consumer, and federation-enabled Event Channel, of which we run two instances - one for supplier and one for consumer. Supplier pushes 100 events to its Event Channel while the consumer waits for events from its EC. Once the consumer receives 100 events it expects, it destroys its EC and exits. Command-line Options: --------------------- Consumer: $consumer -ORBInitRef Event_Service= Supplier: $supplier -ORBInitRef Event_Service= Mcast-equipped EC: $gateway_ec -ORBsvcconf -i where is the name of the file to which the ior of the Event Channel will be printed is a service conf file used to configure the Event Channel and the multicast components. See consumer-ec.conf or supplier-ec.conf for examples, or $TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Event/ECG_Mcast_Gateway.h for all valid multicast configuration options. To run: ------- Automagically (runs all executables, processes output): $ run_test.pl Manually: Multicast Federation test $gateway-ec -ORBsvcconf consumer-ec.conf -i consumer-ec.ior $consumer -ORBInitRef Event_Service=file://consumer-ec.ior $gateway-ec -ORBsvcconf supplier-ec.conf -i supplier-ec.ior $supplier -ORBInitRef Event_Service=file://supplier-ec.ior UDP Federation test $gateway-ec -ORBsvcconf udp-consumer-ec.conf -i consumer-ec.ior $consumer -ORBInitRef Event_Service=file://consumer-ec.ior $gateway-ec -ORBsvcconf udp-supplier-ec.conf -i supplier-ec.ior $supplier -ORBInitRef Event_Service=file://supplier-ec.ior