Goals: ------ The goal of this test is to verify that federation of Event Channels using multicast works correctly. Unlike "Simple" and "Complex" tests, this test can have any number of Event Channels participating in the federation, and each participating Event Channel has a full duplex multicast communication, i.e., both sends and receives events via multicast. Description: ------------ There are two executables: federation-enabled Event Channel an application, which acts both as EC consumer and supplier. Any number of EC/application executable pairs can be started for running the test. Each application subscribes with its EC for heartbeat events, and, while listening, also pushes (at regular intervals) 50 heartbeat events to its EC. Each heartbeat event contains info identifying its source (hostname + process id). Applications keep track of all the heartbeat events they receive, and print out the summary before shutting down. Command-line Options: --------------------- Application: $application -ORBInitRef Event_Service= [-d] where -d indicates that the application will destroy its Event Channel before exiting. If each application has its own private Event Channel, each should use this flag, to have all executables terminate automatically. If more than one application is using the same Event Channel, then only one of those applications should use "-d" option. Mcast-equipped EC: $gateway_ec -ORBsvcconf -i where is the name of the file to which the ior of the Event Channel will be printed is a service conf file used to configure the Event Channel and the multicast components. See consumer-ec.conf or supplier-ec.conf for examples, or $TAO_ROOT/orbsvcs/orbsvcs/Event/ECG_Mcast_Gateway.h for all valid multicast configuration options. To run: ------- Automagically (runs three EC/application pairs): $ run_test.pl Manually: As many times as desired (using a different ior file name each time) do $gateway-ec -ORBsvcconf gateway.conf -i ec.ior $application -ORBInitRef Event_Service=file://ec.ior -d