eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # $Id$ # -*- perl -*- # Purpose: # To test the FaultNotifier # # Command line options: # --debug_build use exes from this directory # if not specified use exes from ./release # -v display test progress messages (repeating option increases verbosity # # Process being tested: # Fault_Notifier # implements FaultNotifier interface. # Processes used in test: # FT_Replica # implements TestReplica interface. # implements PullMonitorable. # Fault_Detector # implements FaultDetectorFactory interface # implements PullMonitorable interface # FT_Client # client for TestReplica interface. # client for PullMonitorable. # StubAnalyzer # Subscribes to Fault_Notfier # # Test Scenario (***Test: marks behavior being tested): # Start two FT_Replicas # FT_Replicas write TestReplica IORs (FR#1 and FR#2) to files # Start the Fault_Detector # Fault_Detector writes its IOR (FDF) to a file # Start the Fault_Notifier # Fault_Notifier writes its IOR (FN) to a file. # Start the StubAnalyzer giving it IORS: FR#1, FR#2 FDF, FN # StubAnalyzer calls FDF to create a FaultDetector # for each Replica. # StubAnalyzer subscribes to Fault_Notifier # StubAnalyzer writes dummy message(READY) to a file. # Wait for READY # Start FT_Client giving it IORS: FR#1 and FR#2. # FT_Client interacts with FR#1. # FT_Client asks FR#1 to fault. It does so. # FT_Client notices fault and switches to FR#2. # FD#1 notices fault and notifies Fault_Notifier # FD#1 terminates # ***Test: Fault_Notifier forwards notification to StubAnalyzer # StubAnalyzer prints notification. # FT_Client interacts with FR#2. # FT_Client asks FR#2 to shut down. # FT_Client shuts down. # FD#2 notices FR2 is gone, interprets this # as a fault, and sends notification to Fault_Notifier # FD#2 terminates. # ***Test: Fault_Notifier forwards notification to StubAnalyzer # StubAnalyzer prints notification. # Shutting down. # All FaultDetectors have terminated so the FaultDetectorFactory # honors the "quit-on-idle" option on it's command line and exits. # StubAnalyzer compares # fault notifications to # replicas. When # they match, it knows that the test is over, so it shuts down. # As it does so, it disconnects its fault consumers from the FaultNotifier. # FaultNotifier notices the last fault consumer disconnecting and exits because # the "quit-on-idle" option was specified on the command line. # Housekeeping # Wait for all processes to terminate. # Check termination status. # Delete temp files. # use lib '../../../../bin'; #use lib '$ENV{ACE_ROOT}/bin'; use PerlACE::Run_Test; ######################## #command line options #set defaults: my($verbose) = 0; # 1: report perl actions before executing them my($debug_builds) = 0; # 0: use exes from Release directories foreach $i (@ARGV) { if ($i eq "--debug_build") { $debug_builds = 1; } elsif ($i eq "-v") { $verbose += 1; } } my($build_directory) = "/Release"; if ( $debug_builds ) { $build_directory = ""; } if ( $verbose > 1) { print "verbose: $verbose\n"; print "debug_builds: $debug_builds -> $build_directory\n"; } #define temp files my($factory1_ior) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("factory1.ior"); my($factory2_ior) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("factory2.ior"); my($replica1_ior) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("replica1.ior"); my($replica2_ior) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("replica2.ior"); my($detector_ior) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("detector.ior"); my($notifier_ior) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("notifier.ior"); my($ready_file) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("ready.file"); my($client_data) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("persistent.dat"); #discard junk from previous tests unlink $factory1_ior; unlink $factory2_ior; unlink $replica1_ior; unlink $replica2_ior; unlink $detector_ior; unlink $notifier_ior; unlink $ready_file; unlink $client_data; my($status) = 0; my($REP1) = new PerlACE::Process (".$build_directory/ft_replica", "-o $factory1_ior -f none -t $replica1_ior -l loc1 -i type1 -q"); my($REP2) = new PerlACE::Process (".$build_directory/ft_replica", "-o $factory2_ior -f none -t $replica2_ior -l loc2 -i type1 -q"); my($DET) = new PerlACE::Process ("$ENV{'TAO_ROOT'}/orbsvcs/Fault_Detector$build_directory/Fault_Detector", "-r -o $detector_ior -q"); my($NOT) = new PerlACE::Process ("$ENV{'TAO_ROOT'}/orbsvcs/Fault_Notifier$build_directory/Fault_Notifier", "-r -o $notifier_ior -q"); my($ANA) = new PerlACE::Process (".$build_directory/ft_analyzer", "-o $ready_file -n file://$notifier_ior -d file://$detector_ior -r file://$replica1_ior -r file://$replica2_ior -q"); my($CL) = new PerlACE::Process (".$build_directory/ft_client", "-f file://$replica1_ior -f file://$replica2_ior -c testscript"); print "TEST: starting replica1 " . $REP1->CommandLine . "\n" if ($verbose); $REP1->Spawn (); print "TEST: waiting for replica 1's IOR\n" if ($verbose); if (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($replica1_ior, 5) == -1) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: cannot find file <$replica1_ior>\n"; $REP1->Kill (); $REP1->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } print "\nTEST: starting replica2 " . $REP2->CommandLine . "\n" if ($verbose); $REP2->Spawn (); print "TEST: waiting for replica 2's IOR\n" if ($verbose); if (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($replica2_ior, 5) == -1) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: cannot find file <$replica2_ior>\n"; $REP1->Kill (); $REP1->TimedWait (1); $REP2->Kill (); $REP2->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } print "\nTEST: starting detector factory " . $DET->CommandLine . "\n" if ($verbose); $DET->Spawn (); print "TEST: waiting for detector's IOR\n" if ($verbose); if (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($detector_ior, 5) == -1) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: cannot find file <$detector_ior>\n"; $REP1->Kill (); $REP1->TimedWait (1); $REP2->Kill (); $REP2->TimedWait (1); $DET->Kill (); $DET2->TimedWait(1); exit 1; } print "\nTEST: starting notifier " . $NOT->CommandLine . "\n" if ($verbose); $NOT->Spawn (); print "TEST: waiting for notifier's IOR\n" if ($verbose); if (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($notifier_ior, 5) == -1) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: cannot find file <$notifier_ior>\n"; $REP1->Kill (); $REP1->TimedWait (1); $REP2->Kill (); $REP2->TimedWait (1); $DET->Kill (); $DET2->TimedWait(1); $ANA->Kill (); $ANA->TimedWait(1); exit 1; } print "\nTEST: starting analyzer " . $ANA->CommandLine . "\n" if ($verbose); $ANA->Spawn (); print "TEST: waiting for READY.FILE from analyzer\n" if ($verbose); if (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($ready_file, 5) == -1) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: cannot find file <$ready_file>\n"; $REP1->Kill (); $REP1->TimedWait (1); $REP2->Kill (); $REP2->TimedWait (1); $DET->Kill (); $DET2->TimedWait(1); $NOT->Kill (); $NOT->TimedWait(1); $ANA->Kill (); $ANA->TimedWait(1); exit 1; } print "\nTEST: starting client " . $CL->CommandLine . "\n" if ($verbose); $client = $CL->SpawnWaitKill (60); if ($client != 0) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: client returned $client\n"; $status = 1; } print "\nTEST: wait for replica 1.\n" if ($verbose); $replica1 = $REP1->WaitKill (5); if ($replica1 != 0) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: replica returned $replica1\n"; $status = 1; } print "\nTEST: wait for replica 2.\n" if ($verbose); $replica2 = $REP2->WaitKill (5); if ($replica2 != 0) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: replica returned $replica2\n"; $status = 1; } print "\nTEST: wait for detector factory to leave.\n" if ($verbose); $detector = $DET->WaitKill (20); if ($detector != 0) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: detector returned $detector\n"; $status = 1; } print "\nTEST: wait for notifier to leave.\n" if ($verbose); $notifier = $NOT->WaitKill (20); if ($notifier != 0) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: notifier returned $notifier\n"; $status = 1; } print "\nTEST: wait for analyzer to leave.\n" if ($verbose); $analyzer = $ANA->WaitKill (20); if ($analyzer != 0) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: analyzer returned $analyzer\n"; $status = 1; } print "\nTEST: releasing scratch files.\n" if ($verbose); unlink $replica1_ior; unlink $replica2_ior; unlink $detector_ior; unlink $notifier_ior; unlink $ready_file; #client's work file unlink $client_data; exit $status;