eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # $Id$ # -*- perl -*- # Purpose: # To test the FactoryRegistry as a component of ReplicationManager # # Process being tested: # FT_ReplicationManager # implements PortableGroup::FactoryRegistry interface. # Processes used in test: # FT_Replica * 3 # implements GenericFactory interface to create TestReplicas # TestReplica implements TestReplica interface. # TestReplica implements PullMonitorable interface. # FT_Client # client for TestReplica interface. # client for PullMonitorable. # Object Group Creator # Creates groups of objects. # # Test Scenario (***Test: marks behavior being tested): # # First the test starts The ReplicationManager, # Then starts three factories. Each factory exists at a separate location. # The locations are named shire, bree, and rivendell. In a "real" system # these locations would be on separate computers. # # The factory at the shire location knows how to create hobbits. # The factory at the bree location knows how to create hobbits, elves, and humans. # The factory at rivendell can create elves. # Hobbits, elves, and humans are roles for TestReplica objects. A creation parameter # included as part of the registration information specifies which role they are playing. # # ***Test: The factories register themselves with the factory registry in the ReplicationManager. # Registration information includes: # the role, # the type of object created, # the location, # an object reference to the factory and # a set of parameters to be passed to the factory's create_object method. # # An object group creator is started and asked to create three object groups: # a group of hobbits, a group of elves; and another group of hobbits. # # ***Test: the object group creator asks the ReplicationManager::FactoryRegistry # for the set of factories that can create objects for the desired role. # Then it uses the create_object method for each factory to create the actual object. # # [temporary until IOGR's are working: The object group creator writes the # IOR's of the create objects to files -- using a file naming convention to # distinguish members of the group. It will be enhanced to assemble these # IORs into an IOGR and either write the IOGR to a file or register it with # the Naming Service.] # # The object group creator is also told to unregister all factories that create humans. # ***Test: It does so using the unregister_factory_by_role method. # # Three clients are started, one at a time. Each client is given a reference # to an object group # # [temporary until IOGRs and transparent reinvocaton work: each client is # given references to the members of the group and manages its own recovery # (client mediated fault tolerance)] # # Each client sends a few requests to first member of the object group. Eventually # this member fails and the requests are then rerouted to the second (and last) # member of the group. # # When a clients job is done, it exits and asks the remaining group member to # exit, too. # # The factories are run with the quit-on-idle option so when the last object # created at that location goes away, the factory exits. # # ***Test: As it exits the factory unregisters itself with the ReplicationManager::FactoryRegistry. # ***Test: A command line option determines whether it uses a single # unregister_factory_by_location call, or separate unregister_factory calles for # each type of object created. In this test, the shire location uses unregister_factory, # and bree and rivendell use unregister_factory_by_location. # # The factory registry is also run with the quit-on-idle option so when the last # factory unregisters itself. # The ReplicationManager is killed because it doesn't have a quit-on-idle option. use lib '../../../../bin'; #use lib '$ENV{ACE_ROOT}/bin'; use PerlACE::Run_Test; ######################## #command line options #set defaults: my($verbose) = 0; # 1: report perl actions before executing them my($debug_builds) = 0; # 0: use exes from Release directories my($simulated) = 1; # 1: use "client simulated" fault tolerance foreach $i (@ARGV) { if ($i eq "--debug_build") { $debug_builds = 1; } elsif ($i eq "--no_simulate") # reverse this once we have FT ORB support { $simulated = 0; } elsif ($i eq "-v") { $verbose += 1; } } my($build_directory) = "/Release"; if ( $debug_builds ) { $build_directory = ""; } if ( $verbose > 1) { print "verbose: $verbose\n"; print "debug_builds: $debug_builds -> $build_directory\n"; print "simulated: $simulated\n"; } my($role1) = "hobbit"; my($role2) = "elf"; my($role3) = "human"; my($location1) = "shire"; my($location2) = "bree"; my($location3) = "rivendell"; my($location4) = "rohan"; my ($rm_endpoint) = "-ORBEndpoint iiop://localhost:2833"; my ($rm_initref) = "-ORBInitRef ReplicationManager=corbaloc::localhost:2833/ReplicationManager"; #define temp files my($rm_ior) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("rm.ior"); my($factory1_ior) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("factory1.ior"); my($factory2_ior) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("factory2.ior"); my($factory3_ior) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("factory3.ior"); my($replica1_ior) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("${role1}_${location1}_0.ior"); my($replica2_ior) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("${role1}_${location2}_0.ior"); my($replica3_ior) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("${role2}_${location2}_1.ior"); my($replica4_ior) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("${role2}_${location3}_0.ior"); my($replica5_ior) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("${role1}_${location1}_1.ior"); my($replica6_ior) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("${role1}_${location2}_2.ior"); my($replica1_iogr) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("${role1}_0.iogr"); my($replica2_iogr) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("${role2}_1.iogr"); my($replica3_iogr) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("${role1}_2.iogr"); my($client_data) = PerlACE::LocalFile ("persistent.dat"); #discard junk from previous tests unlink $rm_ior; unlink $factory1_ior; unlink $factory2_ior; unlink $factory3_ior; unlink $replica1_ior; unlink $replica2_ior; unlink $replica3_ior; unlink $replica4_ior; unlink $replica5_ior; unlink $replica6_ior; unlink $replica1_iogr; unlink $replica2_iogr; unlink $client_data; my($status) = 0; my($RM) = new PerlACE::Process ("$ENV{'TAO_ROOT'}/orbsvcs/FT_ReplicationManager$build_directory/FT_ReplicationManager", "-ORBDebugLevel 0 -o $rm_ior $rm_endpoint"); my($RMC) = new PerlACE::Process (".$build_directory/replmgr_controller", "$rm_initref -x"); my($FAC1) = new PerlACE::Process (".$build_directory/ft_replica", "-o $factory1_ior $rm_initref -l $location1 -i $role1 -q"); my($FAC2) = new PerlACE::Process (".$build_directory/ft_replica", "-o $factory2_ior $rm_initref -l $location2 -i $role1 -i $role2 -i $role3 -q -u"); my($FAC3) = new PerlACE::Process (".$build_directory/ft_replica", "-o $factory3_ior $rm_initref -l $location3 -i $role2 -q -u"); my($CTR) = new PerlACE::Process (".$build_directory/ft_create", "$rm_initref -n -r $role1 -r $role2 -r $role1 -u $role3 -i"); my($CL1); my($CL2); my($CL3); if ($simulated) { print "\nTEST: Preparing Client Mediated Fault Tolerance test.\n" if ($verbose); $CL1 = new PerlACE::Process (".$build_directory/ft_client", "-f file://$replica1_ior -f file://$replica2_ior -c testscript"); $CL2 = new PerlACE::Process (".$build_directory/ft_client", "-f file://$replica3_ior -f file://$replica4_ior -c testscript"); $CL3 = new PerlACE::Process (".$build_directory/ft_client", "-f file://$replica5_ior -f file://$replica6_ior -c testscript"); }else{ print "\nTEST: Preparing IOGR based test.\n" if ($verbose); $CL1 = new PerlACE::Process (".$build_directory/ft_client", "-f file://$replica1_iogr -c testscript"); $CL2 = new PerlACE::Process (".$build_directory/ft_client", "-f file://$replica2_iogr -c testscript"); $CL3 = new PerlACE::Process (".$build_directory/ft_client", "-f file://$replica3_iogr -c testscript"); } ####################### # Start ReplicationManager print "\nTEST: starting ReplicationManager " . $RM->CommandLine . "\n" if ($verbose); $RM->Spawn (); print "TEST: waiting for registry's IOR\n" if ($verbose); if (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($rm_ior, 5) == -1) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: cannot find file <$rm_ior>\n"; $RM->Kill (); $RM->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } ################# # Start Factories print "\nTEST: starting factory 1 " . $FAC1->CommandLine . "\n" if ($verbose); $FAC1->Spawn (); print "TEST: waiting for factory 1's IOR\n" if ($verbose); if (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($factory1_ior, 5) == -1) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: cannot find file <$factory1_ior>\n"; $RM->Kill (); $RM->TimedWait (1); $FAC1->Kill (); $FAC1->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } print "\nTEST: starting factory 2 " . $FAC2->CommandLine . "\n" if ($verbose); $FAC2->Spawn (); print "TEST: waiting for factory 2's IOR\n" if ($verbose); if (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($factory2_ior, 5) == -1) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: cannot find file <$factory2_ior>\n"; $FAC1->Kill (); $FAC1->TimedWait (1); $RM->Kill (); $RM->TimedWait (1); $FAC2->Kill (); $FAC2->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } print "\nTEST: starting factory 3 " . $FAC3->CommandLine . "\n" if ($verbose); $FAC3->Spawn (); print "TEST: waiting for factory 3's IOR\n" if ($verbose); if (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($factory3_ior, 5) == -1) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: cannot find file <$factory3_ior>\n"; $FAC1->Kill (); $FAC1->TimedWait (1); $FAC2->Kill (); $FAC2->TimedWait (1); $RM->Kill (); $RM->TimedWait (1); $FAC3->Kill (); $FAC3->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } ###################### # Create object groups print "\nTEST: starting object group creator " . $CTR->CommandLine . "\n" if ($verbose); $CTR->Spawn (); print "TEST: waiting for Replica IOR files from object group creator\n" if ($verbose); if (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($replica1_ior, 5) == -1){ print STDERR "TEST ERROR: cannot find file <$replica1_ior>\n"; $status = 1; } elsif (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($replica2_ior, 5) == -1){ print STDERR "TEST ERROR: cannot find file <$replica2_ior> \n"; $status = 1; } elsif (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($replica3_ior, 5) == -1){ print STDERR "TEST ERROR: cannot find file <$replica3_ior> \n"; $status = 1; } elsif (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($replica4_ior, 5) == -1){ print STDERR "TEST ERROR: cannot find file <$replica4_ior> \n"; $status = 1; } elsif (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($replica5_ior, 5) == -1){ print STDERR "TEST ERROR: cannot find file <$replica5_ior> \n"; $status = 1; } elsif (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($replica6_ior, 5) == -1){ print STDERR "TEST ERROR: cannot find file <$replica6_ior> \n"; $status = 1; } if($status != 0){ $FAC3->Kill (); $FAC3->TimedWait (1); $FAC2->Kill (); $FAC2->TimedWait (1); $FAC1->Kill (); $FAC1->TimedWait (1); $RM->Kill (); $RM->TimedWait (1); $CTR->Kill (); $CTR->TimedWait(1); exit 1; } print "\nTEST: wait for object group creator.\n" if ($verbose); $config = $CTR->WaitKill (5); if ($config != 0) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: configuration manager returned $config\n"; $FAC3->Kill (); $FAC3->TimedWait (1); $FAC2->Kill (); $FAC2->TimedWait (1); $FAC1->Kill (); $FAC1->TimedWait (1); $RM->Kill (); $RM->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } ############# # Run clients print "\nTEST: starting client " . $CL1->CommandLine . "\n" if ($verbose); $client = $CL1->SpawnWaitKill (60); if ($client != 0) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: client returned $client\n"; $status = 1; } print "\nTEST: starting client again " . $CL2->CommandLine . "\n" if ($verbose); $client2 = $CL2->SpawnWaitKill (60); if ($client2 != 0) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: client returned $client2\n"; $status = 1; } print "\nTEST: starting client, one more time with feeling " . $CL3->CommandLine . "\n" if ($verbose); $client3 = $CL3->SpawnWaitKill (60); if ($client3 != 0) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: client returned $client3\n"; $status = 1; } ###################### # Clean house and exit print "\nTEST: wait for factory 1.\n" if ($verbose); $factory1 = $FAC1->WaitKill (30); if ($factory1 != 0) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: replica returned $factory 1\n"; $status = 1; } print "\nTEST: wait for factory 2.\n" if ($verbose); $factory2 = $FAC2->WaitKill (30); if ($factory2 != 0) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: factory 2 returned $factory2\n"; $status = 1; } print "\nTEST: wait for factory 3.\n" if ($verbose); $factory3 = $FAC3->WaitKill (30); if ($factory3 != 0) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: factory 3 returned $factory3\n"; $status = 1; } print "\nTEST: shutting down the replication manager.\n" if ($verbose); $controller = $RMC->SpawnWaitKill (300); if ($controller != 0) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: replication manager controller returned $controller\n"; $status = 1; } print "\nTEST: wait for ReplicationManager.\n" if ($verbose); #$RM->Kill (); $repmgr = $RM->WaitKill (30); if ($repmgr != 0) { print STDERR "TEST ERROR: ReplicationManager returned $repmgr\n"; $status = 1; } print "\nTEST: releasing scratch files.\n" if ($verbose); unlink $rm_ior; unlink $factory1_ior; unlink $factory2_ior; unlink $factory3_ior; unlink $replica1_ior; unlink $replica2_ior; unlink $replica3_ior; unlink $replica4_ior; unlink $replica5_ior; unlink $replica6_ior; unlink $replica1_iogr; unlink $replica2_iogr; unlink $client_data; exit $status;