eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # -*- perl -*- ############################################################################### use lib "$ENV{ACE_ROOT}/bin"; use PerlACE::TestTarget; $status = 0; $debug_level = 0; $no_dns = 0; $imrhost = ""; $poa_delay = 3; $shutdown_delay = 0; if ($#ARGV >= 0) { for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#ARGV; $i++) { if ($ARGV[$i] eq '-debug') { $debug_level = 10; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-no_dns') { $no_dns = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-s") { $i++; $shutdown_delay = $ARGV[$i]; } elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq "-c") { $i++; $shutdown_delay = $ARGV[$i]; } else { usage(); exit 1; } } } $tgt_num = 0; $imr = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (++$tgt_num) || die "Create target $tgt_num failed\n"; $act = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (++$tgt_num) || die "Create target $tgt_num failed\n"; $ti = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (++$tgt_num) || die "Create target $tgt_num failed\n"; $cli = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (++$tgt_num) || die "Create target $tgt_num failed\n"; $clinw = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (++$tgt_num) || die "Create target $tgt_num failed\n"; $srv = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (++$tgt_num) || die "Create target $tgt_num failed\n"; $refstyle = " -ORBobjrefstyle URL"; $imrport = 9876 + $imr->RandomPort (); $imrhost = $imr->HostName () if ($no_dns == 0); $statusfile = "TestObject.status"; $client_wait_time = 30; $imriorfile = "imr_locator.ior"; $actiorfile = "imr_activator.ior"; $actlogfile = "act.log"; $cltlogfile = "client.log"; $imrlogfile = "imr.log"; $srvlogfile = "server.log"; $tilogfile = "ti.log"; $imr_imriorfile = $imr->LocalFile ($imriorfile); $act_imriorfile = $act->LocalFile ($imriorfile); $ti_imriorfile = $ti->LocalFile ($imriorfile); $srv_imriorfile = $srv->LocalFile ($imriorfile); $act_actiorfile = $act->LocalFile ($actiorfile); $srv_statusfile = $srv->LocalFile ($statusfile); $IMR = $imr->CreateProcess ("$ENV{TAO_ROOT}/orbsvcs/ImplRepo_Service/tao_imr_locator"); $ACT = $act->CreateProcess ("$ENV{TAO_ROOT}/orbsvcs/ImplRepo_Service/tao_imr_activator"); $TI = $ti->CreateProcess ("$ENV{ACE_ROOT}/bin/tao_imr"); $CLI = $cli->CreateProcess ("client"); $CLINW = $clinw->CreateProcess ("client"); $SRV = $srv->CreateProcess ("server"); $server_cmd = $SRV->Executable(); $srv_server_cmd = $imr->LocalFile ($server_cmd); $ti_cmd_base = "-ORBInitRef ImplRepoService=file://$ti_imriorfile "; $ti_cmd_base .= "-ORBVerboseLogging 1 -ORBDebugLevel $debug_level -ORBLogfile $tilogfile " if ($debug_level > 0); $stdout_file = "test.out"; $stderr_file = "test.err"; $ti_stdout_file = $ti->LocalFile ($stdout_file); $ti_stderr_file = $ti->LocalFile ($stderr_file); sub deletefiles { my $logs_too = shift; $imr->DeleteFile ($imriorfile); $act->DeleteFile ($imriorfile); $ti->DeleteFile ($imriorfile); $srv->DeleteFile ($imriorfile); $act->DeleteFile ($actiorfile); $ti->DeleteFile ($stdout_file); $ti->DeleteFile ($stderr_file); $res = $srv->DeleteFile ($statusfile); if ($logs_too == 1) { $imr->DeleteFile ($imrlogfile); $act->DeleteFile ($actlogfile); $cli->DeleteFile ($cltlogfile); $srv->DeleteFile ($srvlogfile); $ti->DeleteFile ($tilogfile); } } # Clean up after exit call END { deletefiles (0); } sub redirect_output { open(OLDOUT, ">&", \*STDOUT) or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!"; open(OLDERR, ">&", \*STDERR) or die "Can't dup STDERR: $!"; open STDERR, '>', $ti_stderr_file; open STDOUT, '>', $ti_stdout_file; } sub restore_output { open(STDERR, ">&OLDERR") or die "Can't dup OLDERR: $!"; open(STDOUT, ">&OLDOUT") or die "Can't dup OLDOUT: $!"; } sub register_server { if ($debug_level > 0) { open (my $log, '>>', $tilogfile) or die "failed to append to $tilogfile\n"; say $log "\nregister server\n"; close $log; } my $expected = shift; my $debugarg = "-ORBVerboseLogging 1 -ORBDebugLevel $debug_level -ORBLogfile $srvlogfile" if ($debug_level > 0); my $endpointarg = "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 1 -ORBListenEndpoints iiop://" if ($no_dns == 1); $TI->Arguments ($ti_cmd_base. "add TestObject_a -c \"". $srv_server_cmd . " -ORBUseIMR 1 -p $poa_delay -s $shutdown_delay -ORBLingerTimeout 0 " . "$debugarg $endpointarg " . "-ORBInitRef ImplRepoService=file://$imr_imriorfile\""); $TI_status = $TI->SpawnWaitKill ($ti->ProcessStartWaitInterval()); if ($TI_status != $expected) { print STDERR "ERROR: tao_imr returned $TI_status\n"; $ACT->Kill (); $ACT->TimedWait (1); $IMR->Kill (); $IMR->TimedWait (1); $status = 1; } } sub act_setup { my $debugarg = "-d 2 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -ORBDebugLevel $debug_level -ORBLogfile $actlogfile " if ($debug_level > 0); my $endpointarg = "-ORBDottedDecimalAddresses 1 -ORBListenEndpoints iiop:// " if ($no_dns == 1); $ACT->Arguments ("$debugarg $endpointarg -l -delay 1500 -o $act_actiorfile ". "-ORBInitRef ImplRepoService=file://$act_imriorfile "); $ACT_status = $ACT->Spawn (); if ($ACT_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: ImR Activator returned $ACT_status\n"; return 1; } if ($act->WaitForFileTimed ($actiorfile, $act->ProcessStartWaitInterval())== -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot find file <$act_imriorfile>\n"; $ACT->Kill (); $ACT->TimedWait (1); $IMR->Kill (); $IMR->TimedWait (1); return 1; } } sub run_client { my $killit = shift; my $debugarg = "-ORBVerboseLogging 1 -ORBDebugLevel $debug_level -ORBLogfile $cltlogfile " if ($debug_level > 0); my $endpointarg = "-orbdotteddecimaladdresses 1" if ($no_dns == 1); $CLI->Arguments ("-ORBInitRef Test=corbaloc::$imrhost:$imrport/TestObject_a ". "$debugarg $endpointarg $killit"); $CLI_status = $CLI->SpawnWaitKill ($client_wait_time); if ($CLI_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: client returned $CLI_status\n"; $status = 1; } } sub start_client_no_wait { my $debugarg = "-ORBVerboseLogging 1 -ORBDebugLevel $debug_level -ORBLogfile $cltlogfile " if ($debug_level > 0); my $endpointarg = "-orbdotteddecimaladdresses 1" if ($no_dns == 1); $CLINW->Arguments ("-ORBInitRef Test=corbaloc::$imrhost:$imrport/TestObject_a ". "$debugarg $endpointarg"); $CLINW_status = $CLINW->Spawn (); if ($CLINW_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: client nw returned $CLINW_status\n"; $status = 1; } } sub shutdown_server { if ($debug_level > 0) { open (my $log, '>>', $tilogfile) or die "failed to append to $tilogfile\n"; say $log "\nshutdown server\n"; close $log; } # Shutting down any server object within the server will shutdown the whole server $TI->Arguments ($ti_cmd_base . "shutdown TestObject_a" ); $TI_status = $TI->SpawnWaitKill ($ti->ProcessStartWaitInterval()); if ($TI_status != 0 && $TI_status != 5) { print STDERR "ERROR: tao_imr shutdown returned $TI_status\n"; $status = 1; } } sub manual_start_server { if ($debug_level > 0) { open (my $log, '>>', $tilogfile) or die "failed to append to $tilogfile\n"; say $log "\nmanual start server\n"; close $log; } # Shutting down any server object within the server will shutdown the whole server $TI->Arguments ($ti_cmd_base . "start TestObject_a" ); $TI_status = $TI->SpawnWaitKill ($ti->ProcessStartWaitInterval()); if ($TI_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: tao_imr start returned $TI_status\n"; $status = 1; } } sub validate_servers { open FILE, "<$statusfile"; @pids = ; $count = scalar @pids; print "$statusfile has $count lines\n"; if ($count != 2) { print STDERR "ERROR: expected 2 server pids, got $count\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { kill $pids[$i]; } } close FILE; return $count != 2; } sub double_server_test { print "Running slow servers errant duplicate test\n"; my $debugarg = "-d 10 -ORBVerboseLogging 1 -ORBDebugLevel $debug_level -ORBLogfile $imrlogfile " if ($debug_level > 0); my $endpointarg = "-orbdotteddecimaladdresses 1" if ($no_dns == 1); my $result = 0; my $start_time = time(); $IMR->Arguments ("$debugarg -v 800 -o $imr_imriorfile $endpointarg -ORBListenEndpoints iiop://$imrhost:$imrport"); ##### Start ImplRepo ##### $IMR_status = $IMR->Spawn (); if ($IMR_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: ImplRepo Service returned $IMR_status\n"; return 1; } if ($imr->WaitForFileTimed ($imriorfile, $imr->ProcessStartWaitInterval()) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot find file <$imr_imriorfile>\n"; $IMR->Kill (); $IMR->TimedWait (1); return 1; } if ($imr->GetFile ($imriorfile) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot retrieve file <$imr_imriorfile>\n"; $IMR->Kill (); $IMR->TimedWait (1); return 1; } if ($act->PutFile ($imriorfile) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot set file <$act_imriorfile>\n"; $IMR->Kill (); $IMR->TimedWait (1); return 1; } if ($ti->PutFile ($imriorfile) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot set file <$ti_imriorfile>\n"; $IMR->Kill (); $IMR->TimedWait (1); return 1; } if ($srv->PutFile ($imriorfile) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot set file <$srv_imriorfile>\n"; $IMR->Kill (); $IMR->TimedWait (1); return 1; } print "Start activator\n"; act_setup(); print "Register server\n"; register_server(0); if ($status != 0) { return 1; } print "Manual start\n"; manual_start_server(); if ($status == 0) { if ($shutdown_delay = 0) { print "Initial client request to kill server\n"; run_client ("-k"); } else { print "Initial client request to shutdown server\n"; run_client ("-s"); } sleep (1); print "Second client request to reactivate server \n"; start_client_no_wait (); print "Second shutdown of server\n"; shutdown_server (); print "manual start\n"; manual_start_server(); print "Third client request should just work \n"; run_client (""); print "delay before shutdown\n"; sleep (5); print "final shutdown\n"; shutdown_server (); my $CLINW_status = $CLINW->TerminateWaitKill ($clinw->ProcessStopWaitInterval()); if ($CLINW_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: no-wait client returned $CLINW_status\n"; $status = 1; } } my $ACT_status = $ACT->TerminateWaitKill ($act->ProcessStopWaitInterval()); if ($ACT_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: IMR Activator returned $ACT_status\n"; $status = 1; } my $IMR_status = $IMR->TerminateWaitKill ($imr->ProcessStopWaitInterval()); if ($IMR_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: IMR returned $IMR_status\n"; $status = 1; } $status = validate_servers(); my $test_time = time() - $start_time; print "\nFinished. The test took $test_time seconds.\n"; return $status; } sub usage() { print "Usage: run_test.pl ". "[-debug]\n"; } ############################################################################### ############################################################################### deletefiles (1); my $ret = double_server_test(); exit $ret;