/** @page McastLocal Test README File This test is a copy of the McastHello test but modified so that the servers are listening only on the loopback interface (via the "-ORBListenerInterface *=" in the svc_server1.conf for server1 and the "-ORBListenerInterface CopyPreferredInterfaces" in the svc_server2.conf and the server2's otherwise redundant command line "-ORBPreferredInterface *=" orb_init parameter). The client has also been modified to send the broadcast out on the loopback interface (via its "-ORBPreferredInterface *=" orb_init parameter). This is testing that these configuartion options are correctly working for MIOP. *********************************** Some other systems (MacOS) also have problems with loopback multicasting issuing errno such as "Network/address unreachable" for each send. This test should be disabled on such systems. There is a !NO_LOOPBACK_MCAST config item in TAO/bin/tao_other_tests.lst to cater for this. **/