eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # $Id$ # -*- perl -*- use lib "../../../../../bin"; use PerlACE::Run_Test; $ior = PerlACE::LocalFile ("supplier.ior"); $notifyior = PerlACE::LocalFile ("notify.ior"); $notify_conf = PerlACE::LocalFile ("notify$PerlACE::svcconf_ext"); $status = 0; $port = PerlACE::uniqueid () + 10005; $NS = new PerlACE::Process ("../../../Naming_Service/Naming_Service", "-ORBEndpoint iiop://localhost:$port"); $TS = new PerlACE::Process ("../../../Notify_Service/Notify_Service", "-ORBInitRef NameService=iioploc://" . "localhost:$port/NameService " . "-IORoutput $notifyior -ORBSvcConf " . "$notify_conf" ); $STS = new PerlACE::Process ("Structured_Supplier"); $STC = new PerlACE::Process ("Structured_Consumer"); $args = " -ORBInitRef NameService=iioploc://localhost:$port/NameService "; $cargs = "-n90 -c2 "; $sfilter = "-s "; $filter = "-f "; @ops = ("-oAND_OP ", "-oOR_OP "); $heading = "*************** Running AND_OP Test ****************\n"; foreach $ops (@ops) { if ($ops eq "-oOR_OP ") { $heading = "\n\n*************** Running OR_OP Test ****************\n"; } print $heading; print "\n********** Running Structured_Supplier Test\n\n"; # Start Naming Service $NS->Spawn (); $TS->Spawn (); sleep 2; $STS->Arguments($filter . $ops . $args); $STS->Spawn (); if (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($ior, 20) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: waiting for the supplier to start\n"; $STS->Kill (); $TS->Kill (); $NS->Kill (); $status = 1; } sleep 2; $STC->Arguments($cargs . $sfilter . $ops . $args); $client = $STC->SpawnWaitKill(60); $STS->Kill(); if ($client !=0) { print STDERR "ERROR: Structured_Consumer did not run properly\n"; $status = 1 } $TS->Kill (); $NS->Kill (); unlink $ior; unlink $notifyior; ################# print "\n********** Running Structured_Consumer Test\n\n"; # Start Naming Service $NS->Spawn (); $TS->Spawn (); sleep 2; $STS->Arguments($args); $STS->Spawn (); if (PerlACE::waitforfile_timed ($ior, 20) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: waiting for the supplier to start\n"; $STS->Kill (); $TS->Kill (); $NS->Kill (); $status = 1; } sleep 2; $STC->Arguments($cargs . $filter . $ops . $args); $client = $STC->SpawnWaitKill(60); $STS->Kill(); if ($client !=0) { print STDERR "ERROR: Structured_Consumer did not run properly\n"; $status = 1 } $TS->Kill (); $NS->Kill (); unlink $ior; unlink $notifyior; } exit $status;