eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # -*- perl -*- use lib "$ENV{ACE_ROOT}/bin"; use PerlACE::TestTarget; $status = 0; $debug_level = '0'; foreach $i (@ARGV) { if ($i eq '-debug') { $debug_level = '10'; } } my $ns = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (1) || die "Create target 1 failed\n"; my $nfs = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (2) || die "Create target 2 failed\n"; my $sup = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (3) || die "Create target 3 failed\n"; my $con = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (4) || die "Create target 4 failed\n"; $sup->AddLibPath ('../lib'); $con->AddLibPath ('../lib'); $ns->AddLibPath ('../lib'); PerlACE::check_privilege_group(); #my $nscorbaloc = "-ORBInitRef NameService=file://$namingior"; my $supiorfile = "supplier.ior"; my $nsiorfile = "naming.ior"; my $nfsiorfile = "notify.ior"; my $ns_nsiorfile = $ns->LocalFile ($nsiorfile); my $nfs_nsiorfile = $nfs->LocalFile ($nsiorfile); my $sup_nsiorfile = $sup->LocalFile ($nsiorfile); my $con_nsiorfile = $con->LocalFile ($nsiorfile); my $nfs_nfsiorfile = $nfs->LocalFile ($nfsiorfile); my $sup_supiorfile = $sup->LocalFile ($supiorfile); my $con_supiorfile = $con->LocalFile ($supiorfile); $ns->DeleteFile ($nsiorfile); $nfs->DeleteFile ($nsiorfile); $sup->DeleteFile ($nsiorfile); $con->DeleteFile ($nsiorfile); $nfs->DeleteFile ($nfsiorfile); $sup->DeleteFile ($supiorfile); $con->DeleteFile ($supiorfile); my $NS = $ns->CreateProcess ("$ENV{TAO_ROOT}/orbsvcs/Naming_Service/tao_cosnaming", "-o $ns_nsiorfile"); my $NFS = $ns->CreateProcess ("$ENV{TAO_ROOT}/orbsvcs/Notify_Service/tao_cosnotification", "-ORBInitRef NameService=file://$nfs_nsiorfile " . "-IORoutput $nfs_nfsiorfile -Timeout 750"); my $SUP = $ns->CreateProcess("Structured_Supplier", "-ORBDebugLevel $debug_level ". "-ORBInitRef NameService=file://$sup_nsiorfile ". "-o $sup_supiorfile"); my $CON = $ns->CreateProcess("Structured_Consumer", "-ORBInitRef NameService=file://$con_nsiorfile ". "-k file://$con_supiorfile"); $NS_status = $NS->Spawn (); if ($NS_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: Name Service returned $NS_status\n"; exit 1; } if ($ns->WaitForFileTimed ($nsiorfile,$ns->ProcessStartWaitInterval()+$startup_timeout) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot find file <$ns_nsiorfile>\n"; $NS->Kill (); $NS->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } if ($ns->GetFile ($nsiorfile) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot retrieve file <$ns_nsiorfile>\n"; $NS->Kill (); $NS->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } if ($nfs->PutFile ($nsiorfile) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot set file <$nfs_nsiorfile>\n"; $NS->Kill (); $NS->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } if ($sup->PutFile ($nsiorfile) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot set file <$sup_nsiorfile>\n"; $NS->Kill (); $NS->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } if ($con->PutFile ($nsiorfile) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot set file <$con_nsiorfile>\n"; $NS->Kill (); $NS->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } $NFS_status = $NFS->Spawn (); if ($NFS_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: Notify Service returned $NFS_status\n"; exit 1; } if ($nfs->WaitForFileTimed ($nfsiorfile,$nfs->ProcessStartWaitInterval()+$startup_timeout) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot find file <$nfs_nfsiorfile>\n"; $NS->Kill (); $NS->TimedWait (1); $NFS->Kill (); $NFS->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } $SUP_status = $SUP->Spawn (); if ($SUP_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: Supplier returned $SUP_status\n"; exit 1; } if ($sup->WaitForFileTimed ($supiorfile,$sup->ProcessStartWaitInterval()+$startup_timeout) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot find file <$sup_supiorfile>\n"; $SUP->Kill (); $SUP->TimedWait (1); $NS->Kill (); $NS->TimedWait (1); $NFS->Kill (); $NFS->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } if ($sup->GetFile ($supiorfile) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot retrieve file <$sup_supiorfile>\n"; $SUP->Kill (); $SUP->TimedWait (1); $NS->Kill (); $NS->TimedWait (1); $NFS->Kill (); $NFS->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } if ($con->PutFile ($supiorfile) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot set file <$con_supiorfile>\n"; $SUP->Kill (); $SUP->TimedWait (1); $NS->Kill (); $NS->TimedWait (1); $NFS->Kill (); $NFS->TimedWait (1); exit 1; } ## Wait for the supplier to create the event channel in ## the tao_cosnotification and register it with the Name Service sleep(2); $CON_status = $CON->SpawnWaitKill ($con->ProcessStartWaitInterval()+5); if ($CON_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: Consumer returned $CON_status\n"; $status = 1; } $SUP_status = $SUP->WaitKill ($sup->ProcessStopWaitInterval()); if ($SUP_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: Supplier returned $SUP_status\n"; $status = 1; } $NFS_status = $NFS->TerminateWaitKill ($nfs->ProcessStopWaitInterval()); if ($NFS_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: Notification Service returned $NFS_status\n"; $status = 1; } $NS_status = $NS->TerminateWaitKill ($ns->ProcessStopWaitInterval()); if ($NS_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: Name Service returned $NS_status\n"; $status = 1; } $ns->DeleteFile ($nsiorfile); $nfs->DeleteFile ($nsiorfile); $sup->DeleteFile ($nsiorfile); $con->DeleteFile ($nsiorfile); $nfs->DeleteFile ($nfsiorfile); $sup->DeleteFile ($supiorfile); $con->DeleteFile ($supiorfile); exit $status;