# # $Id$ # This test verifies that the ORB's secure invocation mechanism is functioning properly. It does so by the doing the following: - Invoking a request over standard (insecure) IIOP on a target object that requires secure invocation (e.g. over SSLIOP). The client should receive a CORBA::NO_PERMISSION exception. - Invoking a request via a security mechanism, such as SSLIOP. The AccessId associated with the given request is obtained from the SecurityCurrent object, and displayed. The expected test output is the following (actual "certificate issuer" contents may differ): Activated as (1768|1628) Received CORBA::NO_PERMISSION from server, as expected. Secure_Invocation test passed. Security::SecAttribute 0 -- Certificate Issuer =============================================== /C=US/ST=CA/L=Irvine/O=UCI/OU=DOC/CN=Foo/Email=nobody@doc.ece.uci.edu Secure_Invocation test passed. Event loop finished.