// $Id$ // @(#)cubit_i.cpp 05/14/97 // Copyright 1994-1995 by Sun Microsystems Inc. // All Rights Reserved // // TEST: hand-written Cubit Implementation // // Modified version of Cubit Example written by Sun Microsystems Inc. // Modified by: Brian Mendel /************************************************************************** This file has been hand-crafted to work with the ORB API of the SUN's IIOP implementation ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _CUBIT_I_HH #define _CUBIT_I_HH #include "cubit_s.h" class Cubit_i; typedef Cubit_i *Cubit_i_ptr; typedef Cubit_i_ptr Cubit_i_ref; class Cubit_i : public Cubit_base_impl { public: Cubit_i (const char *obj_name = 0); ~Cubit_i (void); virtual CORBA::Octet cube_octet (CORBA::Octet o); virtual CORBA::Short cube_short (CORBA::Short s); virtual CORBA::Long cube_long (CORBA::Long l); virtual Cubit::Many cube_struct (const Cubit::Many &values); /* virtual Cubit::oneof *cube_union (Cubit::oneof &values, CORBA::Environment &env); */ virtual void please_exit (void); }; #endif // _CUBIT_I_HH