$Id$ This directory contains a number of tests that illustrate the performance of TAO and other ORBs. The individual directories contain READMEs on how to run the following performance tests: . Cubit This directory contains performance tests for TAO that measure the latency, jitter, CPU utilization, and priority inversion of these ORBs. . Latency This is a simple latency test, single threaded and multi-threaded clients and servers are included. . AMI_Latency A latency test for AMI requests . DII_Latency A latency test for DII requests . DSI_Latency A latency test for DSI servers . Deferred_Latency A latency test for deferred synchronous requests . Single_Threaded_Latency Latency test for single threaded applications . Thread_Pool_Latency Latency test for thread pool servers (and threaded clients) . Thread_Per_Connection_Latency Latency test for thread-per-connection servers (and threaded clients) . POA Various tests of the TAO's POA performance. . Pluggable The tests in this directory time the latency contributed by various parts of the ORB, but mostly the emphasis is on the contribution due to the pluggable protocols code. . RTCorba Tests for various (TAO-specific) real-time features. Tests for RT CORBA spec real-time features can be found in $TAO_ROOT/tests/RTCORBA. . Throughput Throughput tests (bytes per second) for TAO.