Server: Type 'server' with no args. Server outputs its IOR to the screen for a sanity check. Client: Type 'client' with one or more of the following args: -k ior -- input specific IOR. -s payload size -- size of payload if payload test is used. -p payload test -- use payload test. -t test type -- runs only one type of oneway test. -i iterations -- number of calls in each test. -l level -- selects level at which SyncScope policy is set. -m buffer size -- queue size for buffered oneways. -w servant work -- number of loops of 1000 done by servant -x -- shuts down server after testing. levels: orb -- sets SyncScope policy at the ORB level. thread -- sets SyncScope policy at the thread level. object -- sets SyncScope policy at the object level (default); test types: none -- sets SyncScope policy value to SYNC_NONE. transport -- sets SyncScope policy value to SYNC_WITH_TRANSPORT. server -- sets SyncScope policy value to SYNC_WITH_SERVER. target -- sets SyncScope policy value to SYNC_WITH_TARGET. twoway -- makes regular twoway requests. If the test type is 'none', request buffering is enabled, and a buffering constraint policy is created, based on the number of requests the queue should hold, as passed in the -m argument. If the test type is anything else, the -m argument is not used. To get reasonable results with buffered oneway requests, it's a good idea to make the number of iterations -i a multiple of the queue size -m. This will insure that there are no requests left in the queue to be sent when the tests are done with their timings. For buffered oneways, control is returned to the application as soon as the request is placed on the queue, or, if the queue is being flushed, as soon as all the requests are sent. If the test type is 'transport', the oneway requests are handled the same way they have always been handled in TAO, that is, control is returned to the application when the request is handed off to the transport (usually TCP) layer. If the test type is 'server', control is returned to the application after any servant locator is called, but before the servant executes the request. This will enable any location forwarding information to be returned to the client. If the test type is 'target', the oneway request is handled as if it were a twoway request, i.e., control is returned to the application only after the servant has executed the request. Any system exceptions that may be raised will be sent back to the client. If the test type is 'twoway', the tests will be run with standard twoways requests, in order to compare the data with the results from the various SyncScope policy values of oneway requests. The -w option sets the number of empty loops of 1000 performed by the servant. To test the advantage of SYNC_WITH_SERVER over SYNC_WITH_TARGET and twoway requests, the servant must perform some 'significant' work that a oneway request with a SyncScope policy value of SYNC_WITH_SERVER does not wait on, while the other two types of requests mentioned above do. All the above command line options except -k, -s, -p and -x may be used with the perl script If no test type is specified, the script will run each test type in turn before the server is shut down. There is also a perl script called, which facilitates testing with the client and server on different machines. To use this script, first run the server manually, then run With this script, the server will not shut down automatically. There is code in the test to set the priorities of the client and server threads to values consistent with a real time priority class on Solaris and other Unix systems. If the user is not logged in as a superuser, a message will be output that the threads are running in a timesharing priority class.