// @ (#) $Id$ // Copyright 1994-1995 by Sun Microsystems Inc. // All Rights Reserved // // ORB: Implementation of CORBA_Any // // This includes three constructors, a destructor, and a "replace" // method for the "Any" data type. "Any" values pair a pointer to a // data structure in the native binary representation (e.g. C struct) // with a TypeCode that describes that data structure. // // The copy constructor and the destructor each use the TypeCode // interpreter with specialized "visit" callback routines. The // "visit" routines are used respectively to make "deep copies" and // perform "deep frees" of the aritrary values as described by the // "Any" value's typecode. // // Note that these "visit" routines are called directly, and they // choose whether or not to use the TypeCode interpreter to examine // constituents. In the simple cases, the "visit" routines can do // their work without any further calls; only for constructed types is // the interpreter's knowledge really required. // // THREADING NOTE: "Any" is a data structure which must be protected // by external critical sections. Like simpler numeric types, "Any" // instances are accessed and modified atomically. This // implementation is reentrant, so that independent "Any" values may // be manipulated concurrently when the underlying programming // environment is itself reentrant. // #include "tao/Any.h" #include "tao/Typecode.h" #include "tao/Object.h" // The next one is only needed for sizeof(String_var) #include "tao/ORB.h" #if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__) # include "tao/Any.i" #endif /* ! __ACE_INLINE__ */ ACE_RCSID(tao, Any, "$Id$") CORBA::TypeCode_ptr CORBA_Any::type (void) const { return CORBA::TypeCode::_duplicate (this->type_); } // TAO doesn't give any guarantees if the value returned by value can be cast // to the desired type. This is a deprecated routine and its use must be // avoided. Use the >>= operators. const void * CORBA_Any::value (void) const { if (this->any_owns_data_) return this->value_; else return this->cdr_; } // Default "Any" constructor -- initializes to nulls per the // OMG C++ mapping. // NOTE: null (zero) typecode pointers are also treated as the null // typecode ... CORBA_Any::CORBA_Any (void) : type_ (CORBA::TypeCode::_duplicate (CORBA::_tc_null)), value_ (0), cdr_ (0), any_owns_data_ (0) { } // The more common "Any" constructor has its own copy of a typecode, // and either holds or "consumes" an arbitrary data value satisfying // the normal binary interface rules. CORBA_Any::CORBA_Any (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr tc, void *value, CORBA::Boolean any_owns_data) : type_ (CORBA::TypeCode::_duplicate (tc)), value_ (value), cdr_ (0), any_owns_data_ (any_owns_data) { if (this->value_ != 0) { CORBA::Environment env; TAO_OutputCDR stream; // encode the value stream.encode (this->type_, this->value_, 0, env); // retrieve the start of the message block chain and save it this->cdr_ = stream.begin ()->clone (); } } // Constructor using a message block. CORBA_Any::CORBA_Any (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr type, const ACE_Message_Block* mb) : type_ (CORBA::TypeCode::_duplicate (type)), value_ (0), cdr_ (ACE_Message_Block::duplicate (mb)), any_owns_data_ (1) { } // Copy constructor for "Any". CORBA_Any::CORBA_Any (const CORBA_Any &src) : value_ (0), cdr_ (0), any_owns_data_ (1) { if (src.type_ != 0) this->type_ = CORBA::TypeCode::_duplicate (src.type_); else this->type_ = CORBA::TypeCode::_duplicate (CORBA::_tc_null); CORBA::Environment env; // CDR stream always contains encoded object, if any holds anything at all. this->cdr_ = ACE_Message_Block::duplicate (src.cdr_); // No need to copy src's value_. We can always get that from cdr. } // assignment operator CORBA_Any & CORBA_Any::operator= (const CORBA_Any &src) { CORBA::Environment env; // check if it is a self assignment if (this == &src) return *this; // decrement the refcount on the Message_Block we hold, it does not // matter if we own the data or not, because we always own the // message block (i.e. it is always cloned or duplicated. ACE_Message_Block::release ((ACE_Message_Block *) this->cdr_); this->cdr_ = 0; // if we own any previous data, deallocate it this->free_value (env); if (this->type_ != 0) CORBA::release (this->type_); // Now copy the contents of the source to ourselves. if (src.type_ != 0) this->type_ = CORBA::TypeCode::_duplicate (src.type_); else this->type_ = CORBA::TypeCode::_duplicate (CORBA::_tc_null); this->any_owns_data_ = 1; this->cdr_ = ACE_Message_Block::duplicate (src.cdr_); // Simply duplicate the cdr string here. We can save the decode operation // if there's no need to extract the object. return *this; } // Destructor for an "Any" deep-frees memory if needed. // CORBA_Any::~CORBA_Any (void) { // decrement the refcount on the Message_Block we hold, it does not // matter if we own the data or not, because we always own the // message block (i.e. it is always cloned or duplicated. ACE_Message_Block::release (this->cdr_); this->cdr_ = 0; CORBA::Environment env; this->free_value (env); if (this->type_) CORBA::release (this->type_); } // All-at-once replacement of the contents of an "Any." void CORBA_Any::replace (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr tc, const void *value, CORBA::Boolean any_owns_data, CORBA::Environment &env) { // decrement the refcount on the Message_Block we hold, it does not // matter if we own the data or not, because we always own the // message block (i.e. it is always cloned or duplicated. ACE_Message_Block::release (this->cdr_); this->free_value (env); // Duplicate tc and then release this->type_, just in case tc and // type_ are the same thing. CORBA::TypeCode_ptr tmp = CORBA::TypeCode::_duplicate (tc); CORBA::release (this->type_); this->type_ = tmp; this->value_ = ACE_const_cast(void *, value); this->any_owns_data_ = any_owns_data; this->cdr_ = 0; // NW: I think an Any should alway owns the CDR stream, so I removed the // check here. // if the Any owns the data, we encode the "value" into a CDR stream and // store it. We also destroy the "value" since we own it. TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream.encode (tc, value, 0, env); // retrieve the start of the message block chain and duplicate it this->cdr_ = ACE_Message_Block::duplicate (stream.begin ()); } // Free internal data. void CORBA_Any::free_value (CORBA::Environment &env) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_ != 0) { // This is not exception safe. DEEP_FREE (this->type_, this->value_, 0, env); ::operator delete (this->value_); } this->value_ = 0; } // insertion of typecode void CORBA_Any::operator<<= (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr tc) { CORBA::Environment env; CORBA::TypeCode_ptr *_tao_tc; ACE_NEW (_tao_tc, CORBA::TypeCode_ptr); *_tao_tc = CORBA::TypeCode::_duplicate (tc); this->replace (CORBA::_tc_TypeCode, _tao_tc, 1, env); } // insertion of CORBA object void CORBA::Any::operator<<= (const CORBA::Object_ptr obj) { CORBA::Object_ptr objptr = CORBA::Object::_duplicate (obj); (*this) <<= &objptr; } void CORBA::Any::operator<<= (CORBA::Object_ptr *objptr) { CORBA::Environment env; CORBA::Object_ptr *_tao_object_ptr; ACE_NEW (_tao_object_ptr, CORBA::Object_ptr); *_tao_object_ptr = *objptr; this->replace (CORBA::_tc_Object, _tao_object_ptr, 1, env); } // insertion of from_string void CORBA_Any::operator<<= (from_string s) { // If the inserted string is bounded, we create a typecode. static CORBA::Long _oc_string [] = { // CDR typecode octets TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // native endian + padding; "tricky" 0 // ... unbounded string to start with }; CORBA::TypeCode_ptr tc = 0; if (s.bound_ > 0) { // Bounded string. _oc_string [1] = s.bound_; ACE_NEW (tc, CORBA::TypeCode (CORBA::tk_string, sizeof _oc_string, (char *) &_oc_string, 1, sizeof (CORBA::String_var))); } else tc = CORBA::_tc_string; // unbounded. CORBA::Environment env; if (s.nocopy_) this->replace (tc, new char* (s.val_), 1, env); else // copying this->replace (tc, new char* (CORBA::string_dup (s.val_)), 1, env); } // Extraction: these are safe and hence we have to check that the // typecode of the Any is equal to the one we are trying to extract // into CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (CORBA::Short &s) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_short, env)) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { s = *(CORBA::Short *) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream (this->cdr_); return stream.read_short (s); } } else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (CORBA::UShort &s) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_ushort, env)) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { s = *(CORBA::UShort *) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream (this->cdr_); return stream.read_ushort (s); } } else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (CORBA::Long &l) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_long, env)) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { l = *(CORBA::Long *) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream (this->cdr_); return stream.read_long (l); } } else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (CORBA::ULong &l) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_ulong, env)) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { l = *(CORBA::ULong *) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream (this->cdr_); return stream.read_ulong (l); } } else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (CORBA::LongLong &l) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_longlong, env)) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { l = *(CORBA::LongLong *) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream (this->cdr_); return stream.read_longlong (l); } } else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (CORBA::ULongLong &l) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_ulonglong, env)) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { l = *(CORBA::ULongLong *) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream (this->cdr_); return stream.read_ulonglong (l); } } else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (CORBA::Float &f) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_float, env)) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { f = *(CORBA::Float *) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream (this->cdr_); return stream.read_float (f); } } else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (CORBA::Double &d) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_double, env)) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { d = *(CORBA::Double *) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream (this->cdr_); return stream.read_double (d); } } else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (CORBA::Any &a) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_any, env)) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { a = *(CORBA::Any *) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream (this->cdr_); // decode the CDR return (stream.decode (CORBA::_tc_any, &a, 0, env) == CORBA::TypeCode::TRAVERSE_CONTINUE) ? 1 : 0; } } else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (char *&s) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equal (CORBA::_tc_string, env)) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { s = *(char **) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream (this->cdr_); if (stream.read_string (s)) { ACE_const_cast(CORBA_Any*, this)->any_owns_data_ = 1; char** tmp = new char*; *tmp = s; ACE_const_cast(CORBA_Any*, this)->value_ = tmp; return 1; } return 0; } } else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr &tc) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_TypeCode, env)) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { tc = *(CORBA::TypeCode_ptr *) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream ((ACE_Message_Block *) this->cdr_); CORBA::Boolean flag = (stream.decode (CORBA::_tc_TypeCode, &tc, 0, env) == CORBA::TypeCode::TRAVERSE_CONTINUE) ? 1 : 0; return flag; } } else return 0; } // = extraction into the special types CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (to_boolean b) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_boolean, env)) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { b.ref_ = *(CORBA::Boolean *) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream ((ACE_Message_Block *) this->cdr_); return stream.read_boolean (b.ref_); } } else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (to_octet o) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_octet, env)) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { o.ref_ = *(CORBA::Octet *) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream ((ACE_Message_Block *) this->cdr_); return stream.read_octet (o.ref_); } } else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (to_char c) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_char, env)) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { c.ref_ = *(CORBA::Char *) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream ((ACE_Message_Block *) this->cdr_); return stream.read_char (c.ref_); } } else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (to_wchar wc) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_wchar, env)) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { wc.ref_ = *(CORBA::WChar *) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream ((ACE_Message_Block *) this->cdr_); return stream.read_wchar (wc.ref_); } } else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (to_string s) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_string, env)) { CORBA::ULong bound = this->type_->length (env); if (s.bound_ == bound) // bounds are same { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { s.val_ = *(char **) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream ((ACE_Message_Block *) this->cdr_); if (stream.read_string (s.val_)) { ACE_const_cast (CORBA_Any*, this)->any_owns_data_ = 1; return 1; } } } } // Otherwise. return 0; } CORBA::Boolean CORBA_Any::operator>>= (to_object obj) const { CORBA::Environment env; if (this->type_->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_Object, env)) { if (this->any_owns_data_ && this->value_) { obj.ref_ = *(CORBA::Object_ptr *) this->value_; return 1; } else { TAO_InputCDR stream ((ACE_Message_Block *) this->cdr_); CORBA::Boolean flag = (stream.decode (CORBA::_tc_Object, &obj.ref_, 0, env) == CORBA::TypeCode::TRAVERSE_CONTINUE) ? 1:0; if (flag) { CORBA::Object_ptr *tmp = new CORBA::Object_ptr; *tmp = obj.ref_; ACE_const_cast(CORBA_Any*,this)->value_ = tmp; return 1; } // we own this allocated value // this->value_ = obj.ref_; return flag; } } else return 0; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Any_var type // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CORBA::Any_var & CORBA_Any_var::operator= (CORBA::Any *p) { if (this->ptr_ != p) { if (this->ptr_ != 0) delete (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; } return *this; } CORBA::Any_var & CORBA_Any_var::operator= (const CORBA::Any_var& r) { if (this->ptr_ != 0) delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = new CORBA::Any (*r.ptr_); return *this; } // = Debugging method. // Prints the type and the value of the any value. Dumping is // supported only for standard data types. void CORBA_Any::dump (const CORBA::Any any_value) { CORBA::Environment env; // Get the type. CORBA::TypeCode_var type = any_value.type (); if (type->equal (CORBA::_tc_null, env)) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"Null\n")); else if (type->equal (CORBA::_tc_void, env)) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"Void\n")); else if (type->equal (CORBA::_tc_short, env)) { CORBA::Short s; any_value >>= s; ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"Short %d\n",s)); } else if (type->equal (CORBA::_tc_long, env)) { CORBA::Long l; any_value >>= l; ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"Long %d\n", l)); } else if (type->equal (CORBA::_tc_ushort, env)) { CORBA::UShort s; any_value >>= s; ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"UShort %d\n", s)); } else if (type->equal (CORBA::_tc_ulong, env)) { CORBA::ULong l; any_value >>= l; ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"ULong %d\n", l)); } else if (type->equal (CORBA::_tc_float, env)) { CORBA::Float f; any_value >>= f; ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"Float %f\n", f)); } else if (type->equal (CORBA::_tc_double, env)) { CORBA::Double d; any_value >>= d; ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"Double %f\n", d)); } else if (type->equal (CORBA::_tc_boolean, env)) { CORBA::Boolean b; any_value >>= (to_boolean)b; if (b == 1) ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Boolean TRUE\n")); else ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "Boolean FALSE\n")); } else if (type->equal (CORBA::_tc_char, env)) { CORBA::Char ch; any_value >>= to_char (ch); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG,"Char %c\n", ch)); } else if (type->equal (CORBA::_tc_string, env)) { CORBA::String str; any_value >>= str; ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "String %s\n", str)); } else ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "TCKind %d\n", type->kind_)); }