// $Id$ #include "tao/AnyTypeCode/Enum_TypeCode_Static.h" #include "tao/AnyTypeCode/TypeCode_Traits.h" #include "tao/ORB_Core.h" #include "tao/CDR.h" #include "tao/TypeCodeFactory_Adapter.h" #include "tao/SystemException.h" #include "ace/Dynamic_Service.h" #ifndef __ACE_INLINE__ # include "tao/AnyTypeCode/Enum_TypeCode_Static.inl" #endif /* !__ACE_INLINE__ */ ACE_RCSID (AnyTypeCode, Enum_TypeCode_Static, "$Id$") TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL bool TAO::TypeCode::Enum::tao_marshal ( TAO_OutputCDR & cdr, CORBA::ULong) const { // A tk_enum TypeCode has a "complex" parameter list type (see // Table 15-2 in Section "TypeCode" in the CDR section of // the CORBA specification), meaning that it must be marshaled into // a CDR encapsulation. // Create a CDR encapsulation. TAO_OutputCDR enc; bool const success = (enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_boolean (TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER)) && (enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string (this->base_attributes_.id (), 0)) && (enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string (this->base_attributes_.name (), 0)) && (enc << this->nenumerators_); if (!success) return false; char const * const * const begin = &this->enumerators_[0]; char const * const * const end = begin + this->nenumerators_; for (char const * const * i = begin; i != end; ++i) { char const * const & enumerator = *i; if (!(enc << TAO_OutputCDR::from_string ( Traits::get_string (enumerator), 0))) return false; } return cdr << static_cast (enc.total_length ()) && cdr.write_octet_array_mb (enc.begin ()); } void TAO::TypeCode::Enum::tao_duplicate (void) { } void TAO::TypeCode::Enum::tao_release (void) { } CORBA::Boolean TAO::TypeCode::Enum::equal_i ( CORBA::TypeCode_ptr tc ) const { // This call shouldn't throw since CORBA::TypeCode::equal() verified // that the TCKind is the same as our's prior to invoking this // method, meaning that member_count() is supported. CORBA::ULong const tc_nenumerators = tc->member_count (); if (tc_nenumerators != this->nenumerators_) return false; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->nenumerators_; ++i) { char const * const & lhs_enumerator = this->enumerators_[i]; char const * const lhs_name = Traits::get_string (lhs_enumerator); char const * const rhs_name = tc->member_name (i ); if (ACE_OS::strcmp (lhs_name, rhs_name) != 0) return false; } return true; } CORBA::Boolean TAO::TypeCode::Enum::equivalent_i ( CORBA::TypeCode_ptr tc ) const { // Perform a structural comparison, excluding the name() and // member_name() operations. CORBA::ULong const tc_nenumerators = tc->member_count (); if (tc_nenumerators != this->nenumerators_) return false; return true; } CORBA::TypeCode_ptr TAO::TypeCode::Enum::get_compact_typecode_i ( void) const { ACE_Array_Base tc_enumerators (this->nenumerators_); // Dynamically construct a new array of enumerators stripped of // member names. static char const empty_name[] = ""; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->nenumerators_; ++i) { // Member names will be stripped, i.e. not embedded within // the compact TypeCode. tc_enumerators[i] = empty_name; } TAO_TypeCodeFactory_Adapter * adapter = ACE_Dynamic_Service::instance ( TAO_ORB_Core::typecodefactory_adapter_name ()); if (adapter == 0) { throw ::CORBA::INTERNAL (); } return adapter->create_enum_tc (this->base_attributes_.id (), "" /* empty name */, tc_enumerators, this->nenumerators_ ); } char const * TAO::TypeCode::Enum::id_i ( void) const { // Ownership is retained by the TypeCode, as required by the C++ // mapping. return this->base_attributes_.id (); } char const * TAO::TypeCode::Enum::name_i ( void) const { // Ownership is retained by the TypeCode, as required by the C++ // mapping. return this->base_attributes_.name (); } CORBA::ULong TAO::TypeCode::Enum::member_count_i ( void) const { return this->nenumerators_; } char const * TAO::TypeCode::Enum::member_name_i ( CORBA::ULong index ) const { // Ownership is retained by the TypeCode, as required by the C++ // mapping. if (index >= this->nenumerators_) throw ::CORBA::TypeCode::Bounds (); return Traits::get_string (this->enumerators_[index]); } TAO_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL