// $Id$ // // This file was used to generate the code in // BiDirPolicy*.* The command used to generate code // is: // // tao_idl \ // -Wb,export_macro=TAO_Export \ // -Wb,export_include="tao/TAO_Export.h" \ // -Wb,pre_include="ace/pre.h" \ // -Wb,post_include="ace/post.h" \ // BiDirPolicy.pidl // // This is from the GIOP 1.2 spec for Bi Dir IIOP. #ifndef TAO_BIDIR_POLICY_PIDL #define TAO_BIDIR_POLICY_PIDL #pragma prefix "omg.org" #include "tao/Policy.pidl" // Self contained module for Bi-directional GIOP policy module BiDirPolicy { typedef unsigned short BidirectionalPolicyValue; const BidirectionalPolicyValue NORMAL = 0; const BidirectionalPolicyValue BOTH = 1; const CORBA::PolicyType BIDIRECTIONAL_POLICY_TYPE = 37; // @@ This has ben made local. It was not so in the spec. Any reason // that this shouldn't be a local interface ? local interface BidirectionalPolicy : CORBA::Policy { readonly attribute BidirectionalPolicyValue value; }; }; #pragma prefix "" #endif /* TAO_BIDIR_POLICY_PIDL*/