// // $Id$ // // ================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // TAO // // = FILENAME // CONV_FRAME.cpp // // = DESCRIPTION // Generated from CONV_FRAME.pidl, that contains the OMG standarized // CONV_FRAME module. // The code was generated by the IDL compiler and then hand-crafted // to reduce the includes interdependencies. // // ================================================================ #include "tao/CONV_FRAMEC.h" #include "tao/Any.h" #include "tao/Typecode.h" #if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__) #include "tao/CONV_FRAMEC.i" #endif /* !defined INLINE */ void CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_tao_any_destructor (void* x) { CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent *tmp = ACE_static_cast(CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent*,x); delete tmp; } void CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo::_tao_any_destructor (void* x) { CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo *tmp = ACE_static_cast(CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo*,x); delete tmp; } void CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext::_tao_any_destructor (void* x) { CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext *tmp = ACE_static_cast(CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetId[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f4e56), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f465241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d452f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f646553), ACE_NTOHL (0x65744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CONV_FRAME/CodeSetId:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64000000), // name = CodeSetId CORBA::tk_ulong, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetId (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetId), (char *) &_oc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetId, 0, sizeof (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetId)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (CONV_FRAME) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_CodeSetId, &_tc_TAO_tc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetId) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 44, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f4e56), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f465241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d452f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f646553), ACE_NTOHL (0x6574436f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d706f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e743a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CONV_FRAME/CodeSetComponent:1.0 17, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657443), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = CodeSetComponent 2, // member count 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x76655f63), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f64655f), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657400), // name = native_code_set CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f4e56), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f465241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d452f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f646553), ACE_NTOHL (0x65744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CONV_FRAME/CodeSetId:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64000000), // name = CodeSetId CORBA::tk_ulong, 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x636f6e76), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5f63), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f64655f), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657473), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = conversion_code_sets CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 84, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f4e56), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f465241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d452f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f646553), ACE_NTOHL (0x65744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CONV_FRAME/CodeSetId:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64000000), // name = CodeSetId CORBA::tk_ulong, 0, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent), (char *) &_oc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent, 0, sizeof (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (CONV_FRAME) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_CodeSetComponent, &_tc_TAO_tc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) #if !defined (__TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CONV_FRAME_CODESETCOMPONENT__TAO_SEQ_CODESETID_CS_) #define __TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CONV_FRAME_CODESETCOMPONENT__TAO_SEQ_CODESETID_CS_ void CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent__tao_seq_CodeSetId::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { CORBA::ULong* tmp = CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent__tao_seq_CodeSetId::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { CORBA::ULong *old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::ULong *,this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent__tao_seq_CodeSetId::freebuf (old); } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent__tao_seq_CodeSetId::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; CORBA::ULong *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::ULong *,this->buffer_); CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent__tao_seq_CodeSetId::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent__tao_seq_CodeSetId::~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent__tao_seq_CodeSetId (void) // Dtor. { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ #if !defined (_CONV_FRAME_CODESETCOMPONENT__TAO_SEQ_CODESETID_CS_) #define _CONV_FRAME_CODESETCOMPONENT__TAO_SEQ_CODESETID_CS_ // ************************************************************* // CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_tao_seq_CodeSetId // ************************************************************* CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_tao_seq_CodeSetId::_tao_seq_CodeSetId (void) {} CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_tao_seq_CodeSetId::_tao_seq_CodeSetId (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent__tao_seq_CodeSetId #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_tao_seq_CodeSetId::_tao_seq_CodeSetId (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA::ULong *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent__tao_seq_CodeSetId #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_tao_seq_CodeSetId::_tao_seq_CodeSetId (const _tao_seq_CodeSetId &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponent__tao_seq_CodeSetId #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_tao_seq_CodeSetId::~_tao_seq_CodeSetId (void) // dtor {} #endif /* end #if !defined */ static const CORBA::Long _oc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponentInfo[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 48, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f4e56), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f465241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d452f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f646553), ACE_NTOHL (0x6574436f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d706f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7449), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e666f3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CONV_FRAME/CodeSetComponentInfo:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657443), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x496e666f), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = CodeSetComponentInfo 2, // member count 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x466f7243), ACE_NTOHL (0x68617244), ACE_NTOHL (0x61746100), // name = ForCharData CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 296, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 44, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f4e56), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f465241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d452f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f646553), ACE_NTOHL (0x6574436f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d706f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e743a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CONV_FRAME/CodeSetComponent:1.0 17, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657443), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = CodeSetComponent 2, // member count 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x76655f63), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f64655f), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657400), // name = native_code_set CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f4e56), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f465241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d452f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f646553), ACE_NTOHL (0x65744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CONV_FRAME/CodeSetId:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64000000), // name = CodeSetId CORBA::tk_ulong, 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x636f6e76), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5f63), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f64655f), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657473), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = conversion_code_sets CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 84, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f4e56), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f465241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d452f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f646553), ACE_NTOHL (0x65744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CONV_FRAME/CodeSetId:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64000000), // name = CodeSetId CORBA::tk_ulong, 0, 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x466f7257), ACE_NTOHL (0x63686172), ACE_NTOHL (0x44617461), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ForWcharData CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 296, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 44, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f4e56), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f465241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d452f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f646553), ACE_NTOHL (0x6574436f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d706f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e743a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CONV_FRAME/CodeSetComponent:1.0 17, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657443), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = CodeSetComponent 2, // member count 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x76655f63), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f64655f), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657400), // name = native_code_set CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f4e56), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f465241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d452f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f646553), ACE_NTOHL (0x65744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CONV_FRAME/CodeSetId:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64000000), // name = CodeSetId CORBA::tk_ulong, 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x636f6e76), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5f63), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f64655f), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657473), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = conversion_code_sets CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 84, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f4e56), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f465241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d452f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f646553), ACE_NTOHL (0x65744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CONV_FRAME/CodeSetId:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64000000), // name = CodeSetId CORBA::tk_ulong, 0, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponentInfo (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponentInfo), (char *) &_oc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponentInfo, 0, sizeof (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (CONV_FRAME) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_CodeSetComponentInfo, &_tc_TAO_tc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetComponentInfo) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetContext[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 42, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f4e56), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f465241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d452f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f646553), ACE_NTOHL (0x6574436f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e746578), ACE_NTOHL (0x743a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CONV_FRAME/CodeSetContext:1.0 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657443), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x78740000), // name = CodeSetContext 2, // member count 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x63686172), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646174), ACE_NTOHL (0x61000000), // name = char_data CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f4e56), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f465241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d452f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f646553), ACE_NTOHL (0x65744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CONV_FRAME/CodeSetId:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64000000), // name = CodeSetId CORBA::tk_ulong, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x77636861), ACE_NTOHL (0x725f6461), ACE_NTOHL (0x74610000), // name = wchar_data CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f4e56), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f465241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d452f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f646553), ACE_NTOHL (0x65744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CONV_FRAME/CodeSetId:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64000000), // name = CodeSetId CORBA::tk_ulong, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetContext (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetContext), (char *) &_oc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetContext, 0, sizeof (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (CONV_FRAME) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_CodeSetContext, &_tc_TAO_tc_CONV_FRAME_CodeSetContext) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetComponent, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetComponent, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent *&_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); CORBA::Boolean result = type->equivalent (CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetComponent ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (!result) { _tao_elem = 0; return 0; } if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent *)_tao_any.value (); return 1; } else { ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_elem, CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *_tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetComponent, 1, ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, _tao_elem), CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } else { delete _tao_elem; _tao_elem = 0; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { delete _tao_elem; _tao_elem = 0; return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent *&_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); CORBA::Boolean result = type->equivalent (CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetComponent ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (!result) { _tao_elem = 0; return 0; } if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent *)_tao_any.value (); return 1; } else { ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_elem, CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *(CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent *)_tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetComponent, 1, ACE_const_cast (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent *&, _tao_elem), CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } else { delete ACE_const_cast (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent *&, _tao_elem); _tao_elem = 0; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { delete ACE_const_cast (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent *&, _tao_elem); _tao_elem = 0; return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetComponentInfo, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetComponentInfo, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo *&_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); CORBA::Boolean result = type->equivalent (CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetComponentInfo ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (!result) { _tao_elem = 0; return 0; } if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo *)_tao_any.value (); return 1; } else { ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_elem, CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *_tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetComponentInfo, 1, ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, _tao_elem), CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } else { delete _tao_elem; _tao_elem = 0; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { delete _tao_elem; _tao_elem = 0; return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo *&_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); CORBA::Boolean result = type->equivalent (CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetComponentInfo ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (!result) { _tao_elem = 0; return 0; } if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo *)_tao_any.value (); return 1; } else { ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_elem, CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *(CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo *)_tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetComponentInfo, 1, ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_const_cast (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo *&, _tao_elem)), CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } else { delete ACE_const_cast (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo *&, _tao_elem); _tao_elem = 0; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { delete ACE_const_cast (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponentInfo *&, _tao_elem); _tao_elem = 0; return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetContext, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetContext, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext *&_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); CORBA::Boolean result = type->equivalent (CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetContext ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (!result) { _tao_elem = 0; return 0; } if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext *)_tao_any.value (); return 1; } else { ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_elem, CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *_tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetContext, 1, ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, _tao_elem), CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } else { delete _tao_elem; _tao_elem = 0; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { delete _tao_elem; _tao_elem = 0; return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext *&_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); CORBA::Boolean result = type->equivalent (CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetContext ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (!result) { _tao_elem = 0; return 0; } if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext *)_tao_any.value (); return 1; } else { ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_elem, CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *(CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext *)_tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( CONV_FRAME::_tc_CodeSetContext, 1, ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_const_cast (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext *&, _tao_elem)), CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } else { delete ACE_const_cast (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext *&, _tao_elem); _tao_elem = 0; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { delete ACE_const_cast (CONV_FRAME::CodeSetContext *&, _tao_elem); _tao_elem = 0; return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_tao_seq_CodeSetId &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements return strm.write_ulong_array (_tao_sequence.get_buffer (), _tao_sequence.length ()); } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CONV_FRAME::CodeSetComponent::_tao_seq_CodeSetId &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // retrieve all the elements return strm.read_ulong_array (_tao_sequence.get_buffer (), _tao_sequence.length ()); } return 0; // error }