// This may look like C, but it's really -*- C++ -*- // $Id$ // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // TAO // // = FILENAME // Giop.h // // = DESCRIPTION // GIOP data structures and support routines // // Note that some symbols in this module are part of the // "Internet" Inter-ORB Protocol (IIOP), not the General IOP. // Only addressing information and certain details of connection // usage are specific to IIOP; all other protocol details can be // reused by ORB protocols that are built atop connection // protocols other than TCP. // // THREADING NOTE: Threads should never manipulate another // thread's invocations. In this implementation, all data // structures used to represent invocations (and parts of them) // are owned by the thread which created them. Multiple threads // may make of course concurrent invocations safely, since the // GIOP code is reentrant. // // = AUTHOR // Copyright 1994-1995 by Sun Microsystems Inc., // Chris Cleeland // // ============================================================================ #if !defined (TAO_GIOP_H) # define TAO_GIOP_H class TAO_Export TAO_InputCDR; class TAO_Export TAO_OuputCDR; // namespace TAO_IOP // Assigned Protocol/Profile tag values. ORB protcols may be uniquely // identified by tags such as these. This allows each ORB's own // objref profiles to be interchanged using IORs. // // Email to tag-request@omg.org to allocate tags. typedef CORBA::ULong TAO_IOP_Profile_ID; enum { TAO_IOP_TAG_INTERNET_IOP = 0, // IIOP TAO_IOP_TAG_MULTIPLE_COMPONENTS = 1, // DCE-CIOP // = This is a subset of the list of other profile tags. TAO_IOP_TAG_ONC_IOP = 0x4f4e4300 // ONC IOP }; class TAO_IOP_Tagged_Profile { // = TITLE // One per protocol. public: TAO_IOP_Profile_ID tag; TAO_opaque profile_data; }; typedef TAO_Unbounded_Sequence TAO_IOP_Tagged_Profile_Sequence; class TAO_IOP_IOR { // = TITLE // InteroperableObjectReference // // = DESCRIPTION // ... a set of protocol-specific protocol profiles, plus a type // ID. Only one object is denoted by all of this information. // It's OK to delete all profiles except the one for the single // protocol actually being used. public: char *type_id; TAO_IOP_Tagged_Profile_Sequence profiles; }; // Some protocols can be factored into a set of optional components. // Use of such components is defined by the protocol's specification. // // Email to tag-request@omg.org to allocate tags. typedef CORBA::ULong TAO_IOP_ComponentId; enum { // = DESCRIPTION // These are all defined by DCE-CIOP in OMG TC document 95-3-10. TAO_IOP_TAG_DCE_STRING_BINDING = 100,// string binding handle TAO_IOP_TAG_DCE_BINDING_NAME = 101, // CDS/GDS/... name TAO_IOP_TAG_DCE_NO_PIPES = 102, // no component data TAO_IOP_TAG_OBJECT_KEY = 10, // opaque TAO_IOP_TAG_ENDPOINT_ID = 11, // uuid TAO_IOP_TAG_LOCATION_POLICY = 12 // octet/enum }; class TAO_IOP_TaggedComponent { // = DESCRIPTION // One way to represent multicomponent profiles, e.g. as done by // the DCE-CIOP protocol. One of these gets encapsulated in // Tagged_Profile::profile_data. TAG_MULTIPLE_COMPONENTS may be // used to represent protocol profiles structured in that way, but // protocol-specific tags facilitate simpler scanning of IORs // since you can be assured that each profile only has data used // within a single ORB protocol. public: TAO_IOP_ComponentId tag; TAO_opaque component_data; }; typedef TAO_Unbounded_Sequence TAO_IOP_MultipleComponentProfile; // namespace TAO_GIOP struct TAO_Version { CORBA::Octet major; CORBA::Octet minor; }; class TAO_GIOP_MessageHeader { // = TITLE // This is the header sent with ever GIOP request! public: // version numbers enum { // = DESCRIPTION // GIOP protocol version 1.0 information. MY_MAJOR = 1, MY_MINOR = 0 }; CORBA::Char magic [4]; // "GIOP" TAO_Version giop_version; CORBA::Octet byte_order; // 0 = big, 1 = little CORBA::Octet message_type; // MsgType above CORBA::ULong message_size; // in byte_order! }; // defined by GIOP 1.0 protocol @@ Is this portable? The structure // above could have some padding on machines with absurd padding // requirements (like 8 byte boundaries); hence the size of it may not // match the size of the header on the wire. //#define TAO_GIOP_HEADER_LEN sizeof (TAO_GIOP_MessageHeader) // @@ - I made this explicitly 12 (ASG) #define TAO_GIOP_HEADER_LEN 12 // Support for Implicit ORB Service Context. typedef CORBA::ULong TAO_GIOP_ServiceID; enum { // = TITLE // Values for TAO_GIOP_ServiceID. TAO_GIOP_TransactionService = 0 // More service IDs may be defined by OMG. // This is where our RIOP service ID will be defined... }; class TAO_GIOP_ServiceContext { // = TITLE // Sent for service context entries in the GIOP request header. public: TAO_GIOP_ServiceID context_id; TAO_opaque context_data; }; typedef TAO_Unbounded_Sequence TAO_GIOP_ServiceContextList; extern CORBA::TypeCode_ptr TC_ServiceContextList; extern TAO_Export CORBA_Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR&, const TAO_GIOP_ServiceContext&); extern TAO_Export CORBA_Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR&, TAO_GIOP_ServiceContext&); extern TAO_Export CORBA_Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR&, const TAO_GIOP_ServiceContextList&); extern TAO_Export CORBA_Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR&, TAO_GIOP_ServiceContextList&); // = Reply headers enum TAO_GIOP_ReplyStatusType { TAO_GIOP_NO_EXCEPTION, // Request completed successfully TAO_GIOP_SYSTEM_EXCEPTION, // Request terminated with system exception TAO_GIOP_USER_EXCEPTION, // Request terminated with user exception TAO_GIOP_LOCATION_FORWARD // Reply is a location forward type }; class TAO_GIOP_ReplyHeader { // = TITLE // This class embodies the header of a GIOP reply. public: TAO_GIOP_ServiceContextList service_info; // Information CORBA::ULong request_id; // Unique identifier of the request for which this is a reply. TAO_GIOP_ReplyStatusType reply_status; // Status of the reply (see above enum). }; class TAO_GIOP_CancelRequestHeader { // = TITLE // Cancellation -- applies both to Requests and LocateRequests. public: CORBA::ULong request_id; // Unique identifier of the request being cancelled }; class TAO_GIOP_LocateRequestHeader { // = TITLE // Location service support public: TAO_GIOP_LocateRequestHeader (void); // Constructor CORBA::Boolean init (TAO_InputCDR &msg, CORBA_Environment &_env = CORBA_Environment::default_environment ()); // Initialize the header from the values found in . CORBA::ULong request_id; TAO_opaque object_key; }; enum TAO_GIOP_LocateStatusType { TAO_GIOP_UNKNOWN_OBJECT, TAO_GIOP_OBJECT_HERE, TAO_GIOP_OBJECT_FORWARD }; class TAO_GIOP_LocateReplyHeader { // = TITLE // Location reply. public: CORBA::ULong request_id; TAO_GIOP_LocateStatusType locate_status; }; class TAO_Export TAO_GIOP { // = TITLE // A namespace for GIOP-related operations. // // = DESCRIPTION // Only put static methods within this scope. ACE_CLASS_IS_NAMESPACE (TAO_GIOP); public: enum Message_Type { // = DESCRIPTION // All GIOP messages include a header and message type. Not // really a message type, but needed to bring that information // back somehow EndOfFile = -1, // "discovered" by either Request = 0, // sent by client Reply = 1, // by server CancelRequest = 2, // by client LocateRequest = 3, // by client LocateReply = 4, // by server CloseConnection = 5, // by server MessageError = 6 // by both }; static void close_connection (TAO_Client_Connection_Handler *&handle, void *ctx); // Close a connection, first sending GIOP::CloseConnection. static CORBA::Boolean start_message (TAO_GIOP::Message_Type t, TAO_OutputCDR &msg, TAO_ORB_Core* orb_core); // Build the header for a message of type into stream . static CORBA::Boolean send_request (TAO_SVC_HANDLER *handler, TAO_OutputCDR &stream, TAO_ORB_Core* orb_core); // Send message, returns TRUE if success, else FALSE. static TAO_GIOP::Message_Type recv_request (TAO_SVC_HANDLER *&handler, TAO_InputCDR &msg, TAO_ORB_Core *orb_core); // Reads message, returns message type from header. static void make_error (TAO_OutputCDR &msg, ...); // Construct a message containing an error so that it can be sent as // a response to a request. static void dump_msg (const char *label, const u_char *ptr, size_t len); // Print out a message header. static void send_error (TAO_Client_Connection_Handler *&handler); // Send an error message back to a caller. static ssize_t read_buffer (TAO_SOCK_Stream &peer, char *buf, size_t len); // Loop on data read ... this is required since won't block // until the requested amount of data is available. static const char *message_name (TAO_GIOP::Message_Type which); // Returns the stringified . static TAO_GIOP_ReplyStatusType convert_CORBA_to_GIOP_exception (CORBA::ExceptionType corba_type); // Convert the exception type from CORBA to GIOP private: static CORBA::Boolean start_message_lite (TAO_GIOP::Message_Type t, TAO_OutputCDR &msg); // Build the lightweight header for a message of type into // stream . static CORBA::Boolean start_message_std (TAO_GIOP::Message_Type t, TAO_OutputCDR &msg); // Build the standard header for a message of type into // stream . static int parse_header_std (TAO_InputCDR &cdr, int& do_byte_swap, TAO_GIOP::Message_Type& message_type, CORBA::ULong& message_size); static int parse_header_lite (TAO_InputCDR &cdr, int& do_byte_swap, TAO_GIOP::Message_Type& message_type, CORBA::ULong& message_size); static int parse_header (TAO_InputCDR &cdr, int& do_byte_swap, TAO_GIOP::Message_Type& message_type, CORBA::ULong& message_size, TAO_ORB_Core *orb_core); // Parse the header, extracting all the relevant info. }; #if defined (__ACE_INLINE__) # include "tao/GIOP.i" #endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */ #endif /* TAO_GIOP_H */