// -*- C++ -*- // /* $Id$ */ // **** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler **** // TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by: // Center for Distributed Object Computing // Washington University // St. Louis, MO // USA // http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/doc-center.html // and // Distributed Object Computing Laboratory // University of California at Irvine // Irvine, CA // USA // http://doc.ece.uci.edu/ // // Information about TAO is available at: // http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/TAO.html #include "InterfaceC.h" #if (TAO_HAS_INTERFACE_REPOSITORY == 1) #include "tao/Stub.h" #include "tao/Invocation.h" #if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__) #include "InterfaceC.i" #endif /* !defined INLINE */ static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_DefinitionKind[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 34, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f44), ACE_NTOHL (0x6566696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6974696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e4b696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x643a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/DefinitionKind:1.0 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x44656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e697469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e4b69), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e640000), // name = DefinitionKind 34, // member count 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e6500), // name = dk_none 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f61), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c6c0000), // name = dk_all 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Attribute 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7374), ACE_NTOHL (0x616e7400), // name = dk_Constant 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Exception 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x66616365), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Interface 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f4d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f64756c), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = dk_Module 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70657261), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Operation 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706564), ACE_NTOHL (0x65660000), // name = dk_Typedef 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c696173), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Alias 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x74727563), ACE_NTOHL (0x74000000), // name = dk_Struct 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Union 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e756d00), // name = dk_Enum 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x72696d69), ACE_NTOHL (0x74697665), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Primitive 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x7472696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x67000000), // name = dk_String 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x65717565), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e636500), // name = dk_Sequence 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x72726179), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Array 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x79000000), // name = dk_Repository 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f57), ACE_NTOHL (0x73747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e670000), // name = dk_Wstring 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x69786564), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Fixed 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Value 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x426f7800), // name = dk_ValueBox 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = dk_ValueMember 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f4e), ACE_NTOHL (0x61746976), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = dk_Native 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Component 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f48), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d6500), // name = dk_Home 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x6163746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72790000), // name = dk_Factory 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72000000), // name = dk_Finder 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x72696d61), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794b65), ACE_NTOHL (0x79000000), // name = dk_PrimaryKey 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d697473), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Emits 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x75626c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x73686573), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Publishes 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7375), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657300), // name = dk_Consumes 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x64657300), // name = dk_Provides 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657300), // name = dk_Uses }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_DefinitionKind (CORBA::tk_enum, sizeof (_oc_IR_DefinitionKind), (char *) &_oc_IR_DefinitionKind, 0, sizeof (IR_DefinitionKind)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_DefinitionKind, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_DefinitionKind) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_IRObject_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_IRObject_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_IRObject_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_IRObject_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods IR_DefinitionKind _TAO_IRObject_Remote_Proxy_Impl::def_kind ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_DefinitionKind _tao_retval = (IR_DefinitionKind)0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_def_kind", 13, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_retval) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } void _TAO_IRObject_Remote_Proxy_Impl::destroy ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "destroy", 7, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_IRObject_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_IRObject_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_IRObject_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_IRObject_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_IRObject_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_IRObject_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_IRObject_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_IRObject_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_IRObject_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_IRObject_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_IRObject_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_IRObject_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_IRObject_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( CORBA_IRObject *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor CORBA_IRObject::CORBA_IRObject (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor CORBA_IRObject::~CORBA_IRObject (void) {} void CORBA_IRObject::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_IRObject_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_IRObject_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_IRObject_Proxy_Broker_ = the_TAO_IRObject_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); } void CORBA_IRObject::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { CORBA_IRObject *tmp = ACE_static_cast (CORBA_IRObject*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } CORBA_IRObject_ptr CORBA_IRObject::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return CORBA_IRObject::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (CORBA_IRObject::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return CORBA_IRObject::_nil (); } return CORBA_IRObject::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } CORBA_IRObject_ptr CORBA_IRObject::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return CORBA_IRObject::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); CORBA_IRObject_ptr default_proxy = CORBA_IRObject::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () && _TAO_IRObject_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, CORBA_IRObject ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), CORBA_IRObject::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, CORBA_IRObject (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), CORBA_IRObject::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow ) ) ); } CORBA_IRObject_ptr CORBA_IRObject::_duplicate (CORBA_IRObject_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean CORBA_IRObject::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *CORBA_IRObject::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* CORBA_IRObject::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0"; } IR_DefinitionKind CORBA_IRObject::def_kind ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_IRObject_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).def_kind ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void CORBA_IRObject::destroy ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_IRObject_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).destroy ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_CORBA_IRObject[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f5242), ACE_NTOHL (0x412f4952), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f626a65), ACE_NTOHL (0x63743a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x49524f62), ACE_NTOHL (0x6a656374), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = CORBA_IRObject }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_CORBA_IRObject (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_CORBA_IRObject), (char *) &_oc_CORBA_IRObject, 0, sizeof (CORBA_IRObject)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (CORBA) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_IRObject, &_tc_TAO_tc_CORBA_IRObject) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_CORBA_Visibility[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f5242), ACE_NTOHL (0x412f5669), ACE_NTOHL (0x73696269), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c697479), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Visibility:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x56697369), ACE_NTOHL (0x62696c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x74790000), // name = Visibility CORBA::tk_short, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_CORBA_Visibility (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_CORBA_Visibility), (char *) &_oc_CORBA_Visibility, 0, sizeof (CORBA::Visibility)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (CORBA) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_Visibility, &_tc_TAO_tc_CORBA_Visibility) TAO_NAMESPACE_END TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (const CORBA::Short) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (CORBA) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (const CORBA::Short, PRIVATE_MEMBER, 0) TAO_NAMESPACE_END TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (const CORBA::Short) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (CORBA) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (const CORBA::Short, PUBLIC_MEMBER, 1) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_Identifier[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f5242), ACE_NTOHL (0x412f4964), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7469), ACE_NTOHL (0x66696572), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_Identifier (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_Identifier), (char *) &_oc_IR_Identifier, 0, sizeof (IR::Identifier)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_Identifier, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_Identifier) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ScopedName[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x636f7065), ACE_NTOHL (0x644e616d), ACE_NTOHL (0x653a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ScopedName:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x53636f70), ACE_NTOHL (0x65644e61), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d650000), // name = ScopedName CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f5242), ACE_NTOHL (0x412f5363), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f706564), ACE_NTOHL (0x4e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CORBA/ScopedName:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x53636f70), ACE_NTOHL (0x65644e61), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d650000), // name = ScopedName CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ScopedName (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_ScopedName), (char *) &_oc_IR_ScopedName, 0, sizeof (IR::ScopedName)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ScopedName, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ScopedName) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_RepositoryId[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_RepositoryId CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 72, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f5242), ACE_NTOHL (0x412f5265), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f7369), ACE_NTOHL (0x746f7279), ACE_NTOHL (0x49643a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CORBA/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_RepositoryId (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_RepositoryId), (char *) &_oc_IR_RepositoryId, 0, sizeof (IR::RepositoryId)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_RepositoryId, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_RepositoryId) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_VersionSpec[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_VersionSpec (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_VersionSpec), (char *) &_oc_IR_VersionSpec, 0, sizeof (IR::VersionSpec)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_VersionSpec, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_VersionSpec) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_Contained_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods char * _TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Impl::id ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::String_var _tao_safe_retval; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_id", 7, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Impl::id ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_id", 7, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } char * _TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Impl::name ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::String_var _tao_safe_retval; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_name", 9, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Impl::name ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * name, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_name", 9, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << name) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } char * _TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Impl::version ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::String_var _tao_safe_retval; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_version", 12, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Impl::version ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * version, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_version", 12, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << version) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } IR_Container_ptr _TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Impl::defined_in ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_Container_ptr _tao_retval = IR_Container::_nil (); IR_Container_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_defined_in", 15, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } char * _TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Impl::absolute_name ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::String_var _tao_safe_retval; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_absolute_name", 18, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_Repository_ptr _TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Impl::containing_repository ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_Repository_ptr _tao_retval = IR_Repository::_nil (); IR_Repository_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_containing_repository", 26, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_Contained::Description * _TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Impl::describe ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_Contained::Description *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_Contained::Description, _tao_retval); IR_Contained::Description_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "describe", 8, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Impl::move ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, IR_Container_ptr new_container, const char * new_name, const char * new_version, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "move", 4, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << new_container) && (_tao_out << new_name) && (_tao_out << new_version) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_Contained_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( IR_Contained *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_Contained::IR_Contained (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_Contained::~IR_Contained (void) {} void IR_Contained::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_Contained_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); CORBA_IRObject::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_Contained::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_Contained *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_Contained*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_Contained_ptr IR_Contained::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_Contained::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_Contained::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_Contained::_nil (); } return IR_Contained::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_Contained_ptr IR_Contained::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_Contained::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_Contained_ptr default_proxy = IR_Contained::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, IR_Contained ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_Contained::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, IR_Contained (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_Contained::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_Contained_ptr IR_Contained::_duplicate (IR_Contained_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_Contained::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_Contained::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_Contained::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0"; } char * IR_Contained::id ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).id ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_Contained::id ( const char * id, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).id ( this, id, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } char * IR_Contained::name ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).name ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_Contained::name ( const char * name, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).name ( this, name, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } char * IR_Contained::version ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).version ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_Contained::version ( const char * version, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).version ( this, version, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_Container_ptr IR_Contained::defined_in ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).defined_in ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } char * IR_Contained::absolute_name ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).absolute_name ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_Repository_ptr IR_Contained::containing_repository ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).containing_repository ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_Contained_Description[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 41, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7461), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6564), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained/Description:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = Description 2, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6b696e64), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = kind CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 632, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 34, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f44), ACE_NTOHL (0x6566696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6974696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e4b696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x643a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/DefinitionKind:1.0 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x44656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e697469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e4b69), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e640000), // name = DefinitionKind 34, // member count 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e6500), // name = dk_none 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f61), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c6c0000), // name = dk_all 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Attribute 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7374), ACE_NTOHL (0x616e7400), // name = dk_Constant 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Exception 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x66616365), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Interface 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f4d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f64756c), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = dk_Module 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70657261), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Operation 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706564), ACE_NTOHL (0x65660000), // name = dk_Typedef 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c696173), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Alias 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x74727563), ACE_NTOHL (0x74000000), // name = dk_Struct 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Union 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e756d00), // name = dk_Enum 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x72696d69), ACE_NTOHL (0x74697665), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Primitive 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x7472696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x67000000), // name = dk_String 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x65717565), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e636500), // name = dk_Sequence 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x72726179), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Array 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x79000000), // name = dk_Repository 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f57), ACE_NTOHL (0x73747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e670000), // name = dk_Wstring 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x69786564), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Fixed 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Value 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x426f7800), // name = dk_ValueBox 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = dk_ValueMember 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f4e), ACE_NTOHL (0x61746976), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = dk_Native 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Component 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f48), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d6500), // name = dk_Home 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x6163746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72790000), // name = dk_Factory 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72000000), // name = dk_Finder 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x72696d61), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794b65), ACE_NTOHL (0x79000000), // name = dk_PrimaryKey 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d697473), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Emits 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x75626c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x73686573), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Publishes 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7375), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657300), // name = dk_Consumes 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x64657300), // name = dk_Provides 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657300), // name = dk_Uses 6, ACE_NTOHL (0x76616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = value CORBA::tk_any, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_Contained_Description (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_Contained_Description), (char *) &_oc_IR_Contained_Description, 0, sizeof (IR_Contained::Description)); CORBA::TypeCode_ptr IR_Contained::_tc_Description = &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_Contained_Description; void IR_Contained::Description::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { Description *tmp = ACE_static_cast (Description*,x); delete tmp; } IR_Contained::Description * IR_Contained::describe ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).describe ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_Contained::move ( IR_Container_ptr new_container, const char * new_name, const char * new_version, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).move ( this, new_container, new_name, new_version, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_Contained[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 29, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7461), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6564), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x61696e65), ACE_NTOHL (0x64000000), // name = IR_Contained }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_Contained (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_Contained), (char *) &_oc_IR_Contained, 0, sizeof (IR_Contained)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_Contained, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_Contained) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) // The Base_Sequence functions, please see tao/Sequence.h void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_InterfaceDefSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_InterfaceDef **tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_InterfaceDefSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_InterfaceDef **old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_InterfaceDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) if (!this->release_) tmp[i] = IR_InterfaceDef::_duplicate (old[i]); else tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) delete[] old; } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_InterfaceDefSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_InterfaceDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_InterfaceDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_InterfaceDef::_nil (); } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_InterfaceDefSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_InterfaceDefSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_InterfaceDefSeq (void) { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_InterfaceDefSeq::_shrink_buffer (CORBA::ULong nl, CORBA::ULong ol) { IR_InterfaceDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_InterfaceDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = nl; i < ol; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_InterfaceDef::_nil (); } } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_InterfaceDefSeq::_downcast ( void* target, CORBA_Object *src, CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { IR_InterfaceDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_InterfaceDef**, target); *tmp = IR_InterfaceDef::_narrow (src, ACE_TRY_ENV); } CORBA_Object* _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_InterfaceDefSeq::_upcast (void *src) const { IR_InterfaceDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_InterfaceDef**, src); return *tmp; } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_InterfaceDefSeq // ************************************************************* IR_InterfaceDefSeq::IR_InterfaceDefSeq (void) {} IR_InterfaceDefSeq::IR_InterfaceDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_InterfaceDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_InterfaceDefSeq::IR_InterfaceDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_InterfaceDef_ptr *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_InterfaceDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_InterfaceDefSeq::IR_InterfaceDefSeq (const IR_InterfaceDefSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_InterfaceDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_InterfaceDefSeq::~IR_InterfaceDefSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_InterfaceDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_InterfaceDefSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_InterfaceDefSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_InterfaceDefSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x66616365), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656653), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/InterfaceDefSeq:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x496e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72666163), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = IR_InterfaceDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 76, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 60, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x66616365), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/InterfaceDef:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x496e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72666163), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_InterfaceDef 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_InterfaceDefSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_InterfaceDefSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_InterfaceDefSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_InterfaceDefSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_InterfaceDefSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_InterfaceDefSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) // The Base_Sequence functions, please see tao/Sequence.h void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ValueDefSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_ValueDef **tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ValueDefSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_ValueDef **old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ValueDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) if (!this->release_) tmp[i] = IR_ValueDef::_duplicate (old[i]); else tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) delete[] old; } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ValueDefSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_ValueDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ValueDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_ValueDef::_nil (); } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ValueDefSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ValueDefSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ValueDefSeq (void) { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ValueDefSeq::_shrink_buffer (CORBA::ULong nl, CORBA::ULong ol) { IR_ValueDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ValueDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = nl; i < ol; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_ValueDef::_nil (); } } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ValueDefSeq::_downcast ( void* target, CORBA_Object *src, CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { IR_ValueDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ValueDef**, target); *tmp = IR_ValueDef::_narrow (src, ACE_TRY_ENV); } CORBA_Object* _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ValueDefSeq::_upcast (void *src) const { IR_ValueDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ValueDef**, src); return *tmp; } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_ValueDefSeq // ************************************************************* IR_ValueDefSeq::IR_ValueDefSeq (void) {} IR_ValueDefSeq::IR_ValueDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ValueDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_ValueDefSeq::IR_ValueDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_ValueDef_ptr *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ValueDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_ValueDefSeq::IR_ValueDefSeq (const IR_ValueDefSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ValueDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_ValueDefSeq::~IR_ValueDefSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_ValueDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ValueDefSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ValueDefSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ValueDefSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656653), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueDefSeq:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = IR_ValueDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 52, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 28, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueDef:1.0 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x56616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_ValueDef 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ValueDefSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_ValueDefSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_ValueDefSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_ValueDefSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ValueDefSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ValueDefSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) // The Base_Sequence functions, please see tao/Sequence.h void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ComponentDefSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_ComponentDef **tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ComponentDefSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_ComponentDef **old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ComponentDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) if (!this->release_) tmp[i] = IR_ComponentDef::_duplicate (old[i]); else tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) delete[] old; } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ComponentDefSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_ComponentDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ComponentDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_ComponentDef::_nil (); } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ComponentDefSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ComponentDefSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ComponentDefSeq (void) { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ComponentDefSeq::_shrink_buffer (CORBA::ULong nl, CORBA::ULong ol) { IR_ComponentDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ComponentDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = nl; i < ol; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_ComponentDef::_nil (); } } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ComponentDefSeq::_downcast ( void* target, CORBA_Object *src, CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { IR_ComponentDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ComponentDef**, target); *tmp = IR_ComponentDef::_narrow (src, ACE_TRY_ENV); } CORBA_Object* _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ComponentDefSeq::_upcast (void *src) const { IR_ComponentDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ComponentDef**, src); return *tmp; } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_ComponentDefSeq // ************************************************************* IR_ComponentDefSeq::IR_ComponentDefSeq (void) {} IR_ComponentDefSeq::IR_ComponentDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ComponentDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_ComponentDefSeq::IR_ComponentDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_ComponentDef_ptr *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ComponentDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_ComponentDefSeq::IR_ComponentDefSeq (const IR_ComponentDefSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ComponentDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_ComponentDefSeq::~IR_ComponentDefSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_ComponentDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ComponentDefSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ComponentDefSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ComponentDefSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656653), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ComponentDefSeq:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6d70), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = IR_ComponentDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 76, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 60, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ComponentDef:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6d70), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_ComponentDef 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ComponentDefSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_ComponentDefSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_ComponentDefSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_ComponentDefSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ComponentDefSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ComponentDefSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) // The Base_Sequence functions, please see tao/Sequence.h void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDefSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_ProvidesDef **tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDefSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_ProvidesDef **old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ProvidesDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) if (!this->release_) tmp[i] = IR_ProvidesDef::_duplicate (old[i]); else tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) delete[] old; } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDefSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_ProvidesDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ProvidesDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_ProvidesDef::_nil (); } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDefSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDefSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDefSeq (void) { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDefSeq::_shrink_buffer (CORBA::ULong nl, CORBA::ULong ol) { IR_ProvidesDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ProvidesDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = nl; i < ol; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_ProvidesDef::_nil (); } } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDefSeq::_downcast ( void* target, CORBA_Object *src, CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { IR_ProvidesDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ProvidesDef**, target); *tmp = IR_ProvidesDef::_narrow (src, ACE_TRY_ENV); } CORBA_Object* _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDefSeq::_upcast (void *src) const { IR_ProvidesDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ProvidesDef**, src); return *tmp; } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_ProvidesDefSeq // ************************************************************* IR_ProvidesDefSeq::IR_ProvidesDefSeq (void) {} IR_ProvidesDefSeq::IR_ProvidesDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_ProvidesDefSeq::IR_ProvidesDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_ProvidesDef_ptr *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_ProvidesDefSeq::IR_ProvidesDefSeq (const IR_ProvidesDefSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_ProvidesDefSeq::~IR_ProvidesDefSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_ProvidesDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ProvidesDefSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ProvidesDefSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ProvidesDefSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 34, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x64657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65665365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ProvidesDefSeq:1.0 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x50726f76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69646573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656653), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = IR_ProvidesDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 72, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 56, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x64657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65663a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ProvidesDef:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x50726f76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69646573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656600), // name = IR_ProvidesDef 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ProvidesDefSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_ProvidesDefSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_ProvidesDefSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_ProvidesDefSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ProvidesDefSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ProvidesDefSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) // The Base_Sequence functions, please see tao/Sequence.h void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_UsesDefSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_UsesDef **tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_UsesDefSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_UsesDef **old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_UsesDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) if (!this->release_) tmp[i] = IR_UsesDef::_duplicate (old[i]); else tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) delete[] old; } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_UsesDefSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_UsesDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_UsesDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_UsesDef::_nil (); } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_UsesDefSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_UsesDefSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_UsesDefSeq (void) { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_UsesDefSeq::_shrink_buffer (CORBA::ULong nl, CORBA::ULong ol) { IR_UsesDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_UsesDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = nl; i < ol; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_UsesDef::_nil (); } } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_UsesDefSeq::_downcast ( void* target, CORBA_Object *src, CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { IR_UsesDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_UsesDef**, target); *tmp = IR_UsesDef::_narrow (src, ACE_TRY_ENV); } CORBA_Object* _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_UsesDefSeq::_upcast (void *src) const { IR_UsesDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_UsesDef**, src); return *tmp; } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_UsesDefSeq // ************************************************************* IR_UsesDefSeq::IR_UsesDefSeq (void) {} IR_UsesDefSeq::IR_UsesDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_UsesDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_UsesDefSeq::IR_UsesDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_UsesDef_ptr *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_UsesDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_UsesDefSeq::IR_UsesDefSeq (const IR_UsesDefSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_UsesDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_UsesDefSeq::~IR_UsesDefSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_UsesDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_UsesDefSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_UsesDefSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_UsesDefSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65665365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/UsesDefSeq:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x55736573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656653), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = IR_UsesDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65663a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/UsesDef:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x55736573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656600), // name = IR_UsesDef 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_UsesDefSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_UsesDefSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_UsesDefSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_UsesDefSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_UsesDefSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_UsesDefSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) // The Base_Sequence functions, please see tao/Sequence.h void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_HomeDefSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_HomeDef **tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_HomeDefSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_HomeDef **old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_HomeDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) if (!this->release_) tmp[i] = IR_HomeDef::_duplicate (old[i]); else tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) delete[] old; } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_HomeDefSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_HomeDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_HomeDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_HomeDef::_nil (); } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_HomeDefSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_HomeDefSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_HomeDefSeq (void) { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_HomeDefSeq::_shrink_buffer (CORBA::ULong nl, CORBA::ULong ol) { IR_HomeDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_HomeDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = nl; i < ol; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_HomeDef::_nil (); } } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_HomeDefSeq::_downcast ( void* target, CORBA_Object *src, CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { IR_HomeDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_HomeDef**, target); *tmp = IR_HomeDef::_narrow (src, ACE_TRY_ENV); } CORBA_Object* _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_HomeDefSeq::_upcast (void *src) const { IR_HomeDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_HomeDef**, src); return *tmp; } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_HomeDefSeq // ************************************************************* IR_HomeDefSeq::IR_HomeDefSeq (void) {} IR_HomeDefSeq::IR_HomeDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_HomeDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_HomeDefSeq::IR_HomeDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_HomeDef_ptr *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_HomeDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_HomeDefSeq::IR_HomeDefSeq (const IR_HomeDefSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_HomeDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_HomeDefSeq::~IR_HomeDefSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_HomeDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_HomeDefSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_HomeDefSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_HomeDefSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f48), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d6544), ACE_NTOHL (0x65665365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/HomeDefSeq:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x486f6d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656653), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = IR_HomeDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f48), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d6544), ACE_NTOHL (0x65663a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/HomeDef:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x486f6d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656600), // name = IR_HomeDef 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_HomeDefSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_HomeDefSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_HomeDefSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_HomeDefSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_HomeDefSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_HomeDefSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) // The Base_Sequence functions, please see tao/Sequence.h void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_EmitsDefSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_EmitsDef **tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_EmitsDefSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_EmitsDef **old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_EmitsDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) if (!this->release_) tmp[i] = IR_EmitsDef::_duplicate (old[i]); else tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) delete[] old; } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_EmitsDefSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_EmitsDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_EmitsDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_EmitsDef::_nil (); } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_EmitsDefSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_EmitsDefSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_EmitsDefSeq (void) { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_EmitsDefSeq::_shrink_buffer (CORBA::ULong nl, CORBA::ULong ol) { IR_EmitsDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_EmitsDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = nl; i < ol; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_EmitsDef::_nil (); } } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_EmitsDefSeq::_downcast ( void* target, CORBA_Object *src, CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { IR_EmitsDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_EmitsDef**, target); *tmp = IR_EmitsDef::_narrow (src, ACE_TRY_ENV); } CORBA_Object* _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_EmitsDefSeq::_upcast (void *src) const { IR_EmitsDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_EmitsDef**, src); return *tmp; } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_EmitsDefSeq // ************************************************************* IR_EmitsDefSeq::IR_EmitsDefSeq (void) {} IR_EmitsDefSeq::IR_EmitsDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_EmitsDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_EmitsDefSeq::IR_EmitsDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_EmitsDef_ptr *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_EmitsDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_EmitsDefSeq::IR_EmitsDefSeq (const IR_EmitsDefSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_EmitsDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_EmitsDefSeq::~IR_EmitsDefSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_EmitsDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_EmitsDefSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_EmitsDefSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_EmitsDefSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d697473), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656653), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/EmitsDefSeq:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x456d6974), ACE_NTOHL (0x73446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = IR_EmitsDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 52, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 28, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d697473), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/EmitsDef:1.0 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x456d6974), ACE_NTOHL (0x73446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_EmitsDef 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_EmitsDefSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_EmitsDefSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_EmitsDefSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_EmitsDefSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_EmitsDefSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_EmitsDefSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) // The Base_Sequence functions, please see tao/Sequence.h void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_PublishesDefSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_PublishesDef **tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_PublishesDefSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_PublishesDef **old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_PublishesDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) if (!this->release_) tmp[i] = IR_PublishesDef::_duplicate (old[i]); else tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) delete[] old; } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_PublishesDefSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_PublishesDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_PublishesDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_PublishesDef::_nil (); } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_PublishesDefSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_PublishesDefSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_PublishesDefSeq (void) { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_PublishesDefSeq::_shrink_buffer (CORBA::ULong nl, CORBA::ULong ol) { IR_PublishesDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_PublishesDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = nl; i < ol; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_PublishesDef::_nil (); } } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_PublishesDefSeq::_downcast ( void* target, CORBA_Object *src, CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { IR_PublishesDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_PublishesDef**, target); *tmp = IR_PublishesDef::_narrow (src, ACE_TRY_ENV); } CORBA_Object* _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_PublishesDefSeq::_upcast (void *src) const { IR_PublishesDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_PublishesDef**, src); return *tmp; } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_PublishesDefSeq // ************************************************************* IR_PublishesDefSeq::IR_PublishesDefSeq (void) {} IR_PublishesDefSeq::IR_PublishesDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_PublishesDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_PublishesDefSeq::IR_PublishesDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_PublishesDef_ptr *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_PublishesDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_PublishesDefSeq::IR_PublishesDefSeq (const IR_PublishesDefSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_PublishesDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_PublishesDefSeq::~IR_PublishesDefSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_PublishesDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_PublishesDefSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_PublishesDefSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_PublishesDefSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x75626c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x73686573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656653), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/PublishesDefSeq:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x5075626c), ACE_NTOHL (0x69736865), ACE_NTOHL (0x73446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = IR_PublishesDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 76, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 60, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x75626c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x73686573), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/PublishesDef:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5075626c), ACE_NTOHL (0x69736865), ACE_NTOHL (0x73446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_PublishesDef 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_PublishesDefSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_PublishesDefSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_PublishesDefSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_PublishesDefSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_PublishesDefSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_PublishesDefSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) // The Base_Sequence functions, please see tao/Sequence.h void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ConsumesDefSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_ConsumesDef **tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ConsumesDefSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_ConsumesDef **old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ConsumesDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) if (!this->release_) tmp[i] = IR_ConsumesDef::_duplicate (old[i]); else tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) delete[] old; } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ConsumesDefSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_ConsumesDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ConsumesDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_ConsumesDef::_nil (); } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ConsumesDefSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ConsumesDefSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ConsumesDefSeq (void) { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ConsumesDefSeq::_shrink_buffer (CORBA::ULong nl, CORBA::ULong ol) { IR_ConsumesDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ConsumesDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = nl; i < ol; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_ConsumesDef::_nil (); } } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ConsumesDefSeq::_downcast ( void* target, CORBA_Object *src, CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { IR_ConsumesDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ConsumesDef**, target); *tmp = IR_ConsumesDef::_narrow (src, ACE_TRY_ENV); } CORBA_Object* _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ConsumesDefSeq::_upcast (void *src) const { IR_ConsumesDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ConsumesDef**, src); return *tmp; } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_ConsumesDefSeq // ************************************************************* IR_ConsumesDefSeq::IR_ConsumesDefSeq (void) {} IR_ConsumesDefSeq::IR_ConsumesDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ConsumesDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_ConsumesDefSeq::IR_ConsumesDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_ConsumesDef_ptr *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ConsumesDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_ConsumesDefSeq::IR_ConsumesDefSeq (const IR_ConsumesDefSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ConsumesDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_ConsumesDefSeq::~IR_ConsumesDefSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_ConsumesDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ConsumesDefSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ConsumesDefSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ConsumesDefSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 34, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7375), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65665365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ConsumesDefSeq:1.0 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e73), ACE_NTOHL (0x756d6573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656653), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = IR_ConsumesDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 72, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 56, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7375), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65663a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ConsumesDef:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e73), ACE_NTOHL (0x756d6573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656600), // name = IR_ConsumesDef 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ConsumesDefSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_ConsumesDefSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_ConsumesDefSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_ConsumesDefSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ConsumesDefSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ConsumesDefSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) // The Base_Sequence functions, please see tao/Sequence.h void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FactoryDefSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_FactoryDef **tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FactoryDefSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_FactoryDef **old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_FactoryDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) if (!this->release_) tmp[i] = IR_FactoryDef::_duplicate (old[i]); else tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) delete[] old; } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FactoryDefSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_FactoryDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_FactoryDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_FactoryDef::_nil (); } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FactoryDefSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FactoryDefSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FactoryDefSeq (void) { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FactoryDefSeq::_shrink_buffer (CORBA::ULong nl, CORBA::ULong ol) { IR_FactoryDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_FactoryDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = nl; i < ol; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_FactoryDef::_nil (); } } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FactoryDefSeq::_downcast ( void* target, CORBA_Object *src, CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { IR_FactoryDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_FactoryDef**, target); *tmp = IR_FactoryDef::_narrow (src, ACE_TRY_ENV); } CORBA_Object* _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FactoryDefSeq::_upcast (void *src) const { IR_FactoryDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_FactoryDef**, src); return *tmp; } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_FactoryDefSeq // ************************************************************* IR_FactoryDefSeq::IR_FactoryDefSeq (void) {} IR_FactoryDefSeq::IR_FactoryDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FactoryDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_FactoryDefSeq::IR_FactoryDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_FactoryDef_ptr *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FactoryDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_FactoryDefSeq::IR_FactoryDefSeq (const IR_FactoryDefSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FactoryDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_FactoryDefSeq::~IR_FactoryDefSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_FactoryDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_FactoryDefSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_FactoryDefSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_FactoryDefSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x6163746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794465), ACE_NTOHL (0x66536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/FactoryDefSeq:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x46616374), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f727944), ACE_NTOHL (0x65665365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = IR_FactoryDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 72, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 56, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x6163746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794465), ACE_NTOHL (0x663a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/FactoryDef:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x46616374), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f727944), ACE_NTOHL (0x65660000), // name = IR_FactoryDef 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_FactoryDefSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_FactoryDefSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_FactoryDefSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_FactoryDefSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_FactoryDefSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_FactoryDefSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) // The Base_Sequence functions, please see tao/Sequence.h void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FinderDefSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_FinderDef **tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FinderDefSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_FinderDef **old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_FinderDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) if (!this->release_) tmp[i] = IR_FinderDef::_duplicate (old[i]); else tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) delete[] old; } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FinderDefSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_FinderDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_FinderDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_FinderDef::_nil (); } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FinderDefSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FinderDefSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FinderDefSeq (void) { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FinderDefSeq::_shrink_buffer (CORBA::ULong nl, CORBA::ULong ol) { IR_FinderDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_FinderDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = nl; i < ol; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_FinderDef::_nil (); } } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FinderDefSeq::_downcast ( void* target, CORBA_Object *src, CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { IR_FinderDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_FinderDef**, target); *tmp = IR_FinderDef::_narrow (src, ACE_TRY_ENV); } CORBA_Object* _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FinderDefSeq::_upcast (void *src) const { IR_FinderDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_FinderDef**, src); return *tmp; } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_FinderDefSeq // ************************************************************* IR_FinderDefSeq::IR_FinderDefSeq (void) {} IR_FinderDefSeq::IR_FinderDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FinderDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_FinderDefSeq::IR_FinderDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_FinderDef_ptr *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FinderDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_FinderDefSeq::IR_FinderDefSeq (const IR_FinderDefSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_FinderDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_FinderDefSeq::~IR_FinderDefSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_FinderDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_FinderDefSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_FinderDefSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_FinderDefSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x5365713a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/FinderDefSeq:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x46696e64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65724465), ACE_NTOHL (0x66536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_FinderDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 72, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 56, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 29, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/FinderDef:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x46696e64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65724465), ACE_NTOHL (0x66000000), // name = IR_FinderDef 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_FinderDefSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_FinderDefSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_FinderDefSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_FinderDefSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_FinderDefSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_FinderDefSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) // The Base_Sequence functions, please see tao/Sequence.h void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ContainedSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_Contained **tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ContainedSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_Contained **old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_Contained**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) if (!this->release_) tmp[i] = IR_Contained::_duplicate (old[i]); else tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) delete[] old; } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ContainedSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_Contained **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_Contained**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_Contained::_nil (); } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ContainedSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ContainedSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ContainedSeq (void) { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ContainedSeq::_shrink_buffer (CORBA::ULong nl, CORBA::ULong ol) { IR_Contained **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_Contained**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = nl; i < ol; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_Contained::_nil (); } } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ContainedSeq::_downcast ( void* target, CORBA_Object *src, CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { IR_Contained **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_Contained**, target); *tmp = IR_Contained::_narrow (src, ACE_TRY_ENV); } CORBA_Object* _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ContainedSeq::_upcast (void *src) const { IR_Contained **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_Contained**, src); return *tmp; } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_ContainedSeq // ************************************************************* IR_ContainedSeq::IR_ContainedSeq (void) {} IR_ContainedSeq::IR_ContainedSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ContainedSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_ContainedSeq::IR_ContainedSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_Contained_ptr *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ContainedSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_ContainedSeq::IR_ContainedSeq (const IR_ContainedSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ContainedSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_ContainedSeq::~IR_ContainedSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_ContainedSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ContainedSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ContainedSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ContainedSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7461), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6564), ACE_NTOHL (0x5365713a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ContainedSeq:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x61696e65), ACE_NTOHL (0x64536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_ContainedSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 72, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 56, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 29, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7461), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6564), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x61696e65), ACE_NTOHL (0x64000000), // name = IR_Contained 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ContainedSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_ContainedSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_ContainedSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_ContainedSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ContainedSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ContainedSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_StructMember[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x74727563), ACE_NTOHL (0x744d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6265723a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/StructMember:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x53747275), ACE_NTOHL (0x63744d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d626572), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_StructMember 3, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_StructMember (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_StructMember), (char *) &_oc_IR_StructMember, 0, sizeof (IR_StructMember)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_StructMember, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_StructMember) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_StructMember::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_StructMember *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_StructMember*,x); delete tmp; } #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_StructMemberSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_StructMember* tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_StructMemberSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_StructMember *old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_StructMember *,this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_StructMemberSeq::freebuf (old); } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_StructMemberSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_StructMember *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_StructMember *,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_StructMemberSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_StructMemberSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_StructMemberSeq (void) // Dtor. { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_StructMemberSeq // ************************************************************* IR_StructMemberSeq::IR_StructMemberSeq (void) {} IR_StructMemberSeq::IR_StructMemberSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_StructMemberSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_StructMemberSeq::IR_StructMemberSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_StructMember *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_StructMemberSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_StructMemberSeq::IR_StructMemberSeq (const IR_StructMemberSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_StructMemberSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_StructMemberSeq::~IR_StructMemberSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_StructMemberSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_StructMemberSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_StructMemberSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_StructMemberSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x74727563), ACE_NTOHL (0x744d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x62657253), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/StructMemberSeq:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x53747275), ACE_NTOHL (0x63744d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d626572), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = IR_StructMemberSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 252, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 236, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x74727563), ACE_NTOHL (0x744d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6265723a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/StructMember:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x53747275), ACE_NTOHL (0x63744d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d626572), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_StructMember 3, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_StructMemberSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_StructMemberSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_StructMemberSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_StructMemberSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_StructMemberSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_StructMemberSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_Initializer[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e697469), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c697a), ACE_NTOHL (0x65723a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Initializer:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x496e6974), ACE_NTOHL (0x69616c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x7a657200), // name = IR_Initializer 2, // member count 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727300), // name = members CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 324, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x74727563), ACE_NTOHL (0x744d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x62657253), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/StructMemberSeq:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x53747275), ACE_NTOHL (0x63744d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d626572), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = IR_StructMemberSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 252, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 236, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x74727563), ACE_NTOHL (0x744d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6265723a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/StructMember:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x53747275), ACE_NTOHL (0x63744d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d626572), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_StructMember 3, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType 0U, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_Initializer (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_Initializer), (char *) &_oc_IR_Initializer, 0, sizeof (IR_Initializer)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_Initializer, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_Initializer) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_Initializer::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_Initializer *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_Initializer*,x); delete tmp; } #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_InitializerSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_Initializer* tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_InitializerSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_Initializer *old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_Initializer *,this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_InitializerSeq::freebuf (old); } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_InitializerSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_Initializer *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_Initializer *,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_InitializerSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_InitializerSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_InitializerSeq (void) // Dtor. { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_InitializerSeq // ************************************************************* IR_InitializerSeq::IR_InitializerSeq (void) {} IR_InitializerSeq::IR_InitializerSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_InitializerSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_InitializerSeq::IR_InitializerSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_Initializer *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_InitializerSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_InitializerSeq::IR_InitializerSeq (const IR_InitializerSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_InitializerSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_InitializerSeq::~IR_InitializerSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_InitializerSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_InitializerSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_InitializerSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_InitializerSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 34, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e697469), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c697a), ACE_NTOHL (0x65725365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/InitializerSeq:1.0 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x496e6974), ACE_NTOHL (0x69616c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x7a657253), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = IR_InitializerSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 504, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 488, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e697469), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c697a), ACE_NTOHL (0x65723a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Initializer:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x496e6974), ACE_NTOHL (0x69616c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x7a657200), // name = IR_Initializer 2, // member count 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727300), // name = members CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 324, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x74727563), ACE_NTOHL (0x744d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x62657253), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/StructMemberSeq:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x53747275), ACE_NTOHL (0x63744d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d626572), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = IR_StructMemberSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 252, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 236, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x74727563), ACE_NTOHL (0x744d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6265723a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/StructMember:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x53747275), ACE_NTOHL (0x63744d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d626572), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_StructMember 3, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType 0U, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_InitializerSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_InitializerSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_InitializerSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_InitializerSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_InitializerSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_InitializerSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_UnionMember[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65723a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/UnionMember:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x556e696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e4d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x62657200), // name = IR_UnionMember 4, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 6, ACE_NTOHL (0x6c616265), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c000000), // name = label CORBA::tk_any, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_UnionMember (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_UnionMember), (char *) &_oc_IR_UnionMember, 0, sizeof (IR_UnionMember)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_UnionMember, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_UnionMember) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_UnionMember::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_UnionMember *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_UnionMember*,x); delete tmp; } #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UnionMemberSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_UnionMember* tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UnionMemberSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_UnionMember *old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_UnionMember *,this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UnionMemberSeq::freebuf (old); } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UnionMemberSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_UnionMember *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_UnionMember *,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UnionMemberSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UnionMemberSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UnionMemberSeq (void) // Dtor. { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_UnionMemberSeq // ************************************************************* IR_UnionMemberSeq::IR_UnionMemberSeq (void) {} IR_UnionMemberSeq::IR_UnionMemberSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UnionMemberSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_UnionMemberSeq::IR_UnionMemberSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_UnionMember *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UnionMemberSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_UnionMemberSeq::IR_UnionMemberSeq (const IR_UnionMemberSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UnionMemberSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_UnionMemberSeq::~IR_UnionMemberSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_UnionMemberSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_UnionMemberSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_UnionMemberSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_UnionMemberSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 34, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65725365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/UnionMemberSeq:1.0 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x556e696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e4d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x62657253), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = IR_UnionMemberSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 264, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 248, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65723a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/UnionMember:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x556e696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e4d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x62657200), // name = IR_UnionMember 4, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 6, ACE_NTOHL (0x6c616265), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c000000), // name = label CORBA::tk_any, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_UnionMemberSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_UnionMemberSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_UnionMemberSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_UnionMemberSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_UnionMemberSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_UnionMemberSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END // ************************************************************* // IR_EnumMemberSeq // ************************************************************* IR_EnumMemberSeq::IR_EnumMemberSeq (void) {} IR_EnumMemberSeq::IR_EnumMemberSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_EnumMemberSeq::IR_EnumMemberSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, char * *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_EnumMemberSeq::IR_EnumMemberSeq (const IR_EnumMemberSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_EnumMemberSeq::~IR_EnumMemberSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_EnumMemberSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_EnumMemberSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_EnumMemberSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_EnumMemberSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e756d4d), ACE_NTOHL (0x656d6265), ACE_NTOHL (0x72536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/EnumMemberSeq:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x456e756d), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65725365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = IR_EnumMemberSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 80, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_EnumMemberSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_EnumMemberSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_EnumMemberSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_EnumMemberSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_EnumMemberSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_EnumMemberSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_Container_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_Container_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods IR_Contained_ptr _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl::lookup ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * search_name, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_Contained_ptr _tao_retval = IR_Contained::_nil (); IR_Contained_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "lookup", 6, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << search_name) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_ContainedSeq * _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl::contents ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, IR_DefinitionKind limit_type, CORBA::Boolean exclude_inherited, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ContainedSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_ContainedSeq, _tao_retval); IR_ContainedSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "contents", 8, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << limit_type) && (_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (exclude_inherited)) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_ContainedSeq * _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl::lookup_name ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * search_name, CORBA::Long levels_to_search, IR_DefinitionKind limit_type, CORBA::Boolean exclude_inherited, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ContainedSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_ContainedSeq, _tao_retval); IR_ContainedSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "lookup_name", 11, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << search_name) && (_tao_out << levels_to_search) && (_tao_out << limit_type) && (_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (exclude_inherited)) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_Container::DescriptionSeq * _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl::describe_contents ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, IR_DefinitionKind limit_type, CORBA::Boolean exclude_inherited, CORBA::Long max_returned_objs, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_Container::DescriptionSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_Container::DescriptionSeq, _tao_retval); IR_Container::DescriptionSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "describe_contents", 17, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << limit_type) && (_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (exclude_inherited)) && (_tao_out << max_returned_objs) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_ModuleDef_ptr _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_module ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ModuleDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_ModuleDef::_nil (); IR_ModuleDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_module", 13, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_ConstantDef_ptr _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_constant ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr type, const CORBA::Any & value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ConstantDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_ConstantDef::_nil (); IR_ConstantDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_constant", 15, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << type) && (_tao_out << value) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_StructDef_ptr _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_struct ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, const IR_StructMemberSeq & members, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_StructDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_StructDef::_nil (); IR_StructDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_struct", 13, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << members) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_UnionDef_ptr _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_union ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr discriminator_type, const IR_UnionMemberSeq & members, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_UnionDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_UnionDef::_nil (); IR_UnionDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_union", 12, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << discriminator_type) && (_tao_out << members) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_EnumDef_ptr _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_enum ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, const IR_EnumMemberSeq & members, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_EnumDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_EnumDef::_nil (); IR_EnumDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_enum", 11, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << members) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_AliasDef_ptr _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_alias ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr original_type, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_AliasDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_AliasDef::_nil (); IR_AliasDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_alias", 12, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << original_type) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_InterfaceDef_ptr _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_interface ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, const IR_InterfaceDefSeq & base_interfaces, CORBA::Boolean is_abstract, CORBA::Boolean is_local, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_InterfaceDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_InterfaceDef::_nil (); IR_InterfaceDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_interface", 16, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << base_interfaces) && (_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (is_abstract)) && (_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (is_local)) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_ValueDef_ptr _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_value ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, CORBA::Boolean is_custom, CORBA::Boolean is_abstract, IR_ValueDef_ptr base_value, CORBA::Boolean is_truncatable, const IR_ValueDefSeq & abstract_base_values, const IR_InterfaceDefSeq & supported_interfaces, const IR_InitializerSeq & initializers, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ValueDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_ValueDef::_nil (); IR_ValueDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_value", 12, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (is_custom)) && (_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (is_abstract)) && (_tao_out << base_value) && (_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (is_truncatable)) && (_tao_out << abstract_base_values) && (_tao_out << supported_interfaces) && (_tao_out << initializers) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_ValueBoxDef_ptr _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_value_box ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr original_type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ValueBoxDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_ValueBoxDef::_nil (); IR_ValueBoxDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_value_box", 16, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << original_type_def) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_ExceptionDef_ptr _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_exception ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, const IR_StructMemberSeq & members, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ExceptionDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_ExceptionDef::_nil (); IR_ExceptionDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_exception", 16, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << members) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_NativeDef_ptr _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_native ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_NativeDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_NativeDef::_nil (); IR_NativeDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_native", 13, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_Container_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_Container *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_Container::IR_Container (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_Container::~IR_Container (void) {} void IR_Container::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_Container_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); CORBA_IRObject::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_Container::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_Container *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_Container*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_Container_ptr IR_Container::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_Container::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/Container:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_Container::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_Container::_nil (); } return IR_Container::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_Container_ptr IR_Container::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_Container::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_Container_ptr default_proxy = IR_Container::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_Container ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_Container::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_Container (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_Container::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_Container_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_Container::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_Container_ptr IR_Container::_duplicate (IR_Container_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_Container::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Container:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_Container::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Container::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_Container::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/Container:1.0"; } IR_Contained_ptr IR_Container::lookup ( const char * search_name, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).lookup ( this, search_name, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ContainedSeq * IR_Container::contents ( IR_DefinitionKind limit_type, CORBA::Boolean exclude_inherited, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).contents ( this, limit_type, exclude_inherited, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ContainedSeq * IR_Container::lookup_name ( const char * search_name, CORBA::Long levels_to_search, IR_DefinitionKind limit_type, CORBA::Boolean exclude_inherited, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).lookup_name ( this, search_name, levels_to_search, limit_type, exclude_inherited, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_Container_Description[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 41, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7461), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6572), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Container/Description:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = Description 3, // member count 17, ACE_NTOHL (0x636f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x61696e65), ACE_NTOHL (0x645f6f62), ACE_NTOHL (0x6a656374), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = contained_object CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 56, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 29, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7461), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6564), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x61696e65), ACE_NTOHL (0x64000000), // name = IR_Contained 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6b696e64), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = kind CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 632, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 34, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f44), ACE_NTOHL (0x6566696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6974696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e4b696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x643a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/DefinitionKind:1.0 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x44656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e697469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e4b69), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e640000), // name = DefinitionKind 34, // member count 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e6500), // name = dk_none 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f61), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c6c0000), // name = dk_all 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Attribute 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7374), ACE_NTOHL (0x616e7400), // name = dk_Constant 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Exception 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x66616365), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Interface 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f4d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f64756c), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = dk_Module 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70657261), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Operation 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706564), ACE_NTOHL (0x65660000), // name = dk_Typedef 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c696173), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Alias 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x74727563), ACE_NTOHL (0x74000000), // name = dk_Struct 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Union 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e756d00), // name = dk_Enum 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x72696d69), ACE_NTOHL (0x74697665), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Primitive 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x7472696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x67000000), // name = dk_String 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x65717565), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e636500), // name = dk_Sequence 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x72726179), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Array 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x79000000), // name = dk_Repository 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f57), ACE_NTOHL (0x73747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e670000), // name = dk_Wstring 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x69786564), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Fixed 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Value 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x426f7800), // name = dk_ValueBox 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = dk_ValueMember 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f4e), ACE_NTOHL (0x61746976), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = dk_Native 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Component 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f48), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d6500), // name = dk_Home 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x6163746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72790000), // name = dk_Factory 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72000000), // name = dk_Finder 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x72696d61), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794b65), ACE_NTOHL (0x79000000), // name = dk_PrimaryKey 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d697473), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Emits 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x75626c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x73686573), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Publishes 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7375), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657300), // name = dk_Consumes 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x64657300), // name = dk_Provides 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657300), // name = dk_Uses 6, ACE_NTOHL (0x76616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = value CORBA::tk_any, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_Container_Description (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_Container_Description), (char *) &_oc_IR_Container_Description, 0, sizeof (IR_Container::Description)); CORBA::TypeCode_ptr IR_Container::_tc_Description = &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_Container_Description; void IR_Container::Description::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { Description *tmp = ACE_static_cast (Description*,x); delete tmp; } #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) void IR_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_Container_DescriptionSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_Container::Description* tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_Container_DescriptionSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_Container::Description *old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_Container::Description *,this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_Container_DescriptionSeq::freebuf (old); } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void IR_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_Container_DescriptionSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_Container::Description *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_Container::Description *,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_Container_DescriptionSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } IR_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_Container_DescriptionSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_Container_DescriptionSeq (void) // Dtor. { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_Container::DescriptionSeq // ************************************************************* IR_Container::DescriptionSeq::DescriptionSeq (void) {} IR_Container::DescriptionSeq::DescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_Container_DescriptionSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_Container::DescriptionSeq::DescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_Container::Description *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_Container_DescriptionSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_Container::DescriptionSeq::DescriptionSeq (const DescriptionSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_Container_DescriptionSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_Container::DescriptionSeq::~DescriptionSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_Container::DescriptionSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { DescriptionSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (DescriptionSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_Container_DescriptionSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 44, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7461), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6572), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x5365713a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Container/DescriptionSeq:1.0 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = DescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 844, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 828, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 41, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7461), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6572), ACE_NTOHL (0x2f446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Container/Description:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = Description 3, // member count 17, ACE_NTOHL (0x636f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x61696e65), ACE_NTOHL (0x645f6f62), ACE_NTOHL (0x6a656374), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = contained_object CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 56, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 29, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7461), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6564), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x61696e65), ACE_NTOHL (0x64000000), // name = IR_Contained 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6b696e64), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = kind CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 632, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 34, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f44), ACE_NTOHL (0x6566696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6974696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e4b696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x643a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/DefinitionKind:1.0 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x44656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e697469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e4b69), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e640000), // name = DefinitionKind 34, // member count 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e6500), // name = dk_none 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f61), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c6c0000), // name = dk_all 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Attribute 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7374), ACE_NTOHL (0x616e7400), // name = dk_Constant 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Exception 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x66616365), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Interface 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f4d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f64756c), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = dk_Module 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70657261), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Operation 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706564), ACE_NTOHL (0x65660000), // name = dk_Typedef 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c696173), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Alias 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x74727563), ACE_NTOHL (0x74000000), // name = dk_Struct 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Union 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e756d00), // name = dk_Enum 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x72696d69), ACE_NTOHL (0x74697665), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Primitive 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x7472696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x67000000), // name = dk_String 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x65717565), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e636500), // name = dk_Sequence 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x72726179), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Array 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x79000000), // name = dk_Repository 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f57), ACE_NTOHL (0x73747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e670000), // name = dk_Wstring 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x69786564), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Fixed 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Value 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x426f7800), // name = dk_ValueBox 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = dk_ValueMember 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f4e), ACE_NTOHL (0x61746976), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = dk_Native 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Component 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f48), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d6500), // name = dk_Home 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x6163746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72790000), // name = dk_Factory 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72000000), // name = dk_Finder 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x72696d61), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794b65), ACE_NTOHL (0x79000000), // name = dk_PrimaryKey 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d697473), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Emits 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x75626c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x73686573), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = dk_Publishes 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7375), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657300), // name = dk_Consumes 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x64657300), // name = dk_Provides 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x646b5f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657300), // name = dk_Uses 6, ACE_NTOHL (0x76616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = value CORBA::tk_any, 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_Container_DescriptionSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_Container_DescriptionSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_Container_DescriptionSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_Container::DescriptionSeq)); CORBA::TypeCode_ptr IR_Container::_tc_DescriptionSeq = &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_Container_DescriptionSeq; IR_Container::DescriptionSeq * IR_Container::describe_contents ( IR_DefinitionKind limit_type, CORBA::Boolean exclude_inherited, CORBA::Long max_returned_objs, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).describe_contents ( this, limit_type, exclude_inherited, max_returned_objs, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ModuleDef_ptr IR_Container::create_module ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_module ( this, id, name, version, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ConstantDef_ptr IR_Container::create_constant ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr type, const CORBA::Any & value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_constant ( this, id, name, version, type, value, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_StructDef_ptr IR_Container::create_struct ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, const IR_StructMemberSeq & members, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_struct ( this, id, name, version, members, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_UnionDef_ptr IR_Container::create_union ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr discriminator_type, const IR_UnionMemberSeq & members, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_union ( this, id, name, version, discriminator_type, members, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_EnumDef_ptr IR_Container::create_enum ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, const IR_EnumMemberSeq & members, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_enum ( this, id, name, version, members, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_AliasDef_ptr IR_Container::create_alias ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr original_type, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_alias ( this, id, name, version, original_type, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_InterfaceDef_ptr IR_Container::create_interface ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, const IR_InterfaceDefSeq & base_interfaces, CORBA::Boolean is_abstract, CORBA::Boolean is_local, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_interface ( this, id, name, version, base_interfaces, is_abstract, is_local, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ValueDef_ptr IR_Container::create_value ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, CORBA::Boolean is_custom, CORBA::Boolean is_abstract, IR_ValueDef_ptr base_value, CORBA::Boolean is_truncatable, const IR_ValueDefSeq & abstract_base_values, const IR_InterfaceDefSeq & supported_interfaces, const IR_InitializerSeq & initializers, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_value ( this, id, name, version, is_custom, is_abstract, base_value, is_truncatable, abstract_base_values, supported_interfaces, initializers, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ValueBoxDef_ptr IR_Container::create_value_box ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr original_type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_value_box ( this, id, name, version, original_type_def, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ExceptionDef_ptr IR_Container::create_exception ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, const IR_StructMemberSeq & members, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_exception ( this, id, name, version, members, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_NativeDef_ptr IR_Container::create_native ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_native ( this, id, name, version, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_Container[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 29, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7461), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6572), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Container:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x61696e65), ACE_NTOHL (0x72000000), // name = IR_Container }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_Container (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_Container), (char *) &_oc_IR_Container, 0, sizeof (IR_Container)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_Container, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_Container) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_IDLType_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_IDLType_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_IDLType_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_IDLType_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _TAO_IDLType_Remote_Proxy_Impl::type ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tao_retval = CORBA::TypeCode::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_type", 9, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_IDLType_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_IDLType_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_IDLType_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_IDLType_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_IDLType_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_IDLType_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_IDLType_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_IDLType_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_IDLType_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_IDLType_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_IDLType_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_IDLType_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_IDLType_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_IDLType *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_IDLType::IR_IDLType (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_IDLType::~IR_IDLType (void) {} void IR_IDLType::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_IDLType_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_IDLType_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_IDLType_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_IDLType_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); CORBA_IRObject::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_IDLType::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_IDLType *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_IDLType*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_IDLType_ptr IR_IDLType::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_IDLType::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_IDLType::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_IDLType::_nil (); } return IR_IDLType::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_IDLType_ptr IR_IDLType::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_IDLType::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_IDLType_ptr default_proxy = IR_IDLType::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_IDLType_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_IDLType ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_IDLType::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_IDLType (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_IDLType::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_IDLType_ptr IR_IDLType::_duplicate (IR_IDLType_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_IDLType::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_IDLType::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_IDLType::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0"; } CORBA::TypeCode_ptr IR_IDLType::type ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_IDLType_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).type ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_IDLType[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_IDLType (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_IDLType), (char *) &_oc_IR_IDLType, 0, sizeof (IR_IDLType)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_IDLType, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_IDLType) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_PrimitiveKind[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x72696d69), ACE_NTOHL (0x74697665), ACE_NTOHL (0x4b696e64), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/PrimitiveKind:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x5072696d), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746976), ACE_NTOHL (0x654b696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x64000000), // name = PrimitiveKind 22, // member count 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x756c6c00), // name = pk_null 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f76), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f696400), // name = pk_void 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x686f7274), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = pk_short 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f6c), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e6700), // name = pk_long 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f75), ACE_NTOHL (0x73686f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x74000000), // name = pk_ushort 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f75), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c6f6e67), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = pk_ulong 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f66), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c6f6174), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = pk_float 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f75626c), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = pk_double 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f62), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6f6c65), ACE_NTOHL (0x616e0000), // name = pk_boolean 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f63), ACE_NTOHL (0x68617200), // name = pk_char 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f6f), ACE_NTOHL (0x63746574), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = pk_octet 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f61), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e790000), // name = pk_any 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706543), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f646500), // name = pk_TypeCode 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x72696e63), ACE_NTOHL (0x6970616c), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = pk_Principal 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x7472696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x67000000), // name = pk_string 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f6f), ACE_NTOHL (0x626a7265), ACE_NTOHL (0x66000000), // name = pk_objref 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f6c), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e676c), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e6700), // name = pk_longlong 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f75), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c6f6e67), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c6f6e67), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = pk_ulonglong 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f6c), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e6764), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f75626c), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = pk_longdouble 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f77), ACE_NTOHL (0x63686172), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = pk_wchar 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f77), ACE_NTOHL (0x73747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e670000), // name = pk_wstring 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x706b5f76), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f626173), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = pk_value_base }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_PrimitiveKind (CORBA::tk_enum, sizeof (_oc_IR_PrimitiveKind), (char *) &_oc_IR_PrimitiveKind, 0, sizeof (IR_PrimitiveKind)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_PrimitiveKind, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_PrimitiveKind) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_Repository_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_Repository_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods IR_Contained_ptr _TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Impl::lookup_id ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * search_id, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_Contained_ptr _tao_retval = IR_Contained::_nil (); IR_Contained_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "lookup_id", 9, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << search_id) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Impl::get_canonical_typecode ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::TypeCode_ptr tc, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tao_retval = CORBA::TypeCode::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "get_canonical_typecode", 22, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << tc) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_PrimitiveDef_ptr _TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Impl::get_primitive ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, IR_PrimitiveKind kind, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_PrimitiveDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_PrimitiveDef::_nil (); IR_PrimitiveDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "get_primitive", 13, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << kind) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_StringDef_ptr _TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_string ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::ULong bound, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_StringDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_StringDef::_nil (); IR_StringDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_string", 13, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << bound) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_WstringDef_ptr _TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_wstring ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::ULong bound, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_WstringDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_WstringDef::_nil (); IR_WstringDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_wstring", 14, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << bound) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_SequenceDef_ptr _TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_sequence ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::ULong bound, IR_IDLType_ptr element_type, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_SequenceDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_SequenceDef::_nil (); IR_SequenceDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_sequence", 15, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << bound) && (_tao_out << element_type) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_ArrayDef_ptr _TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_array ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::ULong length, IR_IDLType_ptr element_type, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ArrayDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_ArrayDef::_nil (); IR_ArrayDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_array", 12, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << length) && (_tao_out << element_type) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_FixedDef_ptr _TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_fixed ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::UShort digits, CORBA::Short scale, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_FixedDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_FixedDef::_nil (); IR_FixedDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_fixed", 12, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << digits) && (_tao_out << scale) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_Repository_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_Repository *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_Repository::IR_Repository (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_Repository::~IR_Repository (void) {} void IR_Repository::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_Repository_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_Container::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_Repository::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_Repository *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_Repository*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_Repository_ptr IR_Repository::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_Repository::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/Repository:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_Repository::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_Repository::_nil (); } return IR_Repository::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_Repository_ptr IR_Repository::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_Repository::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_Repository_ptr default_proxy = IR_Repository::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_Repository ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_Repository::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_Repository (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_Repository::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_Repository_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_Repository::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_Repository_ptr IR_Repository::_duplicate (IR_Repository_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_Repository::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Repository:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Container:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_Repository::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Repository::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Container::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Container_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_Repository::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/Repository:1.0"; } IR_Contained_ptr IR_Repository::lookup_id ( const char * search_id, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).lookup_id ( this, search_id, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } CORBA::TypeCode_ptr IR_Repository::get_canonical_typecode ( CORBA::TypeCode_ptr tc, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).get_canonical_typecode ( this, tc, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_PrimitiveDef_ptr IR_Repository::get_primitive ( IR_PrimitiveKind kind, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).get_primitive ( this, kind, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_StringDef_ptr IR_Repository::create_string ( CORBA::ULong bound, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_string ( this, bound, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_WstringDef_ptr IR_Repository::create_wstring ( CORBA::ULong bound, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_wstring ( this, bound, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_SequenceDef_ptr IR_Repository::create_sequence ( CORBA::ULong bound, IR_IDLType_ptr element_type, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_sequence ( this, bound, element_type, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ArrayDef_ptr IR_Repository::create_array ( CORBA::ULong length, IR_IDLType_ptr element_type, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_array ( this, length, element_type, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_FixedDef_ptr IR_Repository::create_fixed ( CORBA::UShort digits, CORBA::Short scale, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_fixed ( this, digits, scale, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_Repository[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x793a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Repository:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72790000), // name = IR_Repository }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_Repository (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_Repository), (char *) &_oc_IR_Repository, 0, sizeof (IR_Repository)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_Repository, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_Repository) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_ComponentRepository_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ComponentRepository_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_ComponentRepository_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ComponentRepository_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods IR_ComponentDef_ptr _TAO_ComponentRepository_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_component ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_ComponentDef_ptr base_component, const IR_InterfaceDefSeq & supports_interfaces, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ComponentDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_ComponentDef::_nil (); IR_ComponentDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_component", 16, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << base_component) && (_tao_out << supports_interfaces) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_HomeDef_ptr _TAO_ComponentRepository_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_home ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_HomeDef_ptr base_home, IR_ComponentDef_ptr managed_component, IR_ValueDef_ptr primary_key, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_HomeDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_HomeDef::_nil (); IR_HomeDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_home", 11, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << base_home) && (_tao_out << managed_component) && (_tao_out << primary_key) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_ComponentRepository_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ComponentRepository_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ComponentRepository_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ComponentRepository_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_ComponentRepository_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_ComponentRepository_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_ComponentRepository_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_ComponentRepository_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ComponentRepository_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ComponentRepository_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ComponentRepository_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ComponentRepository_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_ComponentRepository_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_ComponentRepository *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_ComponentRepository::IR_ComponentRepository (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_ComponentRepository::~IR_ComponentRepository (void) {} void IR_ComponentRepository::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_ComponentRepository_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_ComponentRepository_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_ComponentRepository_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_ComponentRepository_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_Repository::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_ComponentRepository::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ComponentRepository *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ComponentRepository*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_ComponentRepository_ptr IR_ComponentRepository::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ComponentRepository::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/ComponentRepository:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_ComponentRepository::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_ComponentRepository::_nil (); } return IR_ComponentRepository::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_ComponentRepository_ptr IR_ComponentRepository::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ComponentRepository::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_ComponentRepository_ptr default_proxy = IR_ComponentRepository::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_ComponentRepository_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_ComponentRepository ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_ComponentRepository::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_ComponentRepository (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_ComponentRepository::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_ComponentRepository_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_ComponentRepository::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_ComponentRepository_ptr IR_ComponentRepository::_duplicate (IR_ComponentRepository_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_ComponentRepository::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/ComponentRepository:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Repository:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Container:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_ComponentRepository::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_ComponentRepository::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Repository::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Repository_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Container::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Container_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_ComponentRepository::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/ComponentRepository:1.0"; } IR_ComponentDef_ptr IR_ComponentRepository::create_component ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_ComponentDef_ptr base_component, const IR_InterfaceDefSeq & supports_interfaces, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ComponentRepository_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_component ( this, id, name, version, base_component, supports_interfaces, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_HomeDef_ptr IR_ComponentRepository::create_home ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_HomeDef_ptr base_home, IR_ComponentDef_ptr managed_component, IR_ValueDef_ptr primary_key, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ComponentRepository_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_home ( this, id, name, version, base_home, managed_component, primary_key, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ComponentRepository[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 39, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72793a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ComponentRepository:1.0 20, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6d70), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74526570), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f736974), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f727900), // name = IR_ComponentRepository }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ComponentRepository (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_ComponentRepository), (char *) &_oc_IR_ComponentRepository, 0, sizeof (IR_ComponentRepository)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ComponentRepository, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ComponentRepository) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_ModuleDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ModuleDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_ModuleDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ModuleDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_ModuleDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ModuleDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ModuleDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ModuleDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_ModuleDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_ModuleDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_ModuleDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_ModuleDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ModuleDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ModuleDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ModuleDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ModuleDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_ModuleDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_ModuleDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_ModuleDef::IR_ModuleDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_ModuleDef::~IR_ModuleDef (void) {} void IR_ModuleDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_ModuleDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_ModuleDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_ModuleDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_ModuleDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_Container::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); IR_Contained::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_ModuleDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ModuleDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ModuleDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_ModuleDef_ptr IR_ModuleDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ModuleDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/ModuleDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_ModuleDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_ModuleDef::_nil (); } return IR_ModuleDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_ModuleDef_ptr IR_ModuleDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ModuleDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_ModuleDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_ModuleDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_ModuleDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_ModuleDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_ModuleDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_ModuleDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_ModuleDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_ModuleDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_ModuleDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_ModuleDef_ptr IR_ModuleDef::_duplicate (IR_ModuleDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_ModuleDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/ModuleDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Container:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_ModuleDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_ModuleDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Container::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Container_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_ModuleDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/ModuleDef:1.0"; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ModuleDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 29, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f64756c), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ModuleDef:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6475), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c654465), ACE_NTOHL (0x66000000), // name = IR_ModuleDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ModuleDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_ModuleDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_ModuleDef, 0, sizeof (IR_ModuleDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ModuleDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ModuleDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ModuleDescription[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f64756c), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ModuleDescription:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6475), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c654465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e000000), // name = ModuleDescription 4, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ModuleDescription (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_ModuleDescription), (char *) &_oc_IR_ModuleDescription, 0, sizeof (IR_ModuleDescription)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ModuleDescription, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ModuleDescription) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_ModuleDescription::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ModuleDescription *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ModuleDescription*,x); delete tmp; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_ConstantDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ConstantDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _TAO_ConstantDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::type ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tao_retval = CORBA::TypeCode::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_type", 9, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_IDLType_ptr _TAO_ConstantDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::type_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_IDLType_ptr _tao_retval = IR_IDLType::_nil (); IR_IDLType_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_type_def", 13, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_ConstantDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::type_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, IR_IDLType_ptr type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_type_def", 13, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << type_def) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } CORBA::Any * _TAO_ConstantDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::value ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::Any *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, CORBA::Any, _tao_retval); CORBA::Any_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_value", 10, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_ConstantDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::value ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const CORBA::Any & value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_value", 10, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << value) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_ConstantDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_ConstantDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_ConstantDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_ConstantDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ConstantDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ConstantDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ConstantDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_ConstantDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_ConstantDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_ConstantDef::IR_ConstantDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_ConstantDef::~IR_ConstantDef (void) {} void IR_ConstantDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_ConstantDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_Contained::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_ConstantDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ConstantDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ConstantDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_ConstantDef_ptr IR_ConstantDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ConstantDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/ConstantDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_ConstantDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_ConstantDef::_nil (); } return IR_ConstantDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_ConstantDef_ptr IR_ConstantDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ConstantDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_ConstantDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_ConstantDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_ConstantDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_ConstantDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_ConstantDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_ConstantDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_ConstantDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_ConstantDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_ConstantDef_ptr IR_ConstantDef::_duplicate (IR_ConstantDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_ConstantDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/ConstantDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_ConstantDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_ConstantDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_ConstantDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/ConstantDef:1.0"; } CORBA::TypeCode_ptr IR_ConstantDef::type ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).type ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_IDLType_ptr IR_ConstantDef::type_def ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).type_def ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_ConstantDef::type_def ( IR_IDLType_ptr type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).type_def ( this, type_def, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } CORBA::Any * IR_ConstantDef::value ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).value ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_ConstantDef::value ( const CORBA::Any & value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).value ( this, value, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ConstantDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7374), ACE_NTOHL (0x616e7444), ACE_NTOHL (0x65663a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ConstantDef:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e73), ACE_NTOHL (0x74616e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656600), // name = IR_ConstantDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ConstantDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_ConstantDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_ConstantDef, 0, sizeof (IR_ConstantDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ConstantDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ConstantDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ConstantDescription[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 39, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7374), ACE_NTOHL (0x616e7444), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e3a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ConstantDescription:1.0 20, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e73), ACE_NTOHL (0x74616e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = ConstantDescription 6, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 6, ACE_NTOHL (0x76616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = value CORBA::tk_any, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ConstantDescription (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_ConstantDescription), (char *) &_oc_IR_ConstantDescription, 0, sizeof (IR_ConstantDescription)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ConstantDescription, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ConstantDescription) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_ConstantDescription::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ConstantDescription *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ConstantDescription*,x); delete tmp; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_TypedefDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_TypedefDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_TypedefDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_TypedefDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_TypedefDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_TypedefDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_TypedefDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_TypedefDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_TypedefDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_TypedefDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_TypedefDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_TypedefDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_TypedefDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_TypedefDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_TypedefDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_TypedefDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_TypedefDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_TypedefDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_TypedefDef::IR_TypedefDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_TypedefDef::~IR_TypedefDef (void) {} void IR_TypedefDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_TypedefDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_TypedefDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_TypedefDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_TypedefDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_Contained::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); IR_IDLType::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_TypedefDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_TypedefDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_TypedefDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_TypedefDef_ptr IR_TypedefDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_TypedefDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/TypedefDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_TypedefDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_TypedefDef::_nil (); } return IR_TypedefDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_TypedefDef_ptr IR_TypedefDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_TypedefDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_TypedefDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_TypedefDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_TypedefDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_TypedefDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_TypedefDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_TypedefDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_TypedefDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_TypedefDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_TypedefDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_TypedefDef_ptr IR_TypedefDef::_duplicate (IR_TypedefDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_TypedefDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/TypedefDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_TypedefDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_TypedefDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_TypedefDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/TypedefDef:1.0"; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_TypedefDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706564), ACE_NTOHL (0x65664465), ACE_NTOHL (0x663a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/TypedefDef:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x54797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656644), ACE_NTOHL (0x65660000), // name = IR_TypedefDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_TypedefDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_TypedefDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_TypedefDef, 0, sizeof (IR_TypedefDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_TypedefDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_TypedefDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_TypeDescription[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706544), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e3a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/TypeDescription:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x54797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = TypeDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_TypeDescription (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_TypeDescription), (char *) &_oc_IR_TypeDescription, 0, sizeof (IR_TypeDescription)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_TypeDescription, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_TypeDescription) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_TypeDescription::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_TypeDescription *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_TypeDescription*,x); delete tmp; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_StructDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_StructDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_StructDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_StructDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods IR_StructMemberSeq * _TAO_StructDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::members ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_StructMemberSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_StructMemberSeq, _tao_retval); IR_StructMemberSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_members", 12, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_StructDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::members ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const IR_StructMemberSeq & members, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_members", 12, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << members) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_StructDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_StructDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_StructDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_StructDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_StructDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_StructDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_StructDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_StructDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_StructDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_StructDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_StructDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_StructDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_StructDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_StructDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_StructDef::IR_StructDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_StructDef::~IR_StructDef (void) {} void IR_StructDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_StructDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_StructDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_StructDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_StructDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_TypedefDef::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); IR_Container::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_StructDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_StructDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_StructDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_StructDef_ptr IR_StructDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_StructDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/StructDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_StructDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_StructDef::_nil (); } return IR_StructDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_StructDef_ptr IR_StructDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_StructDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_StructDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_StructDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_StructDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_StructDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_StructDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_StructDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_StructDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_StructDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_StructDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_StructDef_ptr IR_StructDef::_duplicate (IR_StructDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_StructDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/StructDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/TypedefDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Container:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_StructDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_StructDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_TypedefDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_TypedefDef_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Container::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Container_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_StructDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/StructDef:1.0"; } IR_StructMemberSeq * IR_StructDef::members ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_StructDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).members ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_StructDef::members ( const IR_StructMemberSeq & members, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_StructDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).members ( this, members, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_StructDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 29, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x74727563), ACE_NTOHL (0x74446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/StructDef:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x53747275), ACE_NTOHL (0x63744465), ACE_NTOHL (0x66000000), // name = IR_StructDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_StructDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_StructDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_StructDef, 0, sizeof (IR_StructDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_StructDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_StructDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_UnionDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_UnionDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _TAO_UnionDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::discriminator_type ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tao_retval = CORBA::TypeCode::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_discriminator_type", 23, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_IDLType_ptr _TAO_UnionDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::discriminator_type_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_IDLType_ptr _tao_retval = IR_IDLType::_nil (); IR_IDLType_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_discriminator_type_def", 27, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_UnionDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::discriminator_type_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, IR_IDLType_ptr discriminator_type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_discriminator_type_def", 27, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << discriminator_type_def) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } IR_UnionMemberSeq * _TAO_UnionDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::members ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_UnionMemberSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_UnionMemberSeq, _tao_retval); IR_UnionMemberSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_members", 12, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_UnionDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::members ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const IR_UnionMemberSeq & members, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_members", 12, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << members) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_UnionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_UnionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_UnionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_UnionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_UnionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_UnionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_UnionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_UnionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_UnionDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_UnionDef::IR_UnionDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_UnionDef::~IR_UnionDef (void) {} void IR_UnionDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_UnionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_TypedefDef::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); IR_Container::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_UnionDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_UnionDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_UnionDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_UnionDef_ptr IR_UnionDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_UnionDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/UnionDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_UnionDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_UnionDef::_nil (); } return IR_UnionDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_UnionDef_ptr IR_UnionDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_UnionDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_UnionDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_UnionDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_UnionDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_UnionDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_UnionDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_UnionDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_UnionDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_UnionDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_UnionDef_ptr IR_UnionDef::_duplicate (IR_UnionDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_UnionDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/UnionDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/TypedefDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Container:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_UnionDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_UnionDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_TypedefDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_TypedefDef_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Container::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Container_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_UnionDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/UnionDef:1.0"; } CORBA::TypeCode_ptr IR_UnionDef::discriminator_type ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).discriminator_type ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_IDLType_ptr IR_UnionDef::discriminator_type_def ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).discriminator_type_def ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_UnionDef::discriminator_type_def ( IR_IDLType_ptr discriminator_type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).discriminator_type_def ( this, discriminator_type_def, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_UnionMemberSeq * IR_UnionDef::members ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).members ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_UnionDef::members ( const IR_UnionMemberSeq & members, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).members ( this, members, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_UnionDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 28, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/UnionDef:1.0 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x556e696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_UnionDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_UnionDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_UnionDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_UnionDef, 0, sizeof (IR_UnionDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_UnionDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_UnionDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_EnumDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_EnumDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_EnumDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_EnumDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods IR_EnumMemberSeq * _TAO_EnumDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::members ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_EnumMemberSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_EnumMemberSeq, _tao_retval); IR_EnumMemberSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_members", 12, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_EnumDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::members ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const IR_EnumMemberSeq & members, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_members", 12, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << members) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_EnumDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_EnumDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_EnumDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_EnumDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_EnumDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_EnumDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_EnumDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_EnumDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_EnumDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_EnumDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_EnumDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_EnumDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_EnumDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_EnumDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_EnumDef::IR_EnumDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_EnumDef::~IR_EnumDef (void) {} void IR_EnumDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_EnumDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_EnumDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_EnumDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_EnumDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_TypedefDef::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_EnumDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_EnumDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_EnumDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_EnumDef_ptr IR_EnumDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_EnumDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/EnumDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_EnumDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_EnumDef::_nil (); } return IR_EnumDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_EnumDef_ptr IR_EnumDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_EnumDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_EnumDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_EnumDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_EnumDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_EnumDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_EnumDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_EnumDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_EnumDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_EnumDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_EnumDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_EnumDef_ptr IR_EnumDef::_duplicate (IR_EnumDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_EnumDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/EnumDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/TypedefDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_EnumDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_EnumDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_TypedefDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_TypedefDef_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_EnumDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/EnumDef:1.0"; } IR_EnumMemberSeq * IR_EnumDef::members ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_EnumDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).members ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_EnumDef::members ( const IR_EnumMemberSeq & members, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_EnumDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).members ( this, members, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_EnumDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e756d44), ACE_NTOHL (0x65663a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/EnumDef:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x456e756d), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656600), // name = IR_EnumDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_EnumDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_EnumDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_EnumDef, 0, sizeof (IR_EnumDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_EnumDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_EnumDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_AliasDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_AliasDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_AliasDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_AliasDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods IR_IDLType_ptr _TAO_AliasDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::original_type_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_IDLType_ptr _tao_retval = IR_IDLType::_nil (); IR_IDLType_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_original_type_def", 22, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_AliasDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::original_type_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, IR_IDLType_ptr original_type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_original_type_def", 22, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << original_type_def) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_AliasDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_AliasDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_AliasDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_AliasDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_AliasDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_AliasDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_AliasDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_AliasDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_AliasDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_AliasDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_AliasDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_AliasDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_AliasDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_AliasDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_AliasDef::IR_AliasDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_AliasDef::~IR_AliasDef (void) {} void IR_AliasDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_AliasDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_AliasDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_AliasDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_AliasDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_TypedefDef::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_AliasDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_AliasDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_AliasDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_AliasDef_ptr IR_AliasDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_AliasDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/AliasDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_AliasDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_AliasDef::_nil (); } return IR_AliasDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_AliasDef_ptr IR_AliasDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_AliasDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_AliasDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_AliasDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_AliasDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_AliasDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_AliasDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_AliasDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_AliasDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_AliasDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_AliasDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_AliasDef_ptr IR_AliasDef::_duplicate (IR_AliasDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_AliasDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/AliasDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/TypedefDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_AliasDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_AliasDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_TypedefDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_TypedefDef_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_AliasDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/AliasDef:1.0"; } IR_IDLType_ptr IR_AliasDef::original_type_def ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_AliasDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).original_type_def ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_AliasDef::original_type_def ( IR_IDLType_ptr original_type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_AliasDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).original_type_def ( this, original_type_def, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_AliasDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 28, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c696173), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AliasDef:1.0 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x416c6961), ACE_NTOHL (0x73446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_AliasDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_AliasDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_AliasDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_AliasDef, 0, sizeof (IR_AliasDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_AliasDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_AliasDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_NativeDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_NativeDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_NativeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_NativeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_NativeDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_NativeDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_NativeDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_NativeDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_NativeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_NativeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_NativeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_NativeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_NativeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_NativeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_NativeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_NativeDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_NativeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_NativeDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_NativeDef::IR_NativeDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_NativeDef::~IR_NativeDef (void) {} void IR_NativeDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_NativeDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_NativeDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_NativeDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_NativeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_TypedefDef::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_NativeDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_NativeDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_NativeDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_NativeDef_ptr IR_NativeDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_NativeDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/NativeDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_NativeDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_NativeDef::_nil (); } return IR_NativeDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_NativeDef_ptr IR_NativeDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_NativeDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_NativeDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_NativeDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_NativeDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_NativeDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_NativeDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_NativeDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_NativeDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_NativeDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_NativeDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_NativeDef_ptr IR_NativeDef::_duplicate (IR_NativeDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_NativeDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/NativeDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/TypedefDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_NativeDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_NativeDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_TypedefDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_TypedefDef_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_NativeDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/NativeDef:1.0"; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_NativeDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 29, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4e), ACE_NTOHL (0x61746976), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/NativeDef:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x4e617469), ACE_NTOHL (0x76654465), ACE_NTOHL (0x66000000), // name = IR_NativeDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_NativeDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_NativeDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_NativeDef, 0, sizeof (IR_NativeDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_NativeDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_NativeDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_PrimitiveDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_PrimitiveDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_PrimitiveDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_PrimitiveDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods IR_PrimitiveKind _TAO_PrimitiveDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::kind ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_PrimitiveKind _tao_retval = (IR_PrimitiveKind)0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_kind", 9, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_retval) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_PrimitiveDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_PrimitiveDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_PrimitiveDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_PrimitiveDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_PrimitiveDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_PrimitiveDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_PrimitiveDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_PrimitiveDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_PrimitiveDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_PrimitiveDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_PrimitiveDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_PrimitiveDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_PrimitiveDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_PrimitiveDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_PrimitiveDef::IR_PrimitiveDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_PrimitiveDef::~IR_PrimitiveDef (void) {} void IR_PrimitiveDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_PrimitiveDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_PrimitiveDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_PrimitiveDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_PrimitiveDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_IDLType::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_PrimitiveDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_PrimitiveDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_PrimitiveDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_PrimitiveDef_ptr IR_PrimitiveDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_PrimitiveDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/PrimitiveDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_PrimitiveDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_PrimitiveDef::_nil (); } return IR_PrimitiveDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_PrimitiveDef_ptr IR_PrimitiveDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_PrimitiveDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_PrimitiveDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_PrimitiveDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_PrimitiveDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_PrimitiveDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_PrimitiveDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_PrimitiveDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_PrimitiveDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_PrimitiveDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_PrimitiveDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_PrimitiveDef_ptr IR_PrimitiveDef::_duplicate (IR_PrimitiveDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_PrimitiveDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/PrimitiveDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_PrimitiveDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_PrimitiveDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_PrimitiveDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/PrimitiveDef:1.0"; } IR_PrimitiveKind IR_PrimitiveDef::kind ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_PrimitiveDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).kind ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_PrimitiveDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x72696d69), ACE_NTOHL (0x74697665), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/PrimitiveDef:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5072696d), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746976), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_PrimitiveDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_PrimitiveDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_PrimitiveDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_PrimitiveDef, 0, sizeof (IR_PrimitiveDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_PrimitiveDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_PrimitiveDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_StringDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_StringDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_StringDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_StringDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods CORBA::ULong _TAO_StringDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::bound ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::ULong _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_bound", 10, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_retval) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } void _TAO_StringDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::bound ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::ULong bound, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_bound", 10, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << bound) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_StringDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_StringDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_StringDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_StringDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_StringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_StringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_StringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_StringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_StringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_StringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_StringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_StringDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_StringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_StringDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_StringDef::IR_StringDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_StringDef::~IR_StringDef (void) {} void IR_StringDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_StringDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_StringDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_StringDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_StringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_IDLType::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_StringDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_StringDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_StringDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_StringDef_ptr IR_StringDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_StringDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/StringDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_StringDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_StringDef::_nil (); } return IR_StringDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_StringDef_ptr IR_StringDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_StringDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_StringDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_StringDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_StringDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_StringDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_StringDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_StringDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_StringDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_StringDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_StringDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_StringDef_ptr IR_StringDef::_duplicate (IR_StringDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_StringDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/StringDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_StringDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_StringDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_StringDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/StringDef:1.0"; } CORBA::ULong IR_StringDef::bound ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_StringDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).bound ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_StringDef::bound ( CORBA::ULong bound, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_StringDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).bound ( this, bound, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_StringDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 29, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x7472696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x67446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/StringDef:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x53747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e674465), ACE_NTOHL (0x66000000), // name = IR_StringDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_StringDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_StringDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_StringDef, 0, sizeof (IR_StringDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_StringDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_StringDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_WstringDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_WstringDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_WstringDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_WstringDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods CORBA::ULong _TAO_WstringDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::bound ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::ULong _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_bound", 10, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_retval) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } void _TAO_WstringDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::bound ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::ULong bound, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_bound", 10, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << bound) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_WstringDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_WstringDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_WstringDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_WstringDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_WstringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_WstringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_WstringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_WstringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_WstringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_WstringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_WstringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_WstringDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_WstringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_WstringDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_WstringDef::IR_WstringDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_WstringDef::~IR_WstringDef (void) {} void IR_WstringDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_WstringDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_WstringDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_WstringDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_WstringDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_IDLType::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_WstringDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_WstringDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_WstringDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_WstringDef_ptr IR_WstringDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_WstringDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/WstringDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_WstringDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_WstringDef::_nil (); } return IR_WstringDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_WstringDef_ptr IR_WstringDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_WstringDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_WstringDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_WstringDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_WstringDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_WstringDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_WstringDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_WstringDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_WstringDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_WstringDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_WstringDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_WstringDef_ptr IR_WstringDef::_duplicate (IR_WstringDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_WstringDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/WstringDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_WstringDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_WstringDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_WstringDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/WstringDef:1.0"; } CORBA::ULong IR_WstringDef::bound ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_WstringDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).bound ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_WstringDef::bound ( CORBA::ULong bound, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_WstringDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).bound ( this, bound, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_WstringDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f57), ACE_NTOHL (0x73747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e674465), ACE_NTOHL (0x663a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/WstringDef:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x57737472), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6744), ACE_NTOHL (0x65660000), // name = IR_WstringDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_WstringDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_WstringDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_WstringDef, 0, sizeof (IR_WstringDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_WstringDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_WstringDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_FixedDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_FixedDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods CORBA::UShort _TAO_FixedDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::digits ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::UShort _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_digits", 11, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_retval) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } void _TAO_FixedDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::digits ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::UShort digits, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_digits", 11, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << digits) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } CORBA::Short _TAO_FixedDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::scale ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::Short _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_scale", 10, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_retval) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } void _TAO_FixedDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::scale ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Short scale, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_scale", 10, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << scale) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_FixedDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_FixedDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_FixedDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_FixedDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_FixedDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_FixedDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_FixedDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_FixedDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_FixedDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_FixedDef::IR_FixedDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_FixedDef::~IR_FixedDef (void) {} void IR_FixedDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_FixedDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_IDLType::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_FixedDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_FixedDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_FixedDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_FixedDef_ptr IR_FixedDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_FixedDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/FixedDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_FixedDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_FixedDef::_nil (); } return IR_FixedDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_FixedDef_ptr IR_FixedDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_FixedDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_FixedDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_FixedDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_FixedDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_FixedDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_FixedDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_FixedDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_FixedDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_FixedDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_FixedDef_ptr IR_FixedDef::_duplicate (IR_FixedDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_FixedDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/FixedDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_FixedDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_FixedDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_FixedDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/FixedDef:1.0"; } CORBA::UShort IR_FixedDef::digits ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).digits ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_FixedDef::digits ( CORBA::UShort digits, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).digits ( this, digits, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } CORBA::Short IR_FixedDef::scale ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).scale ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_FixedDef::scale ( CORBA::Short scale, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).scale ( this, scale, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_FixedDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 28, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x69786564), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/FixedDef:1.0 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x46697865), ACE_NTOHL (0x64446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_FixedDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_FixedDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_FixedDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_FixedDef, 0, sizeof (IR_FixedDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_FixedDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_FixedDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_SequenceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_SequenceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods CORBA::ULong _TAO_SequenceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::bound ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::ULong _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_bound", 10, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_retval) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } void _TAO_SequenceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::bound ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::ULong bound, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_bound", 10, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << bound) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _TAO_SequenceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::element_type ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tao_retval = CORBA::TypeCode::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_element_type", 17, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_IDLType_ptr _TAO_SequenceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::element_type_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_IDLType_ptr _tao_retval = IR_IDLType::_nil (); IR_IDLType_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_element_type_def", 21, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_SequenceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::element_type_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, IR_IDLType_ptr element_type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_element_type_def", 21, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << element_type_def) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_SequenceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_SequenceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_SequenceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_SequenceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_SequenceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_SequenceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_SequenceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_SequenceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_SequenceDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_SequenceDef::IR_SequenceDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_SequenceDef::~IR_SequenceDef (void) {} void IR_SequenceDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_SequenceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_IDLType::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_SequenceDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_SequenceDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_SequenceDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_SequenceDef_ptr IR_SequenceDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_SequenceDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/SequenceDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_SequenceDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_SequenceDef::_nil (); } return IR_SequenceDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_SequenceDef_ptr IR_SequenceDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_SequenceDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_SequenceDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_SequenceDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_SequenceDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_SequenceDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_SequenceDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_SequenceDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_SequenceDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_SequenceDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_SequenceDef_ptr IR_SequenceDef::_duplicate (IR_SequenceDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_SequenceDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/SequenceDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_SequenceDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_SequenceDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_SequenceDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/SequenceDef:1.0"; } CORBA::ULong IR_SequenceDef::bound ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).bound ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_SequenceDef::bound ( CORBA::ULong bound, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).bound ( this, bound, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } CORBA::TypeCode_ptr IR_SequenceDef::element_type ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).element_type ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_IDLType_ptr IR_SequenceDef::element_type_def ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).element_type_def ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_SequenceDef::element_type_def ( IR_IDLType_ptr element_type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).element_type_def ( this, element_type_def, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_SequenceDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x65717565), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e636544), ACE_NTOHL (0x65663a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/SequenceDef:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x53657175), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e6365), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656600), // name = IR_SequenceDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_SequenceDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_SequenceDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_SequenceDef, 0, sizeof (IR_SequenceDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_SequenceDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_SequenceDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_ArrayDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ArrayDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods CORBA::ULong _TAO_ArrayDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::length ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::ULong _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_length", 11, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_retval) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } void _TAO_ArrayDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::length ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_length", 11, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << length) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _TAO_ArrayDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::element_type ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tao_retval = CORBA::TypeCode::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_element_type", 17, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_IDLType_ptr _TAO_ArrayDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::element_type_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_IDLType_ptr _tao_retval = IR_IDLType::_nil (); IR_IDLType_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_element_type_def", 21, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_ArrayDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::element_type_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, IR_IDLType_ptr element_type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_element_type_def", 21, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << element_type_def) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_ArrayDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_ArrayDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_ArrayDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_ArrayDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ArrayDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ArrayDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ArrayDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_ArrayDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_ArrayDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_ArrayDef::IR_ArrayDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_ArrayDef::~IR_ArrayDef (void) {} void IR_ArrayDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_ArrayDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_IDLType::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_ArrayDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ArrayDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ArrayDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_ArrayDef_ptr IR_ArrayDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ArrayDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/ArrayDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_ArrayDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_ArrayDef::_nil (); } return IR_ArrayDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_ArrayDef_ptr IR_ArrayDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ArrayDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_ArrayDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_ArrayDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_ArrayDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_ArrayDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_ArrayDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_ArrayDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_ArrayDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_ArrayDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_ArrayDef_ptr IR_ArrayDef::_duplicate (IR_ArrayDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_ArrayDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/ArrayDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_ArrayDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_ArrayDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_ArrayDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/ArrayDef:1.0"; } CORBA::ULong IR_ArrayDef::length ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).length ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_ArrayDef::length ( CORBA::ULong length, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).length ( this, length, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } CORBA::TypeCode_ptr IR_ArrayDef::element_type ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).element_type ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_IDLType_ptr IR_ArrayDef::element_type_def ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).element_type_def ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_ArrayDef::element_type_def ( IR_IDLType_ptr element_type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).element_type_def ( this, element_type_def, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ArrayDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 28, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x72726179), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ArrayDef:1.0 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x41727261), ACE_NTOHL (0x79446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_ArrayDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ArrayDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_ArrayDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_ArrayDef, 0, sizeof (IR_ArrayDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ArrayDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ArrayDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_ExceptionDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ExceptionDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_ExceptionDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ExceptionDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _TAO_ExceptionDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::type ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tao_retval = CORBA::TypeCode::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_type", 9, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_StructMemberSeq * _TAO_ExceptionDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::members ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_StructMemberSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_StructMemberSeq, _tao_retval); IR_StructMemberSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_members", 12, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_ExceptionDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::members ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const IR_StructMemberSeq & members, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_members", 12, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << members) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_ExceptionDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ExceptionDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ExceptionDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ExceptionDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_ExceptionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_ExceptionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_ExceptionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_ExceptionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ExceptionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ExceptionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ExceptionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ExceptionDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_ExceptionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_ExceptionDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_ExceptionDef::IR_ExceptionDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_ExceptionDef::~IR_ExceptionDef (void) {} void IR_ExceptionDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_ExceptionDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_ExceptionDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_ExceptionDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_ExceptionDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_Contained::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); IR_Container::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_ExceptionDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ExceptionDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ExceptionDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_ExceptionDef_ptr IR_ExceptionDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ExceptionDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_ExceptionDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_ExceptionDef::_nil (); } return IR_ExceptionDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_ExceptionDef_ptr IR_ExceptionDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ExceptionDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_ExceptionDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_ExceptionDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_ExceptionDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_ExceptionDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_ExceptionDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_ExceptionDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_ExceptionDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_ExceptionDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_ExceptionDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_ExceptionDef_ptr IR_ExceptionDef::_duplicate (IR_ExceptionDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_ExceptionDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Container:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_ExceptionDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_ExceptionDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Container::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Container_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_ExceptionDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDef:1.0"; } CORBA::TypeCode_ptr IR_ExceptionDef::type ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ExceptionDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).type ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_StructMemberSeq * IR_ExceptionDef::members ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ExceptionDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).members ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_ExceptionDef::members ( const IR_StructMemberSeq & members, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_ExceptionDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).members ( this, members, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ExceptionDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDef:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_ExceptionDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ExceptionDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_ExceptionDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_ExceptionDef, 0, sizeof (IR_ExceptionDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ExceptionDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ExceptionDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ExceptionDescription[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ExceptionDescription (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_ExceptionDescription), (char *) &_oc_IR_ExceptionDescription, 0, sizeof (IR_ExceptionDescription)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ExceptionDescription, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ExceptionDescription) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_ExceptionDescription::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ExceptionDescription *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ExceptionDescription*,x); delete tmp; } #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) // The Base_Sequence functions, please see tao/Sequence.h void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ExceptionDefSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_ExceptionDef **tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ExceptionDefSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_ExceptionDef **old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ExceptionDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) if (!this->release_) tmp[i] = IR_ExceptionDef::_duplicate (old[i]); else tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) delete[] old; } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ExceptionDefSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_ExceptionDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ExceptionDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_ExceptionDef::_nil (); } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ExceptionDefSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ExceptionDefSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ExceptionDefSeq (void) { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ExceptionDefSeq::_shrink_buffer (CORBA::ULong nl, CORBA::ULong ol) { IR_ExceptionDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ExceptionDef**, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = nl; i < ol; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = IR_ExceptionDef::_nil (); } } void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ExceptionDefSeq::_downcast ( void* target, CORBA_Object *src, CORBA_Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { IR_ExceptionDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ExceptionDef**, target); *tmp = IR_ExceptionDef::_narrow (src, ACE_TRY_ENV); } CORBA_Object* _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ExceptionDefSeq::_upcast (void *src) const { IR_ExceptionDef **tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ExceptionDef**, src); return *tmp; } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_ExceptionDefSeq // ************************************************************* IR_ExceptionDefSeq::IR_ExceptionDefSeq (void) {} IR_ExceptionDefSeq::IR_ExceptionDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ExceptionDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_ExceptionDefSeq::IR_ExceptionDefSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_ExceptionDef_ptr *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ExceptionDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_ExceptionDefSeq::IR_ExceptionDefSeq (const IR_ExceptionDefSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_IR_ExceptionDefSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_ExceptionDefSeq::~IR_ExceptionDefSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_ExceptionDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ExceptionDefSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ExceptionDefSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ExceptionDefSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656653), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDefSeq:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = ExceptionDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 76, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 60, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDef:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_ExceptionDef 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ExceptionDefSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_ExceptionDefSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_ExceptionDefSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_ExceptionDefSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ExceptionDefSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ExceptionDefSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ExcDescriptionSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_ExceptionDescription* tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ExcDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_ExceptionDescription *old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ExceptionDescription *,this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ExcDescriptionSeq::freebuf (old); } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ExcDescriptionSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_ExceptionDescription *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ExceptionDescription *,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ExcDescriptionSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ExcDescriptionSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ExcDescriptionSeq (void) // Dtor. { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_ExcDescriptionSeq // ************************************************************* IR_ExcDescriptionSeq::IR_ExcDescriptionSeq (void) {} IR_ExcDescriptionSeq::IR_ExcDescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ExcDescriptionSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_ExcDescriptionSeq::IR_ExcDescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_ExceptionDescription *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ExcDescriptionSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_ExcDescriptionSeq::IR_ExcDescriptionSeq (const IR_ExcDescriptionSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ExcDescriptionSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_ExcDescriptionSeq::~IR_ExcDescriptionSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_ExcDescriptionSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ExcDescriptionSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ExcDescriptionSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ExcDescriptionSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ExcDescriptionSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_ExcDescriptionSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_ExcDescriptionSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_ExcDescriptionSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ExcDescriptionSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ExcDescriptionSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_AttributeMode[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x654d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = AttributeMode 2, // member count 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x41545452), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f4e4f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d414c00), // name = ATTR_NORMAL 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x41545452), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f524541), ACE_NTOHL (0x444f4e4c), ACE_NTOHL (0x59000000), // name = ATTR_READONLY }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_AttributeMode (CORBA::tk_enum, sizeof (_oc_IR_AttributeMode), (char *) &_oc_IR_AttributeMode, 0, sizeof (IR_AttributeMode)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_AttributeMode, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_AttributeMode) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_AttributeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_AttributeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _TAO_AttributeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::type ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tao_retval = CORBA::TypeCode::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_type", 9, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_IDLType_ptr _TAO_AttributeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::type_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_IDLType_ptr _tao_retval = IR_IDLType::_nil (); IR_IDLType_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_type_def", 13, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_AttributeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::type_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, IR_IDLType_ptr type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_type_def", 13, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << type_def) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } IR_AttributeMode _TAO_AttributeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::mode ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_AttributeMode _tao_retval = (IR_AttributeMode)0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_mode", 9, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_retval) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } void _TAO_AttributeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::mode ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, IR_AttributeMode mode, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_mode", 9, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << mode) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_AttributeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_AttributeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_AttributeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_AttributeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_AttributeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_AttributeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_AttributeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_AttributeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_AttributeDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_AttributeDef::IR_AttributeDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_AttributeDef::~IR_AttributeDef (void) {} void IR_AttributeDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_AttributeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_Contained::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_AttributeDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_AttributeDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_AttributeDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_AttributeDef_ptr IR_AttributeDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_AttributeDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_AttributeDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_AttributeDef::_nil (); } return IR_AttributeDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_AttributeDef_ptr IR_AttributeDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_AttributeDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_AttributeDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_AttributeDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_AttributeDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_AttributeDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_AttributeDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_AttributeDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_AttributeDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_AttributeDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_AttributeDef_ptr IR_AttributeDef::_duplicate (IR_AttributeDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_AttributeDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_AttributeDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_AttributeDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_AttributeDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeDef:1.0"; } CORBA::TypeCode_ptr IR_AttributeDef::type ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).type ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_IDLType_ptr IR_AttributeDef::type_def ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).type_def ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_AttributeDef::type_def ( IR_IDLType_ptr type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).type_def ( this, type_def, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_AttributeMode IR_AttributeDef::mode ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).mode ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_AttributeDef::mode ( IR_AttributeMode mode, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).mode ( this, mode, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_AttributeDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeDef:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_AttributeDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_AttributeDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_AttributeDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_AttributeDef, 0, sizeof (IR_AttributeDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_AttributeDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_AttributeDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_AttributeDescription[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = AttributeDescription 8, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 104, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x654d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = AttributeMode 2, // member count 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x41545452), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f4e4f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d414c00), // name = ATTR_NORMAL 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x41545452), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f524541), ACE_NTOHL (0x444f4e4c), ACE_NTOHL (0x59000000), // name = ATTR_READONLY 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x6765745f), ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = get_exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x7075745f), ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = put_exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_AttributeDescription (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_AttributeDescription), (char *) &_oc_IR_AttributeDescription, 0, sizeof (IR_AttributeDescription)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_AttributeDescription, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_AttributeDescription) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_AttributeDescription::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_AttributeDescription *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_AttributeDescription*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_OperationMode[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70657261), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f706572), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e4d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = OperationMode 2, // member count 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f505f4e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f524d41), ACE_NTOHL (0x4c000000), // name = OP_NORMAL 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f505f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x4e455741), ACE_NTOHL (0x59000000), // name = OP_ONEWAY }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_OperationMode (CORBA::tk_enum, sizeof (_oc_IR_OperationMode), (char *) &_oc_IR_OperationMode, 0, sizeof (IR_OperationMode)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_OperationMode, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_OperationMode) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ParameterMode[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172616d), ACE_NTOHL (0x65746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParameterMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x724d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = ParameterMode 3, // member count 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f494e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = PARAM_IN 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f4f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x54000000), // name = PARAM_OUT 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f494e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f555400), // name = PARAM_INOUT }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ParameterMode (CORBA::tk_enum, sizeof (_oc_IR_ParameterMode), (char *) &_oc_IR_ParameterMode, 0, sizeof (IR_ParameterMode)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ParameterMode, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ParameterMode) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ParameterDescription[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172616d), ACE_NTOHL (0x65746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParameterDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ParameterDescription 4, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 116, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172616d), ACE_NTOHL (0x65746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParameterMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x724d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = ParameterMode 3, // member count 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f494e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = PARAM_IN 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f4f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x54000000), // name = PARAM_OUT 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f494e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f555400), // name = PARAM_INOUT }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ParameterDescription (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_ParameterDescription), (char *) &_oc_IR_ParameterDescription, 0, sizeof (IR_ParameterDescription)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ParameterDescription, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ParameterDescription) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_ParameterDescription::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ParameterDescription *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ParameterDescription*,x); delete tmp; } #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ParDescriptionSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_ParameterDescription* tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ParDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_ParameterDescription *old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ParameterDescription *,this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ParDescriptionSeq::freebuf (old); } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ParDescriptionSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_ParameterDescription *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ParameterDescription *,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ParDescriptionSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ParDescriptionSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ParDescriptionSeq (void) // Dtor. { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_ParDescriptionSeq // ************************************************************* IR_ParDescriptionSeq::IR_ParDescriptionSeq (void) {} IR_ParDescriptionSeq::IR_ParDescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ParDescriptionSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_ParDescriptionSeq::IR_ParDescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_ParameterDescription *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ParDescriptionSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_ParDescriptionSeq::IR_ParDescriptionSeq (const IR_ParDescriptionSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ParDescriptionSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_ParDescriptionSeq::~IR_ParDescriptionSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_ParDescriptionSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ParDescriptionSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ParDescriptionSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ParDescriptionSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x61724465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617244), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ParDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 404, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 388, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172616d), ACE_NTOHL (0x65746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParameterDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ParameterDescription 4, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 116, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172616d), ACE_NTOHL (0x65746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParameterMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x724d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = ParameterMode 3, // member count 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f494e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = PARAM_IN 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f4f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x54000000), // name = PARAM_OUT 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f494e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f555400), // name = PARAM_INOUT 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ParDescriptionSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_ParDescriptionSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_ParDescriptionSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_ParDescriptionSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ParDescriptionSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ParDescriptionSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ContextIdentifier[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x78744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7469), ACE_NTOHL (0x66696572), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ContextIdentifier:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x72000000), // name = ContextIdentifier CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ContextIdentifier (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_ContextIdentifier), (char *) &_oc_IR_ContextIdentifier, 0, sizeof (IR::ContextIdentifier)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ContextIdentifier, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ContextIdentifier) TAO_NAMESPACE_END // ************************************************************* // IR_ContextIdSeq // ************************************************************* IR_ContextIdSeq::IR_ContextIdSeq (void) {} IR_ContextIdSeq::IR_ContextIdSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_ContextIdSeq::IR_ContextIdSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, char * *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_ContextIdSeq::IR_ContextIdSeq (const IR_ContextIdSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_ContextIdSeq::~IR_ContextIdSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_ContextIdSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ContextIdSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ContextIdSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ContextIdSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x78744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x5365713a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ContextIdSeq:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ContextIdSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 160, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 144, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x78744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7469), ACE_NTOHL (0x66696572), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ContextIdentifier:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x72000000), // name = ContextIdentifier CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ContextIdSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_ContextIdSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_ContextIdSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_ContextIdSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ContextIdSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ContextIdSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::result ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tao_retval = CORBA::TypeCode::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_result", 11, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_IDLType_ptr _TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::result_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_IDLType_ptr _tao_retval = IR_IDLType::_nil (); IR_IDLType_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_result_def", 15, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::result_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, IR_IDLType_ptr result_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_result_def", 15, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << result_def) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } IR_ParDescriptionSeq * _TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::params ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ParDescriptionSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_ParDescriptionSeq, _tao_retval); IR_ParDescriptionSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_params", 11, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::params ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const IR_ParDescriptionSeq & params, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_params", 11, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << params) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } IR_OperationMode _TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::mode ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_OperationMode _tao_retval = (IR_OperationMode)0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_mode", 9, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_retval) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } void _TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::mode ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, IR_OperationMode mode, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_mode", 9, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << mode) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } IR_ContextIdSeq * _TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::contexts ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ContextIdSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_ContextIdSeq, _tao_retval); IR_ContextIdSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_contexts", 13, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::contexts ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const IR_ContextIdSeq & contexts, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_contexts", 13, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << contexts) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } IR_ExceptionDefSeq * _TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::exceptions ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ExceptionDefSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_ExceptionDefSeq, _tao_retval); IR_ExceptionDefSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_exceptions", 15, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::exceptions ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & exceptions, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_exceptions", 15, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << exceptions) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_OperationDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_OperationDef::IR_OperationDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_OperationDef::~IR_OperationDef (void) {} void IR_OperationDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_OperationDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_Contained::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_OperationDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_OperationDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_OperationDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_OperationDef_ptr IR_OperationDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_OperationDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_OperationDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_OperationDef::_nil (); } return IR_OperationDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_OperationDef_ptr IR_OperationDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_OperationDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_OperationDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_OperationDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_OperationDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_OperationDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_OperationDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_OperationDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_OperationDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_OperationDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_OperationDef_ptr IR_OperationDef::_duplicate (IR_OperationDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_OperationDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_OperationDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_OperationDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_OperationDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationDef:1.0"; } CORBA::TypeCode_ptr IR_OperationDef::result ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).result ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_IDLType_ptr IR_OperationDef::result_def ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).result_def ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_OperationDef::result_def ( IR_IDLType_ptr result_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).result_def ( this, result_def, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ParDescriptionSeq * IR_OperationDef::params ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).params ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_OperationDef::params ( const IR_ParDescriptionSeq & params, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).params ( this, params, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_OperationMode IR_OperationDef::mode ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).mode ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_OperationDef::mode ( IR_OperationMode mode, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).mode ( this, mode, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ContextIdSeq * IR_OperationDef::contexts ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).contexts ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_OperationDef::contexts ( const IR_ContextIdSeq & contexts, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).contexts ( this, contexts, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ExceptionDefSeq * IR_OperationDef::exceptions ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).exceptions ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_OperationDef::exceptions ( const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & exceptions, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).exceptions ( this, exceptions, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_OperationDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70657261), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationDef:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f706572), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_OperationDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_OperationDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_OperationDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_OperationDef, 0, sizeof (IR_OperationDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_OperationDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_OperationDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_OperationDescription[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70657261), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f706572), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = OperationDescription 9, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x72657375), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c740000), // name = result CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 100, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70657261), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f706572), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e4d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = OperationMode 2, // member count 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f505f4e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f524d41), ACE_NTOHL (0x4c000000), // name = OP_NORMAL 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f505f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x4e455741), ACE_NTOHL (0x59000000), // name = OP_ONEWAY 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x636f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787473), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = contexts CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 228, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x78744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x5365713a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ContextIdSeq:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ContextIdSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 160, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 144, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x78744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7469), ACE_NTOHL (0x66696572), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ContextIdentifier:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x72000000), // name = ContextIdentifier CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 0U, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x70617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72730000), // name = parameters CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 484, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x61724465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617244), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ParDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 404, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 388, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172616d), ACE_NTOHL (0x65746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParameterDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ParameterDescription 4, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 116, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172616d), ACE_NTOHL (0x65746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParameterMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x724d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = ParameterMode 3, // member count 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f494e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = PARAM_IN 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f4f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x54000000), // name = PARAM_OUT 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f494e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f555400), // name = PARAM_INOUT 0U, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_OperationDescription (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_OperationDescription), (char *) &_oc_IR_OperationDescription, 0, sizeof (IR_OperationDescription)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_OperationDescription, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_OperationDescription) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_OperationDescription::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_OperationDescription *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_OperationDescription*,x); delete tmp; } // ************************************************************* // IR_RepositoryIdSeq // ************************************************************* IR_RepositoryIdSeq::IR_RepositoryIdSeq (void) {} IR_RepositoryIdSeq::IR_RepositoryIdSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_RepositoryIdSeq::IR_RepositoryIdSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, char * *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_RepositoryIdSeq::IR_RepositoryIdSeq (const IR_RepositoryIdSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_String_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_RepositoryIdSeq::~IR_RepositoryIdSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_RepositoryIdSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_RepositoryIdSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_RepositoryIdSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_RepositoryIdSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x79496453), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryIdSeq:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = RepositoryIdSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 84, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_RepositoryIdSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_RepositoryIdSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_RepositoryIdSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_RepositoryIdSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_RepositoryIdSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_RepositoryIdSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_OpDescriptionSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_OperationDescription* tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_OpDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_OperationDescription *old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_OperationDescription *,this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_OpDescriptionSeq::freebuf (old); } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_OpDescriptionSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_OperationDescription *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_OperationDescription *,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_OpDescriptionSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_OpDescriptionSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_OpDescriptionSeq (void) // Dtor. { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_OpDescriptionSeq // ************************************************************* IR_OpDescriptionSeq::IR_OpDescriptionSeq (void) {} IR_OpDescriptionSeq::IR_OpDescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_OpDescriptionSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_OpDescriptionSeq::IR_OpDescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_OperationDescription *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_OpDescriptionSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_OpDescriptionSeq::IR_OpDescriptionSeq (const IR_OpDescriptionSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_OpDescriptionSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_OpDescriptionSeq::~IR_OpDescriptionSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_OpDescriptionSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_OpDescriptionSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_OpDescriptionSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_OpDescriptionSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 36, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x5365713a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/OpDescriptionSeq:1.0 17, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f704465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = OpDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 1896, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 1880, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70657261), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f706572), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = OperationDescription 9, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x72657375), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c740000), // name = result CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 100, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70657261), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f706572), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e4d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = OperationMode 2, // member count 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f505f4e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f524d41), ACE_NTOHL (0x4c000000), // name = OP_NORMAL 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f505f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x4e455741), ACE_NTOHL (0x59000000), // name = OP_ONEWAY 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x636f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787473), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = contexts CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 228, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x78744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x5365713a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ContextIdSeq:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ContextIdSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 160, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 144, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x78744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7469), ACE_NTOHL (0x66696572), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ContextIdentifier:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x72000000), // name = ContextIdentifier CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 0U, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x70617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72730000), // name = parameters CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 484, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x61724465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617244), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ParDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 404, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 388, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172616d), ACE_NTOHL (0x65746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParameterDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ParameterDescription 4, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 116, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172616d), ACE_NTOHL (0x65746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParameterMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x724d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = ParameterMode 3, // member count 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f494e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = PARAM_IN 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f4f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x54000000), // name = PARAM_OUT 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f494e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f555400), // name = PARAM_INOUT 0U, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_OpDescriptionSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_OpDescriptionSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_OpDescriptionSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_OpDescriptionSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_OpDescriptionSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_OpDescriptionSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_AttrDescriptionSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_AttributeDescription* tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_AttrDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_AttributeDescription *old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_AttributeDescription *,this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_AttrDescriptionSeq::freebuf (old); } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_AttrDescriptionSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_AttributeDescription *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_AttributeDescription *,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_AttrDescriptionSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_AttrDescriptionSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_AttrDescriptionSeq (void) // Dtor. { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_AttrDescriptionSeq // ************************************************************* IR_AttrDescriptionSeq::IR_AttrDescriptionSeq (void) {} IR_AttrDescriptionSeq::IR_AttrDescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_AttrDescriptionSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_AttrDescriptionSeq::IR_AttrDescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_AttributeDescription *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_AttrDescriptionSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_AttrDescriptionSeq::IR_AttrDescriptionSeq (const IR_AttrDescriptionSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_AttrDescriptionSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_AttrDescriptionSeq::~IR_AttrDescriptionSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_AttrDescriptionSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_AttrDescriptionSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_AttrDescriptionSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_AttrDescriptionSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 38, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747244), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttrDescriptionSeq:1.0 19, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = AttrDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 1708, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 1692, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = AttributeDescription 8, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 104, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x654d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = AttributeMode 2, // member count 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x41545452), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f4e4f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d414c00), // name = ATTR_NORMAL 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x41545452), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f524541), ACE_NTOHL (0x444f4e4c), ACE_NTOHL (0x59000000), // name = ATTR_READONLY 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x6765745f), ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = get_exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x7075745f), ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = put_exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_AttrDescriptionSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_AttrDescriptionSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_AttrDescriptionSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_AttrDescriptionSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_AttrDescriptionSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_AttrDescriptionSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods IR_InterfaceDefSeq * _TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::base_interfaces ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_InterfaceDefSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_InterfaceDefSeq, _tao_retval); IR_InterfaceDefSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_base_interfaces", 20, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::base_interfaces ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const IR_InterfaceDefSeq & base_interfaces, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_base_interfaces", 20, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << base_interfaces) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } CORBA::Boolean _TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_abstract ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_is_abstract", 16, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> CORBA::Any::to_boolean (_tao_retval)) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } void _TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_abstract ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Boolean is_abstract, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_is_abstract", 16, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (is_abstract)) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } CORBA::Boolean _TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_local ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_is_local", 13, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> CORBA::Any::to_boolean (_tao_retval)) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } void _TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_local ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Boolean is_local, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_is_local", 13, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (is_local)) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } CORBA::Boolean _TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_a ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * interface_id, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "is_a", 4, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << interface_id) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), _tao_retval ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> CORBA::Any::to_boolean (_tao_retval)) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } IR_AttributeDef_ptr _TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_attribute ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr type, IR_AttributeMode mode, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & get_exceptions, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & put_exceptions, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_AttributeDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_AttributeDef::_nil (); IR_AttributeDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_attribute", 16, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << type) && (_tao_out << mode) && (_tao_out << get_exceptions) && (_tao_out << put_exceptions) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_OperationDef_ptr _TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_operation ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr result, IR_OperationMode mode, const IR_ParDescriptionSeq & params, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & exceptions, const IR_ContextIdSeq & contexts, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_OperationDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_OperationDef::_nil (); IR_OperationDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_operation", 16, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << result) && (_tao_out << mode) && (_tao_out << params) && (_tao_out << exceptions) && (_tao_out << contexts) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_InterfaceDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_InterfaceDef::IR_InterfaceDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_InterfaceDef::~IR_InterfaceDef (void) {} void IR_InterfaceDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_InterfaceDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_Container::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); IR_Contained::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); IR_IDLType::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_InterfaceDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_InterfaceDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_InterfaceDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_InterfaceDef_ptr IR_InterfaceDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_InterfaceDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/InterfaceDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_InterfaceDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_InterfaceDef::_nil (); } return IR_InterfaceDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_InterfaceDef_ptr IR_InterfaceDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_InterfaceDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_InterfaceDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_InterfaceDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_InterfaceDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_InterfaceDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_InterfaceDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_InterfaceDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_InterfaceDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_InterfaceDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_InterfaceDef_ptr IR_InterfaceDef::_duplicate (IR_InterfaceDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_InterfaceDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/InterfaceDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Container:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_InterfaceDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_InterfaceDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Container::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Container_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_InterfaceDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/InterfaceDef:1.0"; } IR_InterfaceDefSeq * IR_InterfaceDef::base_interfaces ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).base_interfaces ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_InterfaceDef::base_interfaces ( const IR_InterfaceDefSeq & base_interfaces, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).base_interfaces ( this, base_interfaces, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } CORBA::Boolean IR_InterfaceDef::is_abstract ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_abstract ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_InterfaceDef::is_abstract ( CORBA::Boolean is_abstract, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_abstract ( this, is_abstract, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } CORBA::Boolean IR_InterfaceDef::is_local ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_local ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_InterfaceDef::is_local ( CORBA::Boolean is_local, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_local ( this, is_local, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } CORBA::Boolean IR_InterfaceDef::is_a ( const char * interface_id, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_a ( this, interface_id, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_AttributeDef_ptr IR_InterfaceDef::create_attribute ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr type, IR_AttributeMode mode, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & get_exceptions, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & put_exceptions, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_attribute ( this, id, name, version, type, mode, get_exceptions, put_exceptions, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_OperationDef_ptr IR_InterfaceDef::create_operation ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr result, IR_OperationMode mode, const IR_ParDescriptionSeq & params, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & exceptions, const IR_ContextIdSeq & contexts, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_operation ( this, id, name, version, result, mode, params, exceptions, contexts, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_InterfaceDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x66616365), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/InterfaceDef:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x496e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72666163), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_InterfaceDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_InterfaceDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_InterfaceDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_InterfaceDef, 0, sizeof (IR_InterfaceDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_InterfaceDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_InterfaceDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_InterfaceDescription[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x66616365), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/InterfaceDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x496e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72666163), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = InterfaceDescription 10, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x6f706572), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = operations CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 1972, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 36, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x5365713a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/OpDescriptionSeq:1.0 17, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f704465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = OpDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 1896, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 1880, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70657261), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f706572), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = OperationDescription 9, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x72657375), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c740000), // name = result CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 100, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70657261), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f706572), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e4d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = OperationMode 2, // member count 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f505f4e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f524d41), ACE_NTOHL (0x4c000000), // name = OP_NORMAL 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f505f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x4e455741), ACE_NTOHL (0x59000000), // name = OP_ONEWAY 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x636f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787473), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = contexts CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 228, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x78744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x5365713a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ContextIdSeq:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ContextIdSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 160, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 144, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x78744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7469), ACE_NTOHL (0x66696572), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ContextIdentifier:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x72000000), // name = ContextIdentifier CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 0U, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x70617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72730000), // name = parameters CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 484, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x61724465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617244), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ParDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 404, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 388, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172616d), ACE_NTOHL (0x65746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParameterDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ParameterDescription 4, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 116, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172616d), ACE_NTOHL (0x65746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParameterMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x724d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = ParameterMode 3, // member count 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f494e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = PARAM_IN 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f4f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x54000000), // name = PARAM_OUT 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f494e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f555400), // name = PARAM_INOUT 0U, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, 0U, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x61747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x65730000), // name = attributes CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 1788, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 38, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747244), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttrDescriptionSeq:1.0 19, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = AttrDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 1708, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 1692, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = AttributeDescription 8, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 104, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x654d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = AttributeMode 2, // member count 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x41545452), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f4e4f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d414c00), // name = ATTR_NORMAL 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x41545452), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f524541), ACE_NTOHL (0x444f4e4c), ACE_NTOHL (0x59000000), // name = ATTR_READONLY 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x6765745f), ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = get_exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x7075745f), ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = put_exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, 0U, 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x62617365), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f696e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65726661), ACE_NTOHL (0x63657300), // name = base_interfaces CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 156, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x79496453), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryIdSeq:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = RepositoryIdSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 84, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 0U, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x69735f61), ACE_NTOHL (0x62737472), ACE_NTOHL (0x61637400), // name = is_abstract CORBA::tk_boolean, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x69735f6c), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f63616c), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = is_local CORBA::tk_boolean, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_InterfaceDescription (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_InterfaceDescription), (char *) &_oc_IR_InterfaceDescription, 0, sizeof (IR_InterfaceDescription)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_InterfaceDescription, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_InterfaceDescription) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_InterfaceDescription::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_InterfaceDescription *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_InterfaceDescription*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ValueMember[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65723a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueMember:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x654d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x62657200), // name = ValueMember 7, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x61636365), ACE_NTOHL (0x73730000), // name = access CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f5242), ACE_NTOHL (0x412f5669), ACE_NTOHL (0x73696269), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c697479), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Visibility:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x56697369), ACE_NTOHL (0x62696c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x74790000), // name = Visibility CORBA::tk_short, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ValueMember (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_ValueMember), (char *) &_oc_IR_ValueMember, 0, sizeof (IR_ValueMember)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ValueMember, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ValueMember) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_ValueMember::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ValueMember *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ValueMember*,x); delete tmp; } #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ValueMemberSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_ValueMember* tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ValueMemberSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_ValueMember *old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ValueMember *,this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ValueMemberSeq::freebuf (old); } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ValueMemberSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_ValueMember *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ValueMember *,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ValueMemberSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ValueMemberSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ValueMemberSeq (void) // Dtor. { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_ValueMemberSeq // ************************************************************* IR_ValueMemberSeq::IR_ValueMemberSeq (void) {} IR_ValueMemberSeq::IR_ValueMemberSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ValueMemberSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_ValueMemberSeq::IR_ValueMemberSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_ValueMember *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ValueMemberSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_ValueMemberSeq::IR_ValueMemberSeq (const IR_ValueMemberSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ValueMemberSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_ValueMemberSeq::~IR_ValueMemberSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_ValueMemberSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ValueMemberSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ValueMemberSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ValueMemberSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 34, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65725365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueMemberSeq:1.0 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x56616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x654d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x62657253), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = ValueMemberSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 592, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 576, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65723a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueMember:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x654d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x62657200), // name = ValueMember 7, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x61636365), ACE_NTOHL (0x73730000), // name = access CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f5242), ACE_NTOHL (0x412f5669), ACE_NTOHL (0x73696269), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c697479), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Visibility:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x56697369), ACE_NTOHL (0x62696c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x74790000), // name = Visibility CORBA::tk_short, 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ValueMemberSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_ValueMemberSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_ValueMemberSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_ValueMemberSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ValueMemberSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ValueMemberSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_ValueMemberDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _TAO_ValueMemberDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::type ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::TypeCode_ptr _tao_retval = CORBA::TypeCode::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_type", 9, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_IDLType_ptr _TAO_ValueMemberDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::type_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_IDLType_ptr _tao_retval = IR_IDLType::_nil (); IR_IDLType_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_type_def", 13, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_ValueMemberDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::type_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, IR_IDLType_ptr type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_type_def", 13, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << type_def) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } CORBA::Visibility _TAO_ValueMemberDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::access ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::Visibility _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_access", 11, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_retval) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } void _TAO_ValueMemberDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::access ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Visibility access, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_access", 11, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << access) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_ValueMemberDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_ValueMemberDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ValueMemberDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_ValueMemberDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_ValueMemberDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_ValueMemberDef::IR_ValueMemberDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_ValueMemberDef::~IR_ValueMemberDef (void) {} void IR_ValueMemberDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_Contained::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_ValueMemberDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ValueMemberDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ValueMemberDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_ValueMemberDef_ptr IR_ValueMemberDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ValueMemberDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueMemberDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_ValueMemberDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_ValueMemberDef::_nil (); } return IR_ValueMemberDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_ValueMemberDef_ptr IR_ValueMemberDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ValueMemberDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_ValueMemberDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_ValueMemberDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_ValueMemberDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_ValueMemberDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_ValueMemberDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_ValueMemberDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_ValueMemberDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_ValueMemberDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_ValueMemberDef_ptr IR_ValueMemberDef::_duplicate (IR_ValueMemberDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_ValueMemberDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueMemberDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_ValueMemberDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_ValueMemberDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_ValueMemberDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueMemberDef:1.0"; } CORBA::TypeCode_ptr IR_ValueMemberDef::type ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).type ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_IDLType_ptr IR_ValueMemberDef::type_def ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).type_def ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_ValueMemberDef::type_def ( IR_IDLType_ptr type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).type_def ( this, type_def, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } CORBA::Visibility IR_ValueMemberDef::access ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).access ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_ValueMemberDef::access ( CORBA::Visibility access, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).access ( this, access, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ValueMemberDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 34, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65724465), ACE_NTOHL (0x663a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueMemberDef:1.0 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x56616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x654d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x62657244), ACE_NTOHL (0x65660000), // name = IR_ValueMemberDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ValueMemberDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_ValueMemberDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_ValueMemberDef, 0, sizeof (IR_ValueMemberDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ValueMemberDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ValueMemberDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods IR_InterfaceDefSeq * _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::supported_interfaces ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_InterfaceDefSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_InterfaceDefSeq, _tao_retval); IR_InterfaceDefSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_supported_interfaces", 25, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::supported_interfaces ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const IR_InterfaceDefSeq & supported_interfaces, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_supported_interfaces", 25, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << supported_interfaces) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } IR_InitializerSeq * _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::initializers ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_InitializerSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_InitializerSeq, _tao_retval); IR_InitializerSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_initializers", 17, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::initializers ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const IR_InitializerSeq & initializers, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_initializers", 17, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << initializers) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } IR_ValueDef_ptr _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::base_value ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ValueDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_ValueDef::_nil (); IR_ValueDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_base_value", 15, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::base_value ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, IR_ValueDef_ptr base_value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_base_value", 15, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << base_value) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } IR_ValueDefSeq * _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::abstract_base_values ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ValueDefSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_ValueDefSeq, _tao_retval); IR_ValueDefSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_abstract_base_values", 25, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::abstract_base_values ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const IR_ValueDefSeq & abstract_base_values, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_abstract_base_values", 25, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << abstract_base_values) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } CORBA::Boolean _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_abstract ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_is_abstract", 16, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> CORBA::Any::to_boolean (_tao_retval)) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } void _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_abstract ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Boolean is_abstract, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_is_abstract", 16, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (is_abstract)) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } CORBA::Boolean _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_custom ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_is_custom", 14, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> CORBA::Any::to_boolean (_tao_retval)) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } void _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_custom ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Boolean is_custom, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_is_custom", 14, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (is_custom)) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } CORBA::Boolean _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_truncatable ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_is_truncatable", 19, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> CORBA::Any::to_boolean (_tao_retval)) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } void _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_truncatable ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Boolean is_truncatable, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_is_truncatable", 19, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (is_truncatable)) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } CORBA::Boolean _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_a ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "is_a", 4, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), _tao_retval ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> CORBA::Any::to_boolean (_tao_retval)) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } IR_ValueMemberDef_ptr _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_value_member ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr type, CORBA::Visibility access, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ValueMemberDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_ValueMemberDef::_nil (); IR_ValueMemberDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_value_member", 19, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << type) && (_tao_out << access) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_AttributeDef_ptr _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_attribute ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr type, IR_AttributeMode mode, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & get_exceptions, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & put_exceptions, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_AttributeDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_AttributeDef::_nil (); IR_AttributeDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_attribute", 16, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << type) && (_tao_out << mode) && (_tao_out << get_exceptions) && (_tao_out << put_exceptions) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_OperationDef_ptr _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_operation ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr result, IR_OperationMode mode, const IR_ParDescriptionSeq & params, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & exceptions, const IR_ContextIdSeq & contexts, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_OperationDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_OperationDef::_nil (); IR_OperationDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_operation", 16, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << result) && (_tao_out << mode) && (_tao_out << params) && (_tao_out << exceptions) && (_tao_out << contexts) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_ValueDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_ValueDef::IR_ValueDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_ValueDef::~IR_ValueDef (void) {} void IR_ValueDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_ValueDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_Container::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); IR_Contained::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); IR_IDLType::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_ValueDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ValueDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ValueDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_ValueDef_ptr IR_ValueDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ValueDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_ValueDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_ValueDef::_nil (); } return IR_ValueDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_ValueDef_ptr IR_ValueDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ValueDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_ValueDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_ValueDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_ValueDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_ValueDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_ValueDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_ValueDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_ValueDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_ValueDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_ValueDef_ptr IR_ValueDef::_duplicate (IR_ValueDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_ValueDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Container:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_ValueDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_ValueDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Container::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Container_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_ValueDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueDef:1.0"; } IR_InterfaceDefSeq * IR_ValueDef::supported_interfaces ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).supported_interfaces ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_ValueDef::supported_interfaces ( const IR_InterfaceDefSeq & supported_interfaces, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).supported_interfaces ( this, supported_interfaces, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_InitializerSeq * IR_ValueDef::initializers ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).initializers ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_ValueDef::initializers ( const IR_InitializerSeq & initializers, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).initializers ( this, initializers, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ValueDef_ptr IR_ValueDef::base_value ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).base_value ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_ValueDef::base_value ( IR_ValueDef_ptr base_value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).base_value ( this, base_value, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ValueDefSeq * IR_ValueDef::abstract_base_values ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).abstract_base_values ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_ValueDef::abstract_base_values ( const IR_ValueDefSeq & abstract_base_values, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).abstract_base_values ( this, abstract_base_values, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } CORBA::Boolean IR_ValueDef::is_abstract ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_abstract ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_ValueDef::is_abstract ( CORBA::Boolean is_abstract, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_abstract ( this, is_abstract, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } CORBA::Boolean IR_ValueDef::is_custom ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_custom ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_ValueDef::is_custom ( CORBA::Boolean is_custom, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_custom ( this, is_custom, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } CORBA::Boolean IR_ValueDef::is_truncatable ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_truncatable ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_ValueDef::is_truncatable ( CORBA::Boolean is_truncatable, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_truncatable ( this, is_truncatable, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } CORBA::Boolean IR_ValueDef::is_a ( const char * id, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_a ( this, id, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ValueMemberDef_ptr IR_ValueDef::create_value_member ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr type, CORBA::Visibility access, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_value_member ( this, id, name, version, type, access, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_AttributeDef_ptr IR_ValueDef::create_attribute ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr type, IR_AttributeMode mode, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & get_exceptions, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & put_exceptions, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_attribute ( this, id, name, version, type, mode, get_exceptions, put_exceptions, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_OperationDef_ptr IR_ValueDef::create_operation ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_IDLType_ptr result, IR_OperationMode mode, const IR_ParDescriptionSeq & params, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & exceptions, const IR_ContextIdSeq & contexts, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_operation ( this, id, name, version, result, mode, params, exceptions, contexts, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ValueDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 28, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueDef:1.0 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x56616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_ValueDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ValueDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_ValueDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_ValueDef, 0, sizeof (IR_ValueDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ValueDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ValueDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ValueDescription[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 36, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueDescription:1.0 17, ACE_NTOHL (0x56616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ValueDescription 15, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x69735f61), ACE_NTOHL (0x62737472), ACE_NTOHL (0x61637400), // name = is_abstract CORBA::tk_boolean, 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x69735f63), ACE_NTOHL (0x7573746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d000000), // name = is_custom CORBA::tk_boolean, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x6f706572), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = operations CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 1972, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 36, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x5365713a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/OpDescriptionSeq:1.0 17, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f704465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = OpDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 1896, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 1880, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70657261), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f706572), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = OperationDescription 9, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x72657375), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c740000), // name = result CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 100, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70657261), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f706572), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e4d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = OperationMode 2, // member count 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f505f4e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f524d41), ACE_NTOHL (0x4c000000), // name = OP_NORMAL 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f505f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x4e455741), ACE_NTOHL (0x59000000), // name = OP_ONEWAY 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x636f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787473), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = contexts CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 228, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x78744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x5365713a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ContextIdSeq:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ContextIdSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 160, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 144, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x78744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7469), ACE_NTOHL (0x66696572), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ContextIdentifier:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x72000000), // name = ContextIdentifier CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 0U, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x70617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72730000), // name = parameters CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 484, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x61724465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617244), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ParDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 404, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 388, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172616d), ACE_NTOHL (0x65746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParameterDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ParameterDescription 4, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 116, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172616d), ACE_NTOHL (0x65746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParameterMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x724d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = ParameterMode 3, // member count 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f494e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = PARAM_IN 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f4f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x54000000), // name = PARAM_OUT 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f494e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f555400), // name = PARAM_INOUT 0U, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, 0U, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x61747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x65730000), // name = attributes CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 1788, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 38, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747244), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttrDescriptionSeq:1.0 19, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = AttrDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 1708, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 1692, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = AttributeDescription 8, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 104, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x654d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = AttributeMode 2, // member count 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x41545452), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f4e4f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d414c00), // name = ATTR_NORMAL 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x41545452), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f524541), ACE_NTOHL (0x444f4e4c), ACE_NTOHL (0x59000000), // name = ATTR_READONLY 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x6765745f), ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = get_exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x7075745f), ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = put_exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, 0U, 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727300), // name = members CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 664, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 34, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65725365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueMemberSeq:1.0 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x56616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x654d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x62657253), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = ValueMemberSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 592, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 576, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65723a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueMember:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x654d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x62657200), // name = ValueMember 7, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x61636365), ACE_NTOHL (0x73730000), // name = access CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x434f5242), ACE_NTOHL (0x412f5669), ACE_NTOHL (0x73696269), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c697479), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Visibility:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x56697369), ACE_NTOHL (0x62696c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x74790000), // name = Visibility CORBA::tk_short, 0U, 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6974), ACE_NTOHL (0x69616c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x7a657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = initializers CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 576, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 34, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e697469), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c697a), ACE_NTOHL (0x65725365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/InitializerSeq:1.0 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x496e6974), ACE_NTOHL (0x69616c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x7a657253), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = IR_InitializerSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 504, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 488, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e697469), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c697a), ACE_NTOHL (0x65723a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Initializer:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x496e6974), ACE_NTOHL (0x69616c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x7a657200), // name = IR_Initializer 2, // member count 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d656d62), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727300), // name = members CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 324, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x74727563), ACE_NTOHL (0x744d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x62657253), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/StructMemberSeq:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x53747275), ACE_NTOHL (0x63744d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d626572), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = IR_StructMemberSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 252, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 236, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f53), ACE_NTOHL (0x74727563), ACE_NTOHL (0x744d656d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6265723a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/StructMember:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x53747275), ACE_NTOHL (0x63744d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d626572), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_StructMember 3, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType 0U, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 0U, 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x73757070), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f727465), ACE_NTOHL (0x645f696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74657266), ACE_NTOHL (0x61636573), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = supported_interfaces CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 156, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x79496453), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryIdSeq:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = RepositoryIdSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 84, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 0U, 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x61627374), ACE_NTOHL (0x72616374), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f626173), ACE_NTOHL (0x655f7661), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c756573), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = abstract_base_values CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 156, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x79496453), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryIdSeq:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = RepositoryIdSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 84, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 0U, 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x69735f74), ACE_NTOHL (0x72756e63), ACE_NTOHL (0x61746162), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c650000), // name = is_truncatable CORBA::tk_boolean, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x62617365), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f76616c), ACE_NTOHL (0x75650000), // name = base_value CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ValueDescription (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_ValueDescription), (char *) &_oc_IR_ValueDescription, 0, sizeof (IR_ValueDescription)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ValueDescription, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ValueDescription) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_ValueDescription::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ValueDescription *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ValueDescription*,x); delete tmp; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_ValueBoxDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ValueBoxDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_ValueBoxDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ValueBoxDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods IR_IDLType_ptr _TAO_ValueBoxDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::original_type_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_IDLType_ptr _tao_retval = IR_IDLType::_nil (); IR_IDLType_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_original_type_def", 22, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_ValueBoxDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::original_type_def ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, IR_IDLType_ptr original_type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_original_type_def", 22, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << original_type_def) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_ValueBoxDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ValueBoxDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ValueBoxDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ValueBoxDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_ValueBoxDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_ValueBoxDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_ValueBoxDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_ValueBoxDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ValueBoxDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ValueBoxDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ValueBoxDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ValueBoxDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_ValueBoxDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_ValueBoxDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_ValueBoxDef::IR_ValueBoxDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_ValueBoxDef::~IR_ValueBoxDef (void) {} void IR_ValueBoxDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_ValueBoxDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_ValueBoxDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_ValueBoxDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_ValueBoxDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_TypedefDef::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_ValueBoxDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ValueBoxDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ValueBoxDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_ValueBoxDef_ptr IR_ValueBoxDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ValueBoxDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueBoxDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_ValueBoxDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_ValueBoxDef::_nil (); } return IR_ValueBoxDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_ValueBoxDef_ptr IR_ValueBoxDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ValueBoxDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_ValueBoxDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_ValueBoxDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_ValueBoxDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_ValueBoxDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_ValueBoxDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_ValueBoxDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_ValueBoxDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_ValueBoxDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_ValueBoxDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_ValueBoxDef_ptr IR_ValueBoxDef::_duplicate (IR_ValueBoxDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_ValueBoxDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueBoxDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/TypedefDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_ValueBoxDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_ValueBoxDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_TypedefDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_TypedefDef_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_ValueBoxDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueBoxDef:1.0"; } IR_IDLType_ptr IR_ValueBoxDef::original_type_def ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ValueBoxDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).original_type_def ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_ValueBoxDef::original_type_def ( IR_IDLType_ptr original_type_def, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_ValueBoxDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).original_type_def ( this, original_type_def, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ValueBoxDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x426f7844), ACE_NTOHL (0x65663a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueBoxDef:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65426f78), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656600), // name = IR_ValueBoxDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ValueBoxDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_ValueBoxDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_ValueBoxDef, 0, sizeof (IR_ValueBoxDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ValueBoxDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ValueBoxDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_ProvidesDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ProvidesDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_ProvidesDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ProvidesDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods IR_InterfaceDef_ptr _TAO_ProvidesDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::interface_type ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_InterfaceDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_InterfaceDef::_nil (); IR_InterfaceDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_interface_type", 19, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_ProvidesDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ProvidesDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ProvidesDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ProvidesDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_ProvidesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_ProvidesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_ProvidesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_ProvidesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ProvidesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ProvidesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ProvidesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ProvidesDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_ProvidesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_ProvidesDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_ProvidesDef::IR_ProvidesDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_ProvidesDef::~IR_ProvidesDef (void) {} void IR_ProvidesDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_ProvidesDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_ProvidesDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_ProvidesDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_ProvidesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_Contained::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_ProvidesDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ProvidesDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ProvidesDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_ProvidesDef_ptr IR_ProvidesDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ProvidesDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/ProvidesDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_ProvidesDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_ProvidesDef::_nil (); } return IR_ProvidesDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_ProvidesDef_ptr IR_ProvidesDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ProvidesDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_ProvidesDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_ProvidesDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_ProvidesDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_ProvidesDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_ProvidesDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_ProvidesDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_ProvidesDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_ProvidesDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_ProvidesDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_ProvidesDef_ptr IR_ProvidesDef::_duplicate (IR_ProvidesDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_ProvidesDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/ProvidesDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_ProvidesDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_ProvidesDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_ProvidesDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/ProvidesDef:1.0"; } IR_InterfaceDef_ptr IR_ProvidesDef::interface_type ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ProvidesDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).interface_type ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ProvidesDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x64657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65663a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ProvidesDef:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x50726f76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69646573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656600), // name = IR_ProvidesDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ProvidesDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_ProvidesDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_ProvidesDef, 0, sizeof (IR_ProvidesDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ProvidesDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ProvidesDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ProvidesDescription[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 39, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x64657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e3a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ProvidesDescription:1.0 20, ACE_NTOHL (0x50726f76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69646573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = ProvidesDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x696e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72666163), ACE_NTOHL (0x655f7479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70650000), // name = interface_type CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 60, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x66616365), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/InterfaceDef:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x496e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72666163), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_InterfaceDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ProvidesDescription (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_ProvidesDescription), (char *) &_oc_IR_ProvidesDescription, 0, sizeof (IR_ProvidesDescription)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ProvidesDescription, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ProvidesDescription) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_ProvidesDescription::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ProvidesDescription *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ProvidesDescription*,x); delete tmp; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_UsesDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_UsesDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_UsesDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_UsesDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods IR_InterfaceDef_ptr _TAO_UsesDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::interface_type ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_InterfaceDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_InterfaceDef::_nil (); IR_InterfaceDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_interface_type", 19, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } CORBA::Boolean _TAO_UsesDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_multiple ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_is_multiple", 16, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> CORBA::Any::to_boolean (_tao_retval)) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_UsesDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_UsesDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_UsesDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_UsesDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_UsesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_UsesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_UsesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_UsesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_UsesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_UsesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_UsesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_UsesDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_UsesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_UsesDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_UsesDef::IR_UsesDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_UsesDef::~IR_UsesDef (void) {} void IR_UsesDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_UsesDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_UsesDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_UsesDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_UsesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_Contained::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_UsesDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_UsesDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_UsesDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_UsesDef_ptr IR_UsesDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_UsesDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/UsesDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_UsesDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_UsesDef::_nil (); } return IR_UsesDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_UsesDef_ptr IR_UsesDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_UsesDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_UsesDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_UsesDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_UsesDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_UsesDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_UsesDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_UsesDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_UsesDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_UsesDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_UsesDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_UsesDef_ptr IR_UsesDef::_duplicate (IR_UsesDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_UsesDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/UsesDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_UsesDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_UsesDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_UsesDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/UsesDef:1.0"; } IR_InterfaceDef_ptr IR_UsesDef::interface_type ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_UsesDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).interface_type ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } CORBA::Boolean IR_UsesDef::is_multiple ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_UsesDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_multiple ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_UsesDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65663a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/UsesDef:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x55736573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656600), // name = IR_UsesDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_UsesDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_UsesDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_UsesDef, 0, sizeof (IR_UsesDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_UsesDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_UsesDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_UsesDescription[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e3a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/UsesDescription:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x55736573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = UsesDescription 6, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x696e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72666163), ACE_NTOHL (0x655f7479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70650000), // name = interface_type CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 60, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x66616365), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/InterfaceDef:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x496e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72666163), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_InterfaceDef 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x69735f6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x756c7469), ACE_NTOHL (0x706c6500), // name = is_multiple CORBA::tk_boolean, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_UsesDescription (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_UsesDescription), (char *) &_oc_IR_UsesDescription, 0, sizeof (IR_UsesDescription)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_UsesDescription, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_UsesDescription) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_UsesDescription::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_UsesDescription *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_UsesDescription*,x); delete tmp; } #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDescSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_ProvidesDescription* tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDescSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_ProvidesDescription *old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ProvidesDescription *,this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDescSeq::freebuf (old); } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDescSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_ProvidesDescription *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_ProvidesDescription *,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDescSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDescSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDescSeq (void) // Dtor. { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_ProvidesDescSeq // ************************************************************* IR_ProvidesDescSeq::IR_ProvidesDescSeq (void) {} IR_ProvidesDescSeq::IR_ProvidesDescSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDescSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_ProvidesDescSeq::IR_ProvidesDescSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_ProvidesDescription *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDescSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_ProvidesDescSeq::IR_ProvidesDescSeq (const IR_ProvidesDescSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_ProvidesDescSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_ProvidesDescSeq::~IR_ProvidesDescSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_ProvidesDescSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ProvidesDescSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ProvidesDescSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ProvidesDescSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x64657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736353), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ProvidesDescSeq:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x50726f76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69646573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = ProvidesDescSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 524, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 508, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 39, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x64657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e3a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ProvidesDescription:1.0 20, ACE_NTOHL (0x50726f76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69646573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = ProvidesDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x696e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72666163), ACE_NTOHL (0x655f7479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70650000), // name = interface_type CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 60, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x66616365), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/InterfaceDef:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x496e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72666163), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_InterfaceDef 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ProvidesDescSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_ProvidesDescSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_ProvidesDescSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_ProvidesDescSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ProvidesDescSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ProvidesDescSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UsesDescSeq::_allocate_buffer (CORBA::ULong length) { IR_UsesDescription* tmp = 0; tmp = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UsesDescSeq::allocbuf (length); if (this->buffer_ != 0) { IR_UsesDescription *old = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_UsesDescription *,this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp[i] = old[i]; if (this->release_) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UsesDescSeq::freebuf (old); } this->buffer_ = tmp; } void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UsesDescSeq::_deallocate_buffer (void) { if (this->buffer_ == 0 || this->release_ == 0) return; IR_UsesDescription *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (IR_UsesDescription *,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UsesDescSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = 0; } _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UsesDescSeq::~_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UsesDescSeq (void) // Dtor. { this->_deallocate_buffer (); } #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ // ************************************************************* // IR_UsesDescSeq // ************************************************************* IR_UsesDescSeq::IR_UsesDescSeq (void) {} IR_UsesDescSeq::IR_UsesDescSeq (CORBA::ULong max) // uses max size : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UsesDescSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max) {} IR_UsesDescSeq::IR_UsesDescSeq (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, IR_UsesDescription *buffer, CORBA::Boolean release) : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UsesDescSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (max, length, buffer, release) {} IR_UsesDescSeq::IR_UsesDescSeq (const IR_UsesDescSeq &seq) // copy ctor : #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_IR_UsesDescSeq #else /* TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ TAO_Unbounded_Sequence #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ (seq) {} IR_UsesDescSeq::~IR_UsesDescSeq (void) // dtor {} void IR_UsesDescSeq::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_UsesDescSeq *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_UsesDescSeq*,x); delete tmp; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_UsesDescSeq[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736353), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/UsesDescSeq:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x55736573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = UsesDescSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 520, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e3a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/UsesDescription:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x55736573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = UsesDescription 6, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x696e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72666163), ACE_NTOHL (0x655f7479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70650000), // name = interface_type CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 60, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x66616365), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/InterfaceDef:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x496e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72666163), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_InterfaceDef 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x69735f6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x756c7469), ACE_NTOHL (0x706c6500), // name = is_multiple CORBA::tk_boolean, 0U, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_UsesDescSeq (CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_IR_UsesDescSeq), (char *) &_oc_IR_UsesDescSeq, 0, sizeof (IR_UsesDescSeq)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_UsesDescSeq, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_UsesDescSeq) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_EventDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_EventDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_EventDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_EventDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods CORBA::Boolean _TAO_EventDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_a ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * event_id, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "is_a", 4, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << event_id) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), _tao_retval ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> CORBA::Any::to_boolean (_tao_retval)) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } IR_ValueDef_ptr _TAO_EventDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::event ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ValueDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_ValueDef::_nil (); IR_ValueDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_event", 10, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_EventDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_EventDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_EventDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_EventDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_EventDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_EventDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_EventDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_EventDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_EventDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_EventDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_EventDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_EventDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_EventDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_EventDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_EventDef::IR_EventDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_EventDef::~IR_EventDef (void) {} void IR_EventDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_EventDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_EventDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_EventDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_EventDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_Contained::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_EventDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_EventDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_EventDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_EventDef_ptr IR_EventDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_EventDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/EventDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_EventDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_EventDef::_nil (); } return IR_EventDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_EventDef_ptr IR_EventDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_EventDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_EventDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_EventDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_EventDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_EventDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_EventDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_EventDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_EventDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_EventDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_EventDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_EventDef_ptr IR_EventDef::_duplicate (IR_EventDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_EventDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/EventDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_EventDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_EventDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_EventDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/EventDef:1.0"; } CORBA::Boolean IR_EventDef::is_a ( const char * event_id, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_EventDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_a ( this, event_id, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ValueDef_ptr IR_EventDef::event ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_EventDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).event ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_EventDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 28, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x76656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/EventDef:1.0 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x4576656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_EventDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_EventDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_EventDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_EventDef, 0, sizeof (IR_EventDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_EventDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_EventDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_EventDescription[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 36, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x76656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/EventDescription:1.0 17, ACE_NTOHL (0x4576656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = EventDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 6, ACE_NTOHL (0x76616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = value CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 52, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 28, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueDef:1.0 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x56616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_ValueDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_EventDescription (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_EventDescription), (char *) &_oc_IR_EventDescription, 0, sizeof (IR_EventDescription)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_EventDescription, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_EventDescription) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_EventDescription::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_EventDescription *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_EventDescription*,x); delete tmp; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_EmitsDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_EmitsDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_EmitsDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_EmitsDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_EmitsDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_EmitsDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_EmitsDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_EmitsDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_EmitsDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_EmitsDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_EmitsDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_EmitsDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_EmitsDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_EmitsDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_EmitsDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_EmitsDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_EmitsDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_EmitsDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_EmitsDef::IR_EmitsDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_EmitsDef::~IR_EmitsDef (void) {} void IR_EmitsDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_EmitsDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_EmitsDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_EmitsDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_EmitsDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_EventDef::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_EmitsDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_EmitsDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_EmitsDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_EmitsDef_ptr IR_EmitsDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_EmitsDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/EmitsDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_EmitsDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_EmitsDef::_nil (); } return IR_EmitsDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_EmitsDef_ptr IR_EmitsDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_EmitsDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_EmitsDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_EmitsDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_EmitsDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_EmitsDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_EmitsDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_EmitsDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_EmitsDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_EmitsDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_EmitsDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_EmitsDef_ptr IR_EmitsDef::_duplicate (IR_EmitsDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_EmitsDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/EmitsDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/EventDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_EmitsDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_EmitsDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_EventDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_EventDef_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_EmitsDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/EmitsDef:1.0"; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_EmitsDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 28, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d697473), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/EmitsDef:1.0 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x456d6974), ACE_NTOHL (0x73446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_EmitsDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_EmitsDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_EmitsDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_EmitsDef, 0, sizeof (IR_EmitsDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_EmitsDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_EmitsDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_PublishesDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_PublishesDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_PublishesDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_PublishesDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_PublishesDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_PublishesDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_PublishesDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_PublishesDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_PublishesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_PublishesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_PublishesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_PublishesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_PublishesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_PublishesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_PublishesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_PublishesDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_PublishesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_PublishesDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_PublishesDef::IR_PublishesDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_PublishesDef::~IR_PublishesDef (void) {} void IR_PublishesDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_PublishesDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_PublishesDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_PublishesDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_PublishesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_EventDef::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_PublishesDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_PublishesDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_PublishesDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_PublishesDef_ptr IR_PublishesDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_PublishesDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/PublishesDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_PublishesDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_PublishesDef::_nil (); } return IR_PublishesDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_PublishesDef_ptr IR_PublishesDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_PublishesDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_PublishesDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_PublishesDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_PublishesDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_PublishesDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_PublishesDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_PublishesDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_PublishesDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_PublishesDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_PublishesDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_PublishesDef_ptr IR_PublishesDef::_duplicate (IR_PublishesDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_PublishesDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/PublishesDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/EventDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_PublishesDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_PublishesDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_EventDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_EventDef_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_PublishesDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/PublishesDef:1.0"; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_PublishesDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x75626c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x73686573), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/PublishesDef:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5075626c), ACE_NTOHL (0x69736865), ACE_NTOHL (0x73446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_PublishesDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_PublishesDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_PublishesDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_PublishesDef, 0, sizeof (IR_PublishesDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_PublishesDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_PublishesDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_ConsumesDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ConsumesDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_ConsumesDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ConsumesDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_ConsumesDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ConsumesDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ConsumesDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ConsumesDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_ConsumesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_ConsumesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_ConsumesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_ConsumesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ConsumesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ConsumesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ConsumesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ConsumesDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_ConsumesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_ConsumesDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_ConsumesDef::IR_ConsumesDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_ConsumesDef::~IR_ConsumesDef (void) {} void IR_ConsumesDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_ConsumesDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_ConsumesDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_ConsumesDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_ConsumesDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_EventDef::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_ConsumesDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ConsumesDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ConsumesDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_ConsumesDef_ptr IR_ConsumesDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ConsumesDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/ConsumesDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_ConsumesDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_ConsumesDef::_nil (); } return IR_ConsumesDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_ConsumesDef_ptr IR_ConsumesDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ConsumesDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_ConsumesDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_ConsumesDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_ConsumesDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_ConsumesDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_ConsumesDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_ConsumesDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_ConsumesDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_ConsumesDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_ConsumesDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_ConsumesDef_ptr IR_ConsumesDef::_duplicate (IR_ConsumesDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_ConsumesDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/ConsumesDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/EventDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_ConsumesDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_ConsumesDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_EventDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_EventDef_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_ConsumesDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/ConsumesDef:1.0"; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ConsumesDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7375), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65663a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ConsumesDef:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e73), ACE_NTOHL (0x756d6573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656600), // name = IR_ConsumesDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ConsumesDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_ConsumesDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_ConsumesDef, 0, sizeof (IR_ConsumesDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ConsumesDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ConsumesDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods IR_InterfaceDefSeq * _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::supported_interfaces ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_InterfaceDefSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_InterfaceDefSeq, _tao_retval); IR_InterfaceDefSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_supported_interfaces", 25, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } void _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::supported_interfaces ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const IR_InterfaceDefSeq & supported_interfaces, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ()); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_set_supported_interfaces", 25, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK; TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << supported_interfaces) )) ACE_THROW ( CORBA::MARSHAL () ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK; if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES) ); } break; } } IR_ComponentDef_ptr _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::base_component ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ComponentDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_ComponentDef::_nil (); IR_ComponentDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_base_component", 19, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_ProvidesDefSeq * _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::provides_interfaces ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ProvidesDefSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_ProvidesDefSeq, _tao_retval); IR_ProvidesDefSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_provides_interfaces", 24, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_UsesDefSeq * _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::uses_interfaces ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_UsesDefSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_UsesDefSeq, _tao_retval); IR_UsesDefSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_uses_interfaces", 20, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_EmitsDefSeq * _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::emits_events ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_EmitsDefSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_EmitsDefSeq, _tao_retval); IR_EmitsDefSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_emits_events", 17, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_PublishesDefSeq * _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::publishes_events ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_PublishesDefSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_PublishesDefSeq, _tao_retval); IR_PublishesDefSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_publishes_events", 21, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_ConsumesDefSeq * _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::consumes_events ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ConsumesDefSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_ConsumesDefSeq, _tao_retval); IR_ConsumesDefSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_consumes_events", 20, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } CORBA::Boolean _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_basic ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_is_basic", 13, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> CORBA::Any::to_boolean (_tao_retval)) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } IR_ProvidesDef_ptr _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_provides ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_InterfaceDef_ptr interface_type, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ProvidesDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_ProvidesDef::_nil (); IR_ProvidesDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_provides", 15, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << interface_type) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_UsesDef_ptr _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_uses ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_InterfaceDef_ptr interface_type, CORBA::Boolean is_multiple, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_UsesDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_UsesDef::_nil (); IR_UsesDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_uses", 11, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << interface_type) && (_tao_out << CORBA::Any::from_boolean (is_multiple)) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_EmitsDef_ptr _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_emits ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_ValueDef_ptr value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_EmitsDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_EmitsDef::_nil (); IR_EmitsDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_emits", 12, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << value) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_PublishesDef_ptr _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_publishes ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_ValueDef_ptr value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_PublishesDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_PublishesDef::_nil (); IR_PublishesDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_publishes", 16, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << value) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_ConsumesDef_ptr _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_consumes ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_ValueDef_ptr value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ConsumesDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_ConsumesDef::_nil (); IR_ConsumesDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_consumes", 15, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << value) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_ComponentDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_ComponentDef::IR_ComponentDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_ComponentDef::~IR_ComponentDef (void) {} void IR_ComponentDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_ComponentDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_InterfaceDef::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_ComponentDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ComponentDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ComponentDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_ComponentDef_ptr IR_ComponentDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ComponentDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/ComponentDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_ComponentDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_ComponentDef::_nil (); } return IR_ComponentDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_ComponentDef_ptr IR_ComponentDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_ComponentDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_ComponentDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_ComponentDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_ComponentDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_ComponentDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_ComponentDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_ComponentDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_ComponentDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_ComponentDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_ComponentDef_ptr IR_ComponentDef::_duplicate (IR_ComponentDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_ComponentDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/ComponentDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/InterfaceDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Container:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_ComponentDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_ComponentDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_InterfaceDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_InterfaceDef_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Container::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Container_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_ComponentDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/ComponentDef:1.0"; } IR_InterfaceDefSeq * IR_ComponentDef::supported_interfaces ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).supported_interfaces ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } void IR_ComponentDef::supported_interfaces ( const IR_InterfaceDefSeq & supported_interfaces, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { this->the_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).supported_interfaces ( this, supported_interfaces, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ComponentDef_ptr IR_ComponentDef::base_component ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).base_component ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ProvidesDefSeq * IR_ComponentDef::provides_interfaces ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).provides_interfaces ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_UsesDefSeq * IR_ComponentDef::uses_interfaces ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).uses_interfaces ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_EmitsDefSeq * IR_ComponentDef::emits_events ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).emits_events ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_PublishesDefSeq * IR_ComponentDef::publishes_events ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).publishes_events ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ConsumesDefSeq * IR_ComponentDef::consumes_events ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).consumes_events ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } CORBA::Boolean IR_ComponentDef::is_basic ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_basic ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ProvidesDef_ptr IR_ComponentDef::create_provides ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_InterfaceDef_ptr interface_type, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_provides ( this, id, name, version, interface_type, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_UsesDef_ptr IR_ComponentDef::create_uses ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_InterfaceDef_ptr interface_type, CORBA::Boolean is_multiple, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_uses ( this, id, name, version, interface_type, is_multiple, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_EmitsDef_ptr IR_ComponentDef::create_emits ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_ValueDef_ptr value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_emits ( this, id, name, version, value, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_PublishesDef_ptr IR_ComponentDef::create_publishes ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_ValueDef_ptr value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_publishes ( this, id, name, version, value, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ConsumesDef_ptr IR_ComponentDef::create_consumes ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_ValueDef_ptr value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_consumes ( this, id, name, version, value, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ComponentDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ComponentDef:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6d70), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_ComponentDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ComponentDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_ComponentDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_ComponentDef, 0, sizeof (IR_ComponentDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ComponentDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ComponentDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_ComponentDescription[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ComponentDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6d70), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ComponentDescription 13, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x62617365), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f636f6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x706f6e65), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e740000), // name = base_component CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 20, ACE_NTOHL (0x73757070), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f727473), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f696e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65726661), ACE_NTOHL (0x63657300), // name = supports_interfaces CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 156, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x79496453), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryIdSeq:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = RepositoryIdSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 84, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 0U, 20, ACE_NTOHL (0x70726f76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69646573), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f696e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65726661), ACE_NTOHL (0x63657300), // name = provides_interfaces CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 144, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 34, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x64657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65665365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ProvidesDefSeq:1.0 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x50726f76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69646573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656653), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = IR_ProvidesDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 72, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 56, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x726f7669), ACE_NTOHL (0x64657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65663a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ProvidesDef:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x50726f76), ACE_NTOHL (0x69646573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656600), // name = IR_ProvidesDef 0U, 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x75736573), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f696e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65726661), ACE_NTOHL (0x63657300), // name = uses_interfaces CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 128, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65665365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/UsesDefSeq:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x55736573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656653), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = IR_UsesDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x73657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65663a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/UsesDef:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x55736573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656600), // name = IR_UsesDef 0U, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x61747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x65730000), // name = attributes CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 1788, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 38, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747244), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttrDescriptionSeq:1.0 19, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = AttrDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 1708, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 1692, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = AttributeDescription 8, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 104, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x654d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = AttributeMode 2, // member count 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x41545452), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f4e4f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d414c00), // name = ATTR_NORMAL 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x41545452), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f524541), ACE_NTOHL (0x444f4e4c), ACE_NTOHL (0x59000000), // name = ATTR_READONLY 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x6765745f), ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = get_exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x7075745f), ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = put_exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, 0U, 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x656d6974), ACE_NTOHL (0x735f6576), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7473), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = emits_events CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 132, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d697473), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656653), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/EmitsDefSeq:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x456d6974), ACE_NTOHL (0x73446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = IR_EmitsDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 52, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 28, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d697473), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/EmitsDef:1.0 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x456d6974), ACE_NTOHL (0x73446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_EmitsDef 0U, 17, ACE_NTOHL (0x7075626c), ACE_NTOHL (0x69736865), ACE_NTOHL (0x735f6576), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7473), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = publishes_events CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 148, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x75626c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x73686573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656653), ACE_NTOHL (0x65713a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/PublishesDefSeq:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x5075626c), ACE_NTOHL (0x69736865), ACE_NTOHL (0x73446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x53657100), // name = IR_PublishesDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 76, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 60, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x75626c69), ACE_NTOHL (0x73686573), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/PublishesDef:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5075626c), ACE_NTOHL (0x69736865), ACE_NTOHL (0x73446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_PublishesDef 0U, 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x636f6e73), ACE_NTOHL (0x756d6573), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f657665), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e747300), // name = consumes_events CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 144, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 34, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7375), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65665365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ConsumesDefSeq:1.0 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e73), ACE_NTOHL (0x756d6573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656653), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = IR_ConsumesDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 72, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 56, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7375), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65663a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ConsumesDef:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e73), ACE_NTOHL (0x756d6573), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656600), // name = IR_ConsumesDef 0U, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x69735f62), ACE_NTOHL (0x61736963), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = is_basic CORBA::tk_boolean, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_ComponentDescription (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_ComponentDescription), (char *) &_oc_IR_ComponentDescription, 0, sizeof (IR_ComponentDescription)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_ComponentDescription, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_ComponentDescription) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_ComponentDescription::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_ComponentDescription *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_ComponentDescription*,x); delete tmp; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods CORBA::Boolean _TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_a ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * primary_key_id, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "is_a", 4, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << primary_key_id) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), _tao_retval ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> CORBA::Any::to_boolean (_tao_retval)) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } IR_ValueDef_ptr _TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::primary_key ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ValueDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_ValueDef::_nil (); IR_ValueDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_primary_key", 16, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_PrimaryKeyDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_PrimaryKeyDef::IR_PrimaryKeyDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_PrimaryKeyDef::~IR_PrimaryKeyDef (void) {} void IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_Contained::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_PrimaryKeyDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_PrimaryKeyDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_PrimaryKeyDef_ptr IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/PrimaryKeyDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_nil (); } return IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_PrimaryKeyDef_ptr IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_PrimaryKeyDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_PrimaryKeyDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_PrimaryKeyDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_PrimaryKeyDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_PrimaryKeyDef_ptr IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_duplicate (IR_PrimaryKeyDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/PrimaryKeyDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/PrimaryKeyDef:1.0"; } CORBA::Boolean IR_PrimaryKeyDef::is_a ( const char * primary_key_id, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_a ( this, primary_key_id, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ValueDef_ptr IR_PrimaryKeyDef::primary_key ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).primary_key ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_PrimaryKeyDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x72696d61), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794b65), ACE_NTOHL (0x79446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/PrimaryKeyDef:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x5072696d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172794b), ACE_NTOHL (0x65794465), ACE_NTOHL (0x66000000), // name = IR_PrimaryKeyDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_PrimaryKeyDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_PrimaryKeyDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_PrimaryKeyDef, 0, sizeof (IR_PrimaryKeyDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_PrimaryKeyDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_PrimaryKeyDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_PrimaryKeyDescription[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 41, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x72696d61), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794b65), ACE_NTOHL (0x79446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/PrimaryKeyDescription:1.0 22, ACE_NTOHL (0x5072696d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172794b), ACE_NTOHL (0x65794465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e000000), // name = PrimaryKeyDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x7072696d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172795f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6b657900), // name = primary_key CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 52, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 28, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x616c7565), ACE_NTOHL (0x4465663a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ValueDef:1.0 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x56616c75), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_ValueDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_PrimaryKeyDescription (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_PrimaryKeyDescription), (char *) &_oc_IR_PrimaryKeyDescription, 0, sizeof (IR_PrimaryKeyDescription)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_PrimaryKeyDescription, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_PrimaryKeyDescription) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_PrimaryKeyDescription::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_PrimaryKeyDescription *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_PrimaryKeyDescription*,x); delete tmp; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_FactoryDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_FactoryDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_FactoryDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_FactoryDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_FactoryDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_FactoryDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_FactoryDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_FactoryDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_FactoryDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_FactoryDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_FactoryDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_FactoryDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_FactoryDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_FactoryDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_FactoryDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_FactoryDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_FactoryDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_FactoryDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_FactoryDef::IR_FactoryDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_FactoryDef::~IR_FactoryDef (void) {} void IR_FactoryDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_FactoryDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_FactoryDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_FactoryDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_FactoryDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_OperationDef::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_FactoryDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_FactoryDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_FactoryDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_FactoryDef_ptr IR_FactoryDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_FactoryDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/FactoryDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_FactoryDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_FactoryDef::_nil (); } return IR_FactoryDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_FactoryDef_ptr IR_FactoryDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_FactoryDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_FactoryDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_FactoryDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_FactoryDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_FactoryDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_FactoryDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_FactoryDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_FactoryDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_FactoryDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_FactoryDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_FactoryDef_ptr IR_FactoryDef::_duplicate (IR_FactoryDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_FactoryDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/FactoryDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_FactoryDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_FactoryDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_OperationDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_OperationDef_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_FactoryDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/FactoryDef:1.0"; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_FactoryDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x6163746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794465), ACE_NTOHL (0x663a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/FactoryDef:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x46616374), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f727944), ACE_NTOHL (0x65660000), // name = IR_FactoryDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_FactoryDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_FactoryDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_FactoryDef, 0, sizeof (IR_FactoryDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_FactoryDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_FactoryDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_FinderDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_FinderDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_FinderDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_FinderDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_FinderDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_FinderDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_FinderDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_FinderDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_FinderDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_FinderDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_FinderDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_FinderDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_FinderDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_FinderDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_FinderDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_FinderDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_FinderDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_FinderDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_FinderDef::IR_FinderDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_FinderDef::~IR_FinderDef (void) {} void IR_FinderDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_FinderDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_FinderDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_FinderDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_FinderDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_OperationDef::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_FinderDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_FinderDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_FinderDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_FinderDef_ptr IR_FinderDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_FinderDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/FinderDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_FinderDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_FinderDef::_nil (); } return IR_FinderDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_FinderDef_ptr IR_FinderDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_FinderDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_FinderDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_FinderDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_FinderDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_FinderDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_FinderDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_FinderDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_FinderDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_FinderDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_FinderDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_FinderDef_ptr IR_FinderDef::_duplicate (IR_FinderDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_FinderDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/FinderDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_FinderDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_FinderDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_OperationDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_OperationDef_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_FinderDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/FinderDef:1.0"; } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_FinderDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 29, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/FinderDef:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x46696e64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65724465), ACE_NTOHL (0x66000000), // name = IR_FinderDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_FinderDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_FinderDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_FinderDef, 0, sizeof (IR_FinderDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_FinderDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_FinderDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base & Remote Proxy Implementation. // _TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Impl (void) {} _TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::_TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl (void) {} // Remote Implementation of the IDL interface methods IR_HomeDef_ptr _TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::base_home ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_HomeDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_HomeDef::_nil (); IR_HomeDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_base_home", 14, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_ComponentDef_ptr _TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::managed_component ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_ComponentDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_ComponentDef::_nil (); IR_ComponentDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_managed_component", 22, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_PrimaryKeyDef_ptr _TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::primary_key ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_PrimaryKeyDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_nil (); IR_PrimaryKeyDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_primary_key", 16, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_FactoryDefSeq * _TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::factories ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_FactoryDefSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_FactoryDefSeq, _tao_retval); IR_FactoryDefSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_factories", 14, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_FinderDefSeq * _TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::finders ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_FinderDefSeq *_tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); ACE_NEW_RETURN (_tao_retval, IR_FinderDefSeq, _tao_retval); IR_FinderDefSeq_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_finders", 12, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } CORBA::Boolean _TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::is_basic ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { CORBA::Boolean _tao_retval = 0; TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), _tao_retval); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "_get_is_basic", 13, 0, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (_tao_retval); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> CORBA::Any::to_boolean (_tao_retval)) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), _tao_retval ); } break; } return _tao_retval; } IR_PrimaryKeyDef_ptr _TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_primary_key ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_ValueDef_ptr primary_key, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_PrimaryKeyDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_nil (); IR_PrimaryKeyDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_primary_key", 18, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << primary_key) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_FactoryDef_ptr _TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_factory ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, const IR_ParDescriptionSeq & params, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & exceptions, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_FactoryDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_FactoryDef::_nil (); IR_FactoryDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_factory", 14, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << params) && (_tao_out << exceptions) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } IR_FinderDef_ptr _TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Impl::create_finder ( CORBA_Object *_collocated_tao_target_, const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, const IR_ParDescriptionSeq & params, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & exceptions, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { IR_FinderDef_ptr _tao_retval = IR_FinderDef::_nil (); IR_FinderDef_var _tao_safe_retval (_tao_retval); TAO_Stub *istub = _collocated_tao_target_->_stubobj (); if (istub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL (), 0); TAO_GIOP_Twoway_Invocation _tao_call ( istub, "create_finder", 13, 1, istub->orb_core () ); for (;;) { _tao_call.start (ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); CORBA::Short _tao_response_flag = TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG; _tao_call.prepare_header ( ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Octet, _tao_response_flag), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); TAO_OutputCDR &_tao_out = _tao_call.out_stream (); if (!( (_tao_out << id) && (_tao_out << name) && (_tao_out << version) && (_tao_out << params) && (_tao_out << exceptions) )) ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (), 0 ); int _invoke_status = _tao_call.invoke (0, 0, ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (0); if (_invoke_status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { _tao_call.restart_flag (1); continue; } if (_invoke_status != TAO_INVOKE_OK) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::UNKNOWN (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } TAO_InputCDR &_tao_in = _tao_call.inp_stream (); if (!( (_tao_in >> _tao_safe_retval.inout ()) )) { ACE_THROW_RETURN ( CORBA::MARSHAL (TAO_DEFAULT_MINOR_CODE, CORBA::COMPLETED_YES), 0 ); } break; } return _tao_safe_retval._retn (); } // // End Base & Remote Proxy Implemeentation. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation // _TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker (void) { } // Factory function Implementation. _TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker *the_TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { static ::_TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker remote_proxy_broker; return &remote_proxy_broker; } _TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::_TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::~_TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (void) { } _TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Impl& _TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker::select_proxy ( ::IR_HomeDef *object, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { ACE_UNUSED_ARG (object); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (ACE_TRY_ENV); return remote_proxy_impl_; } // // End Remote & Base Proxy Broker Implementation /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // default constructor IR_HomeDef::IR_HomeDef (int collocated) { this->_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } // destructor IR_HomeDef::~IR_HomeDef (void) {} void IR_HomeDef::_tao_setup_collocation (int collocated) { if (collocated) this->the_TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker_ = _TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer (this); else this->the_TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker_ = ::the_TAO_HomeDef_Remote_Proxy_Broker (); IR_InterfaceDef::_tao_setup_collocation (collocated); } void IR_HomeDef::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_HomeDef *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_HomeDef*,x); CORBA::release (tmp); } IR_HomeDef_ptr IR_HomeDef::_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_HomeDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { CORBA::Boolean is_a = obj->_is_a ("IDL:omg.org/IR/HomeDef:1.0", ACE_TRY_ENV); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (IR_HomeDef::_nil ()); if (is_a == 0) return IR_HomeDef::_nil (); } return IR_HomeDef::_unchecked_narrow (obj, ACE_TRY_ENV); } IR_HomeDef_ptr IR_HomeDef::_unchecked_narrow ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj, CORBA::Environment & ) { if (CORBA::is_nil (obj)) return IR_HomeDef::_nil (); if (! obj->_is_local ()) { TAO_Stub* stub = obj->_stubobj (); if (stub) stub->_incr_refcnt (); IR_HomeDef_ptr default_proxy = IR_HomeDef::_nil (); if ( !CORBA::is_nil (stub->servant_orb_var ().ptr ()) && stub->servant_orb_var ()->orb_core ()->optimize_collocation_objects () && obj->_is_collocated () &&_TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer != 0 ) { ACE_NEW_RETURN ( default_proxy, ::IR_HomeDef ( stub, 1, obj->_servant ()), IR_HomeDef::_nil ()); } if (CORBA::is_nil (default_proxy)) ACE_NEW_RETURN (default_proxy, ::IR_HomeDef (stub, 0, obj->_servant ()), IR_HomeDef::_nil ()); return default_proxy; } else return ACE_reinterpret_cast ( IR_HomeDef_ptr, obj->_tao_QueryInterface ( ACE_reinterpret_cast ( ptr_arith_t, &IR_HomeDef::_narrow ) ) ); } IR_HomeDef_ptr IR_HomeDef::_duplicate (IR_HomeDef_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_add_ref (); return obj; } CORBA::Boolean IR_HomeDef::_is_a (const CORBA::Char *value, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV) { if ( (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/HomeDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/InterfaceDef:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Container:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/Contained:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/IRObject:1.0")) || (!ACE_OS::strcmp ((char *)value, "IDL:omg.org/CORBA/Object:1.0"))) return 1; // success using local knowledge else return this->CORBA_Object::_is_a (value, ACE_TRY_ENV); } void *IR_HomeDef::_tao_QueryInterface (ptr_arith_t type) { void *retv = 0; if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_HomeDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void*, this); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_InterfaceDef::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_InterfaceDef_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Container::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Container_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_Contained::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_Contained_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &IR_IDLType::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( IR_IDLType_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA_IRObject::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast ( void *, ACE_static_cast ( CORBA_IRObject_ptr, this ) ); else if (type == ACE_reinterpret_cast (ptr_arith_t, &CORBA::Object::_narrow)) retv = ACE_reinterpret_cast (void *, ACE_static_cast (CORBA::Object_ptr, this)); if (retv) this->_add_ref (); return retv; } const char* IR_HomeDef::_interface_repository_id (void) const { return "IDL:omg.org/IR/HomeDef:1.0"; } IR_HomeDef_ptr IR_HomeDef::base_home ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).base_home ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_ComponentDef_ptr IR_HomeDef::managed_component ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).managed_component ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_PrimaryKeyDef_ptr IR_HomeDef::primary_key ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).primary_key ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_FactoryDefSeq * IR_HomeDef::factories ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).factories ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_FinderDefSeq * IR_HomeDef::finders ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).finders ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } CORBA::Boolean IR_HomeDef::is_basic ( CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).is_basic ( this, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_PrimaryKeyDef_ptr IR_HomeDef::create_primary_key ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, IR_ValueDef_ptr primary_key, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_primary_key ( this, id, name, version, primary_key, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_FactoryDef_ptr IR_HomeDef::create_factory ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, const IR_ParDescriptionSeq & params, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & exceptions, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_factory ( this, id, name, version, params, exceptions, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } IR_FinderDef_ptr IR_HomeDef::create_finder ( const char * id, const char * name, const char * version, const IR_ParDescriptionSeq & params, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq & exceptions, CORBA::Environment &ACE_TRY_ENV ) ACE_THROW_SPEC (( CORBA::SystemException )) { return this->the_TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker_->select_proxy (this, ACE_TRY_ENV).create_finder ( this, id, name, version, params, exceptions, ACE_TRY_ENV ); } static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_HomeDef[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f48), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d6544), ACE_NTOHL (0x65663a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/HomeDef:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x486f6d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x44656600), // name = IR_HomeDef }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_HomeDef (CORBA::tk_objref, sizeof (_oc_IR_HomeDef), (char *) &_oc_IR_HomeDef, 0, sizeof (IR_HomeDef)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_HomeDef, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_HomeDef) TAO_NAMESPACE_END static const CORBA::Long _oc_IR_HomeDescription[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 35, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f48), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d6544), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e3a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/HomeDescription:1.0 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x486f6d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = HomeDescription 12, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x62617365), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f686f6d), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = base_home CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d616e61), ACE_NTOHL (0x6765645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x636f6d70), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74000000), // name = managed_component CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 16, ACE_NTOHL (0x7072696d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172795f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6b65795f), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656600), // name = primary_key_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x72696d61), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794b65), ACE_NTOHL (0x79446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/PrimaryKeyDef:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x5072696d), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172794b), ACE_NTOHL (0x65794465), ACE_NTOHL (0x66000000), // name = IR_PrimaryKeyDef 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x66616374), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f726965), ACE_NTOHL (0x73000000), // name = factories CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 144, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x6163746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794465), ACE_NTOHL (0x66536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/FactoryDefSeq:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x46616374), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f727944), ACE_NTOHL (0x65665365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = IR_FactoryDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 72, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 56, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x6163746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794465), ACE_NTOHL (0x663a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/FactoryDef:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x46616374), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f727944), ACE_NTOHL (0x65660000), // name = IR_FactoryDef 0U, 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x66696e64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727300), // name = finders CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 140, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x5365713a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/FinderDefSeq:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x46696e64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65724465), ACE_NTOHL (0x66536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = IR_FinderDefSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 72, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 56, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 29, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f46), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72446566), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/FinderDef:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x46696e64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65724465), ACE_NTOHL (0x66000000), // name = IR_FinderDef 0U, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x6f706572), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = operations CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 1972, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 36, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x5365713a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/OpDescriptionSeq:1.0 17, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f704465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = OpDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 1896, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 1880, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70657261), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f706572), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = OperationDescription 9, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 7, ACE_NTOHL (0x72657375), ACE_NTOHL (0x6c740000), // name = result CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 100, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x70657261), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/OperationMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f706572), ACE_NTOHL (0x6174696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e4d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = OperationMode 2, // member count 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f505f4e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f524d41), ACE_NTOHL (0x4c000000), // name = OP_NORMAL 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x4f505f4f), ACE_NTOHL (0x4e455741), ACE_NTOHL (0x59000000), // name = OP_ONEWAY 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x636f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787473), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = contexts CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 228, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x78744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x5365713a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ContextIdSeq:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ContextIdSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 160, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 144, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f43), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e7465), ACE_NTOHL (0x78744964), ACE_NTOHL (0x656e7469), ACE_NTOHL (0x66696572), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ContextIdentifier:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x436f6e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x65787449), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x72000000), // name = ContextIdentifier CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 0U, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x70617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72730000), // name = parameters CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 484, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x61724465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617244), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ParDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 404, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 388, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172616d), ACE_NTOHL (0x65746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParameterDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x72446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ParameterDescription 4, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f646566), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type_def CORBA::tk_objref, // typecode kind 48, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 27, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x444c5479), ACE_NTOHL (0x70653a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/IDLType:1.0 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c54), ACE_NTOHL (0x79706500), // name = IR_IDLType 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 116, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f50), ACE_NTOHL (0x6172616d), ACE_NTOHL (0x65746572), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ParameterMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x50617261), ACE_NTOHL (0x6d657465), ACE_NTOHL (0x724d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = ParameterMode 3, // member count 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f494e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = PARAM_IN 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f4f55), ACE_NTOHL (0x54000000), // name = PARAM_OUT 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x50415241), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d5f494e), ACE_NTOHL (0x4f555400), // name = PARAM_INOUT 0U, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, 0U, 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x61747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x65730000), // name = attributes CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 1788, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 38, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747244), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x713a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttrDescriptionSeq:1.0 19, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x65710000), // name = AttrDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 1708, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 1692, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x65446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = AttributeDescription 8, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = mode CORBA::tk_enum, // typecode kind 104, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 33, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f41), ACE_NTOHL (0x74747269), ACE_NTOHL (0x62757465), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d6f6465), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/AttributeMode:1.0 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x41747472), ACE_NTOHL (0x69627574), ACE_NTOHL (0x654d6f64), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = AttributeMode 2, // member count 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x41545452), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f4e4f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d414c00), // name = ATTR_NORMAL 14, ACE_NTOHL (0x41545452), ACE_NTOHL (0x5f524541), ACE_NTOHL (0x444f4e4c), ACE_NTOHL (0x59000000), // name = ATTR_READONLY 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x6765745f), ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = get_exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, 15, ACE_NTOHL (0x7075745f), ACE_NTOHL (0x65786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e730000), // name = put_exceptions CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 536, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 37, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78634465), ACE_NTOHL (0x73637269), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e536571), ACE_NTOHL (0x3a312e30), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExcDescriptionSeq:1.0 18, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786344), ACE_NTOHL (0x65736372), ACE_NTOHL (0x69707469), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5365), ACE_NTOHL (0x71000000), // name = ExcDescriptionSeq CORBA::tk_sequence, // typecode kind 456, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order CORBA::tk_struct, // typecode kind 440, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 40, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f45), ACE_NTOHL (0x78636570), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x44657363), ACE_NTOHL (0x72697074), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/ExceptionDescription:1.0 21, ACE_NTOHL (0x45786365), ACE_NTOHL (0x7074696f), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e446573), ACE_NTOHL (0x63726970), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696f6e), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = ExceptionDescription 5, // member count 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x6e616d65), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = name CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 30, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f49), ACE_NTOHL (0x64656e74), ACE_NTOHL (0x69666965), ACE_NTOHL (0x723a312e), ACE_NTOHL (0x30000000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/Identifier:1.0 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x4964656e), ACE_NTOHL (0x74696669), ACE_NTOHL (0x65720000), // name = Identifier CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 3, ACE_NTOHL (0x69640000), // name = id CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 11, ACE_NTOHL (0x64656669), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e65645f), ACE_NTOHL (0x696e0000), // name = defined_in CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 68, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 32, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f52), ACE_NTOHL (0x65706f73), ACE_NTOHL (0x69746f72), ACE_NTOHL (0x7949643a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/RepositoryId:1.0 13, ACE_NTOHL (0x5265706f), ACE_NTOHL (0x7369746f), ACE_NTOHL (0x72794964), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = RepositoryId CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 8, ACE_NTOHL (0x76657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e00), // name = version CORBA::tk_alias, // typecode kind for typedefs 64, // encapsulation length TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 31, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x49522f56), ACE_NTOHL (0x65727369), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6e5370), ACE_NTOHL (0x65633a31), ACE_NTOHL (0x2e300000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/IR/VersionSpec:1.0 12, ACE_NTOHL (0x56657273), ACE_NTOHL (0x696f6e53), ACE_NTOHL (0x70656300), // name = VersionSpec CORBA::tk_string, 0U, // string length 5, ACE_NTOHL (0x74797065), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = type CORBA::tk_TypeCode, 0U, 0U, 9, ACE_NTOHL (0x69735f62), ACE_NTOHL (0x61736963), ACE_NTOHL (0x0), // name = is_basic CORBA::tk_boolean, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_IR_HomeDescription (CORBA::tk_struct, sizeof (_oc_IR_HomeDescription), (char *) &_oc_IR_HomeDescription, 0, sizeof (IR_HomeDescription)); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (IR) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_HomeDescription, &_tc_TAO_tc_IR_HomeDescription) TAO_NAMESPACE_END void IR_HomeDescription::_tao_any_destructor (void *x) { IR_HomeDescription *tmp = ACE_static_cast (IR_HomeDescription*,x); delete tmp; } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_DefinitionKind _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_DefinitionKind, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_DefinitionKind &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_DefinitionKind, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_IRObject_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_IRObject_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, CORBA_IRObject_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( CORBA::_tc_IRObject, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, CORBA_IRObject::_duplicate (_tao_elem), CORBA_IRObject::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, CORBA_IRObject_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = CORBA_IRObject::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (CORBA::_tc_IRObject, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( CORBA::_tc_IRObject, 1, _tao_elem, CORBA_IRObject::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = CORBA_IRObject::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = CORBA_IRObject::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_Contained_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_Contained_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_Contained, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_Contained::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_Contained::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_Contained_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_Contained::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_Contained, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_Contained, 1, _tao_elem, IR_Contained::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_Contained::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_Contained::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_Contained::Description &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR_Contained::_tc_Description, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_Contained::Description *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR_Contained::_tc_Description, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_Contained::Description::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_Contained::Description *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_Contained::Description*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_Contained::Description *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR_Contained::_tc_Description, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_Contained::Description*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_Contained::Description *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_Contained::Description, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR_Contained::_tc_Description, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_Contained::Description::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_InterfaceDefSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_InterfaceDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_InterfaceDefSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_InterfaceDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_InterfaceDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_InterfaceDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_InterfaceDefSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_InterfaceDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_InterfaceDefSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_InterfaceDefSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_InterfaceDefSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_InterfaceDefSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_InterfaceDefSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_InterfaceDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ValueDefSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ValueDefSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ValueDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ValueDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_ValueDefSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ValueDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ValueDefSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ValueDefSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ValueDefSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ValueDefSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueDefSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ValueDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ComponentDefSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ComponentDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ComponentDefSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ComponentDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ComponentDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ComponentDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_ComponentDefSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ComponentDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ComponentDefSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ComponentDefSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ComponentDefSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ComponentDefSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ComponentDefSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ComponentDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ProvidesDefSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ProvidesDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ProvidesDefSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ProvidesDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ProvidesDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ProvidesDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_ProvidesDefSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ProvidesDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ProvidesDefSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ProvidesDefSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ProvidesDefSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ProvidesDefSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ProvidesDefSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ProvidesDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_UsesDefSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UsesDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_UsesDefSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UsesDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_UsesDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_UsesDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_UsesDefSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_UsesDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_UsesDefSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_UsesDefSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_UsesDefSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_UsesDefSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UsesDefSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_UsesDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_HomeDefSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_HomeDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_HomeDefSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_HomeDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_HomeDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_HomeDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_HomeDefSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_HomeDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_HomeDefSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_HomeDefSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_HomeDefSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_HomeDefSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_HomeDefSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_HomeDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_EmitsDefSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_EmitsDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_EmitsDefSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_EmitsDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_EmitsDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_EmitsDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_EmitsDefSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_EmitsDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_EmitsDefSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_EmitsDefSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_EmitsDefSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_EmitsDefSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_EmitsDefSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_EmitsDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_PublishesDefSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_PublishesDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_PublishesDefSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_PublishesDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_PublishesDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_PublishesDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_PublishesDefSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_PublishesDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_PublishesDefSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_PublishesDefSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_PublishesDefSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_PublishesDefSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_PublishesDefSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_PublishesDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ConsumesDefSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ConsumesDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ConsumesDefSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ConsumesDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ConsumesDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ConsumesDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_ConsumesDefSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ConsumesDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ConsumesDefSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ConsumesDefSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ConsumesDefSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ConsumesDefSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ConsumesDefSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ConsumesDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_FactoryDefSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_FactoryDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_FactoryDefSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_FactoryDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_FactoryDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_FactoryDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_FactoryDefSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_FactoryDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_FactoryDefSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_FactoryDefSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_FactoryDefSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_FactoryDefSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_FactoryDefSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_FactoryDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_FinderDefSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_FinderDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_FinderDefSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_FinderDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_FinderDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_FinderDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_FinderDefSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_FinderDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_FinderDefSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_FinderDefSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_FinderDefSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_FinderDefSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_FinderDefSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_FinderDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ContainedSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ContainedSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ContainedSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ContainedSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ContainedSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ContainedSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_ContainedSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ContainedSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ContainedSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ContainedSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ContainedSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ContainedSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ContainedSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ContainedSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_StructMember &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_StructMember, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_StructMember *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_StructMember, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_StructMember::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_StructMember *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_StructMember*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_StructMember *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_StructMember, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_StructMember*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_StructMember *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_StructMember, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_StructMember, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_StructMember::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_StructMemberSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_StructMemberSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_StructMemberSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_StructMemberSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_StructMemberSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_StructMemberSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_StructMemberSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_StructMemberSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_StructMemberSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_StructMemberSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_StructMemberSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_StructMemberSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_StructMemberSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_StructMemberSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_Initializer &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_Initializer, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_Initializer *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_Initializer, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_Initializer::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_Initializer *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_Initializer*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_Initializer *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_Initializer, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_Initializer*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_Initializer *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_Initializer, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_Initializer, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_Initializer::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_InitializerSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_InitializerSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_InitializerSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_InitializerSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_InitializerSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_InitializerSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_InitializerSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_InitializerSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_InitializerSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_InitializerSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_InitializerSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_InitializerSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_InitializerSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_InitializerSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_UnionMember &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UnionMember, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_UnionMember *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UnionMember, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_UnionMember::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_UnionMember *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_UnionMember*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_UnionMember *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_UnionMember, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_UnionMember*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_UnionMember *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_UnionMember, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UnionMember, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_UnionMember::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_UnionMemberSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UnionMemberSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_UnionMemberSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UnionMemberSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_UnionMemberSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_UnionMemberSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_UnionMemberSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_UnionMemberSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_UnionMemberSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_UnionMemberSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_UnionMemberSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_UnionMemberSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UnionMemberSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_UnionMemberSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_EnumMemberSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_EnumMemberSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_EnumMemberSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_EnumMemberSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_EnumMemberSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_EnumMemberSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_EnumMemberSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_EnumMemberSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_EnumMemberSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_EnumMemberSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_EnumMemberSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_EnumMemberSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_EnumMemberSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_EnumMemberSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_Container_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_Container_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_Container, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_Container::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_Container::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_Container_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_Container::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_Container, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_Container, 1, _tao_elem, IR_Container::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_Container::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_Container::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_Container::Description &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR_Container::_tc_Description, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_Container::Description *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR_Container::_tc_Description, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_Container::Description::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_Container::Description *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_Container::Description*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_Container::Description *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR_Container::_tc_Description, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_Container::Description*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_Container::Description *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_Container::Description, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR_Container::_tc_Description, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_Container::Description::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_Container::DescriptionSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR_Container::_tc_DescriptionSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_Container::DescriptionSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR_Container::_tc_DescriptionSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_Container::DescriptionSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_Container::DescriptionSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_Container::DescriptionSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_Container::DescriptionSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR_Container::_tc_DescriptionSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_Container::DescriptionSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_Container::DescriptionSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_Container::DescriptionSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR_Container::_tc_DescriptionSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_Container::DescriptionSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_IDLType_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_IDLType_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_IDLType_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_IDLType, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_IDLType::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_IDLType::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_IDLType_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_IDLType::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_IDLType, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_IDLType, 1, _tao_elem, IR_IDLType::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_IDLType::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_IDLType::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_PrimitiveKind _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_PrimitiveKind, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_PrimitiveKind &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_PrimitiveKind, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_Repository_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_Repository_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_Repository, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_Repository::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_Repository::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_Repository_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_Repository::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_Repository, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_Repository, 1, _tao_elem, IR_Repository::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_Repository::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_Repository::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_ComponentRepository_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_ComponentRepository_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ComponentRepository_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ComponentRepository, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_ComponentRepository::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_ComponentRepository::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ComponentRepository_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_ComponentRepository::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ComponentRepository, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ComponentRepository, 1, _tao_elem, IR_ComponentRepository::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_ComponentRepository::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_ComponentRepository::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_ModuleDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_ModuleDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ModuleDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ModuleDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_ModuleDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_ModuleDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ModuleDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_ModuleDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ModuleDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ModuleDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_ModuleDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_ModuleDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_ModuleDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ModuleDescription &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ModuleDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ModuleDescription *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ModuleDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ModuleDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ModuleDescription *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_ModuleDescription*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ModuleDescription *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ModuleDescription, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ModuleDescription*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ModuleDescription *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ModuleDescription, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ModuleDescription, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ModuleDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_ConstantDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ConstantDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ConstantDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_ConstantDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_ConstantDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ConstantDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_ConstantDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ConstantDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ConstantDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_ConstantDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_ConstantDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_ConstantDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ConstantDescription &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ConstantDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ConstantDescription *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ConstantDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ConstantDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ConstantDescription *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_ConstantDescription*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ConstantDescription *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ConstantDescription, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ConstantDescription*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ConstantDescription *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ConstantDescription, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ConstantDescription, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ConstantDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_TypedefDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_TypedefDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_TypedefDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_TypedefDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_TypedefDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_TypedefDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_TypedefDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_TypedefDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_TypedefDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_TypedefDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_TypedefDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_TypedefDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_TypedefDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_TypeDescription &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_TypeDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_TypeDescription *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_TypeDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_TypeDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_TypeDescription *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_TypeDescription*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_TypeDescription *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_TypeDescription, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_TypeDescription*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_TypeDescription *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_TypeDescription, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_TypeDescription, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_TypeDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_StructDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_StructDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_StructDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_StructDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_StructDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_StructDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_StructDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_StructDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_StructDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_StructDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_StructDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_StructDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_StructDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_UnionDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_UnionDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UnionDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_UnionDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_UnionDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_UnionDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_UnionDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_UnionDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UnionDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_UnionDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_UnionDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_UnionDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_EnumDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_EnumDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_EnumDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_EnumDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_EnumDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_EnumDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_EnumDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_EnumDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_EnumDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_EnumDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_EnumDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_EnumDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_EnumDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_AliasDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_AliasDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_AliasDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_AliasDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_AliasDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_AliasDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_AliasDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_AliasDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_AliasDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_AliasDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_AliasDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_AliasDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_AliasDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_NativeDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_NativeDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_NativeDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_NativeDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_NativeDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_NativeDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_NativeDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_NativeDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_NativeDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_NativeDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_NativeDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_NativeDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_NativeDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_PrimitiveDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_PrimitiveDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_PrimitiveDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_PrimitiveDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_PrimitiveDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_PrimitiveDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_PrimitiveDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_PrimitiveDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_PrimitiveDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_PrimitiveDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_PrimitiveDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_PrimitiveDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_PrimitiveDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_StringDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_StringDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_StringDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_StringDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_StringDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_StringDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_StringDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_StringDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_StringDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_StringDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_StringDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_StringDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_StringDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_WstringDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_WstringDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_WstringDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_WstringDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_WstringDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_WstringDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_WstringDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_WstringDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_WstringDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_WstringDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_WstringDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_WstringDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_WstringDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_FixedDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_FixedDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_FixedDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_FixedDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_FixedDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_FixedDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_FixedDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_FixedDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_FixedDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_FixedDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_FixedDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_FixedDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_SequenceDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_SequenceDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_SequenceDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_SequenceDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_SequenceDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_SequenceDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_SequenceDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_SequenceDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_SequenceDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_SequenceDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_SequenceDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_SequenceDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_ArrayDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ArrayDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ArrayDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_ArrayDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_ArrayDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ArrayDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_ArrayDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ArrayDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ArrayDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_ArrayDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_ArrayDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_ArrayDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_ExceptionDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_ExceptionDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ExceptionDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ExceptionDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_ExceptionDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_ExceptionDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ExceptionDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_ExceptionDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ExceptionDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ExceptionDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_ExceptionDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_ExceptionDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_ExceptionDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ExceptionDescription &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ExceptionDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ExceptionDescription *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ExceptionDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ExceptionDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ExceptionDescription *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_ExceptionDescription*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ExceptionDescription *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ExceptionDescription, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ExceptionDescription*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ExceptionDescription *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ExceptionDescription, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ExceptionDescription, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ExceptionDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ExceptionDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ExceptionDefSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ExceptionDefSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ExceptionDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ExceptionDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_ExceptionDefSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ExceptionDefSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ExceptionDefSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ExceptionDefSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ExceptionDefSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ExceptionDefSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ExceptionDefSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ExcDescriptionSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ExcDescriptionSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ExcDescriptionSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ExcDescriptionSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ExcDescriptionSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ExcDescriptionSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_ExcDescriptionSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ExcDescriptionSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ExcDescriptionSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ExcDescriptionSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ExcDescriptionSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ExcDescriptionSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ExcDescriptionSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ExcDescriptionSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_AttributeMode _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_AttributeMode, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_AttributeMode &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_AttributeMode, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_AttributeDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_AttributeDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_AttributeDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_AttributeDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_AttributeDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_AttributeDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_AttributeDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_AttributeDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_AttributeDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_AttributeDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_AttributeDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_AttributeDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_AttributeDescription &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_AttributeDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_AttributeDescription *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_AttributeDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_AttributeDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_AttributeDescription *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_AttributeDescription*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_AttributeDescription *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_AttributeDescription, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_AttributeDescription*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_AttributeDescription *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_AttributeDescription, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_AttributeDescription, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_AttributeDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_OperationMode _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_OperationMode, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_OperationMode &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_OperationMode, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ParameterMode _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ParameterMode, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ParameterMode &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ParameterMode, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ParameterDescription &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ParameterDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ParameterDescription *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ParameterDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ParameterDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ParameterDescription *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_ParameterDescription*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ParameterDescription *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ParameterDescription, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ParameterDescription*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ParameterDescription *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ParameterDescription, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ParameterDescription, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ParameterDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ParDescriptionSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ParDescriptionSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ParDescriptionSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ParDescriptionSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ParDescriptionSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ParDescriptionSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_ParDescriptionSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ParDescriptionSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ParDescriptionSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ParDescriptionSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ParDescriptionSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ParDescriptionSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ParDescriptionSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ParDescriptionSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ContextIdSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ContextIdSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ContextIdSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ContextIdSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ContextIdSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ContextIdSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_ContextIdSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ContextIdSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ContextIdSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ContextIdSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ContextIdSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ContextIdSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ContextIdSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ContextIdSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_OperationDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_OperationDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_OperationDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_OperationDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_OperationDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_OperationDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_OperationDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_OperationDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_OperationDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_OperationDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_OperationDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_OperationDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_OperationDescription &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_OperationDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_OperationDescription *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_OperationDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_OperationDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_OperationDescription *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_OperationDescription*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_OperationDescription *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_OperationDescription, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_OperationDescription*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_OperationDescription *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_OperationDescription, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_OperationDescription, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_OperationDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_RepositoryIdSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_RepositoryIdSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_RepositoryIdSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_RepositoryIdSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_RepositoryIdSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_RepositoryIdSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_RepositoryIdSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_RepositoryIdSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_RepositoryIdSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_RepositoryIdSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_RepositoryIdSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_RepositoryIdSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_RepositoryIdSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_RepositoryIdSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_OpDescriptionSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_OpDescriptionSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_OpDescriptionSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_OpDescriptionSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_OpDescriptionSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_OpDescriptionSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_OpDescriptionSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_OpDescriptionSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_OpDescriptionSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_OpDescriptionSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_OpDescriptionSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_OpDescriptionSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_OpDescriptionSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_OpDescriptionSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_AttrDescriptionSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_AttrDescriptionSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_AttrDescriptionSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_AttrDescriptionSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_AttrDescriptionSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_AttrDescriptionSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_AttrDescriptionSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_AttrDescriptionSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_AttrDescriptionSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_AttrDescriptionSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_AttrDescriptionSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_AttrDescriptionSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_AttrDescriptionSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_AttrDescriptionSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_InterfaceDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_InterfaceDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_InterfaceDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_InterfaceDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_InterfaceDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_InterfaceDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_InterfaceDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_InterfaceDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_InterfaceDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_InterfaceDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_InterfaceDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_InterfaceDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_InterfaceDescription &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_InterfaceDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_InterfaceDescription *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_InterfaceDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_InterfaceDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_InterfaceDescription *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_InterfaceDescription*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_InterfaceDescription *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_InterfaceDescription, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_InterfaceDescription*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_InterfaceDescription *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_InterfaceDescription, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_InterfaceDescription, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_InterfaceDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ValueMember &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueMember, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ValueMember *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueMember, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ValueMember::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ValueMember *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_ValueMember*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ValueMember *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ValueMember, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ValueMember*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ValueMember *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ValueMember, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueMember, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ValueMember::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ValueMemberSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueMemberSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ValueMemberSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueMemberSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ValueMemberSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ValueMemberSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_ValueMemberSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ValueMemberSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ValueMemberSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ValueMemberSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ValueMemberSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ValueMemberSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueMemberSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ValueMemberSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_ValueMemberDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ValueMemberDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueMemberDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_ValueMemberDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_ValueMemberDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ValueMemberDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_ValueMemberDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ValueMemberDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueMemberDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_ValueMemberDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_ValueMemberDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_ValueMemberDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_ValueDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ValueDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_ValueDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_ValueDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ValueDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_ValueDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ValueDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_ValueDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_ValueDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_ValueDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ValueDescription &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ValueDescription *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ValueDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ValueDescription *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_ValueDescription*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ValueDescription *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ValueDescription, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ValueDescription*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ValueDescription *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ValueDescription, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueDescription, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ValueDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_ValueBoxDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_ValueBoxDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ValueBoxDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueBoxDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_ValueBoxDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_ValueBoxDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ValueBoxDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_ValueBoxDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ValueBoxDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ValueBoxDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_ValueBoxDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_ValueBoxDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_ValueBoxDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_ProvidesDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_ProvidesDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ProvidesDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ProvidesDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_ProvidesDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_ProvidesDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ProvidesDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_ProvidesDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ProvidesDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ProvidesDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_ProvidesDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_ProvidesDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_ProvidesDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ProvidesDescription &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ProvidesDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ProvidesDescription *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ProvidesDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ProvidesDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ProvidesDescription *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_ProvidesDescription*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ProvidesDescription *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ProvidesDescription, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ProvidesDescription*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ProvidesDescription *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ProvidesDescription, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ProvidesDescription, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ProvidesDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_UsesDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_UsesDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_UsesDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UsesDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_UsesDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_UsesDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_UsesDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_UsesDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_UsesDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UsesDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_UsesDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_UsesDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_UsesDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_UsesDescription &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UsesDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_UsesDescription *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UsesDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_UsesDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_UsesDescription *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_UsesDescription*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_UsesDescription *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_UsesDescription, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_UsesDescription*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_UsesDescription *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_UsesDescription, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UsesDescription, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_UsesDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ProvidesDescSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ProvidesDescSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ProvidesDescSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ProvidesDescSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ProvidesDescSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ProvidesDescSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_ProvidesDescSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ProvidesDescSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ProvidesDescSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ProvidesDescSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ProvidesDescSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ProvidesDescSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ProvidesDescSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ProvidesDescSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } void operator<<= ( CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_UsesDescSeq &_tao_elem ) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UsesDescSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_UsesDescSeq *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UsesDescSeq, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_UsesDescSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_UsesDescSeq *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast( const IR_UsesDescSeq*&, _tao_elem ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_UsesDescSeq *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_UsesDescSeq, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_UsesDescSeq*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_UsesDescSeq *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_UsesDescSeq, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_UsesDescSeq, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_UsesDescSeq::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_EventDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_EventDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_EventDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_EventDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_EventDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_EventDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_EventDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_EventDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_EventDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_EventDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_EventDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_EventDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_EventDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_EventDescription &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_EventDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_EventDescription *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_EventDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_EventDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_EventDescription *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_EventDescription*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_EventDescription *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_EventDescription, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_EventDescription*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_EventDescription *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_EventDescription, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_EventDescription, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_EventDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_EmitsDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_EmitsDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_EmitsDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_EmitsDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_EmitsDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_EmitsDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_EmitsDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_EmitsDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_EmitsDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_EmitsDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_EmitsDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_EmitsDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_EmitsDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_PublishesDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_PublishesDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_PublishesDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_PublishesDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_PublishesDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_PublishesDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_PublishesDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_PublishesDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_PublishesDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_PublishesDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_PublishesDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_PublishesDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_PublishesDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_ConsumesDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_ConsumesDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ConsumesDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ConsumesDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_ConsumesDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_ConsumesDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ConsumesDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_ConsumesDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ConsumesDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ConsumesDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_ConsumesDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_ConsumesDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_ConsumesDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_ComponentDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ComponentDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ComponentDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_ComponentDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_ComponentDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ComponentDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_ComponentDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ComponentDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ComponentDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_ComponentDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_ComponentDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_ComponentDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ComponentDescription &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ComponentDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ComponentDescription *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ComponentDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_ComponentDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_ComponentDescription *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_ComponentDescription*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_ComponentDescription *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_ComponentDescription, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_ComponentDescription*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_ComponentDescription *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_ComponentDescription, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_ComponentDescription, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_ComponentDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_PrimaryKeyDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_PrimaryKeyDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_PrimaryKeyDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_PrimaryKeyDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_PrimaryKeyDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_PrimaryKeyDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_PrimaryKeyDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_PrimaryKeyDescription &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_PrimaryKeyDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_PrimaryKeyDescription *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_PrimaryKeyDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_PrimaryKeyDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_PrimaryKeyDescription *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_PrimaryKeyDescription*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_PrimaryKeyDescription *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_PrimaryKeyDescription, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_PrimaryKeyDescription*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_PrimaryKeyDescription *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_PrimaryKeyDescription, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_PrimaryKeyDescription, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_PrimaryKeyDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } _TAO_FactoryDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_FactoryDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_FactoryDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_FactoryDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_FactoryDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_FactoryDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_FactoryDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_FactoryDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_FactoryDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_FactoryDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_FactoryDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_FactoryDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_FactoryDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_FinderDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_FinderDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_FinderDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_FinderDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_FinderDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_FinderDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_FinderDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_FinderDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_FinderDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_FinderDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_FinderDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_FinderDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_FinderDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ _TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker * (*_TAO_HomeDef_Proxy_Broker_Factory_function_pointer) ( CORBA::Object_ptr obj ) = 0; void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_HomeDef_ptr _tao_elem) { TAO_OutputCDR stream; if (stream << _tao_elem) { _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_HomeDef, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, IR_HomeDef::_duplicate (_tao_elem), IR_HomeDef::_tao_any_destructor ); } } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_HomeDef_ptr &_tao_elem) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { _tao_elem = IR_HomeDef::_nil (); CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_HomeDef, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> _tao_elem) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_HomeDef, 1, _tao_elem, IR_HomeDef::_tao_any_destructor ); return 1; } } ACE_CATCHANY { _tao_elem = IR_HomeDef::_nil (); return 0; } ACE_ENDTRY; _tao_elem = IR_HomeDef::_nil (); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION) || \ defined (ACE_HAS_GNU_REPO) template class TAO_Object_Manager; #elif defined (ACE_HAS_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION_PRAGMA) # pragma instantiate TAO_Object_Manager #endif /* ACE_HAS_EXPLICIT_TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION */ void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_HomeDescription &_tao_elem) // copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << _tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_HomeDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin () ); } void operator<<= (CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_HomeDescription *_tao_elem) // non copying { TAO_OutputCDR stream; stream << *_tao_elem; _tao_any._tao_replace ( IR::_tc_HomeDescription, TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, stream.begin (), 1, _tao_elem, IR_HomeDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, IR_HomeDescription *&_tao_elem) { return _tao_any >>= ACE_const_cast(const IR_HomeDescription*&,_tao_elem); } CORBA::Boolean operator>>= (const CORBA::Any &_tao_any, const IR_HomeDescription *&_tao_elem) { _tao_elem = 0; ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA::TypeCode_var type = _tao_any.type (); if (!type->equivalent (IR::_tc_HomeDescription, ACE_TRY_ENV)) // not equal { return 0; } ACE_TRY_CHECK; if (_tao_any.any_owns_data ()) { _tao_elem = ACE_static_cast( const IR_HomeDescription*, _tao_any.value () ); return 1; } else { IR_HomeDescription *tmp; ACE_NEW_RETURN (tmp, IR_HomeDescription, 0); TAO_InputCDR stream ( _tao_any._tao_get_cdr (), _tao_any._tao_byte_order () ); if (stream >> *tmp) { ((CORBA::Any *)&_tao_any)->_tao_replace ( IR::_tc_HomeDescription, 1, ACE_static_cast (void *, tmp), IR_HomeDescription::_tao_any_destructor ); _tao_elem = tmp; return 1; } else { delete tmp; } } } ACE_CATCHANY { } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_InterfaceDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i].in ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_InterfaceDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i].out ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_ValueDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i].in ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_ValueDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i].out ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_ComponentDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i].in ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_ComponentDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i].out ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_ProvidesDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i].in ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_ProvidesDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i].out ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_UsesDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i].in ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_UsesDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i].out ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_HomeDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i].in ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_HomeDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i].out ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_EmitsDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i].in ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_EmitsDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i].out ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_PublishesDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i].in ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_PublishesDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i].out ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_ConsumesDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i].in ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_ConsumesDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i].out ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_FactoryDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i].in ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_FactoryDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i].out ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_FinderDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i].in ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_FinderDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i].out ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_ContainedSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i].in ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_ContainedSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i].out ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_StructMemberSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_StructMemberSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_InitializerSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_InitializerSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_UnionMemberSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_UnionMemberSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_EnumMemberSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i].in ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_EnumMemberSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i].out ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_Container::DescriptionSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_Container::DescriptionSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_ExceptionDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i].in ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_ExceptionDefSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i].out ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_ExcDescriptionSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_ExcDescriptionSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_ParDescriptionSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_ParDescriptionSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_ContextIdSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i].in ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_ContextIdSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i].out ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_RepositoryIdSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i].in ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_RepositoryIdSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i].out ()); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_OpDescriptionSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_OpDescriptionSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_AttrDescriptionSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_AttrDescriptionSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_ValueMemberSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_ValueMemberSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_ProvidesDescSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_ProvidesDescSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const IR_UsesDescSeq &_tao_sequence ) { if (strm << _tao_sequence.length ()) { // encode all elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm << _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, IR_UsesDescSeq &_tao_sequence ) { CORBA::ULong _tao_seq_len; if (strm >> _tao_seq_len) { // set the length of the sequence _tao_sequence.length (_tao_seq_len); // If length is 0 we return true. if (0 >= _tao_seq_len) return 1; // retrieve all the elements CORBA::Boolean _tao_marshal_flag = 1; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < _tao_sequence.length () && _tao_marshal_flag; i++) { _tao_marshal_flag = (strm >> _tao_sequence[i]); } return _tao_marshal_flag; } return 0; // error } #endif /* TAO_HAS_INTERFACE_REPOSITORY */