/* -*- C++ -*- */ //$Id$ // ****** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler ******* // TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by the Center for // Distributed Object Computing at Washington University, St. Louis. // // Information about TAO is available at: // http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/TAO.html ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject::CORBA_IRObject (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject::CORBA_IRObject (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject::~CORBA_IRObject (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_IROBJECT___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_IROBJECT___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA::IRObject_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_var::CORBA_IRObject_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA::IRObject::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_var::CORBA_IRObject_var (CORBA_IRObject_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_ptr CORBA_IRObject_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_var::CORBA_IRObject_var (const CORBA::IRObject_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA::IRObject::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_var::~CORBA_IRObject_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_var & CORBA_IRObject_var::operator= (CORBA_IRObject_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_var & CORBA_IRObject_var::operator= (const CORBA_IRObject_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA::IRObject::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_var::operator const CORBA_IRObject_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_var::operator CORBA_IRObject_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_ptr CORBA_IRObject_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_ptr CORBA_IRObject_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_ptr & CORBA_IRObject_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_ptr & CORBA_IRObject_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA::IRObject::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_ptr CORBA_IRObject_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA::IRObject_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA::IRObject::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_IROBJECT___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_IROBJECT___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA::IRObject_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_out::CORBA_IRObject_out (CORBA::IRObject_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA::IRObject::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_out::CORBA_IRObject_out (CORBA::IRObject_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA::IRObject::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_out::CORBA_IRObject_out (const CORBA_IRObject_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA::IRObject_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_out & CORBA_IRObject_out::operator= (const CORBA_IRObject_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA::IRObject_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_out & CORBA_IRObject_out::operator= (const CORBA_IRObject_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA::IRObject::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_out & CORBA_IRObject_out::operator= (CORBA::IRObject_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_out::operator CORBA_IRObject_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_ptr & CORBA_IRObject_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IRObject_ptr CORBA_IRObject_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::CORBA_Contained (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::CORBA_Contained (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::~CORBA_Contained (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_CONTAINED___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_CONTAINED___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA::Contained_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_var::CORBA_Contained_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA::Contained::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_var::CORBA_Contained_var (CORBA::Contained_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_ptr CORBA_Contained_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_var::CORBA_Contained_var (const CORBA::Contained_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA::Contained::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_var::~CORBA_Contained_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_var & CORBA_Contained_var::operator= (CORBA::Contained_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_var & CORBA_Contained_var::operator= (const CORBA::Contained_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA::Contained::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_var::operator const CORBA::Contained_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_var::operator CORBA_Contained_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_ptr CORBA_Contained_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_ptr CORBA_Contained_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_ptr & CORBA_Contained_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_ptr & CORBA_Contained_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA::Contained::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_ptr CORBA_Contained_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA::Contained_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA::Contained::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_CONTAINED___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_CONTAINED___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA::Contained_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_out::CORBA_Contained_out (CORBA_Contained_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA::Contained::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_out::CORBA_Contained_out (CORBA_Contained_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA::Contained::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_out::CORBA_Contained_out (const CORBA_Contained_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA::Contained_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_out & CORBA_Contained_out::operator= (const CORBA_Contained_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_Contained_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_out & CORBA_Contained_out::operator= (const CORBA_Contained_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_Contained::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_out & CORBA_Contained_out::operator= (CORBA_Contained_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_out::operator CORBA_Contained_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_ptr & CORBA_Contained_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained_ptr CORBA_Contained_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA::Contained::Description_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description_var::Description_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description_var::Description_var (CORBA_Contained::Description *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description_var::Description_var (const CORBA_Contained::Description_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_Contained::Description(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description_var::~Description_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description_var & CORBA_Contained::Description_var::operator= (CORBA_Contained::Description *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description_var & CORBA_Contained::Description_var::operator= (const CORBA_Contained::Description_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_Contained::Description (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_Contained::Description * CORBA_Contained::Description_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description * CORBA_Contained::Description_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description_var::operator const CORBA_Contained::Description &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description_var::operator CORBA_Contained::Description &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description_var::operator CORBA_Contained::Description &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_Contained::Description & CORBA_Contained::Description_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description & CORBA_Contained::Description_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description *& CORBA_Contained::Description_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description * CORBA_Contained::Description_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_Contained::Description *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description * CORBA_Contained::Description_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA::Contained::Description_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description_out::Description_out (CORBA_Contained::Description *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description_out::Description_out (CORBA_Contained::Description_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description_out::Description_out (const CORBA_Contained::Description_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_Contained::Description_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description_out & CORBA_Contained::Description_out::operator= (const CORBA_Contained::Description_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_Contained::Description_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description_out & CORBA_Contained::Description_out::operator= (CORBA_Contained::Description *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description_out::operator CORBA_Contained::Description *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description *& CORBA_Contained::Description_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained::Description * CORBA_Contained::Description_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) #if !defined (__TAO_UNBOUNDED_OBJECT_SEQUENCE_CORBA_INTERFACEDEFSEQ_CI_) #define __TAO_UNBOUNDED_OBJECT_SEQUENCE_CORBA_INTERFACEDEFSEQ_CI_ ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef ** _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq::allocbuf (CORBA::ULong nelems) { CORBA::InterfaceDef **buf = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (buf, CORBA::InterfaceDef*[nelems], 0); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < nelems; i++) buf[i] = CORBA::InterfaceDef::_nil (); return buf; } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq::freebuf (CORBA::InterfaceDef **buffer) { if (buffer == 0) return; delete[] buffer; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq (void) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq::allocbuf (maximum)) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA::InterfaceDef* *value, CORBA::Boolean release) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, length, value, release) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq(const _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq &rhs) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (rhs) { CORBA::InterfaceDef **tmp1 = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); CORBA::InterfaceDef ** const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::InterfaceDef ** ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < rhs.length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = CORBA::InterfaceDef::_duplicate (tmp2[i]); this->buffer_ = tmp1; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq & _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq::operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq &rhs) { if (this == &rhs) return *this; if (this->release_) { CORBA::InterfaceDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::InterfaceDef **, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = CORBA::InterfaceDef::_nil (); } if (this->maximum_ < rhs.maximum_) { _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); } } else this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence::operator= (rhs); CORBA::InterfaceDef **tmp1 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::InterfaceDef **, this->buffer_); CORBA::InterfaceDef ** const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::InterfaceDef ** ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < rhs.length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = CORBA::InterfaceDef::_duplicate (tmp2[i]); return *this; } ACE_INLINE TAO_Object_Manager _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) const // read-write accessor { ACE_ASSERT (index < this->maximum_); CORBA::InterfaceDef ** const tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::InterfaceDef ** ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); return TAO_Object_Manager (tmp + index, this->release_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::InterfaceDef* * _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq::get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan) { CORBA::InterfaceDef **result = 0; if (orphan == 0) { // We retain ownership. if (this->buffer_ == 0) { result = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); this->buffer_ = result; } else { result = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::InterfaceDef**, this->buffer_); } } else // if (orphan == 1) { if (this->release_ != 0) { // We set the state back to default and relinquish // ownership. result = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA::InterfaceDef**,this->buffer_); this->maximum_ = 0; this->length_ = 0; this->buffer_ = 0; this->release_ = 0; } } return result; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA::InterfaceDef* * _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq::get_buffer (void) const { return ACE_reinterpret_cast(const CORBA::InterfaceDef ** ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ #if !defined (_CORBA_INTERFACEDEFSEQ_CI_) #define _CORBA_INTERFACEDEFSEQ_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA::InterfaceDefSeq_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var (CORBA::InterfaceDefSeq *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var (const CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA::InterfaceDefSeq(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::~CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var & CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::operator= (CORBA::InterfaceDefSeq *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var & CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::operator= (const CORBA::InterfaceDefSeq_var &p) // deep copy { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA::InterfaceDefSeq (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq * CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq * CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::operator const CORBA::InterfaceDefSeq &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::operator CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::operator CORBA::InterfaceDefSeq &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_Object_Manager CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq & CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq & CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq *& CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq * CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::_retn (void) { CORBA::InterfaceDefSeq *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq * CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA::InterfaceDefSeq_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_out::CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_out (CORBA::InterfaceDefSeq *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_out::CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_out (CORBA::InterfaceDefSeq_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_out::CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_out (const CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA::InterfaceDefSeq_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_out & CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_out::operator= (const CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA::InterfaceDefSeq_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_out & CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_out::operator= (CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_out::operator CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq *& CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq * CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_Object_Manager CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) #if !defined (__TAO_UNBOUNDED_OBJECT_SEQUENCE_CORBA_VALUEDEFSEQ_CI_) #define __TAO_UNBOUNDED_OBJECT_SEQUENCE_CORBA_VALUEDEFSEQ_CI_ ACE_INLINE CORBA::ValueDef ** _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq::allocbuf (CORBA::ULong nelems) { CORBA::ValueDef **buf = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (buf, CORBA::ValueDef*[nelems], 0); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < nelems; i++) buf[i] = CORBA::ValueDef::_nil (); return buf; } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq::freebuf (CORBA::ValueDef **buffer) { if (buffer == 0) return; delete[] buffer; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq (void) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq::allocbuf (maximum)) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA::ValueDef* *value, CORBA::Boolean release) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, length, value, release) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq(const _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq &rhs) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (rhs) { CORBA::ValueDef **tmp1 = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); CORBA::ValueDef ** const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::ValueDef ** ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < rhs.length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = CORBA::ValueDef::_duplicate (tmp2[i]); this->buffer_ = tmp1; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq & _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq::operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq &rhs) { if (this == &rhs) return *this; if (this->release_) { CORBA::ValueDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::ValueDef **, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = CORBA::ValueDef::_nil (); } if (this->maximum_ < rhs.maximum_) { _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); } } else this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence::operator= (rhs); CORBA::ValueDef **tmp1 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::ValueDef **, this->buffer_); CORBA::ValueDef ** const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::ValueDef ** ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < rhs.length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = CORBA::ValueDef::_duplicate (tmp2[i]); return *this; } ACE_INLINE TAO_Object_Manager _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) const // read-write accessor { ACE_ASSERT (index < this->maximum_); CORBA::ValueDef ** const tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::ValueDef ** ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); return TAO_Object_Manager (tmp + index, this->release_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::ValueDef* * _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq::get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan) { CORBA::ValueDef **result = 0; if (orphan == 0) { // We retain ownership. if (this->buffer_ == 0) { result = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); this->buffer_ = result; } else { result = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::ValueDef**, this->buffer_); } } else // if (orphan == 1) { if (this->release_ != 0) { // We set the state back to default and relinquish // ownership. result = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA::ValueDef**,this->buffer_); this->maximum_ = 0; this->length_ = 0; this->buffer_ = 0; this->release_ = 0; } } return result; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA::ValueDef* * _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ValueDefSeq::get_buffer (void) const { return ACE_reinterpret_cast(const CORBA::ValueDef ** ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ #if !defined (_CORBA_VALUEDEFSEQ_CI_) #define _CORBA_VALUEDEFSEQ_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA::ValueDefSeq_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var (CORBA::ValueDefSeq *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var (const CORBA::ValueDefSeq_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA::ValueDefSeq(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::~CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var & CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::operator= (CORBA::ValueDefSeq *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var & CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::operator= (const CORBA::ValueDefSeq_var &p) // deep copy { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA::ValueDefSeq (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ValueDefSeq * CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq * CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::operator const CORBA::ValueDefSeq &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::operator CORBA::ValueDefSeq &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::operator CORBA::ValueDefSeq &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_Object_Manager CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ValueDefSeq & CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq & CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq *& CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq * CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::_retn (void) { CORBA::ValueDefSeq *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq * CORBA_ValueDefSeq_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA::ValueDefSeq_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out::CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out (CORBA::ValueDefSeq *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out::CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out (CORBA::ValueDefSeq_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out::CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out (const CORBA::ValueDefSeq_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out & CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out::operator= (const CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out & CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out::operator= (CORBA_ValueDefSeq *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out::operator CORBA_ValueDefSeq *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq *& CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDefSeq * CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_Object_Manager CORBA_ValueDefSeq_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) #if !defined (__TAO_UNBOUNDED_OBJECT_SEQUENCE_CORBA_CONTAINEDSEQ_CI_) #define __TAO_UNBOUNDED_OBJECT_SEQUENCE_CORBA_CONTAINEDSEQ_CI_ ACE_INLINE CORBA_Contained ** _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq::allocbuf (CORBA::ULong nelems) { CORBA::Contained **buf = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (buf, CORBA::Contained*[nelems], 0); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < nelems; i++) buf[i] = CORBA::Contained::_nil (); return buf; } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq::freebuf (CORBA::Contained **buffer) { if (buffer == 0) return; delete[] buffer; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq (void) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq::allocbuf (maximum)) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA::Contained* *value, CORBA::Boolean release) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, length, value, release) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq(const _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq &rhs) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (rhs) { CORBA::Contained **tmp1 = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); CORBA::Contained ** const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::Contained ** ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < rhs.length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = CORBA::Contained::_duplicate (tmp2[i]); this->buffer_ = tmp1; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq & _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq::operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq &rhs) { if (this == &rhs) return *this; if (this->release_) { CORBA::Contained **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::Contained **, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = CORBA::Contained::_nil (); } if (this->maximum_ < rhs.maximum_) { _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); } } else this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence::operator= (rhs); CORBA::Contained **tmp1 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::Contained **, this->buffer_); CORBA::Contained ** const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::Contained ** ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < rhs.length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = CORBA::Contained::_duplicate (tmp2[i]); return *this; } ACE_INLINE TAO_Object_Manager _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) const // read-write accessor { ACE_ASSERT (index < this->maximum_); CORBA::Contained ** const tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::Contained ** ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); return TAO_Object_Manager (tmp + index, this->release_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Contained* * _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq::get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan) { CORBA::Contained **result = 0; if (orphan == 0) { // We retain ownership. if (this->buffer_ == 0) { result = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); this->buffer_ = result; } else { result = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA::Contained**, this->buffer_); } } else // if (orphan == 1) { if (this->release_ != 0) { // We set the state back to default and relinquish // ownership. result = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA::Contained**,this->buffer_); this->maximum_ = 0; this->length_ = 0; this->buffer_ = 0; this->release_ = 0; } } return result; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA::Contained* * _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ContainedSeq::get_buffer (void) const { return ACE_reinterpret_cast(const CORBA::Contained ** ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ #if !defined (_CORBA_CONTAINEDSEQ_CI_) #define _CORBA_CONTAINEDSEQ_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA::ContainedSeq_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::CORBA_ContainedSeq_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::CORBA_ContainedSeq_var (CORBA::ContainedSeq *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::CORBA_ContainedSeq_var (const CORBA_ContainedSeq_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_ContainedSeq(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::~CORBA_ContainedSeq_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq_var & CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::operator= (CORBA_ContainedSeq *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq_var & CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::operator= (const CORBA_ContainedSeq_var &p) // deep copy { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_ContainedSeq (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ContainedSeq * CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq * CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::operator const CORBA_ContainedSeq &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::operator CORBA_ContainedSeq &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::operator CORBA_ContainedSeq &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_Object_Manager CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ContainedSeq & CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq & CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq *& CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq * CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_ContainedSeq *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq * CORBA_ContainedSeq_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA::ContainedSeq_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq_out::CORBA_ContainedSeq_out (CORBA_ContainedSeq *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq_out::CORBA_ContainedSeq_out (CORBA_ContainedSeq_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq_out::CORBA_ContainedSeq_out (const CORBA_ContainedSeq_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA::ContainedSeq_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq_out & CORBA_ContainedSeq_out::operator= (const CORBA_ContainedSeq_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ContainedSeq_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq_out & CORBA_ContainedSeq_out::operator= (CORBA_ContainedSeq *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq_out::operator CORBA_ContainedSeq *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq *& CORBA_ContainedSeq_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContainedSeq * CORBA_ContainedSeq_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_Object_Manager CORBA_ContainedSeq_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA::StructMember_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember_var::CORBA_StructMember_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember_var::CORBA_StructMember_var (CORBA_StructMember *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember_var::CORBA_StructMember_var (const CORBA_StructMember_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA::StructMember(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember_var::~CORBA_StructMember_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember_var & CORBA_StructMember_var::operator= (CORBA::StructMember *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember_var & CORBA_StructMember_var::operator= (const CORBA_StructMember_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA::StructMember (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_StructMember * CORBA_StructMember_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember * CORBA_StructMember_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember_var::operator const CORBA::StructMember &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember_var::operator CORBA_StructMember &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember_var::operator CORBA_StructMember &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_StructMember & CORBA_StructMember_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember & CORBA_StructMember_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember *& CORBA_StructMember_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember * CORBA_StructMember_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_StructMember *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember * CORBA_StructMember_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_StructMember_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember_out::CORBA_StructMember_out (CORBA_StructMember *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember_out::CORBA_StructMember_out (CORBA_StructMember_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember_out::CORBA_StructMember_out (const CORBA_StructMember_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_StructMember_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember_out & CORBA_StructMember_out::operator= (const CORBA_StructMember_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_StructMember_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember_out & CORBA_StructMember_out::operator= (CORBA_StructMember *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember_out::operator CORBA_StructMember *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember *& CORBA_StructMember_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember * CORBA_StructMember_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) #if !defined (__TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_STRUCTMEMBERSEQ_CI_) #define __TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_STRUCTMEMBERSEQ_CI_ // = Static operations. ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::allocbuf (CORBA::ULong size) // Allocate storage for the sequence. { CORBA_StructMember *retval = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, CORBA_StructMember[size], 0); return retval; } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::freebuf (CORBA_StructMember *buffer) // Free the sequence. { delete [] buffer; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq (void) // Default constructor. { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum) // Constructor using a maximum length value. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::allocbuf (maximum)) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_StructMember *data, CORBA::Boolean release) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, length, data, release) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq &rhs) // Copy constructor. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (rhs) { CORBA_StructMember *tmp1 = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); CORBA_StructMember * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_StructMember * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; this->buffer_ = tmp1; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq &rhs) // Assignment operator. { if (this == &rhs) return *this; if (this->release_) { if (this->maximum_ < rhs.maximum_) { // free the old buffer CORBA_StructMember *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_StructMember *, this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); } } else this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence::operator= (rhs); CORBA_StructMember *tmp1 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_StructMember *, this->buffer_); CORBA_StructMember * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_StructMember * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; return *this; } // = Accessors. ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_StructMember* tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_StructMember*,this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_StructMember & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) const // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_StructMember * const tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_StructMember* ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } // Implement the TAO_Base_Sequence methods (see Sequence.h) ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan) { CORBA_StructMember *result = 0; if (orphan == 0) { // We retain ownership. if (this->buffer_ == 0) { result = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::allocbuf (this->length_); this->buffer_ = result; } else { result = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_StructMember*, this->buffer_); } } else // if (orphan == 1) { if (this->release_ != 0) { // We set the state back to default and relinquish // ownership. result = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_StructMember*,this->buffer_); this->maximum_ = 0; this->length_ = 0; this->buffer_ = 0; this->release_ = 0; } } return result; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_StructMember * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::get_buffer (void) const { return ACE_reinterpret_cast(const CORBA_StructMember * ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::replace (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_StructMember *data, CORBA::Boolean release) { this->maximum_ = max; this->length_ = length; if (this->buffer_ && this->release_ == 1) { CORBA_StructMember *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_StructMember*,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_StructMemberSeq::freebuf (tmp); } this->buffer_ = data; this->release_ = release; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ #if !defined (_CORBA_STRUCTMEMBERSEQ_CI_) #define _CORBA_STRUCTMEMBERSEQ_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var (CORBA_StructMemberSeq *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var (const CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_StructMemberSeq(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::~CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var & CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::operator= (CORBA_StructMemberSeq *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var & CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::operator= (const CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var &p) // deep copy { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_StructMemberSeq (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_StructMemberSeq * CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq * CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::operator const CORBA_StructMemberSeq &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::operator CORBA_StructMemberSeq &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::operator CORBA_StructMemberSeq &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember & CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_StructMemberSeq & CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq & CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq *& CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq * CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_StructMemberSeq *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq * CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out::CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out (CORBA_StructMemberSeq *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out::CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out (CORBA_StructMemberSeq_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out::CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out (const CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out & CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out::operator= (const CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out & CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out::operator= (CORBA_StructMemberSeq *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out::operator CORBA_StructMemberSeq *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq *& CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMemberSeq * CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructMember & CORBA_StructMemberSeq_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_Initializer_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer_var::CORBA_Initializer_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer_var::CORBA_Initializer_var (CORBA_Initializer *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer_var::CORBA_Initializer_var (const CORBA_Initializer_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_Initializer(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer_var::~CORBA_Initializer_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer_var & CORBA_Initializer_var::operator= (CORBA_Initializer *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer_var & CORBA_Initializer_var::operator= (const CORBA_Initializer_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_Initializer (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_Initializer * CORBA_Initializer_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer * CORBA_Initializer_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer_var::operator const CORBA_Initializer &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer_var::operator CORBA_Initializer &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer_var::operator CORBA_Initializer &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_Initializer & CORBA_Initializer_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer & CORBA_Initializer_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer *& CORBA_Initializer_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer * CORBA_Initializer_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_Initializer *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer * CORBA_Initializer_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_Initializer_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer_out::CORBA_Initializer_out (CORBA_Initializer *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer_out::CORBA_Initializer_out (CORBA_Initializer_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer_out::CORBA_Initializer_out (const CORBA_Initializer_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_Initializer_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer_out & CORBA_Initializer_out::operator= (const CORBA_Initializer_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_Initializer_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer_out & CORBA_Initializer_out::operator= (CORBA_Initializer *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer_out::operator CORBA_Initializer *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer *& CORBA_Initializer_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer * CORBA_Initializer_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) #if !defined (__TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_INITIALIZERSEQ_CI_) #define __TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_INITIALIZERSEQ_CI_ // = Static operations. ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::allocbuf (CORBA::ULong size) // Allocate storage for the sequence. { CORBA_Initializer *retval = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, CORBA_Initializer[size], 0); return retval; } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::freebuf (CORBA_Initializer *buffer) // Free the sequence. { delete [] buffer; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq (void) // Default constructor. { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum) // Constructor using a maximum length value. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::allocbuf (maximum)) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_Initializer *data, CORBA::Boolean release) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, length, data, release) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq &rhs) // Copy constructor. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (rhs) { CORBA_Initializer *tmp1 = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); CORBA_Initializer * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_Initializer * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; this->buffer_ = tmp1; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq &rhs) // Assignment operator. { if (this == &rhs) return *this; if (this->release_) { if (this->maximum_ < rhs.maximum_) { // free the old buffer CORBA_Initializer *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_Initializer *, this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); } } else this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence::operator= (rhs); CORBA_Initializer *tmp1 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_Initializer *, this->buffer_); CORBA_Initializer * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_Initializer * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; return *this; } // = Accessors. ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_Initializer* tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_Initializer*,this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_Initializer & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) const // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_Initializer * const tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_Initializer* ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } // Implement the TAO_Base_Sequence methods (see Sequence.h) ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan) { CORBA_Initializer *result = 0; if (orphan == 0) { // We retain ownership. if (this->buffer_ == 0) { result = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::allocbuf (this->length_); this->buffer_ = result; } else { result = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_Initializer*, this->buffer_); } } else // if (orphan == 1) { if (this->release_ != 0) { // We set the state back to default and relinquish // ownership. result = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_Initializer*,this->buffer_); this->maximum_ = 0; this->length_ = 0; this->buffer_ = 0; this->release_ = 0; } } return result; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_Initializer * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::get_buffer (void) const { return ACE_reinterpret_cast(const CORBA_Initializer * ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::replace (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_Initializer *data, CORBA::Boolean release) { this->maximum_ = max; this->length_ = length; if (this->buffer_ && this->release_ == 1) { CORBA_Initializer *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_Initializer*,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_InitializerSeq::freebuf (tmp); } this->buffer_ = data; this->release_ = release; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ #if !defined (_CORBA_INITIALIZERSEQ_CI_) #define _CORBA_INITIALIZERSEQ_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_InitializerSeq_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::CORBA_InitializerSeq_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::CORBA_InitializerSeq_var (CORBA_InitializerSeq *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::CORBA_InitializerSeq_var (const CORBA_InitializerSeq_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_InitializerSeq(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::~CORBA_InitializerSeq_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq_var & CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::operator= (CORBA_InitializerSeq *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq_var & CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::operator= (const CORBA_InitializerSeq_var &p) // deep copy { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_InitializerSeq (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_InitializerSeq * CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq * CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::operator const CORBA_InitializerSeq &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::operator CORBA_InitializerSeq &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::operator CORBA_InitializerSeq &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer & CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_InitializerSeq & CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq & CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq *& CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq * CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_InitializerSeq *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq * CORBA_InitializerSeq_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_InitializerSeq_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq_out::CORBA_InitializerSeq_out (CORBA_InitializerSeq *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq_out::CORBA_InitializerSeq_out (CORBA_InitializerSeq_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq_out::CORBA_InitializerSeq_out (const CORBA_InitializerSeq_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_InitializerSeq_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq_out & CORBA_InitializerSeq_out::operator= (const CORBA_InitializerSeq_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_InitializerSeq_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq_out & CORBA_InitializerSeq_out::operator= (CORBA_InitializerSeq *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq_out::operator CORBA_InitializerSeq *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq *& CORBA_InitializerSeq_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InitializerSeq * CORBA_InitializerSeq_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Initializer & CORBA_InitializerSeq_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_UnionMember_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember_var::CORBA_UnionMember_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember_var::CORBA_UnionMember_var (CORBA_UnionMember *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember_var::CORBA_UnionMember_var (const CORBA_UnionMember_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_UnionMember(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember_var::~CORBA_UnionMember_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember_var & CORBA_UnionMember_var::operator= (CORBA_UnionMember *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember_var & CORBA_UnionMember_var::operator= (const CORBA_UnionMember_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_UnionMember (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_UnionMember * CORBA_UnionMember_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember * CORBA_UnionMember_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember_var::operator const CORBA_UnionMember &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember_var::operator CORBA_UnionMember &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember_var::operator CORBA_UnionMember &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_UnionMember & CORBA_UnionMember_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember & CORBA_UnionMember_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember *& CORBA_UnionMember_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember * CORBA_UnionMember_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_UnionMember *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember * CORBA_UnionMember_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_UnionMember_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember_out::CORBA_UnionMember_out (CORBA_UnionMember *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember_out::CORBA_UnionMember_out (CORBA_UnionMember_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember_out::CORBA_UnionMember_out (const CORBA_UnionMember_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_UnionMember_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember_out & CORBA_UnionMember_out::operator= (const CORBA_UnionMember_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_UnionMember_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember_out & CORBA_UnionMember_out::operator= (CORBA_UnionMember *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember_out::operator CORBA_UnionMember *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember *& CORBA_UnionMember_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember * CORBA_UnionMember_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) #if !defined (__TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_UNIONMEMBERSEQ_CI_) #define __TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_UNIONMEMBERSEQ_CI_ // = Static operations. ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::allocbuf (CORBA::ULong size) // Allocate storage for the sequence. { CORBA_UnionMember *retval = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, CORBA_UnionMember[size], 0); return retval; } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::freebuf (CORBA_UnionMember *buffer) // Free the sequence. { delete [] buffer; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq (void) // Default constructor. { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum) // Constructor using a maximum length value. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::allocbuf (maximum)) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_UnionMember *data, CORBA::Boolean release) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, length, data, release) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq &rhs) // Copy constructor. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (rhs) { CORBA_UnionMember *tmp1 = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); CORBA_UnionMember * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_UnionMember * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; this->buffer_ = tmp1; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq &rhs) // Assignment operator. { if (this == &rhs) return *this; if (this->release_) { if (this->maximum_ < rhs.maximum_) { // free the old buffer CORBA_UnionMember *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_UnionMember *, this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); } } else this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence::operator= (rhs); CORBA_UnionMember *tmp1 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_UnionMember *, this->buffer_); CORBA_UnionMember * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_UnionMember * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; return *this; } // = Accessors. ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_UnionMember* tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_UnionMember*,this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_UnionMember & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) const // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_UnionMember * const tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_UnionMember* ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } // Implement the TAO_Base_Sequence methods (see Sequence.h) ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan) { CORBA_UnionMember *result = 0; if (orphan == 0) { // We retain ownership. if (this->buffer_ == 0) { result = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::allocbuf (this->length_); this->buffer_ = result; } else { result = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_UnionMember*, this->buffer_); } } else // if (orphan == 1) { if (this->release_ != 0) { // We set the state back to default and relinquish // ownership. result = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_UnionMember*,this->buffer_); this->maximum_ = 0; this->length_ = 0; this->buffer_ = 0; this->release_ = 0; } } return result; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_UnionMember * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::get_buffer (void) const { return ACE_reinterpret_cast(const CORBA_UnionMember * ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::replace (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_UnionMember *data, CORBA::Boolean release) { this->maximum_ = max; this->length_ = length; if (this->buffer_ && this->release_ == 1) { CORBA_UnionMember *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_UnionMember*,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_UnionMemberSeq::freebuf (tmp); } this->buffer_ = data; this->release_ = release; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ #if !defined (_CORBA_UNIONMEMBERSEQ_CI_) #define _CORBA_UNIONMEMBERSEQ_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var (CORBA_UnionMemberSeq *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var (const CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_UnionMemberSeq(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::~CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var & CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::operator= (CORBA_UnionMemberSeq *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var & CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::operator= (const CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var &p) // deep copy { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_UnionMemberSeq (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_UnionMemberSeq * CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq * CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::operator const CORBA_UnionMemberSeq &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::operator CORBA_UnionMemberSeq &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::operator CORBA_UnionMemberSeq &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember & CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_UnionMemberSeq & CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq & CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq *& CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq * CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_UnionMemberSeq *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq * CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out::CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out (CORBA_UnionMemberSeq *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out::CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out (CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out::CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out (const CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out & CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out::operator= (const CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out & CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out::operator= (CORBA_UnionMemberSeq *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out::operator CORBA_UnionMemberSeq *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq *& CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMemberSeq * CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionMember & CORBA_UnionMemberSeq_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_ENUMMEMBERSEQ_CI_) #define _CORBA_ENUMMEMBERSEQ_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var (CORBA_EnumMemberSeq *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var (const CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_EnumMemberSeq(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::~CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var & CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::operator= (CORBA_EnumMemberSeq *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var & CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::operator= (const CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var &p) // deep copy { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_EnumMemberSeq (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_EnumMemberSeq * CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq * CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::operator const CORBA_EnumMemberSeq &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::operator CORBA_EnumMemberSeq &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::operator CORBA_EnumMemberSeq &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_SeqElem_String_Manager CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_EnumMemberSeq & CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq & CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq *& CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq * CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_EnumMemberSeq *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq * CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out::CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out (CORBA_EnumMemberSeq *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out::CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out (CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out::CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out (const CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out & CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out::operator= (const CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out & CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out::operator= (CORBA_EnumMemberSeq *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out::operator CORBA_EnumMemberSeq *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq *& CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumMemberSeq * CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_SeqElem_String_Manager CORBA_EnumMemberSeq_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::CORBA_Container (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::CORBA_Container (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::~CORBA_Container (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_CONTAINER___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_CONTAINER___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_Container_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_var::CORBA_Container_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_Container::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_var::CORBA_Container_var (CORBA_Container_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_ptr CORBA_Container_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_var::CORBA_Container_var (const CORBA_Container_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_Container::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_var::~CORBA_Container_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_var & CORBA_Container_var::operator= (CORBA_Container_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_var & CORBA_Container_var::operator= (const CORBA_Container_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_Container::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_var::operator const CORBA_Container_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_var::operator CORBA_Container_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_ptr CORBA_Container_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_ptr CORBA_Container_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_ptr & CORBA_Container_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_ptr & CORBA_Container_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_Container::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_ptr CORBA_Container_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_Container_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_Container::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_CONTAINER___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_CONTAINER___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_Container_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_out::CORBA_Container_out (CORBA_Container_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_Container::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_out::CORBA_Container_out (CORBA_Container_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_Container::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_out::CORBA_Container_out (const CORBA_Container_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_Container_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_out & CORBA_Container_out::operator= (const CORBA_Container_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_Container_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_out & CORBA_Container_out::operator= (const CORBA_Container_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_Container::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_out & CORBA_Container_out::operator= (CORBA_Container_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_out::operator CORBA_Container_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_ptr & CORBA_Container_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container_ptr CORBA_Container_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_Container::Description_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description_var::Description_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description_var::Description_var (CORBA_Container::Description *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description_var::Description_var (const CORBA_Container::Description_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_Container::Description(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description_var::~Description_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description_var & CORBA_Container::Description_var::operator= (CORBA_Container::Description *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description_var & CORBA_Container::Description_var::operator= (const CORBA_Container::Description_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_Container::Description (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_Container::Description * CORBA_Container::Description_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description * CORBA_Container::Description_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description_var::operator const CORBA_Container::Description &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description_var::operator CORBA_Container::Description &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description_var::operator CORBA_Container::Description &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_Container::Description & CORBA_Container::Description_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description & CORBA_Container::Description_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description *& CORBA_Container::Description_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description * CORBA_Container::Description_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_Container::Description *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description * CORBA_Container::Description_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_Container::Description_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description_out::Description_out (CORBA_Container::Description *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description_out::Description_out (CORBA_Container::Description_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description_out::Description_out (const CORBA_Container::Description_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_Container::Description_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description_out & CORBA_Container::Description_out::operator= (const CORBA_Container::Description_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_Container::Description_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description_out & CORBA_Container::Description_out::operator= (CORBA_Container::Description *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description_out::operator CORBA_Container::Description *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description *& CORBA_Container::Description_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description * CORBA_Container::Description_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) #if !defined (__TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_CONTAINER_DESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_) #define __TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_CONTAINER_DESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_ // = Static operations. ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description * CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::allocbuf (CORBA::ULong size) // Allocate storage for the sequence. { CORBA_Container::Description *retval = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, CORBA_Container::Description[size], 0); return retval; } ACE_INLINE void CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::freebuf (CORBA_Container::Description *buffer) // Free the sequence. { delete [] buffer; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq (void) // Default constructor. { } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum) // Constructor using a maximum length value. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::allocbuf (maximum)) { } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_Container::Description *data, CORBA::Boolean release) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, length, data, release) { } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq (const CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq &rhs) // Copy constructor. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (rhs) { CORBA_Container::Description *tmp1 = CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); CORBA_Container::Description * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_Container::Description * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; this->buffer_ = tmp1; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq & CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::operator= (const CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq &rhs) // Assignment operator. { if (this == &rhs) return *this; if (this->release_) { if (this->maximum_ < rhs.maximum_) { // free the old buffer CORBA_Container::Description *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_Container::Description *, this->buffer_); CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); } } else this->buffer_ = CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence::operator= (rhs); CORBA_Container::Description *tmp1 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_Container::Description *, this->buffer_); CORBA_Container::Description * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_Container::Description * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; return *this; } // = Accessors. ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description & CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_Container::Description* tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_Container::Description*,this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_Container::Description & CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) const // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_Container::Description * const tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_Container::Description* ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } // Implement the TAO_Base_Sequence methods (see Sequence.h) ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description * CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan) { CORBA_Container::Description *result = 0; if (orphan == 0) { // We retain ownership. if (this->buffer_ == 0) { result = CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::allocbuf (this->length_); this->buffer_ = result; } else { result = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_Container::Description*, this->buffer_); } } else // if (orphan == 1) { if (this->release_ != 0) { // We set the state back to default and relinquish // ownership. result = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_Container::Description*,this->buffer_); this->maximum_ = 0; this->length_ = 0; this->buffer_ = 0; this->release_ = 0; } } return result; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_Container::Description * CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::get_buffer (void) const { return ACE_reinterpret_cast(const CORBA_Container::Description * ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); } ACE_INLINE void CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::replace (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_Container::Description *data, CORBA::Boolean release) { this->maximum_ = max; this->length_ = length; if (this->buffer_ && this->release_ == 1) { CORBA_Container::Description *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_Container::Description*,this->buffer_); CORBA_Container::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_Container_DescriptionSeq::freebuf (tmp); } this->buffer_ = data; this->release_ = release; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ #if !defined (_CORBA_CONTAINER_DESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_) #define _CORBA_CONTAINER_DESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::DescriptionSeq_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::DescriptionSeq_var (CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::DescriptionSeq_var (const CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::~DescriptionSeq_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var & CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::operator= (CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var & CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::operator= (const CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var &p) // deep copy { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq * CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq * CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::operator const CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::operator CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::operator CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description & CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq & CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq & CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq *& CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq * CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq * CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_out::DescriptionSeq_out (CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_out::DescriptionSeq_out (CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_out::DescriptionSeq_out (const CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_out & CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_out::operator= (const CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_out & CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_out::operator= (CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_out::operator CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq *& CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq * CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Container::Description & CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType::CORBA_IDLType (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType::CORBA_IDLType (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType::~CORBA_IDLType (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_IDLTYPE___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_IDLTYPE___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_IDLType_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_var::CORBA_IDLType_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_IDLType::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_var::CORBA_IDLType_var (CORBA_IDLType_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_ptr CORBA_IDLType_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_var::CORBA_IDLType_var (const CORBA_IDLType_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_IDLType::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_var::~CORBA_IDLType_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_var & CORBA_IDLType_var::operator= (CORBA_IDLType_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_var & CORBA_IDLType_var::operator= (const CORBA_IDLType_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_IDLType::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_var::operator const CORBA_IDLType_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_var::operator CORBA_IDLType_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_ptr CORBA_IDLType_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_ptr CORBA_IDLType_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_ptr & CORBA_IDLType_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_ptr & CORBA_IDLType_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_IDLType::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_ptr CORBA_IDLType_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_IDLType_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_IDLType::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_IDLTYPE___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_IDLTYPE___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_IDLType_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_out::CORBA_IDLType_out (CORBA_IDLType_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_IDLType::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_out::CORBA_IDLType_out (CORBA_IDLType_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_IDLType::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_out::CORBA_IDLType_out (const CORBA_IDLType_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_IDLType_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_out & CORBA_IDLType_out::operator= (const CORBA_IDLType_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_IDLType_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_out & CORBA_IDLType_out::operator= (const CORBA_IDLType_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_IDLType::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_out & CORBA_IDLType_out::operator= (CORBA_IDLType_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_out::operator CORBA_IDLType_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_ptr & CORBA_IDLType_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_IDLType_ptr CORBA_IDLType_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository::CORBA_Repository (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository::CORBA_Repository (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository::~CORBA_Repository (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_REPOSITORY___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_REPOSITORY___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_Repository_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_var::CORBA_Repository_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_Repository::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_var::CORBA_Repository_var (CORBA_Repository_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_ptr CORBA_Repository_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_var::CORBA_Repository_var (const CORBA_Repository_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_Repository::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_var::~CORBA_Repository_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_var & CORBA_Repository_var::operator= (CORBA_Repository_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_var & CORBA_Repository_var::operator= (const CORBA_Repository_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_Repository::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_var::operator const CORBA_Repository_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_var::operator CORBA_Repository_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_ptr CORBA_Repository_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_ptr CORBA_Repository_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_ptr & CORBA_Repository_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_ptr & CORBA_Repository_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_Repository::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_ptr CORBA_Repository_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_Repository_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_Repository::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_REPOSITORY___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_REPOSITORY___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_Repository_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_out::CORBA_Repository_out (CORBA_Repository_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_Repository::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_out::CORBA_Repository_out (CORBA_Repository_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_Repository::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_out::CORBA_Repository_out (const CORBA_Repository_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_Repository_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_out & CORBA_Repository_out::operator= (const CORBA_Repository_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_Repository_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_out & CORBA_Repository_out::operator= (const CORBA_Repository_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_Repository::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_out & CORBA_Repository_out::operator= (CORBA_Repository_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_out::operator CORBA_Repository_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_ptr & CORBA_Repository_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Repository_ptr CORBA_Repository_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef::CORBA_ModuleDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef::CORBA_ModuleDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef::~CORBA_ModuleDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_MODULEDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_MODULEDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ModuleDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_var::CORBA_ModuleDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_ModuleDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_var::CORBA_ModuleDef_var (CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr CORBA_ModuleDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_var::CORBA_ModuleDef_var (const CORBA_ModuleDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_ModuleDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_var::~CORBA_ModuleDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_var & CORBA_ModuleDef_var::operator= (CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_var & CORBA_ModuleDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_ModuleDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ModuleDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_var::operator const CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_var::operator CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr CORBA_ModuleDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr CORBA_ModuleDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr & CORBA_ModuleDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr & CORBA_ModuleDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ModuleDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr CORBA_ModuleDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_ModuleDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_MODULEDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_MODULEDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ModuleDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_out::CORBA_ModuleDef_out (CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_ModuleDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_out::CORBA_ModuleDef_out (CORBA_ModuleDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ModuleDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_out::CORBA_ModuleDef_out (const CORBA_ModuleDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ModuleDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_out & CORBA_ModuleDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_ModuleDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ModuleDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_out & CORBA_ModuleDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_ModuleDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_ModuleDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_out & CORBA_ModuleDef_out::operator= (CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_out::operator CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr & CORBA_ModuleDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr CORBA_ModuleDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ModuleDescription_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription_var::CORBA_ModuleDescription_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription_var::CORBA_ModuleDescription_var (CORBA_ModuleDescription *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription_var::CORBA_ModuleDescription_var (const CORBA_ModuleDescription_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_ModuleDescription(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription_var::~CORBA_ModuleDescription_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription_var & CORBA_ModuleDescription_var::operator= (CORBA_ModuleDescription *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription_var & CORBA_ModuleDescription_var::operator= (const CORBA_ModuleDescription_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_ModuleDescription (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ModuleDescription * CORBA_ModuleDescription_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription * CORBA_ModuleDescription_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription_var::operator const CORBA_ModuleDescription &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription_var::operator CORBA_ModuleDescription &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription_var::operator CORBA_ModuleDescription &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ModuleDescription & CORBA_ModuleDescription_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription & CORBA_ModuleDescription_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription *& CORBA_ModuleDescription_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription * CORBA_ModuleDescription_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_ModuleDescription *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription * CORBA_ModuleDescription_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ModuleDescription_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription_out::CORBA_ModuleDescription_out (CORBA_ModuleDescription *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription_out::CORBA_ModuleDescription_out (CORBA_ModuleDescription_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription_out::CORBA_ModuleDescription_out (const CORBA_ModuleDescription_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ModuleDescription_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription_out & CORBA_ModuleDescription_out::operator= (const CORBA_ModuleDescription_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ModuleDescription_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription_out & CORBA_ModuleDescription_out::operator= (CORBA_ModuleDescription *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription_out::operator CORBA_ModuleDescription *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription *& CORBA_ModuleDescription_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ModuleDescription * CORBA_ModuleDescription_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef::CORBA_ConstantDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef::CORBA_ConstantDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef::~CORBA_ConstantDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_CONSTANTDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_CONSTANTDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ConstantDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_var::CORBA_ConstantDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_ConstantDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_var::CORBA_ConstantDef_var (CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr CORBA_ConstantDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_var::CORBA_ConstantDef_var (const CORBA_ConstantDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_ConstantDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_var::~CORBA_ConstantDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_var & CORBA_ConstantDef_var::operator= (CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_var & CORBA_ConstantDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_ConstantDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ConstantDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_var::operator const CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_var::operator CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr CORBA_ConstantDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr CORBA_ConstantDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr & CORBA_ConstantDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr & CORBA_ConstantDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ConstantDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr CORBA_ConstantDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_ConstantDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_CONSTANTDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_CONSTANTDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ConstantDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_out::CORBA_ConstantDef_out (CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_ConstantDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_out::CORBA_ConstantDef_out (CORBA_ConstantDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ConstantDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_out::CORBA_ConstantDef_out (const CORBA_ConstantDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ConstantDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_out & CORBA_ConstantDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_ConstantDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ConstantDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_out & CORBA_ConstantDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_ConstantDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_ConstantDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_out & CORBA_ConstantDef_out::operator= (CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_out::operator CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr & CORBA_ConstantDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr CORBA_ConstantDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ConstantDescription_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription_var::CORBA_ConstantDescription_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription_var::CORBA_ConstantDescription_var (CORBA_ConstantDescription *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription_var::CORBA_ConstantDescription_var (const CORBA_ConstantDescription_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_ConstantDescription(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription_var::~CORBA_ConstantDescription_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription_var & CORBA_ConstantDescription_var::operator= (CORBA_ConstantDescription *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription_var & CORBA_ConstantDescription_var::operator= (const CORBA_ConstantDescription_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_ConstantDescription (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ConstantDescription * CORBA_ConstantDescription_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription * CORBA_ConstantDescription_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription_var::operator const CORBA_ConstantDescription &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription_var::operator CORBA_ConstantDescription &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription_var::operator CORBA_ConstantDescription &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ConstantDescription & CORBA_ConstantDescription_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription & CORBA_ConstantDescription_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription *& CORBA_ConstantDescription_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription * CORBA_ConstantDescription_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_ConstantDescription *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription * CORBA_ConstantDescription_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ConstantDescription_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription_out::CORBA_ConstantDescription_out (CORBA_ConstantDescription *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription_out::CORBA_ConstantDescription_out (CORBA_ConstantDescription_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription_out::CORBA_ConstantDescription_out (const CORBA_ConstantDescription_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ConstantDescription_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription_out & CORBA_ConstantDescription_out::operator= (const CORBA_ConstantDescription_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ConstantDescription_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription_out & CORBA_ConstantDescription_out::operator= (CORBA_ConstantDescription *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription_out::operator CORBA_ConstantDescription *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription *& CORBA_ConstantDescription_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ConstantDescription * CORBA_ConstantDescription_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef::CORBA_TypedefDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef::CORBA_TypedefDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef::~CORBA_TypedefDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_TYPEDEFDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_TYPEDEFDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_TypedefDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_var::CORBA_TypedefDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_TypedefDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_var::CORBA_TypedefDef_var (CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr CORBA_TypedefDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_var::CORBA_TypedefDef_var (const CORBA_TypedefDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_TypedefDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_var::~CORBA_TypedefDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_var & CORBA_TypedefDef_var::operator= (CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_var & CORBA_TypedefDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_TypedefDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_TypedefDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_var::operator const CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_var::operator CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr CORBA_TypedefDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr CORBA_TypedefDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr & CORBA_TypedefDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr & CORBA_TypedefDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_TypedefDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr CORBA_TypedefDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_TypedefDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_TYPEDEFDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_TYPEDEFDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_TypedefDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_out::CORBA_TypedefDef_out (CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_TypedefDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_out::CORBA_TypedefDef_out (CORBA_TypedefDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_TypedefDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_out::CORBA_TypedefDef_out (const CORBA_TypedefDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_TypedefDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_out & CORBA_TypedefDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_TypedefDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_TypedefDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_out & CORBA_TypedefDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_TypedefDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_TypedefDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_out & CORBA_TypedefDef_out::operator= (CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_out::operator CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr & CORBA_TypedefDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr CORBA_TypedefDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_TypeDescription_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription_var::CORBA_TypeDescription_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription_var::CORBA_TypeDescription_var (CORBA_TypeDescription *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription_var::CORBA_TypeDescription_var (const CORBA_TypeDescription_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_TypeDescription(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription_var::~CORBA_TypeDescription_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription_var & CORBA_TypeDescription_var::operator= (CORBA_TypeDescription *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription_var & CORBA_TypeDescription_var::operator= (const CORBA_TypeDescription_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_TypeDescription (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_TypeDescription * CORBA_TypeDescription_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription * CORBA_TypeDescription_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription_var::operator const CORBA_TypeDescription &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription_var::operator CORBA_TypeDescription &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription_var::operator CORBA_TypeDescription &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_TypeDescription & CORBA_TypeDescription_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription & CORBA_TypeDescription_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription *& CORBA_TypeDescription_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription * CORBA_TypeDescription_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_TypeDescription *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription * CORBA_TypeDescription_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_TypeDescription_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription_out::CORBA_TypeDescription_out (CORBA_TypeDescription *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription_out::CORBA_TypeDescription_out (CORBA_TypeDescription_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription_out::CORBA_TypeDescription_out (const CORBA_TypeDescription_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_TypeDescription_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription_out & CORBA_TypeDescription_out::operator= (const CORBA_TypeDescription_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_TypeDescription_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription_out & CORBA_TypeDescription_out::operator= (CORBA_TypeDescription *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription_out::operator CORBA_TypeDescription *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription *& CORBA_TypeDescription_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_TypeDescription * CORBA_TypeDescription_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef::CORBA_StructDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef::CORBA_StructDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef::~CORBA_StructDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_STRUCTDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_STRUCTDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_StructDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_var::CORBA_StructDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_StructDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_var::CORBA_StructDef_var (CORBA_StructDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_ptr CORBA_StructDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_var::CORBA_StructDef_var (const CORBA_StructDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_StructDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_var::~CORBA_StructDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_var & CORBA_StructDef_var::operator= (CORBA_StructDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_var & CORBA_StructDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_StructDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_StructDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_var::operator const CORBA_StructDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_var::operator CORBA_StructDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_ptr CORBA_StructDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_ptr CORBA_StructDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_ptr & CORBA_StructDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_ptr & CORBA_StructDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_StructDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_ptr CORBA_StructDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_StructDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_StructDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_STRUCTDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_STRUCTDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_StructDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_out::CORBA_StructDef_out (CORBA_StructDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_StructDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_out::CORBA_StructDef_out (CORBA_StructDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_StructDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_out::CORBA_StructDef_out (const CORBA_StructDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_StructDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_out & CORBA_StructDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_StructDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_StructDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_out & CORBA_StructDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_StructDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_StructDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_out & CORBA_StructDef_out::operator= (CORBA_StructDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_out::operator CORBA_StructDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_ptr & CORBA_StructDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StructDef_ptr CORBA_StructDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef::CORBA_UnionDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef::CORBA_UnionDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef::~CORBA_UnionDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_UNIONDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_UNIONDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_UnionDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_var::CORBA_UnionDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_UnionDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_var::CORBA_UnionDef_var (CORBA_UnionDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_ptr CORBA_UnionDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_var::CORBA_UnionDef_var (const CORBA_UnionDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_UnionDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_var::~CORBA_UnionDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_var & CORBA_UnionDef_var::operator= (CORBA_UnionDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_var & CORBA_UnionDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_UnionDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_UnionDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_var::operator const CORBA_UnionDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_var::operator CORBA_UnionDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_ptr CORBA_UnionDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_ptr CORBA_UnionDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_ptr & CORBA_UnionDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_ptr & CORBA_UnionDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_UnionDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_ptr CORBA_UnionDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_UnionDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_UnionDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_UNIONDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_UNIONDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_UnionDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_out::CORBA_UnionDef_out (CORBA_UnionDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_UnionDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_out::CORBA_UnionDef_out (CORBA_UnionDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_UnionDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_out::CORBA_UnionDef_out (const CORBA_UnionDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_UnionDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_out & CORBA_UnionDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_UnionDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_UnionDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_out & CORBA_UnionDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_UnionDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_UnionDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_out & CORBA_UnionDef_out::operator= (CORBA_UnionDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_out::operator CORBA_UnionDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_ptr & CORBA_UnionDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_UnionDef_ptr CORBA_UnionDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef::CORBA_EnumDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef::CORBA_EnumDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef::~CORBA_EnumDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_ENUMDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_ENUMDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_EnumDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_var::CORBA_EnumDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_EnumDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_var::CORBA_EnumDef_var (CORBA_EnumDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_ptr CORBA_EnumDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_var::CORBA_EnumDef_var (const CORBA_EnumDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_EnumDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_var::~CORBA_EnumDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_var & CORBA_EnumDef_var::operator= (CORBA_EnumDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_var & CORBA_EnumDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_EnumDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_EnumDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_var::operator const CORBA_EnumDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_var::operator CORBA_EnumDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_ptr CORBA_EnumDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_ptr CORBA_EnumDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_ptr & CORBA_EnumDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_ptr & CORBA_EnumDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_EnumDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_ptr CORBA_EnumDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_EnumDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_EnumDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_ENUMDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_ENUMDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_EnumDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_out::CORBA_EnumDef_out (CORBA_EnumDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_EnumDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_out::CORBA_EnumDef_out (CORBA_EnumDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_EnumDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_out::CORBA_EnumDef_out (const CORBA_EnumDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_EnumDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_out & CORBA_EnumDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_EnumDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_EnumDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_out & CORBA_EnumDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_EnumDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_EnumDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_out & CORBA_EnumDef_out::operator= (CORBA_EnumDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_out::operator CORBA_EnumDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_ptr & CORBA_EnumDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_EnumDef_ptr CORBA_EnumDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef::CORBA_AliasDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef::CORBA_AliasDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef::~CORBA_AliasDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_ALIASDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_ALIASDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_AliasDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_var::CORBA_AliasDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_AliasDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_var::CORBA_AliasDef_var (CORBA_AliasDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_ptr CORBA_AliasDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_var::CORBA_AliasDef_var (const CORBA_AliasDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_AliasDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_var::~CORBA_AliasDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_var & CORBA_AliasDef_var::operator= (CORBA_AliasDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_var & CORBA_AliasDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_AliasDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_AliasDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_var::operator const CORBA_AliasDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_var::operator CORBA_AliasDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_ptr CORBA_AliasDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_ptr CORBA_AliasDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_ptr & CORBA_AliasDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_ptr & CORBA_AliasDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_AliasDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_ptr CORBA_AliasDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_AliasDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_AliasDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_ALIASDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_ALIASDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_AliasDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_out::CORBA_AliasDef_out (CORBA_AliasDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_AliasDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_out::CORBA_AliasDef_out (CORBA_AliasDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_AliasDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_out::CORBA_AliasDef_out (const CORBA_AliasDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_AliasDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_out & CORBA_AliasDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_AliasDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_AliasDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_out & CORBA_AliasDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_AliasDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_AliasDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_out & CORBA_AliasDef_out::operator= (CORBA_AliasDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_out::operator CORBA_AliasDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_ptr & CORBA_AliasDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AliasDef_ptr CORBA_AliasDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef::CORBA_PrimitiveDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef::CORBA_PrimitiveDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef::~CORBA_PrimitiveDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_PRIMITIVEDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_PRIMITIVEDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var::CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_PrimitiveDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var::CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var (CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var::CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var (const CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_PrimitiveDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var::~CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var & CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var::operator= (CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var & CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_PrimitiveDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var::operator const CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var::operator CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr & CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr & CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_PrimitiveDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_PrimitiveDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_PRIMITIVEDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_PRIMITIVEDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out::CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out (CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_PrimitiveDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out::CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out (CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_PrimitiveDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out::CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out (const CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out & CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out & CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_PrimitiveDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_PrimitiveDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out & CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out::operator= (CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out::operator CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr & CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr CORBA_PrimitiveDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef::CORBA_StringDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef::CORBA_StringDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef::~CORBA_StringDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_STRINGDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_STRINGDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_StringDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_var::CORBA_StringDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_StringDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_var::CORBA_StringDef_var (CORBA_StringDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_ptr CORBA_StringDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_var::CORBA_StringDef_var (const CORBA_StringDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_StringDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_var::~CORBA_StringDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_var & CORBA_StringDef_var::operator= (CORBA_StringDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_var & CORBA_StringDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_StringDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_StringDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_var::operator const CORBA_StringDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_var::operator CORBA_StringDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_ptr CORBA_StringDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_ptr CORBA_StringDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_ptr & CORBA_StringDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_ptr & CORBA_StringDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_StringDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_ptr CORBA_StringDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_StringDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_StringDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_STRINGDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_STRINGDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_StringDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_out::CORBA_StringDef_out (CORBA_StringDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_StringDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_out::CORBA_StringDef_out (CORBA_StringDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_StringDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_out::CORBA_StringDef_out (const CORBA_StringDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_StringDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_out & CORBA_StringDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_StringDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_StringDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_out & CORBA_StringDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_StringDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_StringDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_out & CORBA_StringDef_out::operator= (CORBA_StringDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_out::operator CORBA_StringDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_ptr & CORBA_StringDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_StringDef_ptr CORBA_StringDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef::CORBA_WstringDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef::CORBA_WstringDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef::~CORBA_WstringDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_WSTRINGDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_WSTRINGDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_WstringDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_var::CORBA_WstringDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_WstringDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_var::CORBA_WstringDef_var (CORBA_WstringDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_ptr CORBA_WstringDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_var::CORBA_WstringDef_var (const CORBA_WstringDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_WstringDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_var::~CORBA_WstringDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_var & CORBA_WstringDef_var::operator= (CORBA_WstringDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_var & CORBA_WstringDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_WstringDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_WstringDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_var::operator const CORBA_WstringDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_var::operator CORBA_WstringDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_ptr CORBA_WstringDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_ptr CORBA_WstringDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_ptr & CORBA_WstringDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_ptr & CORBA_WstringDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_WstringDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_ptr CORBA_WstringDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_WstringDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_WstringDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_WSTRINGDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_WSTRINGDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_WstringDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_out::CORBA_WstringDef_out (CORBA_WstringDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_WstringDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_out::CORBA_WstringDef_out (CORBA_WstringDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_WstringDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_out::CORBA_WstringDef_out (const CORBA_WstringDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_WstringDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_out & CORBA_WstringDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_WstringDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_WstringDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_out & CORBA_WstringDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_WstringDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_WstringDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_out & CORBA_WstringDef_out::operator= (CORBA_WstringDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_out::operator CORBA_WstringDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_ptr & CORBA_WstringDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_WstringDef_ptr CORBA_WstringDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef::CORBA_FixedDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef::CORBA_FixedDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef::~CORBA_FixedDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_FIXEDDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_FIXEDDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_FixedDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_var::CORBA_FixedDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_FixedDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_var::CORBA_FixedDef_var (CORBA_FixedDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_ptr CORBA_FixedDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_var::CORBA_FixedDef_var (const CORBA_FixedDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_FixedDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_var::~CORBA_FixedDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_var & CORBA_FixedDef_var::operator= (CORBA_FixedDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_var & CORBA_FixedDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_FixedDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_FixedDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_var::operator const CORBA_FixedDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_var::operator CORBA_FixedDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_ptr CORBA_FixedDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_ptr CORBA_FixedDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_ptr & CORBA_FixedDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_ptr & CORBA_FixedDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_FixedDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_ptr CORBA_FixedDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_FixedDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_FixedDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_FIXEDDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_FIXEDDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_FixedDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_out::CORBA_FixedDef_out (CORBA_FixedDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_FixedDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_out::CORBA_FixedDef_out (CORBA_FixedDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_FixedDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_out::CORBA_FixedDef_out (const CORBA_FixedDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_FixedDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_out & CORBA_FixedDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_FixedDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_FixedDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_out & CORBA_FixedDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_FixedDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_FixedDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_out & CORBA_FixedDef_out::operator= (CORBA_FixedDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_out::operator CORBA_FixedDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_ptr & CORBA_FixedDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_FixedDef_ptr CORBA_FixedDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef::CORBA_SequenceDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef::CORBA_SequenceDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef::~CORBA_SequenceDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_SEQUENCEDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_SEQUENCEDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_SequenceDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_var::CORBA_SequenceDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_SequenceDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_var::CORBA_SequenceDef_var (CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr CORBA_SequenceDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_var::CORBA_SequenceDef_var (const CORBA_SequenceDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_SequenceDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_var::~CORBA_SequenceDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_var & CORBA_SequenceDef_var::operator= (CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_var & CORBA_SequenceDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_SequenceDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_SequenceDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_var::operator const CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_var::operator CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr CORBA_SequenceDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr CORBA_SequenceDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr & CORBA_SequenceDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr & CORBA_SequenceDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_SequenceDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr CORBA_SequenceDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_SequenceDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_SEQUENCEDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_SEQUENCEDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_SequenceDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_out::CORBA_SequenceDef_out (CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_SequenceDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_out::CORBA_SequenceDef_out (CORBA_SequenceDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_SequenceDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_out::CORBA_SequenceDef_out (const CORBA_SequenceDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_SequenceDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_out & CORBA_SequenceDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_SequenceDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_SequenceDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_out & CORBA_SequenceDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_SequenceDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_SequenceDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_out & CORBA_SequenceDef_out::operator= (CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_out::operator CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr & CORBA_SequenceDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr CORBA_SequenceDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef::CORBA_ArrayDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef::CORBA_ArrayDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef::~CORBA_ArrayDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_ARRAYDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_ARRAYDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ArrayDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_var::CORBA_ArrayDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_ArrayDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_var::CORBA_ArrayDef_var (CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr CORBA_ArrayDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_var::CORBA_ArrayDef_var (const CORBA_ArrayDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_ArrayDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_var::~CORBA_ArrayDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_var & CORBA_ArrayDef_var::operator= (CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_var & CORBA_ArrayDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_ArrayDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ArrayDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_var::operator const CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_var::operator CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr CORBA_ArrayDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr CORBA_ArrayDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr & CORBA_ArrayDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr & CORBA_ArrayDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ArrayDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr CORBA_ArrayDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_ArrayDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_ARRAYDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_ARRAYDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ArrayDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_out::CORBA_ArrayDef_out (CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_ArrayDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_out::CORBA_ArrayDef_out (CORBA_ArrayDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ArrayDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_out::CORBA_ArrayDef_out (const CORBA_ArrayDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ArrayDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_out & CORBA_ArrayDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_ArrayDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ArrayDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_out & CORBA_ArrayDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_ArrayDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_ArrayDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_out & CORBA_ArrayDef_out::operator= (CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_out::operator CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr & CORBA_ArrayDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr CORBA_ArrayDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef::CORBA_ExceptionDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef::CORBA_ExceptionDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef::~CORBA_ExceptionDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_EXCEPTIONDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_EXCEPTIONDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ExceptionDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_var::CORBA_ExceptionDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_ExceptionDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_var::CORBA_ExceptionDef_var (CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr CORBA_ExceptionDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_var::CORBA_ExceptionDef_var (const CORBA_ExceptionDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_ExceptionDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_var::~CORBA_ExceptionDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_var & CORBA_ExceptionDef_var::operator= (CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_var & CORBA_ExceptionDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_ExceptionDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ExceptionDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_var::operator const CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_var::operator CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr CORBA_ExceptionDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr CORBA_ExceptionDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr & CORBA_ExceptionDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr & CORBA_ExceptionDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ExceptionDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr CORBA_ExceptionDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_ExceptionDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_EXCEPTIONDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_EXCEPTIONDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ExceptionDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_out::CORBA_ExceptionDef_out (CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_ExceptionDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_out::CORBA_ExceptionDef_out (CORBA_ExceptionDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ExceptionDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_out::CORBA_ExceptionDef_out (const CORBA_ExceptionDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_out & CORBA_ExceptionDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_ExceptionDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_out & CORBA_ExceptionDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_ExceptionDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_ExceptionDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_out & CORBA_ExceptionDef_out::operator= (CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_out::operator CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr & CORBA_ExceptionDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr CORBA_ExceptionDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var::CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var::CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var (CORBA_ExceptionDescription *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var::CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var (const CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_ExceptionDescription(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var::~CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var & CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var::operator= (CORBA_ExceptionDescription *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var & CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var::operator= (const CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_ExceptionDescription (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ExceptionDescription * CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription * CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var::operator const CORBA_ExceptionDescription &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var::operator CORBA_ExceptionDescription &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var::operator CORBA_ExceptionDescription &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ExceptionDescription & CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription & CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription *& CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription * CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_ExceptionDescription *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription * CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out::CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out (CORBA_ExceptionDescription *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out::CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out (CORBA_ExceptionDescription_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out::CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out (const CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out & CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out::operator= (const CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out & CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out::operator= (CORBA_ExceptionDescription *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out::operator CORBA_ExceptionDescription *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription *& CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription * CORBA_ExceptionDescription_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef::CORBA_AttributeDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef::CORBA_AttributeDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef::~CORBA_AttributeDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_ATTRIBUTEDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_ATTRIBUTEDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_AttributeDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_var::CORBA_AttributeDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_AttributeDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_var::CORBA_AttributeDef_var (CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr CORBA_AttributeDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_var::CORBA_AttributeDef_var (const CORBA_AttributeDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_AttributeDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_var::~CORBA_AttributeDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_var & CORBA_AttributeDef_var::operator= (CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_var & CORBA_AttributeDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_AttributeDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_AttributeDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_var::operator const CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_var::operator CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr CORBA_AttributeDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr CORBA_AttributeDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr & CORBA_AttributeDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr & CORBA_AttributeDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_AttributeDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr CORBA_AttributeDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_AttributeDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_ATTRIBUTEDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_ATTRIBUTEDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_AttributeDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_out::CORBA_AttributeDef_out (CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_AttributeDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_out::CORBA_AttributeDef_out (CORBA_AttributeDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_AttributeDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_out::CORBA_AttributeDef_out (const CORBA_AttributeDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_AttributeDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_out & CORBA_AttributeDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_AttributeDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_AttributeDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_out & CORBA_AttributeDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_AttributeDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_AttributeDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_out & CORBA_AttributeDef_out::operator= (CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_out::operator CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr & CORBA_AttributeDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr CORBA_AttributeDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_AttributeDescription_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription_var::CORBA_AttributeDescription_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription_var::CORBA_AttributeDescription_var (CORBA_AttributeDescription *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription_var::CORBA_AttributeDescription_var (const CORBA_AttributeDescription_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_AttributeDescription(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription_var::~CORBA_AttributeDescription_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription_var & CORBA_AttributeDescription_var::operator= (CORBA_AttributeDescription *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription_var & CORBA_AttributeDescription_var::operator= (const CORBA_AttributeDescription_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_AttributeDescription (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_AttributeDescription * CORBA_AttributeDescription_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription * CORBA_AttributeDescription_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription_var::operator const CORBA_AttributeDescription &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription_var::operator CORBA_AttributeDescription &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription_var::operator CORBA_AttributeDescription &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_AttributeDescription & CORBA_AttributeDescription_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription & CORBA_AttributeDescription_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription *& CORBA_AttributeDescription_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription * CORBA_AttributeDescription_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_AttributeDescription *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription * CORBA_AttributeDescription_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_AttributeDescription_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription_out::CORBA_AttributeDescription_out (CORBA_AttributeDescription *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription_out::CORBA_AttributeDescription_out (CORBA_AttributeDescription_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription_out::CORBA_AttributeDescription_out (const CORBA_AttributeDescription_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_AttributeDescription_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription_out & CORBA_AttributeDescription_out::operator= (const CORBA_AttributeDescription_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_AttributeDescription_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription_out & CORBA_AttributeDescription_out::operator= (CORBA_AttributeDescription *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription_out::operator CORBA_AttributeDescription *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription *& CORBA_AttributeDescription_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription * CORBA_AttributeDescription_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ParameterDescription_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription_var::CORBA_ParameterDescription_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription_var::CORBA_ParameterDescription_var (CORBA_ParameterDescription *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription_var::CORBA_ParameterDescription_var (const CORBA_ParameterDescription_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_ParameterDescription(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription_var::~CORBA_ParameterDescription_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription_var & CORBA_ParameterDescription_var::operator= (CORBA_ParameterDescription *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription_var & CORBA_ParameterDescription_var::operator= (const CORBA_ParameterDescription_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_ParameterDescription (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ParameterDescription * CORBA_ParameterDescription_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription * CORBA_ParameterDescription_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription_var::operator const CORBA_ParameterDescription &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription_var::operator CORBA_ParameterDescription &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription_var::operator CORBA_ParameterDescription &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ParameterDescription & CORBA_ParameterDescription_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription & CORBA_ParameterDescription_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription *& CORBA_ParameterDescription_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription * CORBA_ParameterDescription_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_ParameterDescription *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription * CORBA_ParameterDescription_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ParameterDescription_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription_out::CORBA_ParameterDescription_out (CORBA_ParameterDescription *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription_out::CORBA_ParameterDescription_out (CORBA_ParameterDescription_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription_out::CORBA_ParameterDescription_out (const CORBA_ParameterDescription_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ParameterDescription_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription_out & CORBA_ParameterDescription_out::operator= (const CORBA_ParameterDescription_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ParameterDescription_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription_out & CORBA_ParameterDescription_out::operator= (CORBA_ParameterDescription *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription_out::operator CORBA_ParameterDescription *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription *& CORBA_ParameterDescription_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription * CORBA_ParameterDescription_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) #if !defined (__TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_PARDESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_) #define __TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_PARDESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_ // = Static operations. ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (CORBA::ULong size) // Allocate storage for the sequence. { CORBA_ParameterDescription *retval = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, CORBA_ParameterDescription[size], 0); return retval; } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::freebuf (CORBA_ParameterDescription *buffer) // Free the sequence. { delete [] buffer; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq (void) // Default constructor. { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum) // Constructor using a maximum length value. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (maximum)) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_ParameterDescription *data, CORBA::Boolean release) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, length, data, release) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq &rhs) // Copy constructor. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (rhs) { CORBA_ParameterDescription *tmp1 = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); CORBA_ParameterDescription * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ParameterDescription * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; this->buffer_ = tmp1; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq &rhs) // Assignment operator. { if (this == &rhs) return *this; if (this->release_) { if (this->maximum_ < rhs.maximum_) { // free the old buffer CORBA_ParameterDescription *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ParameterDescription *, this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); } } else this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence::operator= (rhs); CORBA_ParameterDescription *tmp1 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ParameterDescription *, this->buffer_); CORBA_ParameterDescription * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ParameterDescription * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; return *this; } // = Accessors. ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_ParameterDescription* tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_ParameterDescription*,this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ParameterDescription & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) const // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_ParameterDescription * const tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ParameterDescription* ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } // Implement the TAO_Base_Sequence methods (see Sequence.h) ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan) { CORBA_ParameterDescription *result = 0; if (orphan == 0) { // We retain ownership. if (this->buffer_ == 0) { result = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (this->length_); this->buffer_ = result; } else { result = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ParameterDescription*, this->buffer_); } } else // if (orphan == 1) { if (this->release_ != 0) { // We set the state back to default and relinquish // ownership. result = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_ParameterDescription*,this->buffer_); this->maximum_ = 0; this->length_ = 0; this->buffer_ = 0; this->release_ = 0; } } return result; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ParameterDescription * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::get_buffer (void) const { return ACE_reinterpret_cast(const CORBA_ParameterDescription * ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::replace (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_ParameterDescription *data, CORBA::Boolean release) { this->maximum_ = max; this->length_ = length; if (this->buffer_ && this->release_ == 1) { CORBA_ParameterDescription *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_ParameterDescription*,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq::freebuf (tmp); } this->buffer_ = data; this->release_ = release; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ #if !defined (_CORBA_PARDESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_) #define _CORBA_PARDESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var (CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var (const CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::~CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var & CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::operator= (CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var & CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::operator= (const CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var &p) // deep copy { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq * CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq * CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::operator const CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::operator CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::operator CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription & CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq & CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq & CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq *& CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq * CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq * CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out::CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out (CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out::CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out (CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out::CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out (const CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out & CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out::operator= (const CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out & CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out::operator= (CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out::operator CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq *& CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq * CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ParameterDescription & CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_CONTEXTIDSEQ_CI_) #define _CORBA_CONTEXTIDSEQ_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var (CORBA_ContextIdSeq *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var (const CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_ContextIdSeq(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::~CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var & CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::operator= (CORBA_ContextIdSeq *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var & CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::operator= (const CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var &p) // deep copy { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_ContextIdSeq (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ContextIdSeq * CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq * CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::operator const CORBA_ContextIdSeq &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::operator CORBA_ContextIdSeq &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::operator CORBA_ContextIdSeq &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_SeqElem_String_Manager CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ContextIdSeq & CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq & CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq *& CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq * CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_ContextIdSeq *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq * CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out::CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out (CORBA_ContextIdSeq *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out::CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out (CORBA_ContextIdSeq_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out::CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out (const CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out & CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out::operator= (const CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out & CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out::operator= (CORBA_ContextIdSeq *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out::operator CORBA_ContextIdSeq *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq *& CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ContextIdSeq * CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_SeqElem_String_Manager CORBA_ContextIdSeq_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) #if !defined (__TAO_UNBOUNDED_OBJECT_SEQUENCE_CORBA_EXCEPTIONDEFSEQ_CI_) #define __TAO_UNBOUNDED_OBJECT_SEQUENCE_CORBA_EXCEPTIONDEFSEQ_CI_ ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef ** _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq::allocbuf (CORBA::ULong nelems) { CORBA_ExceptionDef **buf = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (buf, CORBA_ExceptionDef*[nelems], 0); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < nelems; i++) buf[i] = CORBA_ExceptionDef::_nil (); return buf; } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq::freebuf (CORBA_ExceptionDef **buffer) { if (buffer == 0) return; delete[] buffer; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq (void) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq::allocbuf (maximum)) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_ExceptionDef* *value, CORBA::Boolean release) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, length, value, release) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq(const _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq &rhs) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (rhs) { CORBA_ExceptionDef **tmp1 = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); CORBA_ExceptionDef ** const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDef ** ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < rhs.length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = CORBA_ExceptionDef::_duplicate (tmp2[i]); this->buffer_ = tmp1; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq & _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq::operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq &rhs) { if (this == &rhs) return *this; if (this->release_) { CORBA_ExceptionDef **tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDef **, this->buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) { CORBA::release (tmp[i]); tmp[i] = CORBA_ExceptionDef::_nil (); } if (this->maximum_ < rhs.maximum_) { _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); } } else this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence::operator= (rhs); CORBA_ExceptionDef **tmp1 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDef **, this->buffer_); CORBA_ExceptionDef ** const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDef ** ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < rhs.length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = CORBA_ExceptionDef::_duplicate (tmp2[i]); return *this; } ACE_INLINE TAO_Object_Manager _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) const // read-write accessor { ACE_ASSERT (index < this->maximum_); CORBA_ExceptionDef ** const tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDef ** ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); return TAO_Object_Manager (tmp + index, this->release_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDef* * _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq::get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan) { CORBA_ExceptionDef **result = 0; if (orphan == 0) { // We retain ownership. if (this->buffer_ == 0) { result = _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); this->buffer_ = result; } else { result = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDef**, this->buffer_); } } else // if (orphan == 1) { if (this->release_ != 0) { // We set the state back to default and relinquish // ownership. result = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_ExceptionDef**,this->buffer_); this->maximum_ = 0; this->length_ = 0; this->buffer_ = 0; this->release_ = 0; } } return result; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ExceptionDef* * _TAO_Unbounded_Object_Sequence_CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq::get_buffer (void) const { return ACE_reinterpret_cast(const CORBA_ExceptionDef ** ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ #if !defined (_CORBA_EXCEPTIONDEFSEQ_CI_) #define _CORBA_EXCEPTIONDEFSEQ_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var (CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var (const CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::~CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var & CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::operator= (CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var & CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::operator= (const CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var &p) // deep copy { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq * CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq * CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::operator const CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::operator CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::operator CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_Object_Manager CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq & CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq & CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq *& CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq * CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq * CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out::CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out (CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out::CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out (CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out::CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out (const CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out & CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out::operator= (const CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out & CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out::operator= (CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out::operator CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq *& CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq * CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_Object_Manager CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) #if !defined (__TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_EXCDESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_) #define __TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_EXCDESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_ // = Static operations. ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (CORBA::ULong size) // Allocate storage for the sequence. { CORBA_ExceptionDescription *retval = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, CORBA_ExceptionDescription[size], 0); return retval; } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::freebuf (CORBA_ExceptionDescription *buffer) // Free the sequence. { delete [] buffer; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq (void) // Default constructor. { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum) // Constructor using a maximum length value. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (maximum)) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_ExceptionDescription *data, CORBA::Boolean release) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, length, data, release) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq &rhs) // Copy constructor. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (rhs) { CORBA_ExceptionDescription *tmp1 = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); CORBA_ExceptionDescription * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDescription * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; this->buffer_ = tmp1; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq &rhs) // Assignment operator. { if (this == &rhs) return *this; if (this->release_) { if (this->maximum_ < rhs.maximum_) { // free the old buffer CORBA_ExceptionDescription *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDescription *, this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); } } else this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence::operator= (rhs); CORBA_ExceptionDescription *tmp1 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDescription *, this->buffer_); CORBA_ExceptionDescription * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDescription * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; return *this; } // = Accessors. ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_ExceptionDescription* tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_ExceptionDescription*,this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ExceptionDescription & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) const // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_ExceptionDescription * const tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDescription* ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } // Implement the TAO_Base_Sequence methods (see Sequence.h) ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan) { CORBA_ExceptionDescription *result = 0; if (orphan == 0) { // We retain ownership. if (this->buffer_ == 0) { result = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (this->length_); this->buffer_ = result; } else { result = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ExceptionDescription*, this->buffer_); } } else // if (orphan == 1) { if (this->release_ != 0) { // We set the state back to default and relinquish // ownership. result = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_ExceptionDescription*,this->buffer_); this->maximum_ = 0; this->length_ = 0; this->buffer_ = 0; this->release_ = 0; } } return result; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ExceptionDescription * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::get_buffer (void) const { return ACE_reinterpret_cast(const CORBA_ExceptionDescription * ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::replace (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_ExceptionDescription *data, CORBA::Boolean release) { this->maximum_ = max; this->length_ = length; if (this->buffer_ && this->release_ == 1) { CORBA_ExceptionDescription *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_ExceptionDescription*,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq::freebuf (tmp); } this->buffer_ = data; this->release_ = release; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ #if !defined (_CORBA_EXCDESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_) #define _CORBA_EXCDESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var (CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var (const CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::~CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var & CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::operator= (CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var & CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::operator= (const CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var &p) // deep copy { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq * CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq * CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::operator const CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::operator CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::operator CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription & CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq & CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq & CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq *& CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq * CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq * CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out::CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out (CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out::CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out (CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out::CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out (const CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out & CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out::operator= (const CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out & CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out::operator= (CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out::operator CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq *& CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq * CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ExceptionDescription & CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef::CORBA_OperationDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef::CORBA_OperationDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef::~CORBA_OperationDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_OPERATIONDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_OPERATIONDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_OperationDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_var::CORBA_OperationDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_OperationDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_var::CORBA_OperationDef_var (CORBA_OperationDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_ptr CORBA_OperationDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_var::CORBA_OperationDef_var (const CORBA_OperationDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_OperationDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_var::~CORBA_OperationDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_var & CORBA_OperationDef_var::operator= (CORBA_OperationDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_var & CORBA_OperationDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_OperationDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_OperationDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_var::operator const CORBA_OperationDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_var::operator CORBA_OperationDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_ptr CORBA_OperationDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_ptr CORBA_OperationDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_ptr & CORBA_OperationDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_ptr & CORBA_OperationDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_OperationDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_ptr CORBA_OperationDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_OperationDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_OperationDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_OPERATIONDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_OPERATIONDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_OperationDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_out::CORBA_OperationDef_out (CORBA_OperationDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_OperationDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_out::CORBA_OperationDef_out (CORBA_OperationDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_OperationDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_out::CORBA_OperationDef_out (const CORBA_OperationDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_OperationDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_out & CORBA_OperationDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_OperationDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_OperationDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_out & CORBA_OperationDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_OperationDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_OperationDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_out & CORBA_OperationDef_out::operator= (CORBA_OperationDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_out::operator CORBA_OperationDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_ptr & CORBA_OperationDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDef_ptr CORBA_OperationDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_OperationDescription_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription_var::CORBA_OperationDescription_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription_var::CORBA_OperationDescription_var (CORBA_OperationDescription *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription_var::CORBA_OperationDescription_var (const CORBA_OperationDescription_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_OperationDescription(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription_var::~CORBA_OperationDescription_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription_var & CORBA_OperationDescription_var::operator= (CORBA_OperationDescription *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription_var & CORBA_OperationDescription_var::operator= (const CORBA_OperationDescription_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_OperationDescription (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_OperationDescription * CORBA_OperationDescription_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription * CORBA_OperationDescription_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription_var::operator const CORBA_OperationDescription &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription_var::operator CORBA_OperationDescription &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription_var::operator CORBA_OperationDescription &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_OperationDescription & CORBA_OperationDescription_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription & CORBA_OperationDescription_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription *& CORBA_OperationDescription_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription * CORBA_OperationDescription_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_OperationDescription *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription * CORBA_OperationDescription_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_OperationDescription_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription_out::CORBA_OperationDescription_out (CORBA_OperationDescription *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription_out::CORBA_OperationDescription_out (CORBA_OperationDescription_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription_out::CORBA_OperationDescription_out (const CORBA_OperationDescription_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_OperationDescription_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription_out & CORBA_OperationDescription_out::operator= (const CORBA_OperationDescription_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_OperationDescription_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription_out & CORBA_OperationDescription_out::operator= (CORBA_OperationDescription *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription_out::operator CORBA_OperationDescription *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription *& CORBA_OperationDescription_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription * CORBA_OperationDescription_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #if !defined (_CORBA_REPOSITORYIDSEQ_CI_) #define _CORBA_REPOSITORYIDSEQ_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var (CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var (const CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::~CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var & CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::operator= (CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var & CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::operator= (const CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var &p) // deep copy { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq * CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq * CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::operator const CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::operator CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::operator CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_SeqElem_String_Manager CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq & CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq & CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq *& CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq * CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq * CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out::CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out (CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out::CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out (CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out::CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out (const CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out & CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out::operator= (const CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out & CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out::operator= (CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out::operator CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq *& CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq * CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE TAO_SeqElem_String_Manager CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) #if !defined (__TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_OPDESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_) #define __TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_OPDESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_ // = Static operations. ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (CORBA::ULong size) // Allocate storage for the sequence. { CORBA_OperationDescription *retval = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, CORBA_OperationDescription[size], 0); return retval; } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::freebuf (CORBA_OperationDescription *buffer) // Free the sequence. { delete [] buffer; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq (void) // Default constructor. { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum) // Constructor using a maximum length value. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (maximum)) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_OperationDescription *data, CORBA::Boolean release) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, length, data, release) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq &rhs) // Copy constructor. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (rhs) { CORBA_OperationDescription *tmp1 = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); CORBA_OperationDescription * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_OperationDescription * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; this->buffer_ = tmp1; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq &rhs) // Assignment operator. { if (this == &rhs) return *this; if (this->release_) { if (this->maximum_ < rhs.maximum_) { // free the old buffer CORBA_OperationDescription *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_OperationDescription *, this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); } } else this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence::operator= (rhs); CORBA_OperationDescription *tmp1 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_OperationDescription *, this->buffer_); CORBA_OperationDescription * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_OperationDescription * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; return *this; } // = Accessors. ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_OperationDescription* tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_OperationDescription*,this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_OperationDescription & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) const // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_OperationDescription * const tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_OperationDescription* ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } // Implement the TAO_Base_Sequence methods (see Sequence.h) ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan) { CORBA_OperationDescription *result = 0; if (orphan == 0) { // We retain ownership. if (this->buffer_ == 0) { result = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (this->length_); this->buffer_ = result; } else { result = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_OperationDescription*, this->buffer_); } } else // if (orphan == 1) { if (this->release_ != 0) { // We set the state back to default and relinquish // ownership. result = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_OperationDescription*,this->buffer_); this->maximum_ = 0; this->length_ = 0; this->buffer_ = 0; this->release_ = 0; } } return result; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_OperationDescription * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::get_buffer (void) const { return ACE_reinterpret_cast(const CORBA_OperationDescription * ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::replace (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_OperationDescription *data, CORBA::Boolean release) { this->maximum_ = max; this->length_ = length; if (this->buffer_ && this->release_ == 1) { CORBA_OperationDescription *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_OperationDescription*,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq::freebuf (tmp); } this->buffer_ = data; this->release_ = release; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ #if !defined (_CORBA_OPDESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_) #define _CORBA_OPDESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var (CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var (const CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::~CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var & CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::operator= (CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var & CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::operator= (const CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var &p) // deep copy { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq * CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq * CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::operator const CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::operator CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::operator CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription & CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq & CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq & CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq *& CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq * CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq * CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out::CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out (CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out::CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out (CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out::CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out (const CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out & CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out::operator= (const CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out & CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out::operator= (CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out::operator CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq *& CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq * CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_OperationDescription & CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) #if !defined (__TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_ATTRDESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_) #define __TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_ATTRDESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_ // = Static operations. ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (CORBA::ULong size) // Allocate storage for the sequence. { CORBA_AttributeDescription *retval = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, CORBA_AttributeDescription[size], 0); return retval; } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::freebuf (CORBA_AttributeDescription *buffer) // Free the sequence. { delete [] buffer; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq (void) // Default constructor. { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum) // Constructor using a maximum length value. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (maximum)) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_AttributeDescription *data, CORBA::Boolean release) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, length, data, release) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq &rhs) // Copy constructor. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (rhs) { CORBA_AttributeDescription *tmp1 = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); CORBA_AttributeDescription * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_AttributeDescription * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; this->buffer_ = tmp1; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq &rhs) // Assignment operator. { if (this == &rhs) return *this; if (this->release_) { if (this->maximum_ < rhs.maximum_) { // free the old buffer CORBA_AttributeDescription *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_AttributeDescription *, this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); } } else this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence::operator= (rhs); CORBA_AttributeDescription *tmp1 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_AttributeDescription *, this->buffer_); CORBA_AttributeDescription * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_AttributeDescription * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; return *this; } // = Accessors. ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_AttributeDescription* tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_AttributeDescription*,this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_AttributeDescription & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) const // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_AttributeDescription * const tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_AttributeDescription* ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } // Implement the TAO_Base_Sequence methods (see Sequence.h) ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan) { CORBA_AttributeDescription *result = 0; if (orphan == 0) { // We retain ownership. if (this->buffer_ == 0) { result = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::allocbuf (this->length_); this->buffer_ = result; } else { result = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_AttributeDescription*, this->buffer_); } } else // if (orphan == 1) { if (this->release_ != 0) { // We set the state back to default and relinquish // ownership. result = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_AttributeDescription*,this->buffer_); this->maximum_ = 0; this->length_ = 0; this->buffer_ = 0; this->release_ = 0; } } return result; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_AttributeDescription * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::get_buffer (void) const { return ACE_reinterpret_cast(const CORBA_AttributeDescription * ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::replace (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_AttributeDescription *data, CORBA::Boolean release) { this->maximum_ = max; this->length_ = length; if (this->buffer_ && this->release_ == 1) { CORBA_AttributeDescription *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_AttributeDescription*,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq::freebuf (tmp); } this->buffer_ = data; this->release_ = release; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ #if !defined (_CORBA_ATTRDESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_) #define _CORBA_ATTRDESCRIPTIONSEQ_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var (CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var (const CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::~CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var & CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::operator= (CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var & CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::operator= (const CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var &p) // deep copy { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq * CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq * CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::operator const CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::operator CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::operator CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription & CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq & CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq & CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq *& CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq * CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq * CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out::CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out (CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out::CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out (CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out::CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out (const CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out & CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out::operator= (const CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out & CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out::operator= (CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out::operator CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq *& CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq * CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_AttributeDescription & CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::CORBA_InterfaceDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::CORBA_InterfaceDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::~CORBA_InterfaceDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_INTERFACEDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_INTERFACEDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_InterfaceDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_var::CORBA_InterfaceDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_InterfaceDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_var::CORBA_InterfaceDef_var (CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr CORBA_InterfaceDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_var::CORBA_InterfaceDef_var (const CORBA_InterfaceDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_InterfaceDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_var::~CORBA_InterfaceDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_var & CORBA_InterfaceDef_var::operator= (CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_var & CORBA_InterfaceDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_InterfaceDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_InterfaceDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_var::operator const CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_var::operator CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr CORBA_InterfaceDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr CORBA_InterfaceDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr & CORBA_InterfaceDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr & CORBA_InterfaceDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_InterfaceDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr CORBA_InterfaceDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_InterfaceDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_INTERFACEDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_INTERFACEDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_InterfaceDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_out::CORBA_InterfaceDef_out (CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_InterfaceDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_out::CORBA_InterfaceDef_out (CORBA_InterfaceDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_InterfaceDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_out::CORBA_InterfaceDef_out (const CORBA_InterfaceDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_InterfaceDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_out & CORBA_InterfaceDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_InterfaceDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_InterfaceDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_out & CORBA_InterfaceDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_InterfaceDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_InterfaceDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_out & CORBA_InterfaceDef_out::operator= (CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_out::operator CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr & CORBA_InterfaceDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr CORBA_InterfaceDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var::FullInterfaceDescription_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var::FullInterfaceDescription_var (CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var::FullInterfaceDescription_var (const CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var::~FullInterfaceDescription_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var & CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var::operator= (CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var & CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var::operator= (const CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription * CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription * CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var::operator const CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var::operator CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var::operator CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription & CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription & CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription *& CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription * CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription * CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_out::FullInterfaceDescription_out (CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_out::FullInterfaceDescription_out (CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_out::FullInterfaceDescription_out (const CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_out & CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_out::operator= (const CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_out & CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_out::operator= (CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_out::operator CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription *& CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription * CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var::CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var::CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var (CORBA_InterfaceDescription *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var::CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var (const CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_InterfaceDescription(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var::~CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var & CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var::operator= (CORBA_InterfaceDescription *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var & CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var::operator= (const CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_InterfaceDescription (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_InterfaceDescription * CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription * CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var::operator const CORBA_InterfaceDescription &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var::operator CORBA_InterfaceDescription &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var::operator CORBA_InterfaceDescription &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_InterfaceDescription & CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription & CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription *& CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription * CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_InterfaceDescription *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription * CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out::CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out (CORBA_InterfaceDescription *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out::CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out (CORBA_InterfaceDescription_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out::CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out (const CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out & CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out::operator= (const CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out & CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out::operator= (CORBA_InterfaceDescription *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out::operator CORBA_InterfaceDescription *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription *& CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_InterfaceDescription * CORBA_InterfaceDescription_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ValueMember_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember_var::CORBA_ValueMember_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember_var::CORBA_ValueMember_var (CORBA_ValueMember *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember_var::CORBA_ValueMember_var (const CORBA_ValueMember_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_ValueMember(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember_var::~CORBA_ValueMember_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember_var & CORBA_ValueMember_var::operator= (CORBA_ValueMember *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember_var & CORBA_ValueMember_var::operator= (const CORBA_ValueMember_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_ValueMember (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ValueMember * CORBA_ValueMember_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember * CORBA_ValueMember_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember_var::operator const CORBA_ValueMember &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember_var::operator CORBA_ValueMember &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember_var::operator CORBA_ValueMember &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ValueMember & CORBA_ValueMember_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember & CORBA_ValueMember_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember *& CORBA_ValueMember_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember * CORBA_ValueMember_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_ValueMember *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember * CORBA_ValueMember_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ValueMember_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember_out::CORBA_ValueMember_out (CORBA_ValueMember *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember_out::CORBA_ValueMember_out (CORBA_ValueMember_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember_out::CORBA_ValueMember_out (const CORBA_ValueMember_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ValueMember_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember_out & CORBA_ValueMember_out::operator= (const CORBA_ValueMember_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ValueMember_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember_out & CORBA_ValueMember_out::operator= (CORBA_ValueMember *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember_out::operator CORBA_ValueMember *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember *& CORBA_ValueMember_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember * CORBA_ValueMember_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #if !defined (TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES) #if !defined (__TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_VALUEMEMBERSEQ_CI_) #define __TAO_UNBOUNDED_SEQUENCE_CORBA_VALUEMEMBERSEQ_CI_ // = Static operations. ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::allocbuf (CORBA::ULong size) // Allocate storage for the sequence. { CORBA_ValueMember *retval = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (retval, CORBA_ValueMember[size], 0); return retval; } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::freebuf (CORBA_ValueMember *buffer) // Free the sequence. { delete [] buffer; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq (void) // Default constructor. { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum) // Constructor using a maximum length value. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::allocbuf (maximum)) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq (CORBA::ULong maximum, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_ValueMember *data, CORBA::Boolean release) : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (maximum, length, data, release) { } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::_TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq &rhs) // Copy constructor. : TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence (rhs) { CORBA_ValueMember *tmp1 = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::allocbuf (this->maximum_); CORBA_ValueMember * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ValueMember * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; this->buffer_ = tmp1; } ACE_INLINE _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::operator= (const _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq &rhs) // Assignment operator. { if (this == &rhs) return *this; if (this->release_) { if (this->maximum_ < rhs.maximum_) { // free the old buffer CORBA_ValueMember *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ValueMember *, this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::freebuf (tmp); this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); } } else this->buffer_ = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::allocbuf (rhs.maximum_); TAO_Unbounded_Base_Sequence::operator= (rhs); CORBA_ValueMember *tmp1 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ValueMember *, this->buffer_); CORBA_ValueMember * const tmp2 = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ValueMember * ACE_CAST_CONST, rhs.buffer_); for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < this->length_; ++i) tmp1[i] = tmp2[i]; return *this; } // = Accessors. ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_ValueMember* tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_ValueMember*,this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ValueMember & _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::operator[] (CORBA::ULong i) const // operator [] { ACE_ASSERT (i < this->maximum_); CORBA_ValueMember * const tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ValueMember* ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); return tmp[i]; } // Implement the TAO_Base_Sequence methods (see Sequence.h) ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::get_buffer (CORBA::Boolean orphan) { CORBA_ValueMember *result = 0; if (orphan == 0) { // We retain ownership. if (this->buffer_ == 0) { result = _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::allocbuf (this->length_); this->buffer_ = result; } else { result = ACE_reinterpret_cast (CORBA_ValueMember*, this->buffer_); } } else // if (orphan == 1) { if (this->release_ != 0) { // We set the state back to default and relinquish // ownership. result = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_ValueMember*,this->buffer_); this->maximum_ = 0; this->length_ = 0; this->buffer_ = 0; this->release_ = 0; } } return result; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ValueMember * _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::get_buffer (void) const { return ACE_reinterpret_cast(const CORBA_ValueMember * ACE_CAST_CONST, this->buffer_); } ACE_INLINE void _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::replace (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::ULong length, CORBA_ValueMember *data, CORBA::Boolean release) { this->maximum_ = max; this->length_ = length; if (this->buffer_ && this->release_ == 1) { CORBA_ValueMember *tmp = ACE_reinterpret_cast(CORBA_ValueMember*,this->buffer_); _TAO_Unbounded_Sequence_CORBA_ValueMemberSeq::freebuf (tmp); } this->buffer_ = data; this->release_ = release; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #endif /* !TAO_USE_SEQUENCE_TEMPLATES */ #if !defined (_CORBA_VALUEMEMBERSEQ_CI_) #define _CORBA_VALUEMEMBERSEQ_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var (CORBA_ValueMemberSeq *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var (const CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_ValueMemberSeq(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::~CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var & CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::operator= (CORBA_ValueMemberSeq *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var & CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::operator= (const CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var &p) // deep copy { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_ValueMemberSeq (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ValueMemberSeq * CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq * CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::operator const CORBA_ValueMemberSeq &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::operator CORBA_ValueMemberSeq &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::operator CORBA_ValueMemberSeq &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember & CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ValueMemberSeq & CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq & CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq *& CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq * CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_ValueMemberSeq *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq * CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out::CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out (CORBA_ValueMemberSeq *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out::CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out (CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out::CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out (const CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out & CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out::operator= (const CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out & CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out::operator= (CORBA_ValueMemberSeq *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out::operator CORBA_ValueMemberSeq *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq *& CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberSeq * CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMember & CORBA_ValueMemberSeq_out::operator[] (CORBA::ULong index) { return this->ptr_->operator[] (index); } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef::CORBA_ValueMemberDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef::CORBA_ValueMemberDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef::~CORBA_ValueMemberDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_VALUEMEMBERDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_VALUEMEMBERDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var::CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_ValueMemberDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var::CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var (CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var::CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var (const CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_ValueMemberDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var::~CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var & CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var::operator= (CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var & CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueMemberDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var::operator const CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var::operator CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr & CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr & CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueMemberDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueMemberDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_VALUEMEMBERDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_VALUEMEMBERDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out::CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out (CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueMemberDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out::CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out (CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueMemberDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out::CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out (const CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out & CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out & CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_ValueMemberDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueMemberDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out & CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out::operator= (CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out::operator CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr & CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr CORBA_ValueMemberDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::CORBA_ValueDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::CORBA_ValueDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::~CORBA_ValueDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_VALUEDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_VALUEDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ValueDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_var::CORBA_ValueDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_ValueDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_var::CORBA_ValueDef_var (CORBA_ValueDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_ptr CORBA_ValueDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_var::CORBA_ValueDef_var (const CORBA_ValueDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_ValueDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_var::~CORBA_ValueDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_var & CORBA_ValueDef_var::operator= (CORBA_ValueDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_var & CORBA_ValueDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_ValueDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_var::operator const CORBA_ValueDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_var::operator CORBA_ValueDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_ptr CORBA_ValueDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_ptr CORBA_ValueDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_ptr & CORBA_ValueDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_ptr & CORBA_ValueDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_ptr CORBA_ValueDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_ValueDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_VALUEDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_VALUEDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ValueDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_out::CORBA_ValueDef_out (CORBA_ValueDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_out::CORBA_ValueDef_out (CORBA_ValueDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_out::CORBA_ValueDef_out (const CORBA_ValueDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ValueDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_out & CORBA_ValueDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_ValueDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ValueDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_out & CORBA_ValueDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_ValueDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_out & CORBA_ValueDef_out::operator= (CORBA_ValueDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_out::operator CORBA_ValueDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_ptr & CORBA_ValueDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef_ptr CORBA_ValueDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var::FullValueDescription_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var::FullValueDescription_var (CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var::FullValueDescription_var (const CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var::~FullValueDescription_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var & CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var::operator= (CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var & CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var::operator= (const CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription * CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription * CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var::operator const CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var::operator CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var::operator CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription & CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription & CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription *& CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription * CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription * CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_out::FullValueDescription_out (CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_out::FullValueDescription_out (CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_out::FullValueDescription_out (const CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_out & CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_out::operator= (const CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_out & CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_out::operator= (CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_out::operator CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription *& CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription * CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ValueDescription_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription_var::CORBA_ValueDescription_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (0) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription_var::CORBA_ValueDescription_var (CORBA_ValueDescription *p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription_var::CORBA_ValueDescription_var (const CORBA_ValueDescription_var &p) // copy constructor { if (p.ptr_) ACE_NEW (this->ptr_, CORBA_ValueDescription(*p.ptr_)); else this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription_var::~CORBA_ValueDescription_var (void) // destructor { delete this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription_var & CORBA_ValueDescription_var::operator= (CORBA_ValueDescription *p) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription_var & CORBA_ValueDescription_var::operator= (const CORBA_ValueDescription_var &p) { if (this != &p) { delete this->ptr_; ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->ptr_, CORBA_ValueDescription (*p.ptr_), *this); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ValueDescription * CORBA_ValueDescription_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription * CORBA_ValueDescription_var::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription_var::operator const CORBA_ValueDescription &() const // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription_var::operator CORBA_ValueDescription &() // cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription_var::operator CORBA_ValueDescription &() const// cast { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE const CORBA_ValueDescription & CORBA_ValueDescription_var::in (void) const { return *this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription & CORBA_ValueDescription_var::inout (void) { return *this->ptr_; } // mapping for variable size ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription *& CORBA_ValueDescription_var::out (void) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription * CORBA_ValueDescription_var::_retn (void) { CORBA_ValueDescription *tmp = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; return tmp; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription * CORBA_ValueDescription_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ValueDescription_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription_out::CORBA_ValueDescription_out (CORBA_ValueDescription *&p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription_out::CORBA_ValueDescription_out (CORBA_ValueDescription_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { delete this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription_out::CORBA_ValueDescription_out (const CORBA_ValueDescription_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ValueDescription_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription_out & CORBA_ValueDescription_out::operator= (const CORBA_ValueDescription_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ValueDescription_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription_out & CORBA_ValueDescription_out::operator= (CORBA_ValueDescription *p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription_out::operator CORBA_ValueDescription *&() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription *& CORBA_ValueDescription_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueDescription * CORBA_ValueDescription_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef::CORBA_ValueBoxDef (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef::CORBA_ValueBoxDef (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef::~CORBA_ValueBoxDef (void) // destructor {} #if !defined (_CORBA_VALUEBOXDEF___VAR_CI_) #define _CORBA_VALUEBOXDEF___VAR_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var::CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_ValueBoxDef::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var::CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var (CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var::CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var (const CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_ValueBoxDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var::~CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var & CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var::operator= (CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var & CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var::operator= (const CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueBoxDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var::operator const CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var::operator CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr & CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr & CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueBoxDef::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueBoxDef::_nil (); return val; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ #if !defined (_CORBA_VALUEBOXDEF___OUT_CI_) #define _CORBA_VALUEBOXDEF___OUT_CI_ // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out::CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out (CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueBoxDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out::CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out (CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueBoxDef::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out::CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out (const CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out & CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out & CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out::operator= (const CORBA_ValueBoxDef_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_ValueBoxDef::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out & CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out::operator= (CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out::operator CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr & CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr CORBA_ValueBoxDef_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } #endif /* end #if !defined */ ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA::DefinitionKind &_tao_enumval) { return strm.write_ulong ((CORBA::ULong) _tao_enumval); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA::DefinitionKind &_tao_enumval) { CORBA::ULong _tao_temp; if (strm.read_ulong (_tao_temp)) { ACE_OS::memcpy (&_tao_enumval, &_tao_temp, sizeof (CORBA::ULong)); return 1; } else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_IRObject_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_IRObject_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_IRObject_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_IRObject_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_IRObject::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_Contained_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_Contained_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_Repository_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_Repository_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_Container_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_Container_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_Contained_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_Contained_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_Contained::Description &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.kind) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.value) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_Contained::Description &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.kind) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.value) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_Contained_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_Contained_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_Contained::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_IDLType_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_IDLType_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_StructDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_StructDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_UnionDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_UnionDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_EnumDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_EnumDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_AliasDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_AliasDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_NativeDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_NativeDef_ptr & ); CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_InterfaceDefSeq & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ValueDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ValueDef_ptr & ); CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ValueDefSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ValueDefSeq & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr & ); CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ContainedSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ContainedSeq & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_StructMember &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.name.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.type.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.type_def.in ()) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_StructMember &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.name.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.type.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.type_def.out ()) ) return 1; else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_StructMemberSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_StructMemberSeq & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_Initializer &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.members) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_Initializer &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.members) ) return 1; else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_InitializerSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_InitializerSeq & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_UnionMember &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.name.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.label) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.type.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.type_def.in ()) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_UnionMember &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.name.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.label) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.type.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.type_def.out ()) ) return 1; else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_UnionMemberSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_UnionMemberSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_EnumMemberSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_EnumMemberSeq & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_Container_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_Container_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_Container::Description &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.contained_object.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.kind) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.value) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_Container::Description &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.contained_object.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.kind) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.value) ) return 1; else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_Container::DescriptionSeq & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_Container_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_Container_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_Container::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_IDLType_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_IDLType_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_IDLType_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_IDLType_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_IDLType::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_StringDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_StringDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_WstringDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_WstringDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_FixedDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_FixedDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA::PrimitiveKind &_tao_enumval) { return strm.write_ulong ((CORBA::ULong) _tao_enumval); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA::PrimitiveKind &_tao_enumval) { CORBA::ULong _tao_temp; if (strm.read_ulong (_tao_temp)) { ACE_OS::memcpy (&_tao_enumval, &_tao_temp, sizeof (CORBA::ULong)); return 1; } else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_Repository_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_Repository_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_Repository_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_Repository_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_Repository::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_ModuleDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_ModuleDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_ModuleDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.name.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.id.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.defined_in.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.version.in ()) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_ModuleDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.name.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.id.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.defined_in.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.version.out ()) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_ConstantDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_ConstantDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_ConstantDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.name.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.id.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.defined_in.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.version.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.type.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.value) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_ConstantDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.name.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.id.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.defined_in.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.version.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.type.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.value) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_TypedefDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_TypedefDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_TypeDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.name.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.id.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.defined_in.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.version.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.type.in ()) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_TypeDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.name.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.id.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.defined_in.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.version.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.type.out ()) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_StructDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_StructDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_StructDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_StructDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_StructDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_UnionDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_UnionDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_UnionDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_UnionDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_UnionDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_EnumDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_EnumDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_EnumDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_EnumDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_EnumDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_AliasDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_AliasDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_AliasDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_AliasDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_AliasDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_PrimitiveDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_PrimitiveDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_StringDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_StringDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_StringDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_StringDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_StringDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_WstringDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_WstringDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_WstringDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_WstringDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_WstringDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_FixedDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_FixedDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_FixedDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_FixedDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_FixedDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_SequenceDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_SequenceDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_ArrayDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_ArrayDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_ExceptionDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_ExceptionDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_ExceptionDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.name.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.id.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.defined_in.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.version.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.type.in ()) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA::ExceptionDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.name.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.id.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.defined_in.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.version.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.type.out ()) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA::AttributeMode &_tao_enumval) { return strm.write_ulong ((CORBA::ULong) _tao_enumval); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA::AttributeMode &_tao_enumval) { CORBA::ULong _tao_temp; if (strm.read_ulong (_tao_temp)) { ACE_OS::memcpy (&_tao_enumval, &_tao_temp, sizeof (CORBA::ULong)); return 1; } else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_AttributeDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_AttributeDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA::AttributeDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.name.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.id.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.defined_in.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.version.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.type.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.mode) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA::AttributeDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.name.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.id.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.defined_in.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.version.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.type.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.mode) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA::OperationMode &_tao_enumval) { return strm.write_ulong ((CORBA::ULong) _tao_enumval); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA::OperationMode &_tao_enumval) { CORBA::ULong _tao_temp; if (strm.read_ulong (_tao_temp)) { ACE_OS::memcpy (&_tao_enumval, &_tao_temp, sizeof (CORBA::ULong)); return 1; } else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA::ParameterMode &_tao_enumval) { return strm.write_ulong ((CORBA::ULong) _tao_enumval); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA::ParameterMode &_tao_enumval) { CORBA::ULong _tao_temp; if (strm.read_ulong (_tao_temp)) { ACE_OS::memcpy (&_tao_enumval, &_tao_temp, sizeof (CORBA::ULong)); return 1; } else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_ParameterDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.name.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.type.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.type_def.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.mode) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_ParameterDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.name.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.type.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.type_def.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.mode) ) return 1; else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ParDescriptionSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ContextIdSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ContextIdSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ExceptionDefSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ExcDescriptionSeq & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_OperationDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_OperationDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_OperationDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_OperationDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_OperationDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_OperationDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.name.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.id.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.defined_in.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.version.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.result.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.mode) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.contexts) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.parameters) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.exceptions) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_OperationDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.name.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.id.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.defined_in.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.version.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.result.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.mode) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.contexts) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.parameters) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.exceptions) ) return 1; else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_RepositoryIdSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_OpDescriptionSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_AttrDescriptionSeq & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.name.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.id.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.defined_in.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.version.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.operations) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.attributes) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.base_interfaces) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.type.in ()) && (strm << CORBA_Any::from_boolean (_tao_aggregate.is_abstract)) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_InterfaceDef::FullInterfaceDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.name.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.id.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.defined_in.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.version.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.operations) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.attributes) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.base_interfaces) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.type.out ()) && (strm >> CORBA_Any::to_boolean (_tao_aggregate.is_abstract)) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_InterfaceDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_InterfaceDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_InterfaceDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.name.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.id.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.defined_in.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.version.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.base_interfaces) && (strm << CORBA_Any::from_boolean (_tao_aggregate.is_abstract)) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_InterfaceDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.name.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.id.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.defined_in.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.version.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.base_interfaces) && (strm >> CORBA_Any::to_boolean (_tao_aggregate.is_abstract)) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_ValueMember &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.name.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.id.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.defined_in.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.version.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.type.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.type_def.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.access) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_ValueMember &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.name.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.id.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.defined_in.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.version.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.type.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.type_def.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.access) ) return 1; else return 0; } CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ValueMemberSeq & ); CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ValueMemberSeq & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_ValueMemberDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_ValueMemberDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ValueDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ValueDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.name.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.id.in ()) && (strm << CORBA_Any::from_boolean (_tao_aggregate.is_abstract)) && (strm << CORBA_Any::from_boolean (_tao_aggregate.is_custom)) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.defined_in.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.version.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.operations) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.attributes) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.members) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.initializers) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.supported_interfaces) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.abstract_base_values) && (strm << CORBA_Any::from_boolean (_tao_aggregate.is_truncatable)) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.base_value.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.type.in ()) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_ValueDef::FullValueDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.name.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.id.out ()) && (strm >> CORBA_Any::to_boolean (_tao_aggregate.is_abstract)) && (strm >> CORBA_Any::to_boolean (_tao_aggregate.is_custom)) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.defined_in.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.version.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.operations) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.attributes) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.members) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.initializers) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.supported_interfaces) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.abstract_base_values) && (strm >> CORBA_Any::to_boolean (_tao_aggregate.is_truncatable)) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.base_value.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.type.out ()) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_ValueDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_ValueDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_ValueDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_ValueDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm << _tao_aggregate.name.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.id.in ()) && (strm << CORBA_Any::from_boolean (_tao_aggregate.is_abstract)) && (strm << CORBA_Any::from_boolean (_tao_aggregate.is_custom)) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.defined_in.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.version.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.supported_interface.in ()) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.abstract_base_values) && (strm << CORBA_Any::from_boolean (_tao_aggregate.is_truncatable)) && (strm << _tao_aggregate.base_value.in ()) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA_ValueDescription &_tao_aggregate) { if ( (strm >> _tao_aggregate.name.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.id.out ()) && (strm >> CORBA_Any::to_boolean (_tao_aggregate.is_abstract)) && (strm >> CORBA_Any::to_boolean (_tao_aggregate.is_custom)) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.defined_in.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.version.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.supported_interface.out ()) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.abstract_base_values) && (strm >> CORBA_Any::to_boolean (_tao_aggregate.is_truncatable)) && (strm >> _tao_aggregate.base_value.out ()) ) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_ValueBoxDef_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA::ValueBoxDef_ptr _tao_objref ) { CORBA_Object_ptr _tao_corba_obj = _tao_objref; return (strm << _tao_corba_obj); } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &strm, CORBA::ValueBoxDef_ptr &_tao_objref ) { ACE_TRY_NEW_ENV { CORBA_Object_var obj; if ((strm >> obj.inout ()) == 0) return 0; // narrow to the right type _tao_objref = CORBA_ValueBoxDef::_narrow ( obj.in (), ACE_TRY_ENV ); ACE_TRY_CHECK; return 1; } ACE_CATCHANY { // do nothing } ACE_ENDTRY; return 0; }