//$Id$ #include "Invocation_Adapter.h" #include "Profile_Transport_Resolver.h" #include "operation_details.h" #include "Stub.h" #include "ORB_Core.h" #include "Synch_Invocation.h" #include "debug.h" #include "Collocated_Invocation.h" #include "Transport.h" #include "Transport_Mux_Strategy.h" #include "Collocation_Proxy_Broker.h" #if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__) # include "tao/Invocation_Adapter.inl" #endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */ ACE_RCSID (tao, Invocation_Adapter, "$Id$") TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL namespace TAO { Invocation_Adapter::~Invocation_Adapter (void) { } void Invocation_Adapter::invoke (TAO::Exception_Data *ex_data, unsigned long ex_count ACE_ENV_ARG_DECL) { // Should stub object be refcounted here? TAO_Stub *stub = this->get_stub (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_CHECK; TAO_Operation_Details op_details (this->operation_, this->op_len_, this->number_args_ != 0, this->args_, this->number_args_, ex_data, ex_count); this->invoke_i (stub, op_details ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_CHECK; } void Invocation_Adapter::invoke_i (TAO_Stub *stub, TAO_Operation_Details &details ACE_ENV_ARG_DECL) { // Cache the target to a local variable. CORBA::Object_var effective_target = CORBA::Object::_duplicate (this->target_); // Initial state TAO::Invocation_Status status = TAO_INVOKE_START; ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time = 0; while (status == TAO_INVOKE_START || status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { // Default we go to remote Collocation_Strategy strat = TAO_CS_REMOTE_STRATEGY; // If we have a collocated proxy broker we look if we maybe // can use a collocated invocation. Similarly, if the // target object reference contains a pointer to a servant, // the object reference also refers to a collocated object. if (cpb_ != 0 || effective_target->_servant () != 0) { strat = TAO_ORB_Core::collocation_strategy (effective_target.in () ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_CHECK; } if (strat == TAO_CS_REMOTE_STRATEGY || strat == TAO_CS_LAST) { status = this->invoke_remote_i (stub, details, effective_target, max_wait_time ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_CHECK; } else { if (strat == TAO_CS_THRU_POA_STRATEGY) { (void) this->set_response_flags (stub, details); } status = this->invoke_collocated_i (stub, details, effective_target, strat ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_CHECK; } if (status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART) { details.reset_request_service_info (); details.reset_reply_service_info (); if (TAO_debug_level > 2) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "TAO (%P|%t) - Invocation_Adapter::invoke_i, " "handling forwarded locations \n")); } } } } bool Invocation_Adapter::get_timeout (TAO_Stub *stub, ACE_Time_Value &timeout) { bool has_timeout = false; this->target_->orb_core ()->call_timeout_hook (stub, has_timeout, timeout); return has_timeout; } TAO_Stub * Invocation_Adapter::get_stub (ACE_ENV_SINGLE_ARG_DECL) const { TAO_Stub * const stub = this->target_->_stubobj (); if (stub == 0) ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL ( CORBA::SystemException::_tao_minor_code ( TAO::VMCID, EINVAL), CORBA::COMPLETED_NO), stub); return stub; } Invocation_Status Invocation_Adapter::invoke_collocated_i (TAO_Stub *stub, TAO_Operation_Details &details, CORBA::Object_var &effective_target, Collocation_Strategy strat ACE_ENV_ARG_DECL) { // To make a collocated call we must have a collocated proxy broker, the // invoke_i() will make sure that we only come here when we have one ACE_ASSERT (cpb_ != 0 || (strat == TAO_CS_THRU_POA_STRATEGY && effective_target->_servant () != 0)); // Initial state TAO::Invocation_Status status = TAO_INVOKE_START; Collocated_Invocation coll_inv (this->target_, effective_target.in (), stub, details, this->type_ == TAO_TWOWAY_INVOCATION); status = coll_inv.invoke (this->cpb_, strat ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (TAO_INVOKE_FAILURE); if (status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART && coll_inv.is_forwarded ()) { effective_target = coll_inv.steal_forwarded_reference (); (void) this->object_forwarded (effective_target, stub ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (TAO_INVOKE_FAILURE); } return status; } void Invocation_Adapter::set_response_flags ( TAO_Stub *stub, TAO_Operation_Details &details) { switch (this->type_) { case TAO_ONEWAY_INVOCATION: { // Grab the syncscope policy from the ORB. Messaging::SyncScope sync_scope; bool has_synchronization = false; stub->orb_core ()->call_sync_scope_hook (stub, has_synchronization, sync_scope); if (has_synchronization) details.response_flags (CORBA::Octet (sync_scope)); else details.response_flags ( CORBA::Octet (Messaging::SYNC_WITH_TRANSPORT)); break; } case TAO_TWOWAY_INVOCATION: { // @@note: Need to change this to something better. Too many // hash defines meaning the same things. details.response_flags (TAO_TWOWAY_RESPONSE_FLAG); break; } } return; } Invocation_Status Invocation_Adapter::invoke_remote_i (TAO_Stub *stub, TAO_Operation_Details &details, CORBA::Object_var &effective_target, ACE_Time_Value *&max_wait_time ACE_ENV_ARG_DECL) { ACE_Time_Value tmp_wait_time; bool is_timeout = this->get_timeout (stub, tmp_wait_time); if (is_timeout) max_wait_time = &tmp_wait_time; (void) this->set_response_flags (stub, details); // Create the resolver which will pick (or create) for us a // transport and a profile from the effective_target. Profile_Transport_Resolver resolver ( effective_target.in (), stub, (details.response_flags () != Messaging::SYNC_NONE)); resolver.resolve (max_wait_time ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (TAO_INVOKE_FAILURE); // Update the request id now that we have a transport details.request_id (resolver.transport ()->tms ()->request_id ()); Invocation_Status s = TAO_INVOKE_FAILURE; if (this->type_ == TAO_ONEWAY_INVOCATION) { return this->invoke_oneway (details, effective_target, resolver, max_wait_time ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); } else if (this->type_ == TAO_TWOWAY_INVOCATION) { return this->invoke_twoway (details, effective_target, resolver, max_wait_time ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); } return s; } Invocation_Status Invocation_Adapter::invoke_twoway (TAO_Operation_Details &details, CORBA::Object_var &effective_target, Profile_Transport_Resolver &r, ACE_Time_Value *&max_wait_time ACE_ENV_ARG_DECL) { // Simple sanity check if (this->mode_ != TAO_SYNCHRONOUS_INVOCATION || this->type_ != TAO_TWOWAY_INVOCATION) { ACE_THROW_RETURN (CORBA::INTERNAL ( CORBA::SystemException::_tao_minor_code ( TAO::VMCID, EINVAL), CORBA::COMPLETED_NO), TAO_INVOKE_FAILURE); } TAO::Synch_Twoway_Invocation synch (this->target_, r, details); Invocation_Status status = synch.remote_twoway (max_wait_time ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (TAO_INVOKE_FAILURE); if (status == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART && synch.is_forwarded ()) { effective_target = synch.steal_forwarded_reference (); this->object_forwarded (effective_target, r.stub () ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (TAO_INVOKE_FAILURE); } return status; } Invocation_Status Invocation_Adapter::invoke_oneway (TAO_Operation_Details &details, CORBA::Object_var &effective_target, Profile_Transport_Resolver &r, ACE_Time_Value *&max_wait_time ACE_ENV_ARG_DECL) { TAO::Synch_Oneway_Invocation synch (this->target_, r, details); Invocation_Status s = synch.remote_oneway (max_wait_time ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (TAO_INVOKE_FAILURE); if (s == TAO_INVOKE_RESTART && synch.is_forwarded ()) { effective_target = synch.steal_forwarded_reference (); this->object_forwarded (effective_target, r.stub () ACE_ENV_ARG_PARAMETER); ACE_CHECK_RETURN (TAO_INVOKE_FAILURE); } return s; } void Invocation_Adapter::object_forwarded (CORBA::Object_var &effective_target, TAO_Stub *stub ACE_ENV_ARG_DECL) { // The object pointer has to be changed to a TAO_Stub pointer // in order to obtain the profiles. TAO_Stub *stubobj = effective_target->_stubobj (); if (stubobj == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::INTERNAL ( CORBA::SystemException::_tao_minor_code ( TAO_INVOCATION_LOCATION_FORWARD_MINOR_CODE, errno), CORBA::COMPLETED_NO)); // Reset the profile in the stubs stub->add_forward_profiles (stubobj->base_profiles ()); if (stub->next_profile () == 0) ACE_THROW (CORBA::TRANSIENT ( CORBA::SystemException::_tao_minor_code ( TAO_INVOCATION_LOCATION_FORWARD_MINOR_CODE, errno), CORBA::COMPLETED_NO)); return; } } // End namespace TAO TAO_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL