// -*- C++ -*- // // $Id$ // **** Code generated by the The ACE ORB (TAO) IDL Compiler **** // TAO and the TAO IDL Compiler have been developed by: // Center for Distributed Object Computing // Washington University // St. Louis, MO // USA // http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/doc-center.html // and // Distributed Object Computing Laboratory // University of California at Irvine // Irvine, CA // USA // http://doc.ece.uci.edu/ // // Information about TAO is available at: // http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/TAO.html #include "Messaging_SyncScopeC.h" #include "tao/Stub.h" #include "tao/Invocation.h" #include "tao/PortableInterceptor.h" #if TAO_HAS_INTERCEPTORS == 1 #include "tao/RequestInfo_Util.h" #include "tao/ClientRequestInfo_i.h" #include "tao/ClientInterceptorAdapter.h" #endif /* TAO_HAS_INTERCEPTORS == 1 */ #if defined (__BORLANDC__) #pragma option -w-rvl -w-rch -w-ccc -w-aus -w-sig #endif /* __BORLANDC__ */ #if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__) #include "Messaging_SyncScopeC.i" #endif /* !defined INLINE */ static const CORBA::Long _oc_Messaging_SyncScope[] = { TAO_ENCAP_BYTE_ORDER, // byte order 36, ACE_NTOHL (0x49444c3a), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f6d672e), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f72672f), ACE_NTOHL (0x4d657373), ACE_NTOHL (0x6167696e), ACE_NTOHL (0x672f5379), ACE_NTOHL (0x6e635363), ACE_NTOHL (0x6f70653a), ACE_NTOHL (0x312e3000), // repository ID = IDL:omg.org/Messaging/SyncScope:1.0 10, ACE_NTOHL (0x53796e63), ACE_NTOHL (0x53636f70), ACE_NTOHL (0x65000000), // name = SyncScope CORBA::tk_short, }; static CORBA::TypeCode _tc_TAO_tc_Messaging_SyncScope ( CORBA::tk_alias, sizeof (_oc_Messaging_SyncScope), (char *) &_oc_Messaging_SyncScope, 0, sizeof (Messaging::SyncScope) ); TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (Messaging) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (::CORBA::TypeCode_ptr, _tc_SyncScope, &_tc_TAO_tc_Messaging_SyncScope) TAO_NAMESPACE_END TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (const CORBA::Short) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (Messaging) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (const CORBA::Short, SYNC_NONE, 0) TAO_NAMESPACE_END TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (const CORBA::Short) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (Messaging) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (const CORBA::Short, SYNC_WITH_TRANSPORT, 1) TAO_NAMESPACE_END TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (const CORBA::Short) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (Messaging) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (const CORBA::Short, SYNC_WITH_SERVER, 2) TAO_NAMESPACE_END TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (const CORBA::Short) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (Messaging) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (const CORBA::Short, SYNC_WITH_TARGET, 3) TAO_NAMESPACE_END TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (const CORBA::Short) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (Messaging) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (const CORBA::Short, SYNC_EAGER_BUFFERING, 0) TAO_NAMESPACE_END TAO_NAMESPACE_TYPE (const CORBA::Short) TAO_NAMESPACE_BEGIN (Messaging) TAO_NAMESPACE_DEFINE (const CORBA::Short, SYNC_DELAYED_BUFFERING, -2) TAO_NAMESPACE_END