// $Id$ ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable::CORBA_Pollable (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable::CORBA_Pollable (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable::~CORBA_Pollable (void) // destructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_ptr CORBA_Pollable::_duplicate (CORBA_Pollable_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_incr_refcnt (); return obj; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_ptr CORBA_Pollable::_nil (void) { return (CORBA_Pollable_ptr)0; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_Pollable_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_var::CORBA_Pollable_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_Pollable::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_var::CORBA_Pollable_var (CORBA_Pollable_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_ptr CORBA_Pollable_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_var::CORBA_Pollable_var (const CORBA_Pollable_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_Pollable::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_var::~CORBA_Pollable_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_var & CORBA_Pollable_var::operator= (CORBA_Pollable_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_var & CORBA_Pollable_var::operator= (const CORBA_Pollable_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_Pollable::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_var::operator const CORBA_Pollable_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_var::operator CORBA_Pollable_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_ptr CORBA_Pollable_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_ptr CORBA_Pollable_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_ptr & CORBA_Pollable_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_ptr & CORBA_Pollable_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_Pollable::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_ptr CORBA_Pollable_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_Pollable_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_Pollable::_nil (); return val; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_Pollable_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_out::CORBA_Pollable_out (CORBA_Pollable_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_Pollable::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_out::CORBA_Pollable_out (CORBA_Pollable_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_Pollable::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_out::CORBA_Pollable_out (const CORBA_Pollable_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_Pollable_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_out & CORBA_Pollable_out::operator= (const CORBA_Pollable_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_Pollable_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_out & CORBA_Pollable_out::operator= (const CORBA_Pollable_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_Pollable::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_out & CORBA_Pollable_out::operator= (CORBA_Pollable_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_out::operator CORBA_Pollable_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_ptr & CORBA_Pollable_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_Pollable_ptr CORBA_Pollable_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable::CORBA_DIIPollable (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable::CORBA_DIIPollable (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable::~CORBA_DIIPollable (void) // destructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr CORBA_DIIPollable::_duplicate (CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_incr_refcnt (); return obj; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr CORBA_DIIPollable::_nil (void) { return (CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr)0; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_DIIPollable_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_var::CORBA_DIIPollable_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_DIIPollable::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_var::CORBA_DIIPollable_var (CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr CORBA_DIIPollable_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_var::CORBA_DIIPollable_var (const CORBA_DIIPollable_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_DIIPollable::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_var::~CORBA_DIIPollable_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_var & CORBA_DIIPollable_var::operator= (CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_var & CORBA_DIIPollable_var::operator= (const CORBA_DIIPollable_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_DIIPollable::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_var::operator const CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_var::operator CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr CORBA_DIIPollable_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr CORBA_DIIPollable_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr & CORBA_DIIPollable_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr & CORBA_DIIPollable_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_DIIPollable::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr CORBA_DIIPollable_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_DIIPollable::_nil (); return val; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_DIIPollable_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_out::CORBA_DIIPollable_out (CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_DIIPollable::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_out::CORBA_DIIPollable_out (CORBA_DIIPollable_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_DIIPollable::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_out::CORBA_DIIPollable_out (const CORBA_DIIPollable_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_DIIPollable_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_out & CORBA_DIIPollable_out::operator= (const CORBA_DIIPollable_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_DIIPollable_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_out & CORBA_DIIPollable_out::operator= (const CORBA_DIIPollable_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_DIIPollable::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_out & CORBA_DIIPollable_out::operator= (CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_out::operator CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr & CORBA_DIIPollable_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr CORBA_DIIPollable_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet::CORBA_PollableSet (void) // default constructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet::CORBA_PollableSet (TAO_Stub *objref, TAO_ServantBase *_tao_servant, CORBA::Boolean _tao_collocated) // constructor : CORBA_Object (objref, _tao_servant, _tao_collocated) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet::~CORBA_PollableSet (void) // destructor {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_ptr CORBA_PollableSet::_duplicate (CORBA_PollableSet_ptr obj) { if (!CORBA::is_nil (obj)) obj->_incr_refcnt (); return obj; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_ptr CORBA_PollableSet::_nil (void) { return (CORBA_PollableSet_ptr)0; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_PollableSet_var // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_var::CORBA_PollableSet_var (void) // default constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_PollableSet::_nil ()) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_var::CORBA_PollableSet_var (CORBA_PollableSet_ptr p) : ptr_ (p) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_ptr CORBA_PollableSet_var::ptr (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_var::CORBA_PollableSet_var (const CORBA_PollableSet_var &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (CORBA_PollableSet::_duplicate (p.ptr ())) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_var::~CORBA_PollableSet_var (void) // destructor { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_var & CORBA_PollableSet_var::operator= (CORBA_PollableSet_ptr p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_var & CORBA_PollableSet_var::operator= (const CORBA_PollableSet_var &p) { if (this != &p) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_PollableSet::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); } return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_var::operator const CORBA_PollableSet_ptr &() const // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_var::operator CORBA_PollableSet_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_ptr CORBA_PollableSet_var::operator-> (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_ptr CORBA_PollableSet_var::in (void) const { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_ptr & CORBA_PollableSet_var::inout (void) { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_ptr & CORBA_PollableSet_var::out (void) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_PollableSet::_nil (); return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_ptr CORBA_PollableSet_var::_retn (void) { // yield ownership of managed obj reference CORBA_PollableSet_ptr val = this->ptr_; this->ptr_ = CORBA_PollableSet::_nil (); return val; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for class CORBA_PollableSet_out // ************************************************************* ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_out::CORBA_PollableSet_out (CORBA_PollableSet_ptr &p) : ptr_ (p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_PollableSet::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_out::CORBA_PollableSet_out (CORBA_PollableSet_var &p) // constructor from _var : ptr_ (p.out ()) { CORBA::release (this->ptr_); this->ptr_ = CORBA_PollableSet::_nil (); } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_out::CORBA_PollableSet_out (const CORBA_PollableSet_out &p) // copy constructor : ptr_ (ACE_const_cast (CORBA_PollableSet_out&,p).ptr_) {} ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_out & CORBA_PollableSet_out::operator= (const CORBA_PollableSet_out &p) { this->ptr_ = ACE_const_cast (CORBA_PollableSet_out&,p).ptr_; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_out & CORBA_PollableSet_out::operator= (const CORBA_PollableSet_var &p) { this->ptr_ = CORBA_PollableSet::_duplicate (p.ptr ()); return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_out & CORBA_PollableSet_out::operator= (CORBA_PollableSet_ptr p) { this->ptr_ = p; return *this; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_out::operator CORBA_PollableSet_ptr &() // cast { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_ptr & CORBA_PollableSet_out::ptr (void) // ptr { return this->ptr_; } ACE_INLINE CORBA_PollableSet_ptr CORBA_PollableSet_out::operator-> (void) { return this->ptr_; } // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for exception CORBA_PollableSet::NoPossiblePollable // ************************************************************* // ************************************************************* // Inline operations for exception CORBA_PollableSet::UnknownPollable // ************************************************************* CORBA::Boolean TAO_Export operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_PollableSet_ptr ); CORBA::Boolean TAO_Export operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_PollableSet_ptr & ); CORBA::Boolean TAO_Export operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_Pollable_ptr ); CORBA::Boolean TAO_Export operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_Pollable_ptr & ); CORBA::Boolean TAO_Export operator<< ( TAO_OutputCDR &, const CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr ); CORBA::Boolean TAO_Export operator>> ( TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_DIIPollable_ptr & ); ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_PollableSet::NoPossiblePollable &_tao_aggregate) { // first marshal the repository ID if (strm << _tao_aggregate._id ()) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_PollableSet::NoPossiblePollable &) { return 1; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator<< (TAO_OutputCDR &strm, const CORBA_PollableSet::UnknownPollable &_tao_aggregate) { // first marshal the repository ID if (strm << _tao_aggregate._id ()) return 1; else return 0; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean operator>> (TAO_InputCDR &, CORBA_PollableSet::UnknownPollable &) { return 1; }