#include "tao/Strategies/DIOP_Transport.h" #if defined (TAO_HAS_DIOP) && (TAO_HAS_DIOP != 0) #include "tao/Strategies/DIOP_Connection_Handler.h" #include "tao/Strategies/DIOP_Acceptor.h" #include "tao/Strategies/DIOP_Profile.h" #include "tao/Acceptor_Registry.h" #include "tao/operation_details.h" #include "tao/Timeprobe.h" #include "tao/CDR.h" #include "tao/Transport_Mux_Strategy.h" #include "tao/Wait_Strategy.h" #include "tao/Stub.h" #include "tao/ORB_Core.h" #include "tao/debug.h" #include "tao/Resume_Handle.h" #include "tao/GIOP_Message_Base.h" TAO_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL TAO_DIOP_Transport::TAO_DIOP_Transport (TAO_DIOP_Connection_Handler *handler, TAO_ORB_Core *orb_core) : TAO_Transport (TAO_TAG_DIOP_PROFILE, orb_core, ACE_MAX_DGRAM_SIZE) , connection_handler_ (handler) { } TAO_DIOP_Transport::~TAO_DIOP_Transport (void) { } ACE_Event_Handler * TAO_DIOP_Transport::event_handler_i (void) { return this->connection_handler_; } TAO_Connection_Handler * TAO_DIOP_Transport::connection_handler_i (void) { return this->connection_handler_; } ssize_t TAO_DIOP_Transport::send (iovec *iov, int iovcnt, size_t &bytes_transferred, const ACE_Time_Value *) { const ACE_INET_Addr &addr = this->connection_handler_->addr (); ssize_t bytes_to_send = 0; for (int i = 0; i < iovcnt; i++) bytes_to_send += iov[i].iov_len; this->connection_handler_->peer ().send (iov, iovcnt, addr); // @@ Michael: // Always return a positive number of bytes sent, as we do // not handle sending errors in DIOP. bytes_transferred = bytes_to_send; return 1; } ssize_t TAO_DIOP_Transport::recv (char *buf, size_t len, const ACE_Time_Value * /* max_wait_time */) { ACE_INET_Addr from_addr; ssize_t const n = this->connection_handler_->peer ().recv (buf, len, from_addr); if (TAO_debug_level > 0) { TAOLIB_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "TAO (%P|%t) - DIOP_Transport::recv, received %d bytes from %C:%d %d\n", n, from_addr.get_host_name (), from_addr.get_port_number (), ACE_ERRNO_GET)); } // Most of the errors handling is common for // Now the message has been read if (n == -1 && TAO_debug_level > 4) { TAOLIB_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("TAO (%P|%t) - DIOP_Transport::recv, %p\n"), ACE_TEXT ("TAO - read message failure ") ACE_TEXT ("recv ()\n"))); } // Error handling if (n == -1) { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) return 0; return -1; } // @@ What are the other error handling here?? else if (n == 0) { return -1; } // Remember the from addr to eventually use it as remote // addr for the reply. this->connection_handler_->addr (from_addr); return n; } int TAO_DIOP_Transport::handle_input (TAO_Resume_Handle &rh, ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time) { // If there are no messages then we can go ahead to read from the // handle for further reading.. // The buffer on the stack which will be used to hold the input // messages char buf [ACE_MAX_DGRAM_SIZE + ACE_CDR::MAX_ALIGNMENT]; #if defined (ACE_INITIALIZE_MEMORY_BEFORE_USE) (void) ACE_OS::memset (buf, '\0', sizeof buf); #endif /* ACE_INITIALIZE_MEMORY_BEFORE_USE */ // Create a data block ACE_Data_Block db (sizeof (buf), ACE_Message_Block::MB_DATA, buf, this->orb_core_->input_cdr_buffer_allocator (), this->orb_core_->locking_strategy (), ACE_Message_Block::DONT_DELETE, this->orb_core_->input_cdr_dblock_allocator ()); // Create a message block ACE_Message_Block message_block (&db, ACE_Message_Block::DONT_DELETE, this->orb_core_->input_cdr_msgblock_allocator ()); // Align the message block ACE_CDR::mb_align (&message_block); // Read the message into the message block that we have created on // the stack. ssize_t n = this->recv (message_block.rd_ptr (), message_block.space (), max_wait_time); // If there is an error return to the reactor.. if (n <= 0) { if (n == -1) { this->tms_->connection_closed (); } return n; } // Set the write pointer in the stack buffer message_block.wr_ptr (n); // Make a node of the message block.. TAO_Queued_Data qd (&message_block); size_t mesg_length = 0; // Parse the incoming message for validity. The check needs to be // performed by the messaging objects. if (this->messaging_object ()->parse_next_message (qd, mesg_length) == -1) return -1; if (qd.missing_data () == TAO_MISSING_DATA_UNDEFINED) { // parse/marshal error return -1; } if (message_block.length () > mesg_length) { // we read too much data return -1; } // NOTE: We are not performing any queueing nor any checking for // missing data. We are assuming that ALL the data would be got in a // single read. // Process the message return this->process_parsed_messages (&qd, rh); } int TAO_DIOP_Transport::register_handler (void) { // @@ Michael: // // We do never register register the handler with the reactor // as we never need to be informed about any incoming data, // assuming we only use one-ways. // If we would register and ICMP Messages would arrive, e.g // due to a not reachable server, we would get informed - as this // disturbs the general DIOP assumptions of not being // interested in any network failures, we ignore ICMP messages. return 0; } int TAO_DIOP_Transport::send_request (TAO_Stub *stub, TAO_ORB_Core *orb_core, TAO_OutputCDR &stream, TAO_Message_Semantics message_semantics, ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time) { if (this->ws_->sending_request (orb_core, message_semantics) == -1) { return -1; } if (this->send_message (stream, stub, 0, message_semantics, max_wait_time) == -1) { return -1; } this->first_request_sent (); return 0; } int TAO_DIOP_Transport::send_message (TAO_OutputCDR &stream, TAO_Stub *stub, TAO_ServerRequest *request, TAO_Message_Semantics message_semantics, ACE_Time_Value *max_wait_time) { // Format the message in the stream first if (this->messaging_object ()->format_message (stream, stub, request) != 0) { return -1; } // Strictly speaking, should not need to loop here because the // socket never gets set to a nonblocking mode ... some Linux // versions seem to need it though. Leaving it costs little. // This guarantees to send all data (bytes) or return an error. ssize_t const n = this->send_message_shared (stub, message_semantics, stream.begin (), max_wait_time); if (n == -1) { if (TAO_debug_level) TAOLIB_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("TAO (%P|%t) - DIOP_Transport::send_message, ") ACE_TEXT ("closing transport %d after fault %p\n"), this->id (), ACE_TEXT ("send_message ()\n"))); return -1; } return 1; } TAO_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL #endif /* TAO_HAS_DIOP && TAO_HAS_DIOP != 0 */