// -*- IDL -*-

 *  @file TimeBase.pidl
 *  $Id$
 * This file was used to generate the code in TimeBase{C,S,S_T}.{h,i,cpp}
 * The command used to generate code from this file is:
 *   tao_idl.exe
 *        -o orig -Gsp -Gp -Gd -Ge 1 -Gv
 *        -Wb,export_macro=TAO_Export
 *        -Wb,export_include=TAO_Export.h
 *        -Wb,pre_include="ace/pre.h"
 *        -Wb,post_include="ace/post.h"
 *        TimeBase.pidl
 * after the file is generated a patch must be applied.  The patch
 * eliminates cycles in the include dependencies.  The changes are
 * required because the generated code is part of the TAO library, it
 * hardly makes any sense to change the IDL compiler to support
 * changes that are very occasional.


#pragma prefix "omg.org"

 * @brief COS Time Service basic types.
 * The standard CORBA Time Service defines a number of data structures
 * to manipulate and express time.
 * Over time these data structures have found their way into core
 * components of CORBA, such as CORBA Messaging, RT CORBA, etc.
module TimeBase
  /// Time in TimeT is expressed in units of 100 nano seconds
   * In other words each TimeT is 10^-7 seconds.
   * When used for absolute time 0 is to October 15, 1582. Please read
   * the spec for further details. 
  typedef unsigned long long TimeT;

  /// To express an error estimate for time.
  typedef TimeT InaccuracyT;

  /// Minutes of displacement from the Greenwich time.
  typedef short TdfT;

   * @brief A timestamp in UTC time
   * The inaccuracy is packed into inacclo & inacchi.
   * tdf holds the time displacement factor.
   * There are a total of 16 octets in this struct.
   * @todo What is exactly the range of time here?
   *       Is it [time-inacclo,time+inacchi]?
  struct UtcT
    /// The actual time
    TimeT time;

    /// The lowest bound for innacuracy
    unsigned long inacclo;

    /// The upper bound for the innacuracy
    unsigned short inacchi;

    /// @todo please document
    TdfT tdf;

   * @brief An UTC time interval
  struct IntervalT
    /// Lower bound of the interval.
    TimeT lower_bound;

    /// Upper bound of the interval.
    TimeT upper_bound;

#pragma prefix ""

#endif /* TIME_BASE_PIDL */