// $Id$ #include "tao/default_client.h" #include "tao/ORB_Core.h" #include "tao/Wait_On_Read.h" #include "tao/Wait_On_Reactor.h" #include "tao/Wait_On_Leader_Follower.h" #include "tao/Exclusive_TMS.h" #include "tao/Muxed_TMS.h" #if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__) # include "tao/default_client.i" #endif /* ! __ACE_INLINE__ */ ACE_RCSID(tao, default_client, "$Id$") TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory::TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory (void) : profile_lock_type_ (TAO_THREAD_LOCK) { // Use single thread client connection handler #if defined (TAO_USE_ST_CLIENT_CONNECTION_HANDLER) this->wait_strategy_ = TAO_WAIT_ON_REACTOR; #else this->wait_strategy_ = TAO_WAIT_ON_LEADER_FOLLOWER; #endif /* TAO_USE_ST_CLIENT_CONNECTION_HANDLER */ #if defined (TAO_USE_MUXED_TRANSPORT_MUX_STRATEGY) this->transport_mux_strategy_ = TAO_MUXED_TMS; #else this->transport_mux_strategy_ = TAO_EXCLUSIVE_TMS; #endif /* TAO_USE_MUXED_TRANSPORT_MUX_STRATEGY */ } TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory::~TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory (void) { } int TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory::init (int argc, char *argv[]) { return this->parse_args (argc, argv); } int TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory::parse_args (int argc, char ** argv) { ACE_TRACE ("TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory::parse_args"); int curarg; for (curarg = 0; curarg < argc && argv[curarg]; curarg++) { if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp (argv[curarg], "-ORBProfileLock") == 0) { curarg++; if (curarg < argc) { char *name = argv[curarg]; if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp (name, "thread") == 0) this->profile_lock_type_ = TAO_THREAD_LOCK; else if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp (name, "null") == 0) this->profile_lock_type_ = TAO_NULL_LOCK; } } else if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp (argv[curarg], "-ORBIIOPProfileLock") == 0) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("WARNING: The -ORBIIOPProfileLock option") ACE_TEXT (" is deprecated and will be removed.\n") ACE_TEXT (" Please use -ORBProfileLock instead\n"))); curarg++; if (curarg < argc) { char *name = argv[curarg]; if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp (name, "thread") == 0) this->profile_lock_type_ = TAO_THREAD_LOCK; else if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp (name, "null") == 0) this->profile_lock_type_ = TAO_NULL_LOCK; } } else if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp (argv[curarg], "-ORBClientConnectionHandler") == 0) { curarg++; if (curarg < argc) { char *name = argv[curarg]; if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp (name, "MT") == 0) this->wait_strategy_ = TAO_WAIT_ON_LEADER_FOLLOWER; else if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp (name, "ST") == 0) this->wait_strategy_ = TAO_WAIT_ON_REACTOR; else if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp (name, "RW") == 0) this->wait_strategy_ = TAO_WAIT_ON_READ; } } else if (ACE_OS::strcmp (argv[curarg], "-ORBTransportMuxStrategy") == 0) { curarg++; if (curarg < argc) { char *name = argv[curarg]; if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp (name, "MUXED") == 0) this->transport_mux_strategy_ = TAO_MUXED_TMS; else if (ACE_OS::strcasecmp (name, "EXCLUSIVE") == 0) this->transport_mux_strategy_ = TAO_EXCLUSIVE_TMS; } } } return 0; } ACE_Lock * TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory::create_profile_lock (void) { ACE_Lock *the_lock = 0; if (this->profile_lock_type_ == TAO_NULL_LOCK) ACE_NEW_RETURN (the_lock, ACE_Lock_Adapter (), 0); else ACE_NEW_RETURN (the_lock, ACE_Lock_Adapter (), 0); return the_lock; } // @@ Alex: implement the WS and TMS methods here, similar to the // create_profile_lock above... // @@ Alex: remember your idea of using the // -ORBclientconnectionhandler option to implement the WS factory, // but you need new options for the TMS... // Create the correct client transport muxing strategy. TAO_Transport_Mux_Strategy * TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory::create_transport_mux_strategy (TAO_Transport *transport) { TAO_Transport_Mux_Strategy *tms = 0; if (this->transport_mux_strategy_ == TAO_MUXED_TMS) ACE_NEW_RETURN (tms, TAO_Muxed_TMS (transport), 0); else ACE_NEW_RETURN (tms, TAO_Exclusive_TMS (transport), 0); return tms; } TAO_Wait_Strategy * TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory::create_wait_strategy (TAO_Transport *transport) { TAO_Wait_Strategy *ws = 0; if (this->wait_strategy_ == TAO_WAIT_ON_READ) ACE_NEW_RETURN (ws, TAO_Wait_On_Read (transport), 0); else if (this->wait_strategy_ == TAO_WAIT_ON_REACTOR) ACE_NEW_RETURN (ws, TAO_Wait_On_Reactor (transport), 0); else { // = Leader follower model. ACE_NEW_RETURN (ws, TAO_Wait_On_Leader_Follower (transport), 0); } return ws; } ACE_Lock * TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory::create_ft_service_retention_id_lock (void) { ACE_Lock *the_lock = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (the_lock, ACE_Lock_Adapter, 0); return the_lock; } // **************************************************************** ACE_STATIC_SVC_DEFINE (TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory, ACE_TEXT ("Client_Strategy_Factory"), ACE_SVC_OBJ_T, &ACE_SVC_NAME (TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory), ACE_Service_Type::DELETE_THIS | ACE_Service_Type::DELETE_OBJ, 0) ACE_FACTORY_DEFINE (TAO, TAO_Default_Client_Strategy_Factory)