// This may look like C, but it's really -*- C++ -*- ACE_INLINE TAO_GIOP_RequestHeader::TAO_GIOP_RequestHeader (void) : request_id(0), response_expected(CORBA::B_FALSE) {} // Initialize the request header from <msg>, setting <env> for errors. ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean TAO_GIOP_RequestHeader::init (CDR &msg, CORBA::Environment &env) { CORBA::Boolean hdr_status; // Tear out the service context ... we currently ignore it, // but it should probably be passed to each ORB service as // appropriate (e.g. transactions, security). // // NOTE: As security support kicks in, this is a good place to // verify a digital signature, if that is required in this // security environment. It may be required even when using // IPSEC security infrastructure. hdr_status = msg.decode (&TC_ServiceContextList, &this->service_info, 0, env); // Get the rest of the request header ... hdr_status = hdr_status && msg.get_ulong (this->request_id); hdr_status = hdr_status && msg.get_boolean (this->response_expected); hdr_status = hdr_status && msg.decode (&TC_opaque, &this->object_key, 0, env); hdr_status = hdr_status && msg.decode (CORBA::_tc_string, &this->operation, 0, env); hdr_status = hdr_status && msg.decode (CORBA::_tc_Principal, &this->requesting_principal, 0, env); return hdr_status; } ACE_INLINE CORBA::Boolean TAO_GIOP::start_message (TAO_GIOP_MsgType type, CDR &msg) { msg.next = msg.buffer; // for reused streams msg.remaining = msg.length; if (msg.bytes_remaining () < TAO_GIOP_HEADER_LEN) return CORBA::B_FALSE; msg.next [0] = 'G'; msg.next [1] = 'I'; msg.next [2] = 'O'; msg.next [3] = 'P'; msg.next [4] = MY_MAJOR; msg.next [5] = MY_MINOR; msg.next [6] = MY_BYTE_SEX; msg.next [7] = (u_char) type; msg.skip_bytes (TAO_GIOP_HEADER_LEN); return CORBA::B_TRUE; } ACE_INLINE void TAO_GIOP_Invocation::get_value (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr tc, void *value, CORBA::Environment &env) { (void) stream.decode (tc, value, 0, env); } ACE_INLINE void TAO_GIOP_Invocation::put_param (CORBA::TypeCode_ptr tc, void *value, CORBA::Environment &env) { (void) stream.encode (tc, value, 0, env); }