// $Id$ // @ (#)iiopobj.cpp 1.9 95/11/04 // Copyright 1995 by Sun Microsystems Inc. // All Rights Reserved // // IIOP Bridge: CORBA::Object operations // // Some CORBA::Object and other operations are specific to this IIOP // based implementation, and can neither be used by other kinds of // objref nor have a default implementation. #include "tao/corba.h" int IIOP::Profile::set (const char *h, const CORBA::UShort p, const ACE_INET_Addr *addr) { this->iiop_version.major = IIOP::MY_MAJOR; this->iiop_version.minor = IIOP::MY_MINOR; if (this->host) { delete [] this->host; this->host = 0; } this->port = p; if (h) { ACE_NEW_RETURN (this->host, char[ACE_OS::strlen(h) + 1], -1); ACE_OS::strcpy (this->host, h); } this->object_addr (addr); return 0; } int IIOP::Profile::set (const char *h, const CORBA::UShort p, const char *key, const ACE_INET_Addr *addr) { if (this->set (h, p, addr) == -1) return -1; // Enough room as to print a const int bufs = 32; char buffer[bufs]; if (key == 0) { // @@ (IRFAN) Object key generation // Use as the key... ACE_OS::sprintf (buffer, "0x%024.24x", this); key = buffer; } int l = ACE_OS::strlen (key); this->object_key.length (l); for (int i = 0; i < l; ++i) { this->object_key[i] = key[i]; } return 0; } int IIOP::Profile::set (const char *h, const CORBA::UShort p, const TAO_opaque &key, const ACE_INET_Addr *addr) { if (this->set (h, p, addr) == -1) return -1; this->object_key = key; return 0; } IIOP::Profile::Profile (const IIOP::Profile &src) : host (0) { (void) this->set (src.host, src.port, src.object_key, &src.object_addr_); } int IIOP::Profile::set (const ACE_INET_Addr &addr, const char *key) { // Set up an IIOP Profile to hold the host name. if (addr.get_ip_address () == INADDR_ANY) { // Special case char temphost[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1]; if (addr.get_host_name (temphost, sizeof(temphost)) != 0) return -1; else return this->set (temphost, addr.get_port_number (), key, &addr); } else { const char* tempaddr = 0; if ((tempaddr = addr.get_host_addr ()) == 0) return -1; else return this->set (tempaddr, addr.get_port_number (), key, &addr); } } int IIOP::Profile::set (const ACE_INET_Addr &addr, const TAO_opaque &key) { // Set up an IIOP Profile to hold the host name. if (addr.get_ip_address () == INADDR_ANY) { // Special case char temphost[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1]; if (addr.get_host_name (temphost, sizeof(temphost)) != 0) return -1; else return this->set (temphost, addr.get_port_number (), key, &addr); } else { const char* tempaddr = 0; if ((tempaddr = addr.get_host_addr ()) == 0) return -1; else return this->set (tempaddr, addr.get_port_number (), key, &addr); } } IIOP::Profile::Profile (const char *h, const CORBA::UShort p, const char *key) : host (0) { (void) this->set (h, p, key); } IIOP::Profile::Profile (const char *h, const CORBA::UShort p, const char *key, const ACE_INET_Addr &addr) : host (0) { (void) this->set (h, p, key, &addr); } IIOP::Profile::Profile (const ACE_INET_Addr &addr, const char *key) : host (0) { (void) this->set (addr, key); } IIOP::Profile::Profile (const ACE_INET_Addr &addr, const TAO_opaque &key) : host (0) { (void) this->set (addr, key); } // Quick'n'dirty hash of objref data, for partitioning objrefs into // sets. // // NOTE that this must NOT go across the network! CORBA::ULong IIOP_Object::hash (CORBA::ULong max, CORBA::Environment &env) { CORBA::ULong hashval; env.clear (); // Just grab a bunch of convenient bytes and hash them; could do // more (hostname, full key, exponential hashing) but no real need // to do so except if performance requires a more costly hash. hashval = profile.object_key.length () * profile.port; hashval += profile.iiop_version.minor; if (profile.object_key.length () >= 4) { hashval += profile.object_key [1]; hashval += profile.object_key [3]; } return hashval % max; } int operator==(const TAO_opaque& rhs, const TAO_opaque& lhs) { if (rhs.length () != lhs.length ()) return 0; for (CORBA::ULong i = 0; i < rhs.length (); ++i) { if (rhs[i] != lhs[i]) return 0; } return 1; } // Expensive comparison of objref data, to see if two objrefs // certainly point at the same object. (It's quite OK for this to // return FALSE, and yet have the two objrefs really point to the same // object.) // // NOTE that this must NOT go across the network! CORBA::Boolean IIOP_Object::is_equivalent (CORBA::Object_ptr other_obj, CORBA::Environment &env) { IIOP::Profile *body, *body2; IIOP_Object *other_iiop_obj; env.clear (); if (CORBA::is_nil (other_obj) == CORBA::B_TRUE || other_obj->QueryInterface (IID_IIOP_Object, (void **) &other_iiop_obj) != TAO_NOERROR) return CORBA::B_FALSE; CORBA::release (other_obj); // Compare all the bytes of the object address -- must be the same body = &profile; body2 = &other_iiop_obj->profile; ACE_ASSERT (body->object_key.length () < UINT_MAX); return body->object_key == body2->object_key && body->port == body2->port && ACE_OS::strcmp (body->host, body2->host) == 0 && body->iiop_version.minor == body2->iiop_version.minor && body->iiop_version.major == body2->iiop_version.major; } // For COM -- IUnknown operations // {A201E4C3-F258-11ce-9598-0000C07CA898} DEFINE_GUID (IID_IIOP_Object, 0xa201e4c3, 0xf258, 0x11ce, 0x95, 0x98, 0x0, 0x0, 0xc0, 0x7c, 0xa8, 0x98); ULONG IIOP_Object::AddRef (void) { ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX, guard, this->IUnknown_lock_, 0)); return ++this->refcount_; } ULONG IIOP_Object::Release (void) { { ACE_MT (ACE_GUARD_RETURN (ACE_SYNCH_MUTEX, mon, this->IUnknown_lock_, 0)); ACE_ASSERT (this != 0); if (--this->refcount_ != 0) return this->refcount_; } delete this; return 0; } // Note that (as of this writing) this is the only place all the // interfaces to an "objref" come together: // // IUnknown ... this one // STUB_OBJECT ... inherited by this one // IIOP_OBJECT ... this one // // CORBA::Object ... contained within this; it delegates back // to this one as its "parent" TAO_HRESULT IIOP_Object::QueryInterface (REFIID riid, void **ppv) { *ppv = 0; if (IID_IIOP_Object == riid || IID_STUB_Object == riid || IID_TAO_IUnknown == riid) *ppv = this; else if (IID_CORBA_Object == riid) *ppv = &base; if (*ppv == 0) return ResultFromScode (TAO_E_NOINTERFACE); (void) AddRef (); return TAO_NOERROR; } // TAO extensions TAO_ObjectKey* IIOP_Object::key (CORBA::Environment &) { return new TAO_ObjectKey (this->profile.object_key); } // It will usually be used by the _bind call. // // Note that if the repository ID (typeID) is NULL, it will make // narrowing rather expensive, though it does ensure that type-safe // narrowing code gets thoroughly exercised/debugged! Without a // typeID, the _narrow will be required to make an expensive remote // "is_a" call. IIOP_Object::IIOP_Object (const char *host, const CORBA::UShort port, const char *objkey, char *repository_id) : STUB_Object (repository_id), profile (host, port, objkey), base (this), refcount_ (1), fwd_profile_ (0) { } // Constructor. It will usually be used by the server side. IIOP_Object::IIOP_Object (char *repository_id, const ACE_INET_Addr &addr, const char *objkey) : STUB_Object (repository_id), profile (addr, objkey), base (this), refcount_ (1), fwd_profile_ (0) { }