eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # -*- perl -*- use lib "$ENV{ACE_ROOT}/bin"; use PerlACE::TestTarget; my $server = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (1) || die "Create target 1 failed\n"; my $client = PerlACE::TestTarget::create_target (2) || die "Create target 2 failed\n"; $server->AddLibPath ('../TP_Foo_A/.'); $server->AddLibPath ('../TP_Foo_B/.'); $server->AddLibPath ('../TP_Foo_C/.'); $server->AddLibPath ('../TP_Common/.'); $client->AddLibPath ('../TP_Foo_A/.'); $client->AddLibPath ('../TP_Foo_B/.'); $client->AddLibPath ('../TP_Foo_C/.'); $client->AddLibPath ('../TP_Common/.'); my $status = 0; my $iorfname_prefix = "servant"; my $num_servants = 1; my $num_orb_threads = 1; my $num_remote_clients = 1; my $num_csd_threads = 1; my $num_collocated_clients = 0; my $collocated_client_kind = 0; my $client_kind = 0; my $i; my $j; my @iorbase; my @server_iorfile; my @client_iorfile; my $ARGC = @ARGV; if ($ARGC > 0) { if ($ARGC > 1) { print STDERR "ERROR: Too many command-line arguments for $0.\n"; exit 1; } my $subtest = $ARGV[0]; if ($subtest eq 'remote') { $num_remote_clients = 40; } elsif ($subtest eq 'collocated') { $num_remote_clients = 0; $num_collocated_clients = 1; $num_collocated_clients = 1; } elsif ($subtest eq 'remote_orbthreads') { $num_orb_threads = 5; $num_remote_clients = 40; } elsif ($subtest eq 'remote_servants') { $num_servants = 5; $num_remote_clients = 40; } elsif ($subtest eq 'remote_csdthreads') { $num_csd_threads = 5; $num_remote_clients = 40; } elsif ($subtest eq 'remote_big') { $num_csd_threads = 5; $num_servants = 10; $num_orb_threads = 4; $num_remote_clients = 40; } elsif ($subtest eq 'big') { $num_csd_threads = 5; $num_servants = 10; $num_orb_threads = 4; $num_remote_clients = 40; $num_collocated_clients = 40; } elsif ($subtest eq 'usage') { print STDOUT "Usage: $0 []\n" . "\n" . "Supported values:\n" . "\n" . "\tremote\n" . "\tcollocated\n" . "\tremote_orbthreads\n" . "\tremote_servants\n" . "\tremote_csdthreads\n" . "\tremote_big\n" . "\tbig\n" . "\tusage\n" . "\n"; exit 0; } else { print STDERR "ERROR: invalid subtest argument for $0: $subtest\n"; exit 1; } } #Fill array and delete old ior files. for ($i = 0; $i < $num_servants; $i++) { my $servant_id = sprintf("%02d", ($i + 1)); $iorbase[$i] = $iorfname_prefix . "_$servant_id.ior"; $server_iorfile[$i] = $server->LocalFile($iorbase[$i]); $client_iorfile[$i] = $client->LocalFile($iorbase[$i]); $server->DeleteFile ($iorbase[$i]); $client->DeleteFile ($iorbase[$i]); } $server_fname = $server->LocalFile ($iorfname_prefix); $SV = $server->CreateProcess ("server_main", "-p $server_fname " . "-s $num_servants " . "-n $num_csd_threads " . "-t $num_orb_threads " . "-r $num_remote_clients " . "-c $num_collocated_clients " . "-k $collocated_client_kind"); $SV->Spawn(); # Wait for the servant ior files created by server. for ($i = 0; $i < $num_servants; $i++) { if ($server->WaitForFileTimed ($iorbase[$i], $server->ProcessStartWaitInterval()) == -1) { print STDERR "ERROR: cannot find file <$server_iorfile[$i]>\n"; $SV->Kill(); $SV->TimedWait(1); exit 1; } } for ($i = 0; $i < $num_remote_clients; $i++) { $client_id = $i+1; $j = $i % $num_servants; $CLS[$i] = $client->CreateProcess ("client_main", "-i file://$client_iorfile[$j] ". "-k $client_kind ". "-n $client_id"); $CLS[$i]->Spawn(); } for ($i = 0; $i < $num_remote_clients; $i++) { $client_status = $CLS[$i]->WaitKill($client->ProcessStopWaitInterval () + 60); if ($client_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: client $i returned $client_status\n"; $status = 1; } } $server_status = $SV->WaitKill($server->ProcessStopWaitInterval () + 60); if ($server_status != 0) { print STDERR "ERROR: server returned $server_status\n"; $status = 1; } #Delete ior files generated by this run. for ($i = 0; $i < $num_servants; $i++) { $server->DeleteFile ($iorbase[$i]); $client->DeleteFile ($iorbase[$i]); } exit $status;