# $Id$ A simple test for the DSI/DII gateway support. TAO can optimize some demarshaling/marshaling and data copying in the implementation of DSI/DII based gateways. The DSI/DII gateway can also pass requests and replies that are not in native (the gateway's) byte order. NOTE - For this last feature to work, you must compile ACE with ACE_ENABLE_SWAP_ON_WRITE defined. This is a smoke test and simple example for those features. Use $ server -o server.ior $ gateway -k file://server.ior -o gw.ior $ client -k file://gw.ior -i 100 -x or run the run_test.pl script. A second perl script, run_exception_test.pl, tests the exception handling of the gateway. The script runs the client twice, first calling a method that raises a user exception (containing several fields of information), then calling a method that raises a CORBA system exception. To run these tests by hand, start the server and gateway as shown above, then use $ client -k file://gw.ior -u for the user exception test and $ client -k file://gw.ior -s for the system exception test. For these tests, the -x option (server shutdown) and -i option (# of calls) are inoperative.