This program tests fundamentals of TAO's ORB fault tolerance by merging multiple profiles in a single object reference. Run the application as follows. $ server -o (file_name1) -ORBEndpoint iiop://localhost:10007 $ server -o (file_name2) -ORBEndpoint iiop://localhost:10008 $ client -k file://file_name1 -m file://file_name2 (When a message "Kill primray " appears on screen, kill the server exhibiting the IOR in file with name "file_name1". ) Test purpose: This is a test to see whether we generate exceptions as per the spec. When we loose connection with a connected server, the ORB would throw a COMM_FAILURE exception. This is platform dependent. One wouldn't see this on NT. The reason for this is the way TCP has been been implemented on NT & Solaris. I am not going in to the details for this behaviour. TRANSIENT exceptions are thrown when the ORB has tried all the object references it has and is not able to establish connection with any of them (TRANSIENT exceptions are also thrown for few other cases, but here the test is for the case that has been mentioned above). Comments: ======== - The run exhibits different behaviours on SUN and NT