$Id$ This directory contains a number of tests to validate that TAO is functioning correctly. The individual directories contain READMEs on how to run the following tests: . CDR This directory contains several tests for the CDR stream class. . Collocation This program performs a series of sanity check on the collocation support in TAO. . Connection_Purging This is a test which stress tests the connection management and checks whether cached handlers are purged effectively when the process runs out of descriptors. . DynAny_Test Tests TAO's DynAny feature, which allows composition and decomposition of arbitrarily complex CORBA::Any values at runtime, without requiring any compile-time knowledge of the IDL. . Endpoint_Per_Priority A simple test that verifies of TAO's endpoint-per-priority model works. . Explicit_Event_Loop This tests the methods work_pending() and perform_work() methods of the orb. . FL_Cube Test the integration of the FL toolkit and TAO. . Faults A little test to check the the ORB can handle server and client crashes. . IDL_Test A collection of the IDL examples that have caused problems in the past for the IDL compiler. Most files need only to build cleanly, except pragma.idl, which generates pragma prefixes. These prefixes are checked for correctness in main.cpp. . IORManipulation This program test the basic operation of TAO's IORManipulation interface. . InterOp-Naming This service allows the ORB to be administratively configured to return object references from CORBA::ORB::resolve_initial_references () for non-locality constrained objects. . Interceptors This test allows you to visually check the correct invocation of TAO's pseudo-portable interceptors. . Leader_Followers This is a test for server applications that have client threads (threads making remote calls) starting before event loop threads (threads running the event loop). . MProfile This program tests fundamentals of TAO's ORB fault tolerance by merging multiple profiles in a single object reference. . MProfile_Forwarding This test evalutes ORB fault tolerance support. . MT_Client This is a simple test for multi-threaded clients; it just creates a simple server process and runs a client with multiple thread sharing the same object reference. . MT_Server This is a simple test for a thread-pool server. It creates a server process with a variable number of threads, multiple clients can send requests to it, the requests are handled in different threads. . Multiple_Inheritance This test exercises IDL interfaces that inherit from multiple interfaces. . Native_Exceptions Simple test to show (and verify) that TAO can generate code for platforms with native exception support, including passing the exception around. . NestedUpcall Tests TAO's nested upcall feature, which allows single-threaded clients and servers to perform callbacks on each other without deadlocking. . Nested_Event_Loop This is a test of invoking nested event loop calls from user code, i.e., a call to perform_work() or run() from the implementation of the servant. . ORB_init The ORB_init test simply verifies that the CORBA::ORB_init() call behaves as defined in the OMG CORBA specification. . OctetSeq Measures the cost of marshaling and demarshaling of sequences of octets of different sizes. NOTE: TAO optimizes this so the cost should be constant! . POA Tests and illustates various Portable Object Adapter (POA) interfaces and their usage scenarios. . Param_Test Tests all the features of TAO's protocol engine. . QtTests This example illustrates the usage of the QtReactor from TAO. . Smart Proxies Tests the smart proxy feature which allows the user to specify a proxy in plaec of the default proxy (stub). . Timed_Buffered_Oneways This is a test for oneways with buffering and timing constraints. . Timeout A simple test for timeouts. . Xt_Stopwatch This example illustrates the usage of the XtReactor from TAO.